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6510325 No.6510325 [Reply] [Original]


Will it be good?

>> No.6510333


Could we move on? This is the fourth thread asking the same bullshit.

>> No.6510332

I don't know, let me get my DeLorean.

>> No.6510336

I'll have no idea, because my machine won't run it. It had a heart attack attempting to run the demo.

I at least hope they continue to do their own english translation.

>> No.6510365

mite b cool

>> No.6510373


>> No.6510404

I didn't see Cirno

>> No.6510410

I love the new artstyle. The art from the first game was definitely interesting and unique, but this one seems to take the strengths of the old and make everyone recognizable. Just look at Remilia, that may even top Fatalpulse for my favorite take on her.

>> No.6510419

Because this time it is Sakuya the protagonist.

In fact, it made little sense for her to join Reimu. Then again, she was tricked into it. The poor thing.

>> No.6510468

Three hopes.

1. Give bosses an invulnerability window after 3 shots or 1 whip. The first game just ended up being a damage race. Hell, you could kill Remilia and Flandre the first time they were close to the ground by rapidfire jump whipping.

2. I see that new stamina bar for flying, back-dashing, sliding and attacking. I hope it prevents flying through stages ignoring all enemies.

3. Limited continues, maybe two. And fuck a save system, this is a NES Castlevania game, you play through it in one sitting or you don't play it at all.

>> No.6510483


All of those are attempts to make the game harder before even seeing it. Are you some sort of masochist?

>> No.6510498


1. Give bosses an invulnerability window after 3 shots or 1 whip. The first game just ended up being a damage race. Hell, you could kill Remilia and Flandre the first time they were close to the ground by rapidfire jump whipping.

All bosses appear to be constantly airborne and moving now. This prevents cheesy damage racing.

>2. I see that new stamina bar for flying, back-dashing, sliding and attacking. I hope it prevents flying through stages ignoring all enemies.


>3. Limited continues, maybe two. And fuck a save system, this is a NES Castlevania game, you play through it in one sitting or you don't play it at all.

This is impossible if it's a long game. I've seen Reimu, Marisa, all PCB bosses and some returning EoSD bosses being promised so far, so that's a lot of stages.

>> No.6510511

>Just look at Remilia, that may even top Fatalpulse for my favorite take on her.

I must see this for myself! Link?

>> No.6510528


In the video, around the 23 second mark.

>> No.6510543

This might be the best game ever, what is it called?

>> No.6510554


>> No.6510571

Koumajou Densetsu Scarlet Symphony 2 a sequel to the so called Touhouvania by Frontier Aja.

IMHO, a possible third game should just take this to the next step and make it SoTN alike...

>> No.6510576

pic too small

>> No.6510585

I dare to correct myself the title is
Koumajou Densetsu II - Stranger's Requiem

>> No.6510588

Does that mean this one will have multiple characters.

Sakuya as your main, ????? as grant, sylpha and alucard

>> No.6510592

no, this game will have one main character, Sakuya, but you get to summon other characters for attacks, in the video namelly, China, Patchy, Alice and Flan.

I'm saying that a third game (this is the second) should just go SoTN alike and maybe contain more than one MC

>> No.6510599
File: 19 KB, 711x385, Sanaee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IMHO, a possible third game should have Sanae as the protagonist

and I love Marisa's new artwork. She should have a cape all the time

>> No.6510617

someone should make a Rocky & Pocky game with Reimu and Marisa...
well fuck, I should learn programming, that'd be awesome.

>> No.6510622

That's an actually awesome idea.

>> No.6510630

Sadly I know nothing of programming... I can do artwork tho... ... maybe I should take on game maker or something

>> No.6510634

But I do. Now i know what I will do these holidays.

>> No.6510637

Single huge map or multiple stages?

>> No.6510653

Multiple stages separated by doors, ala original Castlevania.

Meaning you won't have Metroidvania, but Castlevania. mind you, I love Metroid, but I have had enough of pretty boys bactracking a whola damn castle.

>> No.6510666

I hate the term metroidvainia.

Every game thats been referred to as one is always 50 times deeper than a metroid game.


>> No.6510684

I like this Chen

>> No.6510696

You don't have to like it. SotN, although beautifully detailed, awesome music, and decent plot, was still too close to metroid for comfort.

"What's that? You don't have X item? Too bad, you can't proceed."

But yeah, Metroid could use some actual plot.

>> No.6510711

Sotn was actually not to horrible about backtracking thanks to the warp gates it never took more than five minutes to reach any part of either castle.

>> No.6510721

Oh and metroid and plot don't go well together see other M.

The most we wanna know about samus is that she shoots people, is in love with her ships computer(I didn't mind the story in fusion) and can turn into a ball.

The rest of the story can be about space pirates and tubes. Its why prime was so good.

>> No.6510727

SOTN was still an awful game, though.

>> No.6510731

why would you say that? besides being as difficult as beating a retard with a baseball bat it was pretty fun.

>> No.6510734

an awfull game? you have no taste. it is certainly not a classic platformer like Super Castlevania III... but's a very good and lenghty enough 2D exploration game. yeah, it gets broken if you use the crissaengrim... but heck, you don't have to pick that up...or for that matter any game breaking item.

the game was fun, platforming wise was well designed (unlike the first Koumajou wich was as plain as possible scenario wise) an amazing OST and a ... decent plot.

you sir, are a faggot

>> No.6510736

Oh come on now. You can't possibly be serious about that. Sure, grinding is stupid and farming the items and weapons was horrbile, but that's the worst about it.

And the voice acting. Good lord the voice acting.

>> No.6510741
File: 75 KB, 368x490, 1271368546297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the voice acting was the best part.

>> No.6510742

I kinda missed that reference in the first koumajou, but I'm certainly diggin' the "belmont master of the castle" reference with Reimu in the dark as shown in the video

>> No.6510743

I enjoyed the voice acting in the original Ps1 version.

The psp one was pretty terrible though.

>> No.6510759

well, if you want someone to do the artwork, do tell...

>> No.6510756

could use bigger pics of the anime style of the chars in the opening

>> No.6510760
File: 140 KB, 750x750, sample-f72319b7a03f4712044eea5ab84c790e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're making a sequel?

>> No.6510763

sequel is on the works, heck, there's a playeable demo IIRC

>> No.6510766

Sure, you haven't seen talk of it before?

I shall unfortunately remain somewhat uninterested until it becomes a Metroidvania.

>> No.6510778
File: 162 KB, 800x802, 041287439c79cc278c4e7da14d94cbe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard of it but, I didn't think it would get this far, this fast.

Also, you need to get better at Actionvanias.

>> No.6510779

I'd like the third game to be SoTN-ish (I dislike the term but like the games)

heck, seems right that if there's a third game it and follows the line (EoSC, PCB...) picture this... you get to explore gensokyo by areas using as base Imperishable Night!!


>> No.6510783

I would rather have the engine and some scenes made beforehand before I go ZOMG GAYZ AH MEID ORIGINAL CONTENTZ SUCK MDAH DIZK!!!1one132ELEVEN

I wanna try that nifty looking XNA library.

>> No.6510789

Eh, it's not that I'm not good at them, the gameplay's not all that much different from a metroidvania, except that you only go in one direction.
It's just not really as interesting to me.

>> No.6510796
File: 177 KB, 508x378, 1290635790356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the fact you don't level, can't increase your offense or defense and you're the same weakling from goddamn bats to Dracula.

>> No.6510800

Lets not forget you move sllloooooowwwwlllllyyyyyy and jump as if you were crippled.

>> No.6510807
File: 539 KB, 1000x1200, 1290187807760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't grind in any game whatsoever. (What're you doing man, you almost made me greentext!)
If anything that'll make 'em easier.

>> No.6510814

Not grinding doesn't mean you don't level.

Just by killing bosses and going through areas you're guaranteed to level quite a bit.

>> No.6510819

if you had to grind in SoTN you're a lousy player.

>> No.6510824

Well sure, but the difficulty of the game is balanced around you increasing in power by level, which generally takes into account for more experience than just rushing through and killing the bare minimum of enemies. Thus, on average the game will get more difficult as you underlevel.

>> No.6510828

Because some of the best/fun items are rare drops from monsters.

>> No.6510838

Metroidvanias are as balanced as a fat kid's seesaw.

Not to mention your movement in Metroidvania is a lot more fluid and your attacks more effective.

Whipping sucked compared to Alucard's rapier.

Metroidvanias are not comparable to Actionvanias.

>> No.6510844

No, that's just it. It wasn't fun at all. It was a boring slog through what was otherwise a beautiful environment, visually and aurally.

Alucard's repertoire was ridiculous, for one thing. Even ignoring the OMG RPG ELEMENTS SO DEEEEEEP, how much of Alucard's inventory (ie. weapons, armor) is ever necessary? His magic spells? His subweapons? It inflames the old Castlevania system with Japanese RPG mania and gives you this bloated mass of a system that could be taken out and leave the game no worse off.

Very few, if any enemies, are a real threat, and those that are, depend more on the player's actual reflexes and reaction for success than any supposed tactical advantage equipping armor or another weapon will give you.

Oh, wait, no, no they're not either. Because you can just Soul Steal or Hellfire over and over again.

The supposed exploration mechanic is also crippled, but that's less a fault of SoTN and more a fundamental fault of the game it borrows from, Metroid. Long story short, there is no real exploration in anything short of a roguelike, because the level setups in Metroid and newer Castlevanias are completely static. There's no change, no uncertainty. It give the illusion of exploration by scattering or folding what is an otherwise linear path. Walking to and fro, from Point A to Point B - whether it be for want of a power-up, or just to get a power-up you can now bypass the arbitrary limitation for - is still linearity, and while it was neat in the NES days, there should be no excuse for it now.

SoTN was a step up in the aesthetic and step down in the gameplay. That's why I like Touhouvania. It comes close to matching the looks of the new while retaining the gameplay of the old (mixing in some unique danmaku flavor), and not fooling itself with this Metroidvania shit.

Though I still do play SoTN and Metroid games, they're just not as enjoyable as everyone else makes them out as, to me.

>> No.6510873

Whoa, you saying Circle of the Moon isn't a Metroidvania? C'mawn man, I told you to play it before Aria of Sorrow, or this kind of thing would happen.

>> No.6510884

No, no, no. Those are the worst. It's just pointless padding.

>> No.6510890

That game also has level ups, increased abilities through items and so on.

Even with the whip, you had higher mobility as well offense thanks to the card system.

>> No.6510900

Oh, yeah, the card system. Remember how you could completely break it by switching to cards you didn't have mid-activation?

Fun times had by all.

>> No.6510923

You had higher mobility by sole virtue of a power-up you get in, like, one of the first rooms.

>> No.6510969

If the latest demo is any indication, it's already quite a bit better than the original.

>> No.6510975

I still haven't figured out how to dodge Chen's bullets. I can follow the pattern, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do: run away? How would I attack, then? The dodge isn't very good for going in either.

>> No.6511326

for those who think sotn's too easy, there's some sort of sotn romhack in the work that's supposed to make the game much harder, though so far the demo of it it only changes the first battle vs dracula to a much harder and varied one.

>> No.6511483

But that battle IS supposed to be easy, or else you wouldn't even be able to properly start the game.
It being easy as shit also serves to show that Richter, with Maria's help, was a broken faggot. HYDRO STORM. HYDRO STORM. HYDRO STORM. HYDRO STORM.

I have to say that I prefer Metroidvanias to Classicvanias, mostly because I like exploring and being rewarded for that. The RPG elements are nice too, going back to the first areas and slaughtering everything there feels awesome. The random drop system... is a bit annoying, but it's easier to deal with it on those games than in most other games that feature random drops (I think). And as someone's already said, you aren't really free to go wherever you want, since there are limitations (either by powerful enemies or by physical obstacles that require a new ability to let you proceed). As for the difficulty... well, they're often too easy, but you can always try a naked run to make the game a bit harder, right? i guess

And what else could they do other than put certain enemies that deal a lot of damage on some areas? Spikes and bottomless pits aren't really an option in that open environment setting, I believe.

>> No.6511535
File: 122 KB, 560x400, 1276701594113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never get the Castlevania vibes in a metroidvania games (Symphony of the Night being the exception). Exploring, powering up, collecting items, it's all fun, but the old school style was much more of a challenge (for me at least) and a feeling of great accomplishment springs up in me when I finish those types of games. I don't know, maybe I'm old fashion.

>> No.6511546

I like Metroidvaina as a concept, it's just that it comes accompanied with areas that are 10x larger than they need to be. Exploration is one thing, but having 500 massive rooms with only 50 of them having anything important is just a time suck that loses my interest.

>> No.6511548

youtube link plz?

>> No.6511567

Hey you. Yes, you.

Get a fucking nicovideo account.

>> No.6511624
File: 105 KB, 1072x838, 34623474572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but i don't read moon. where am i even suppose to click next?

>> No.6511635


try them all, though if you don't know Japanese, it's kind of pointless eitherway

>> No.6511652
File: 106 KB, 515x728, 13502443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the goddamn japanese support first. You can install it using your windows Cd. Here is your damn guide.


And how to sign up to nicovideo.


>> No.6511658

For a demo

Do get a nico accout though. It's a quality a /jp/ browser should have.

>> No.6511712 [DELETED] 

wut? i wouldn't need to install just one thing to my computer but i would need to sign up for something also? can't you guys just make everyone lifeves easier and post youtube link or something?

>> No.6511714

Lazy people are not worthy of seeing the video.

>> No.6511720

wut? i wouldn't need to install just one thing to my computer but i would need to sign up for something also? can't you guys just make everyone lives easier and post youtube link or something?

>> No.6511745
File: 96 KB, 768x787, 12903195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we? Sure. Should we? No.

Adversity strenghtens you.

>> No.6512069
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I hope I can run it now.

>> No.6513230

I love Flande's ragged look

>> No.6513264

The Umineko fighting game is going to suck
