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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6479041 No.6479041 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys prefer to be skinny or a fatass? If given a chance, would you swap?

>> No.6479051

Skinny-fat, no one is going to see underneath my clothes anyway.

>> No.6479057

What kind of question is this?

Of course I'd prefer to be skinny.

>> No.6479061

My BMI is 18.8 and I'm happy with it

>> No.6479066

I'm skinny and wouldn't swap it.

Skinny people can be attractive, fatties... not really. Not that I'm attractive, mind you.

>> No.6479069

Bro, BMI is a one huge bullshit. According to them, my BMI is 27.7, but I go to gym and shit, use a mass diet and am into working out. I've got an acquaintance at the gym who's like 6"0' and 280 lbs and is fuck healthier than majority of you skinnyfucks.

>> No.6479071

Would being skinny make people want to put their dick in my mouth? If so, I'll stay fat.

>> No.6479073

BMI more or less trivially doesn't apply to people who work out.

>> No.6479076

BMI 19.9 here. Feels bad. ;_;
I want to be skinny again.

>> No.6479078

I wish I were skinnier so I could dress up as Reimu without looking, if not attractive in any sense of the word, at least not horrifyingly ugly.

>> No.6479086

I'm pretty muscular, 6'2" 220, football player build.

Lots of time to exercise when you're a neet

>> No.6479093

Skinny, obviously.

Fat people are unreliable, selfish and backstabbing faggots. It's not hard to notice how most neckbeards have terrible taste in everything.

>> No.6479095

I'm 173cm and 75kg.

Your Calculated BMI is: 25.1
* Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
* Overweight = 25-29.9
* Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

So I'm guess I'm a fatass.

I wouldn't swamp or anything I'm happy right now.

>> No.6479091

I'm 173 cm and 83 kgs, I don't consider myself fat, but am close to it.

>> No.6479100

Who the hell would want to be a fatty ?

>> No.6479104

6' 1" and 125 pounds. Skinny as hell, don't care.

>> No.6479107

Who the hell would want to be a skeleton?

>> No.6479110

All the africans pretty much, and most of india, part of china too... yeah a lot of people

>> No.6479111

Most of America, UK, some parts of Germany and France.

>> No.6479117

At least if you're skinny, you have better chances of being able to crossdress.

>> No.6479122

Mate, I'm 183 cm and 73 kg and I consider myself fat.

You'd have to be incredibly ripped to not be a fatass with that weight and height.

>> No.6479123

Germany and France ? Are you kidding me ?

>> No.6479132

My fat doesn't go to my ass and legs, most of it is my stomach and torso, but I also work out.

>> No.6479135

I'm thin and fine with it because I feel so nimble. I could probably crossdress too but I choose not to.

>> No.6479139

>All the africans pretty much, and most of india, part of china too... yeah a lot of people
hahaha. no.
most people in china/asia are skinny and try to stay that way. a "normal" american girl would be considered fat in asian and be picked on by everyone else in school.

>> No.6479141

179.5 cm
62 kg
BMI 19, 24

A few years ago it was like below 17, but I've been working out a bit. I still look really skinny, but at least I don't look like I'm dying anymore.

>> No.6479148

i dont think you've seen how fat asian women are

>> No.6479154

I'm around ~163cm / 46kg. Typical "thin, but weak as hell and probably unhealthy" girl. Though, I guess 46kg is on the heavier side by eastern standards. I'd rather be this weight than super-fatass, however.

>> No.6479157


I'm 6' 150ish. Not fatty so I'm fine where I'm at, though I could stand to lose a few.

>> No.6479161

What the hell is up with all the normalfags?


there is a board for this.

>> No.6479164

>asian girls
>80% of US white women over 25 not obese
are you retarded or just suck at trolling?

>> No.6479176

Depends on the type of fat. Lovable fat ass with ruddy cheeks or obnoxious fat ass nerd?

>> No.6479178

>asian girls
>not fat
>mfw every azn i see has a fucking fat wave on her stomach

>> No.6479207

We're on /jp/. Obnoxious and nerd comes with the board description.

>> No.6479209

Apparently my weight is normal when you look at my BMI which is 18.4, but I don't look like it at all.For example, the diameter of my wrist is barely 4 cm.

>> No.6479216

What kind of retarded question is this? Who the hell would want to be fat?

>> No.6479217

18.5 - 24.9 is normal. You're slightly underweight.

>> No.6479226

Copypasting, posted this in the last thread just before it got deleted:
Being skinny is 100% better.
Being fat means trouble finding clothes, shit breaks faster(I go trough desk chairs at a rate of once per year), you sweat more, you get stretchmarks, there are more health problems - and most of the problems that you get with being skinny you also get if you're fat, if you don't move away from your desk at all. And that's just the start, the older you get while being fat, the worse it gets.
Only advantage is if, like me, you're lucky enough to have a strong, heavy build, wide shoulders, etc, you can make your fat look like you're just big/strong, to a degree, as long as you're clothed. But that depends on the person, I knew guys who weighted 80 lbs less than me and got a double chin already, while it didn't yet happen to me.
Add to that a face that looks like I'm always pissed, and you get an appearance scary enough to make other people avoid you.

>> No.6479238
File: 12 KB, 400x207, 1270395241569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, whoa you so cool dude, wish I had you abs.
