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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6514225 No.6514225 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up as ZUN, what do you do next?

hard modo: no beer

>> No.6514227

Drink my own piss.

Which is made of beer.

>> No.6514234

Decide that if I'm good on beer than hard liquor should turn me into a god.

>> No.6514236


>> No.6514238

Make sure that 30 minute Touhou thing is available to be bought instead of lolwerejustgonnashowthisatconsforlike10peopletowatch, and then allow a Touhou anime.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6514247

Go find the engine for EoSD/PCB/IN and stick the art/text from SoEW, LLS, and MS into them while keeping the bullets. People will be too excited to care that it's just a reskin.

Maybe add the characters from PoDD into a PoFV patch.

>> No.6514249


>> No.6514253

Destroy fanon.

>> No.6514256

Scotch and a new Fighting game.

>> No.6514272

Make a new game with Chen as the only playable character but at the very end of the extra stage Chen dies canonically.

>> No.6514276

Go back to /a/.

>> No.6514277

New fighting game with Yuuka, Wriggle, Mokou, and Koishi. Maybe Nitori if I can rationalize adding a giant robot as a playable character. And some other touhous for people with boring taste, I guess.

>> No.6514286

A new fighter that has Yuuka and Shikieiki in it.
Touhou 13 gets PC98 characters in it.

>> No.6514288
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I'd start learning to not draw so autistically.

>> No.6514295
File: 224 KB, 600x600, b0bc756f1cbfb74bcd4d892d2bd9169d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd make Parsee x Yuugi canon.
That's about it.

>> No.6514297
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Sue makers of Anime Tenchou
Call Tasofro and tell them to make another expansion pack for SWR with the money earned by that, including all characters on related pctures.
Start a world wide league

>> No.6514299

call tasofro

new fighting game


+hisoutensoku characters with IaMP style moveses.

(+Mokou as a Sol Badguy clone)

>> No.6514318

But for a succesful world league you'll need to balance every single character in order to attract tourneyfags.
It will be like WoW all over again ;_;

>> No.6514325

summon the power of copyright to become rich.

>> No.6514334

swim in my scrooge mcduck-style pool of money.

>> No.6514340

Exactly what kind of beer does Zun drink?

>> No.6514349 [DELETED] 


>> No.6514360
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>> No.6514362


>> No.6514365
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Sanction an official canon manga where Kaguya and Mokou come to terms with each other through hot passionate yuri

>> No.6514550 [DELETED] 

