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6526157 No.6526157 [Reply] [Original]

Could you please recommend some online stores where I can buy doujin cds. Or better yet both doujin cds and commercial japanese cds.
Preferably a site in english, but I can manage runes to an extent.

>> No.6526660
File: 151 KB, 480x355, Ran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that most orders of these orders are done outside a legit web-browser system. That is, you contact them via e-mail with the albums you would like, requesting a price for shipping and everything. Then give you a quote, confirmation, and PayPal e-mail to send cash to with your order info and address. Then you wait 2-4 weeks until your discs arrive (often no tracking,or even a legit e-mail receipt. Just hope and pray, and if it doesn't arrive after a month, contact them).

Good company, great label, they make some very nice albums. Recommendations for a newbie are D9 and AD:Nearly 140. Then again, the only sell diverse system albums.

Guhroovy is pretty popular, big selection, though all the orders are handled by DJ Chucky, and his English is terrible. Use as few words as necessary, and use google translate (forwards to Japanese and back to English to make sure it turns out ok) along with your English.

mydjsobad.com : looks like the site is finally (after two years =\ ) going to be coming up, and caters to Americans wanting to buy Japanese albums. In their IRC channel (on rizon) you can usually ask for help on getting some albums.

There is ebay.co.jp, but it is really hard to navigate.

Hope that helps. It's really, really hard to get discs straight from companies (rather than a third party purchaser like Tenso Forwarding or Otaku Personal Import Agency).

Hope that helps. I'm a complete J-Core addict. Also, if you're unable to find the discs by purchase, there are always torrents and doujincore (for the newest stuff). The best torrent I have ever found for JCore is the torrent titled "Jcore 3.0 FLAC" on nyaatorrents, pick and choose what discs you want. I recommend Hardcore Tano*C and Alice's Emotion for starters.

Good luck.

>> No.6526688


>Diverse System
I thought they only handled Japanese orders. Do they do english orders as well?

>> No.6526710
File: 182 KB, 700x700, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered five albums from them not one hour ago. Spoke in both English and Japanese (google translate) for e-mails. I freaking love Diverse System. Though I technically own all their albums through piracy, I'm buying my favorites anyways to support them (plus, my own rips are better than someone elses V2s).

Amazing prices too. Five albums for $89 including shipping =]

*Picture came out just recently, love that "Realizing Time" and "Another Sect"*

>> No.6526713


anyone know any places that sell Demetori/Ui-70 albums?

metal stuff in general i guess. IIRC, comiket used to have an online store? i think it got taken down, wtf why

>> No.6526719


i already have all their albums digitally, i just want original CD's to support them and collect

>> No.6526735

Fuck yes, they don't get enough love around here. I've always been sad that while I love so much of their music, I've never figured out how to support them. They still have one of the best Touhou albums I've ever listened to.

Who do I email to do this? All I ever see on their site is stuff about some bank transfer nonsense.

>> No.6526761
File: 195 KB, 900x800, Touhou Vuvuzellas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I contact them with my orders @ order-mail@diverse.jp

Now get this. The first time I contacted them, I didn't receive a reply for, no joke, 2 months... After which, I had three replies the same day until I sent the money via PayPal and e-mailed them the transaction ID.

Ever heard Symleah (AD:Nearly 130), possibly my favorite song of all songs. Seconded by Evergreen on Ways of Liberation [kors k].

I love Diverse System ^_^

>> No.6526764

Which Touhou album is it? I shall acquire it and listen through it.

>> No.6526794

>mydjsobad.com : looks like the site is finally (after two years =\ ) going to be coming up


No, it's never coming up. He's been promising that since July.

>> No.6526810


Those are both great songs, because they remind me so much of european style trance, which Japan can never quite seem to get.

I also like Eterne Love from D9, and super highway from D11, just because they're so energetic.

And thanks for the info, I now know what I'll be spending my money on for christmas!


That's the album I'm talking about, called "thE". It has something for almost everyone, from techno, to acoustic, to even something that sounds somewhat celtish. If you like high-quality variety, you'll love it.

has more stuff from them too. If you like anything from the first album, you're sure to find something else in one of those.
They also have an entire album of acoustic touhou music, if that's your thing.

>> No.6526829

toranoana/melonbooks/d-stage are a few doujin shops that carry a lot of doujin cds (provided they are in stock, of course)
i've never had a problem with handling japanese sites besides the having to use a proxy thing.

>> No.6527061

op here, thanks for all the replies
