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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6524745 No.6524745 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/

My friend, who also plays Touhou, asked me a while ago, "what is the oldest border/barrier ever made by Yukari?"

This question baffled me for a good amount of months as he kept reminding me of it.

However today I was watching Passion of the Christ.

That’s when it hit me.

> Matt. 27:50,51a. Immediately after Jesus died, the curtain of the temple was “torn in two from top to bottom.”

If my RE was correct this symbolized the breaking of the border between god and the people, meaning everyone could get to god.

It was a fucking BORDER.

>> No.6524747

Think about it, Yukari does things for the benefit of Gensokyo, but there is also evidence that she is trying to do the same for the Youkai too.

1. Invasion of the moon.
For starter's as stated in IN by Marisa most Youkai are present a NIGHT. Therefore more active Youkai means less humans, this of course benefits Youkai population.

2. Yukari apparently had a hand in the creation of the Hakurei Border as well as encouraging Youkai to immigrate to Gensokyo.
This states that Yukari wanted to get as many Youkai into Gensokyo as possible, why? Look at this extract.

Originally not all Youkai supported the creation of the Hakurei Border but hardly any are against it now.

Think. Why is it that there is no mention of Youkai in the outside world? (Except the Scarlet family of course) answer? Simple. Something happened that Yukari anticipated ahead of time. Namely mass-scale hunting if anything (think about any story involving a dragon or creature being slain by a hero in any culture)

simply put although Gensokyo was sealed off from the world because of the danger it posed, this was the Humanitarian reason. It is quite apparent that Yukari made the GB for her own ends.

>> No.6524751
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Simply put although Gensokyo was sealed off from the world because of the danger it posed, this was the Humanitarian reason. It is quite apparent that Yukari made the GB for her own ends.

Anyhow, back to the beginning. It is possible Yukari is much older than 1200 years that has been mentioned, and she might well be the nothingness that was in the beginning in Genesis given sentience and form.
Hell Given the initial style of her gaps she may be associated WITH FUCKING EGYPTIANS.




>> No.6524753

You are fucking autistic.

>> No.6524755


>> No.6524761

>Inb4 cool story bro then intelligent discussion

>> No.6524762

And you should feel bad for making such a shitty and terrible thread.

>> No.6524781


>> No.6524790

You know, she's both fictional and the drunktard that is ZUN never ever put so much tought in any of his characters as they are simply made for a shitty shotter.

So...your point is null.

>> No.6524821

So what your trying to say is that ZUN really had no point into making BOOKS about a shooter? let alone allow non-canon anime and other people do his works for him?


where are the Intelligent fucking posters like back when i did the Sakuya/Castlevania connection thread?

>> No.6524822

>where are the Intelligent fucking posters

They are off talking about intelligent things.

>> No.6524823
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>Sakuya/Castlevania connection thread
>Intelligent posters

>> No.6524828

>So what your trying to say is that ZUN really had no point into making BOOKS about a shooter? let alone allow non-canon anime and other people do his works for him?
There's this thing called money that people generally give you for using your works in something officially published.

>> No.6524830

As for ZUN not caring about his work, well that is completely wrong also. I mean the guy has stacks of Japaneese lore in his fucking house and merchandise on his own non products if he didn't care about his Series he would have claimed the goddam rights already heck when at comiket he probably get someone to sell his shit for him that and in the game Amusemeny makers A GAME HE HELPED WORK ON REIMU MADE A FUCKING CAMEO.

so don't you fucking dare say ZUN does not care for Touhou or his fans.

>> No.6524835

So what you gonna stop bitching or are you going to give acutal CONSTRUCTIVE critisicm?

if not then this thread will die like you should you sad sacks of horseshit.

>> No.6524838
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Oh you son of a bitch. Now you are gonna have me obsessing over these things all days.

But actually, Yukari must have been one of the first things YAHWEH created. Allow me to cite Genesis:

>3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
>4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

The border between light and darkness was created. And thus the youkai known as Yukari Yakumo was born.

>> No.6524840

>It is quite apparent that Yukari made the GB for her own ends.
I don't see how forming Great Britain would really benefit Yukari.

>> No.6524841
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>> No.6524842

u mad?

>> No.6524846

True, but if god SEPERATED the light from the Darkness that means darkness was already there.

you are now butthurt.

>> No.6524845

he mad

>> No.6524848

Deleting this thread would be a most constructive thing to do.

>> No.6524852
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But darkness is the absence of light. If you mean Rumia, she embodies the fear of the dark. This is why she is so weak.

Nobody fears the darkness anymore.

>> No.6524857


>> No.6524860
File: 252 KB, 640x357, DAT CHEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it.

>> No.6524863

We need more people like you.

anyhow this leads to a second question: does this reveal how to kill yukari? (Will Holy Hand grenades kill her)

>> No.6524870
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>> No.6524873
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Got anything better then, smartass?

Thought so.

>> No.6524878

>pokeballs are spheres
>the earth is a sphere
>god created the earth
>pokemon is god
this is the same as what you are doing, and it's stupid

>> No.6524886

Further proof that Touhou fans are S-class autists and what's killing /jp/. Of course, this means that /jp/ was doomed from the start, but such is the fate of somethings.

>> No.6524887

I'll be honest. I didn't actually bother reading all that shit before I told you you were autistic, and that you should leave.

After having reading all that dumb shit, I will reaffirm my previous statement. That was fucking retarded, you should feel stupid for having written it and believing it as worthwhile to post, and you should leave.

>> No.6524894

According to Pokemon, God is a pokemon. What now?

>> No.6524896
File: 109 KB, 383x413, Arceus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your logic is flawed.
that shit was already covered if i recall.

>> No.6524899

Seeing as this shit is Kyptonite to your eyes make a better fan theory post.

>inb4 you are like

>> No.6524907

Cute Loli wants to fight.
Cute Loli sends out Pikachu
I choose you, Yahweh!
Yahweh uses Smite.
Pikachu has fainted.
"Please, don't rape me."
You've earned 43500 yen

>> No.6524916

Pokeballs are red and white.
around the middle there is a line, or perhaps you could say, a "boundary".
Yukari invented Pokéballs.
Reimu copied their colour scheme.

Or, we could use the actual definition of Yukari's power, that she can manipulate boundaries.
Not all boundaries were created by Yukari. In fact, Yukari only helped with the creation of the Hakurei border. Perhaps she can't create borders at all. It could have been the Dragon who created it, and Yukari merely shaped it into the form it's in today.

>> No.6524923
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>> No.6524928

This is fucking stupid.

>where are the Intelligent fucking posters

You scared them off.

Seriously, though, good question. Where are the intelligent people who simply accept and love Gensokyo as ZUN intended it, and don't feel a need to make contrived theories interconnecting everything? God, I bet you think you're being creative, too. What's next, another "creative" powerlevel discussion with Yukari's powers being taken to levels of near-omnipotence?

>> No.6524938

Please don't gang rape me with your horny pocket monster.

>> No.6524945

Everything about this post makes me cringe.

The reason why ZUN never claimed the rights to touhou was simply because it was everyone's thing the fans helped shape touhou into what it is today without them many perosnalities and The entire touhou world would not be like what it is today.


Touhou fans named a good number of midbosses.
without them Daiyousei would not have her fucking name nor would koakuma.

Yukkuris wouldn't even be canon.

>What's next, another "creative" powerlevel discussion with Yukari's powers being taken to levels of near-omnipotence?

Oh. wait nevermind. its a newfag.

>> No.6524949

Man, Tohou fans are so creative. Big fairy. Little demon. What wonderful names.

>> No.6524950

>Yukkuris wouldn't even be canon.

Wait wait wait wait wait...

When the fuck did this happen? I demand a source or I am calling you on your bullshit.

>> No.6524951
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>> No.6524954


It's funny how all your posts have one thing in common.

They are all opinion. not fact. O-P-I-N-I-O-N.
Fuck me sideways, you can't even do an actuall arguement to back up your points?

Your opinion is only welcome if you use valid points to back it up. Without this, everything you say is that of a butthurt fan who can't even come up an actual valid reason as to why something sucks.

>> No.6524958
File: 260 KB, 1116x835, shou and vaisravana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much butthurt samefag in this thread.

Bumping just to piss off the AUTISM anon.

>> No.6524960

I should F5 more.

>> No.6524962

No, you get back to shrinemaiden.org.

>> No.6524963

There's a least one total retard in this thread, and possibly more. I can't be bothered to figure out who they are.

>> No.6524969
File: 117 KB, 600x334, Take_it_easy!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A meme involving giant, disfigured heads resembling those of Touhou characters. It originated on 2ch on October 13, 2007, when an Anon tried to make a Shift_JIS portrait of Reimu and Marisa and failed horribly.

In short Yukkuri's were never canon to begin with it was a meme that got accpeted into canon by zun therefore proving even more that fans affect the series to a large extent.

Also you need to Lurk moar if you didn't even know this.

>> No.6524971
File: 257 KB, 500x500, 1286089250056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that OP isn't retarded, but you are too.

>> No.6524976
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1286089250056m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not canon. You're a retard.

What the fucking hell.

>> No.6524979

He was asking how and when it turned canon, I think, not what they were

>> No.6524989

Fuck it, just read the article.
they should be canon.
I think.
I apologise if i'm wrong though. it might be bits n bobs of various Touhou info clashing with another in my head.
although i think that zun has to yet, make them appear in any doujin works.

>> No.6524993
File: 278 KB, 500x500, 1286089250056m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not canon. That's stupid. You're stupid. You're so fucking new that hearing the words "lurk moar" coming out of your mouth is like being lectured on an illiterate five year old on how to write a thesis.

>> No.6524997


I know other people already called you out on it, but I don't care.

>> No.6525008

Not in any works whatsoever.

Cirno has been sighted playing with Daiyousei, possibly implying that they are indeed friends. Koakuma was seen inside the Voile Library selling food. "Koakuma" is supposed to be her name.
Yuugi's skirt is supposed to be see-through.

No mention of Yukkuris in interviews, I think.

>> No.6525017

Even ZUN appears to have made a small official acknowledgement of the yukkuri phenomenon, with a line of narration reading "The rocket has been destroyed!! This is no time to be taking it easy!!" in Silent Sinner in Blue Chapter 12.

Someone needs to be more thorough.

>> No.6525023

>Somebody said "take it easy" once in ZUN manga.
>Therefore, animated manjuu which look like Touhous are canon.

>> No.6525024

Somebody used a common figure of speech. Clearly this means disembodied heads are canon.

>> No.6525035
File: 196 KB, 1250x1018, 1289932345991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yukkuri" is often used in common conversation. Your argument is flawed.

>> No.6525048

He referenced their catchphrase. That's a far cry from saying the yukkuri THEMSELVES are cannon, however.

>> No.6525083


He acknowledged that the Yukkuris are a phenomenon... so what? He didn't even remotely POINT OUT that they're canon. He just used their catchphrase. You've got some seriously twisted logic if you think he's implying they're canon.

>> No.6525096

... why would you even make five posts saying the same thing?

The fact that you're different people doesn't make it any better. It only has to be said once, FFS.

>> No.6525104 [DELETED] 


You seriously need to learn to differentiate canon from derivative work.
Do you even know what canon means? Here, let me help you...
>official work announced or released by the rightful owner of a doujin series and/or games

derivative work
>any material that's not made by the rightful work. Not officicial no matter how often it's implied or recited

Still too autistic to understand it? Let me break it down to where even a complete idiot like you can comprehend it.

Reimu and Marisa

Reimu and Marisa Yukkuris

Do you want me to hold your hand so you don't feel scared?

>> No.6525114

Medio, cleaning time.
i made a mess tried to put it back but then it decomposed.

>> No.6525116


You seriously need to learn to differentiate canon from derivative work.
Do you even know what canon means? Here, let me help you...
>official work announced or released by the rightful owner of a doujin series and/or games

derivative work
>any material that's not made by the rightful owner. Not officicial no matter how often it's implied or recited

Still too autistic to understand it? Let me break it down to where even a complete idiot like you can comprehend it.

Reimu and Marisa

Reimu and Marisa Yukkuris

Do you want me to hold your hand so you don't feel scared?

>> No.6525118


Jesus, you people flip your wig over anything.

''Take it easy'' is an incredibly common phrase, it doesn't make beanpaste-stuffed floating heads canon.

>> No.6525119

Just delete yourself.

>> No.6525123
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>> No.6525137

Fanon = Canon

Touhou is now DEEPer.

>> No.6525153
File: 44 KB, 600x450, 1288821643768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a horrible thread.

>> No.6525709

