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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6530391 No.6530391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this just in, moot has abandoned 4chan and will never be coming back, he left it in the well and capable hands of a mod who hates weaboo and weaboo culture, including /a/ and /jp/.

Why the fuck do you think he's been trying so hard to kill /a/ with flame baiting and trolling, and now he's moved on to you /jp/.

If the mod had it his way it would be all /b/ all day because that's the only original and decent board on 4chan.

Deal with it nerds.

/b/ out, you fag weaboos can burn in hell.

>> No.6530399

>/b/ out
And don't come back.

>> No.6530409
File: 36 KB, 400x275, 0042-001M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search your feelings, you know this to be true.

the new /b/ mods hate weaboos and want you gone. Why they don't just actively permaban all posters in the weaboo boards is beyond me.

>> No.6530425

>have power over the whole of 4chan
>resort to petty trolling and embedded videos to supposedly scare users away
your average /b/tard's IQ

>> No.6530426

Haha he actually thinks he isn't a weeaboo, hahahahahahahahhaa.

>> No.6530428


/jp/ hates Japan with vitriolic fervour.

>> No.6530432

>Decent board on 4chan.

Pick one

>> No.6530433
File: 20 KB, 400x300, studlystu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously weaboos. There's at least 9000 other forums you can go to to talk about your naruto head bands. It's obvious you're not wanted on 4chan anymore.

There's a reason the mods are only trolling your boards specifically. think about it.

>> No.6530455 [DELETED] 

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.6530456 [DELETED] 

 ① (⊂_  ミ Invented by Korean
  ② ( ´_⊃`) Commercialized by American
 ③ ミ ´_>`) Invested by British
 ④ ξ ・_>・) Designed by French
 ⑤ ( ´U_,`) Publicized by Italian
 ⑥ ( ´∀`) Improved & miniaturized by German
 ⑦ ( `ハ´) Pirated by Chinese
 ↓   _,,_

>> No.6530448

you haven't seen /b/

you haven't seen every board

>> No.6530458
File: 20 KB, 329x247, troll thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trolling board specifically
>site-wide audiospam

>> No.6530469

Dear /b/,

It seems you are new to /jp/. /jp/ is about all things Japanese, which is why anime and manga heroes like Ichigo and Naruto are - just kidding! While /jp/ is about Otaku Culture, because we have a board dedicated to anime and manga in particular, it's generally accepted that anime and manga are not on-topic in /jp/! If you wish to insult Naruto fans, kindly make your way over to >>>/a/ where you might find some, for your ire is misguided.

We hope you enjoyed your brief stay in /jp/, and wish you godspeed to the board from which you came.


>> No.6530472 [DELETED] 

Imperishable Night sucks a fucking cock.
This game is shit, plain and simple.

Oh, let's all beat the fourth stage boss and go to "Eientei"! Too bad Eientei isn't fucking fun, like the rest of this game. The entire thing is designed to anger and frustrate you. Oh, you get to play as a team! Wow, pardon me while I make the universal motion for a handjob. Playing as a team fucking sucked. What did it do, exactly? It let you SHOOT FAIRIES, something you were able to do the entire fucking game. Oh, also you looked gay.

There are some interesting shot types in the game, such as Marisa, Sakuya, and Youmu. But guess what? You can use them on like 2 levels total, and if you later on you unfocus and get hit ONCE, you never use them AGAIN since you are afraid of dying again. Wow, that's fun! I love games that demand I play perfectly or have no fun, because I'm a fucking jap who strives for absolute perfection in gaming otherwise I kill myself.

Imperishable Night may have been interesting or fun at one time, but the game is a worthless piece of shit in today's day and age. It's horribly flawed and full of punch-in-the-dick moments, much more so than it has moments that are just fun to play.

>> No.6530473 [DELETED] 

Super Mario Bros 3 sucks a fucking cock.
This game is shit, plain and simple.

Oh, let's all get the warp whistle and warp to "big world"! Too bad big world isn't fucking fun, like the rest of this game. The entire thing is designed to anger and frustrate you. Oh, you get Kuribo's shoe on one fucking level! Wow, pardon me while I make the universal motion for a handjob. Kuribo's shoe fucking sucked. What did it do, exactly? It let you JUMP ON THINGS, something you were able to do the entire fucking game. Oh, also you looked gay.

There are some interesting power-ups in the game, such as Tanookie Mario, Hammer Mario, and Frog Mario. But guess what? You can get them on like 2 levels total, and if you fuck up and get hit ONCE, you lose them, FOREVER. Wow, that's fun! I love games that demand I play perfectly or have no fun, because I'm a fucking jap who strives for absolute perfection in gaming otherwise I kill myself.

Mario 3 may have been interesting or fun at one time, but the game is a worthless piece of shit in today's day and age. It's horribly flawed and full of punch-in-the-dick moments, much more so than it has moments that are just fun to play.

>> No.6530481 [DELETED] 

At least weeaboo spell it correctly.

Also, you're not very good at trolling.

>> No.6530477

/jp/ - Otaku Culture does anyway

>> No.6530483
File: 51 KB, 704x396, mybossmyhero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mod just watched My Boss My Hero.

>> No.6530484

Not that we care, though, since there are so many backup options available.
Enjoy your rotten website. Alone.

>> No.6530485
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1282977050727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ fags are mad because they're new /jp/ overlords are owning everyone so hard

go ahead and cry more we'll be laughing at how owned you noobs are

>> No.6530482 [DELETED] 

 (  ´∀`)  I like Giga Puddings !
(    )   
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> I like Giga Puddings !
 / ∪ ∪  

>> No.6530489 [DELETED] 

1. get the following items from your local Wal-mart.

A water baby (in the girls toy aisle where the lolis roam.) It is a regular looking baby doll with a hollow body that is supposed to be filled with warm water to make the doll all soft and jiggly like a real, no-boned baby.

3 jars of strawberry preserves. (It has to be preserves, jams and jellys don't work as well.

2. Fill the water baby with the strawberry preserves until it just about to bust and dress the baby with the clothes that came with it.

3. The next time someone rides your ass, throw the baby out of your window onto their windshield. The will see a jiggly baby go flying toward them and then explode into a pile of bright red and chunky gore.

4. The driver stops and is traumatized for life or gets in a wreck and dies. Either way, that bitch is off your ass.

>> No.6530490 [DELETED] 

Okay, so I think I understand what's going on. You're curious that your "boyfriend" (read: fuck-of-the-week) spends a lot of time every day going F5 F5 F5 on 4chan's /b/, which is the only part of the fucking site he probably goes to. So you decided "Hey, I think I'll post a thread here and see what these CRAZY HILARIOUS INTERNET PEOPLE have to say!" I bet you like going to sites like Fark and collegehumor and Ebaumsworld when you're not posting glitter comments in people's myspaces and listening to the streaming mp3s they have linked on their profiles.

Also, you are a ridiculous waste of a human being with nothing better to do with your time than to sit here and say "Hey guys I'm a girl teehee I giggle and I'm soft and I get to wear cute clothes when I go out on Friday nights! Hey you know what'd be fun I have a good idea I'll sit here and press F5 F5 F5 on a thread I made and watch people from the internet talk to me!"

You're just trying to validate your vapid existence by proving your gender to you, yourself.

Femininity doesn't travel over Ethernet and DOCSIS, honey. When you're standing there at the bus stop in the morning on the way to your $8/hr part-time job, and people start talking to you, they're not "being nice people" - they're trying to find an opening to get a chance to fuck you. And you're so wrapped up in yourself that you don't even realize it, you just think that people are talking to you because you look cute and it brings a smile to their morning to see a pretty young thing like you.

But nobody would have known you were a girl if you hadn't fucking posted this abortion of a post. Therefore any and all conversation you're having here is completely initiated by you, for the sole purpose of garnering internal merit for yourself.

>> No.6530534


>> No.6530573

Hey /b/

You are the fucking worst board on 4chan. EVERY. OTHER. BOARD. AGREES WITH THIS FACT.

Your shit like "EVERYONE POST PICTURES, EVERYONE RATE THEM" and millions of other forms of super-faggotry have all been put to rest by billions of tons of giga-pudding. That's not /b/ shit in the header, don't act like moot is not having fun giving you fucking retards the biggest thrashing he's done in possibly years.
