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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6529726 No.6529726 [Reply] [Original]

World of Warcraft +
Free to play +

Why hasn't this happened yet?

Would /g/ be able to make a Touhou MMO?

You receive loot [Cirno's ice panties].

Pic related, raid boss.

>> No.6529733

Too many boolits for servers to handle.

>> No.6529729

that shit takes time and money

>> No.6529734

>[Cirno's ice panties]

Please do tell what the stats on those are.

>> No.6529736

oh shit yeah, that should be awesome
you cut all of the hope by yourself

>> No.6529737

Wouldn't have to be top-down danmaku. Spellcards as cooldowns, and autoshoot would have to be toned down a bit. No need for classes either, everyone DPS.

There has to be some jp guys who could re-skin WoW assets to be Touhou, and host a private server somewhere.

>> No.6529739

>Touhou MMO
Will never happen, ZUN would never allow this

>> No.6529740


Really, have you ever taken a trip around Azeroth? HAVE YOU? There is so much work put into it, the initial release took five years if I remember correctly. Not to mention making and programing thousands of quests, items and enemies.

>> No.6529743

If I could design my own little girl and spellcards, I would be okay with it.

>> No.6529748

[2.Trade][Daichan]: LFM 2 tanks/1healer Hakugyokurou HC [Saigyouji Folding Fan] RESERVED!

>> No.6529751

No reason why not. Imagine all the dozens of templates you could design from, I don't think it's beyond the capabilities of some smart people on here. There are lots of private WoW servers too, and I'd bet jp would have it's own server and get a few donations for a server.

>> No.6529757

Not a single sage in WoW thread?

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

>> No.6529758

Because making little girls is taboo in MMOs. They never seem to let you do it. Plus spellcard design would be really difficult to impliment.

>> No.6529762


female dwarf priests are the closest you'll get to magical girls.

>> No.6529766

That's not good enough.

>> No.6529767
File: 77 KB, 453x435, 1288926254597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give boss 99,999,999HP

10 DPS popping spell card cooldowns, awesome explosions/light effects.

Maybe 1 spell card per 30 seconds, while autoshoot spams the boss. CC could be used too, like frost trap.

Also, I mean reskinning a human female and such, adding clothes/wings/etc. Like people with their 2DCG models.

Chen/Ran as tamable pets...

>> No.6529769

If you had basic patterns with different status effects (sleep, fire, speed down, etc) that you could mix and match... and you could make more complex ones as you level up.

Actually, getting a base model of the system up and running could be pretty easy, XNA would be a good choice. World building is a whole 'nother thing, but the basics are what's most important.

Hey, this could actually be a cool project for /jp/, instead of that retarded VN that will never be finished.

>> No.6529776


dandy girl finished. 100%.

and the effort needed to make balance that would be a pain in the ass. Also, the need for a server with an amount of bandwidth equal to about one figurine every few months would be required.

>> No.6529785

Hey, I bet some of our number crunchers could easily balance that shit out... and I think I was talking about Katawa Shoujo... Wait, was that from here or /b/?

>> No.6529826

>Implying /g/ can program

>> No.6529828

>Chen/Ran as tamable pets...

They are classified as demons, dumbass. Yukari is their master Warlock.

>> No.6529831

He probably meant /prog/

>> No.6529844

>implying you cannot tame them in a game that isn't even made
>implying there wouldn't be tamable characters like Chen/Ran in it
Shut up.

No, I don't know what happened of it but I'm sure /g/ had some kind of race with /v/ about making a game, that was maybe a few months back, I don't know how far they got with it.

>> No.6529853


>Implying /prog/ likes Touhou

/g/ is a bunch of Touhou and loli obsessed neckbeards who just happen to know some things about hardware. Every thread is either Mac vs Windows or a Desktarp (Tidus) thread.

/prog/ is a bunch of Lisp programmers and people trying to learn programming. Almost none of them know anything related to graphics.

>> No.6529862

Have you ever been on /prog/? They are basically the /jp/ text board.

>> No.6529866

LOL. I've taken college courses in XNA, I can make PC and XBox 360 games... I just haven't bothered to. Anyone wanna give this a shot?

>> No.6529867


hardly. the last time I made a loli thread on /g/ a tripfag with the name of lolicon !3 -something or other flooded it with /s/ shit.

the glory days of loli and /g/ are gone.

>> No.6529876

By /s/, do you mean women or 3D little girls?

>> No.6529880
File: 136 KB, 543x800, 1287668522578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he's a cunt. Probably the worst poster on /g/. That's why I filtered him. There's also a guy called "The chemo curing /g/" but he shitposts and is an ATi fanboy. He's 2nd worst.

>> No.6529885

I dislike MMOs but apart from that it would probably ruin Touhou forever. Worst idea I have seen in a long time.

>> No.6529887

Oh shove it up your ass. You'd still play it.

>> No.6529890

People who don't like MMOs don't play MMOs.

>> No.6529894

I agree, we should tell these blokes to fucker off.

>> No.6529895


>> No.6529904


"Stop enjoying things!"
"No fun allowed!"
"Quit appreciating your fandom!"

>> No.6529902
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3d pg.


I noticed he would also take off his trip and shitpost against anybody who flamed him, which provided to be of some entertainment before I simply deleted the thread.

>> No.6529912
File: 772 KB, 1050x1500, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would people that hate MMOs

Play MMOs?

>> No.6529916

If they're touhou fans... wouldn't they wanna try it anyways? Just to see?

>> No.6529919

it's like staring a million fan characters in the face

no thanks

>> No.6529923

It would be like if McDonalds started giving out small plastic Touhous with their Happy Meals or something. Just because you would go out and collect them all in a heartbeat doesn't mean you can't think it's a horrible idea.

>> No.6529933

That doujin is so hot, but I only had the goofy fake translation of it.

Also, MMOs are always shit. A Touhou MMO would be a terrible idea because people would be all making their fan characters in the game. Besides, if ZUN won't approve a Touhou anime no way he'd approve a Touhou MMO.

>> No.6529940

Eh... If they don't wanna play it, that's their loss...

But, considering we'd be running it, we'd probably have a quality control going on ie: no Gaia-esque faggotry and such.

>> No.6529946

People in /jp/ can hardly be arsed to edit doujins; there is no way in hell we would be running an MMO of any sort.

>> No.6529950

We wouldn't be making much money off it, if any at all. It wouldn't be commercial, I don't think.

I dunno. I'm just throwing out ideas, I need to put my talents to use.

>> No.6529956

Well I just thought it would be a great place to hang out, besides world of tanks. Raiding with the /jp/ moe guild.

>> No.6529957

Because MMOs are terrible games.

>> No.6529963 [DELETED] 

mod = fag

>> No.6529964

That's what I was thinking, just a big pissaround beating up canon touhous with our silly hat characters: just fun.

>> No.6529974 [DELETED] 

Videos? In my /jp/? THE FUCK

>> No.6529976 [DELETED] 


>> No.6529981 [DELETED] 

Go away mods. It's nice that you did your job today, but imbeded videos just dick up the board again.

>> No.6529979 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1291149035211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Mr. Mod, what's up

>> No.6529980

An MMO is probably more work, by far, than a VN. And look at how well KS is going. Well, unless you want something text-based, reliant entirely on player-based content, or as minimalistic as Kingdom of Loathing. And even then, a minimalistic Touhou MMO would need to have roleplaying content to be worth anything - and really, that just doesn't go over very well.

>> No.6529984
File: 17 KB, 298x215, 1288123433005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey my mech chopper just dropped from Cirno hc. Honk honk.

>> No.6529998

>World of Warcraft is the only MMO
Yeah, no.

>> No.6530020

Hey, if we get people with INITIATIVE, like myself, we could have a working alpha up in no time, couple months maybe.

>> No.6530029 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 350x1808, 1291149578885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like pudding and flan. I would totally buy one of those.

>> No.6530030 [DELETED] 

As a kid I never liked the taste of pudding.


Disgusting as fuck.

>> No.6530034 [DELETED] 

Anyone who reads this thread can see just who takes it easy and who doesn't.

>> No.6530032 [DELETED] 

how is it epic?

>> No.6530033
File: 483 KB, 1024x768, Valkyrie_Sky_Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because someone else tried it already, and it apparently didn't work too well.

>> No.6530036 [DELETED] 

jp meet up

>> No.6530038

I have INITIATIVE, sign me up.

I get to be cheerleader.

>> No.6530080

Well it wouldn't be actual danmaku, the spells would look like it, but... yeah.

Also, quests could be given by random Gensokyan villagers/youkai and major touhous in the higher levels. There wouldn't need to be too much roleplaying.

Hey, that's important.

>> No.6530838 [DELETED] 


>> No.6531357


Actually I have been to /prog/, they're not obsessed with /jp/ crap, even in the least. They're more obsessed with "Hax my anus" and lisp.

>> No.6531367

A touhou mmo would ensure I never leave my house again. Well, I don't really leave in the first place but you get my point

>> No.6531392

>Going well


>> No.6531401


I expected more from the text board version of /jp/

>> No.6531513

calm down faggot, it's not even existing
