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6477451 No.6477451 [Reply] [Original]

Is there even a reason why Reimu beat Remilia other than "She's the main character"?
Remilia is essentially the most charismatic leader, and her planning ability is second to none. That she and her army are defeated by a scrub miko and an annoying witch are unthinkable.
Is this some kind of joke?

>> No.6477462
File: 98 KB, 380x247, Delayclosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sir, this is not a joke.

>> No.6477464

Reimu is stronger, and she has them armpits.

>> No.6477466

danmaku battles are art contests that have nothing to do with actual fighting strength

>> No.6477471

>scrub miko
>annoying witch
Like you, Remilia may have underestimated them.

Although I like the super fanonical interpretation of EoSD where the entire regular story consists of trying to figure out if anyone in Gensokyo is strong enough to play with Flandre, because Remilia wants Flandre to learn to make friends and leave the basement.

>> No.6477472

The battles are fought with danmaku. The battles have no bearing on the actual power level of the characters.

>> No.6477509

I wouldn't say exactly this since the scarlet mist incident started for a separate reason, but I do hold to the belief that Reimu/Marisa going back to the mansion on the day that Remilia's at the shrine and Patchouli feels better and Sakuya is randomly absent and Flandre just happens to break out, is not a coincidence. Fate manipulation wooo.

>> No.6477548

Which makes it worse because this essentially means for some reason, Remilia decided to lose.
She has fate manipulation and the best planning ability of anyone. She could make any outcome she wanted. But she lost. Meaning she planned to lose.

>> No.6477557
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They don't fight they duel with Danmaku.

It's regulated.

Think ten paces, turn and fire.

>> No.6477565

She manipulated fate to make friends out of enemies, and you claim she lost?

>> No.6477567

we don't even know what fate manipulation is at all, besides what concerns Sakuya.
It just means Reimu made a more beautiful danmaku, end of the story.
You can have an aikido master and a scrub fight each other, but if it's a "who paints the best picture wins" it's not like martial ability matters.

>> No.6477569

>Is there even a reason why Reimu beat Remilia other than "She's the main character"?

No. That's the only reason characters win fights in Touhou.

Except SSiB. Why do you think people were so pissed about SSiB? That's why.

>> No.6477578

I always figured it was a way to keep the more powerful denizens of Gensoukyo amused without injuring their pride. It's no fun if you win all the time, but you can always claim you were being sporting when the Miko bitch and the witch thief pound you in.

Plus, Hakurei border thingie. Don't destroy the pillar that holds up the roof, and such.

>> No.6477582

Silly me, I thought people were pissed about SSiB because of the shit pacing, fighting, and dialogue. Not to mention art.

>> No.6477583
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So you liked the doujin Here No More's interpretation?

>> No.6477584
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>> No.6477593

Whoa. Remilia engineering MariFlan? That is the most loving and best sister Flandre could ever have... wow.

>> No.6477620

I guess this was her thought process. My sister who I love dearly is sadly insane, very deadly and stays put in the basement. What can I do to get her to come out and live happily without killing people? I know! I'll get her a friend that can beat her up.

Remilia then plans out a large series of coincidental events to get a person who is suitably strong to come and fight Flandre and win. Thereby activating the trope Defeat Means Friendship.

It's scary how this makes so much sense due to how Remilia has very little reason to actually start the red mist incident sense she seems to be fairly fine with the sun anyways. In fact maybe she had a hand in making the spellcard rules to pacify her sister for the upcoming extra battle.

>> No.6477622
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Ah, yes, that's probably where it came from.

MariFlan is a wonderful thing.

>> No.6477627

I'm more partial to spoiled brat Remilia who cares more that Flandre not escape and decimate the countryside than for her well-being. And since when is boredom not a good reason to start an incident?

>> No.6477642

When it gets you beaten up. Getting beaten up is a strange way of alleviating boredem, but it is a good way of finding a strong person.

Also another thing that may support the Remilia was looking for a strong person theory is that she doesn't fight you on easy mode. Most people point out IN's easy mode being the easiest mode of them all, but in EoSD you don't even fight Remilia on easy mode.

>> No.6477645

Works for Tenshi.

>> No.6477672

These make godly amount of sense.
/jp/ I am not disappoint.

>> No.6477701

I've always liked this interpretation because it applies to SSiB as well. What's that, moonbitch? You defeated me? Well fuckoff I planned to get your sake stolen from the start!

>> No.6477718

You're so hurt about Remilia losing to Reimu that you have to sort to all this shit about boredom and "she lost on purpose" "lol main character"?
Talk about delusional fanboys.

>> No.6477724

Actually going by this discussion she didn't lose on purpose. She was looking for a person legitimately stronger than her who could beat her up. You don't throw a fight while trying to size up an opponent.

>> No.6477726

Reimu isn't that powerful. Everyone lets her win eventually just to get her to stop fucking trying.

>> No.6477730

Reimu is a fine young lady.

>> No.6477745

As fine as a lady can be with an acid tongue and an unparalleled ability to take beatings.

>> No.6477747

Remilia's a spoiled annoying bitch and wouldn't be able to lead a real army to anything other than absolute destruction.

Deal the fuck with it.

>> No.6477753

>essentially the most charismatic leader

Fucking secondaries.

From the manual of IN:
>Devils, including vampires, are hated with a passion by both humans and youkai, because their kind tend to be self-centered and selfish. Remilia indeed is no exception.

>> No.6477758

It's called alternative character interpretation. Deal with it.

>> No.6477769

I'll bet you think stuttering tsundere Alice is also an "alternate character interpretation."

Protip: Stupid fanon bullshit that blatantly disregards canon =/= "alternate character interpretation."

>> No.6477774

That's the fucking definition of alternative character interpretation, you idiot.

>> No.6477805

Jesus christ, you're autistic.

Do you seriously not understand the difference between "presenting ambiguous canonical qualities about a character in a different light" and "making shit up out of thin air about a character"? Where the fuck does ZUN ever suggest that Remilia is "charismatic"?

>> No.6477813

You're both automatically autistic for arguing over a Touhou character.

>> No.6477819

>It's called alternative character interpretation.

By retards at TVTropes. Why are you guys arguing about a meaningless made-up term?

No, that's just rationalization. They were actually just angry because their favourite characters lost a fight.

>> No.6477828

All those fanmade things depicting charisma break Remilia has really gotten to you, hasn't it?

Have you ever read Remilia's dialogue in the games?

>> No.6477832

The "charisma break" shit is what's responsible for all of the secondaries thinking that she's charismatic, when ZUN clearly explains that she's the complete opposite.

>> No.6477837

Okay, you're clearly a secondary who never plays the games. Or are you confused on the definition of charismatic?

>> No.6477845

I've played all of them except IaMP. There is no definitive evidence in the games for her being charismatic.

>> No.6477852

>you're fanon is shit
>u mad?
typical Touhou discussion nowadays

>> No.6477858

Okay, you're just confused on definitions. Charismatic is not necessarily contradictive of being spoiled and brattish. Remilia speaks well and can banter. She has a devoted servant. And she's attractive(Well probably not to you, but she is one of the more popular touhous).

Charisma is based on how a person interacts with other people. Even if she herself is spoiled and brattish and heart, she still interacts with others well.

>> No.6477864

Japan thinks charisma means elegant and/or powerful or something. They clearly don't think it means what it means to us. Now stop arguing about engrish.

>> No.6477872

Frankly, I prefer that to:

>Remilia is essentially the most charismatic leader, and her planning ability is second to none. That she and her army are defeated by a scrub miko and an annoying witch are unthinkable. She deserves much better than that. Much, much better than that.
>Remilia is thrice as sharp as mikos and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a miko can cut through, Remilia can cut through better. I’m pretty sure Remilia could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
>Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Transylvania? That’s right, they were too scared to fight Remilia.
>tl;dr = Remilia needs to do more damage in Touhou, see my new stat block.

>> No.6477877

Why are you trying to mock an argument with a hilarious post? Really not helping your argument here.

>> No.6477881

It's just you.

>> No.6477890

>an entire thread of people thinking charisma means charisma and not カリスマ
Not just me.

>> No.6477898

Ojou-sama just let Reimu win.

but now that the enemy has been studied, it's just a matter of time.


>> No.6477901

Sorry, thought you were this guy.


The first post in this thread that challenges Remilia's charisma is >>6477747.
He seems seperate from the other guy I mentioned so I guess two people halfway through the thread agree with you.

>> No.6477908

If Remilia really care about winning she just sic Flandre on them

>> No.6478600 [DELETED] 


>> No.6480390
File: 550 KB, 1200x1106, 2988c15130ca397c78959512128d2216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you post on every Touhou thread? You suck.

>> No.6480445

>Implying danmaku is anything like actual combat.
>Implying Reimu can't choose to be literally unkillable at any moment.

Well okay then.

>> No.6480485

Which of course Miko stregth is that of a little girl.
therefore her danmaku stength is her only way of efficiently fighting. because i doubt try to puch remilia a vamprie would ever work seeing as vamps have augamented strength

Reimu: Physically a weakling magically well. overpowered.

>> No.6480712

>implying Reimu doesn't spend a considerable quantity of spiritual power in levitating herself above reality, limiting her to a handful of uses during any given fight

>> No.6480734

No, anon. If a character has a power it means she can use it instantly, infinitely, and at its theoretical maximum. One day you'll learn how powerlevels work.

>> No.6480743
File: 390 KB, 666x638, national sign - triumph of the will ~ master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there even a reason why the Allies beat Hitler other than "they're the good guys"?
>Hitler was essentially the most charismatic leader, and his planning ability is second to none. That he and his army were defeated by fat Americans, tea-swilling British, and drunk Russians is unthinkable.
>Is this some kind of joke?

>> No.6480801

>his planning ability is second to none

Hitler was a dumbass.
He probably could have won, had treated all his treaties with nations the same way he did his treaty with Russia. But no, he went insane and decided to keep good to his word, despite every single adviser in his command telling him to not do that.

>> No.6480802

No. Just, no.

>> No.6480816

I wonder if Yukari gets woken up when Reimu floats above reality. We know she gets woken up when Reimu fucks with the Border, and Reimu floating above reality would likely mean she's in danger and needs Yukari to come save her.

>> No.6480817

This thread sucks.

Just like Remilia!

>> No.6480820

Much like your posts.

>> No.6480821

Welcome to the world of sarcasm and other types of jokes.

Are you implying that going to war with more people would have improved Germany's situation? Never mind, don't answer that. Let's not make this another WWII history argument.

>> No.6480831

>We know she gets woken up with Reimu fucks with the Border
Wait, how do we know that?

And anyway, Yukari has power over borders and stuff, which is why she might be linked to border intrusions. Something like momentary 4th-dimension levitation doesn't have anything to do with her.

>> No.6480838

No, you mistake me.
I forget what country it was exactly, but Hitler had signed a treaty with it much like Russia's, though a bit more. That is, similar to Russia's treaty, it was to not attack each other, but to also defend each other in case either country got attacked.

The country he signed with got attacked, and, in a fit of madness, he decided to split his troops even more to defend it, keeping true to his word, for once.

>> No.6480839
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We know that cause it happened in CoLA.

>> No.6480846

It's just that she'd probably be able to detect someone moving across the ... border of tangible and intangible? no idea what the fuck you'd call the border Reimu's power deals with. There definitely is one and Yukari likely monitors it.

>> No.6480853

Then you might as well say Yukari can detect people moving across the border of Ontario and Quebec, or the border of sleep and wakefulness, or the border of the living room and the dining room.

My point is that it's a pretty big border to monitor and it's (probably) not an object in and of itself like the Gensokyo containment field is.

>> No.6480870

I think she could do all those, but they get so much traffic that it's completely pointless. Reimu's power, on the other hand, is apparently unique.

>> No.6480885

I really have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6480894

You mean Italy?

>> No.6481024

You're a dumbass. The only reason Hitler lost so completely was because he tried to take Russia and failed epicly. If he kept the treaty, the Axis probably would've lost but the Nazi's probably wouldn't have fallen.

>> No.6481030

If he kept the treaty Stalin would have rolled into the Germans. Hitler figured he'd try to strike first.

>> No.6481046

>Implying Reimu can't choose to be literally unkillable at any moment.

Anyone with a survival spellcard can do that, it's not that impressive.

>> No.6481058

That's Bullshit. At the time Stalin was giving the Germans resources, training bases and transportation for equipment and troops. Stalin was said to have considered any spies who told him that Hitler had a plan against Russia to be Allied Propaganda. When Hitler finally attacked he was catonic and stuck in his room for two days before he went back out and talked to his people.

If Germany kept the treaty so Would the Soviets. They had enough trouble with the new government and the new provinces already gained.

>> No.6481082

No. This is just wrong. The Soviet Union was not providing military assistance to Nazi Germany at the time of the invasion.

>> No.6481088

/jp/ WWII tactics general

>> No.6481089

Where's that communist Flandre doujin?

>> No.6481096

More like internet. WW2 gets dragged into everything.

>> No.6481098

They were providing Germans with resources not troops. Hitler was stupid for starting a war that got him surrounded on two fronts.

>> No.6481103

Yes, they were trading a limited amount of stuff, but that hardly counts as assistance.

>> No.6481117

What if Japan invaded Russia instead of picking fights with America?

>> No.6481138

It is assistance. Because you know, they were aiding the Germans. Just like the Germans aided the Bosliviks during WW1. Just like America with England during WW2. And still doesn't change the fact that Hitler was an idiot for breaking the treaty at the time when he was still occupied by a western front.

>> No.6481155

They'd get buttfucked by China. And The trained Serbians that were posted there just in case of an invasion. Stalin was more scared of the Japs than he was of the Nazi's at the time. It was only after confirmation that the Japs had no plans to attack did he send his actual trained army into battle.

>> No.6481161

Why didn't they? I failed history and don't understand why they gave a shit about a bunch of islands.

>> No.6481167

>They'd get buttfucked by China.

Why? From what I remember it's not like Japan got buttfucked by Russia when they attacked China.

>> No.6481190

Same thing with Germany, they get attacked from both sides with two very motivated populations.

They were already losing ground to the Chinese before America came in, it's going to get worse if they decide to fuck Russia.

Russia at the time was just taken over by the Communists. Political systems and hundreds of years of social customs needed to stabilize and change. Completely different by WW2. Everyone was committed to fighting and killing invaders. China's various warlords would and did join together to fight the Japs.

>> No.6481200

>She has fate manipulation... She could make any outcome she wanted. But she lost. Meaning she planned to lose.
I know it's late, but I just wanted to address this point. The rules of the spell card battle system explicitly state that there can be no use of completely unavoidable bullets. If Remilia had manipulated fate to ensure her victory against Reimu/Marisa, she would have broken the spell card rules, since one of the hundreds of bullets she shot would have been completely unavoidable. It's the same reason Sakuya doesn't just stop time and stab you and Yukari doesn't gap a bullet inside of you.

>> No.6481215

That just means she can't mess with individual battles. There's nothing saying she can't manipulate fate to ensure the war is won.

>> No.6481227

Maybe simple arrogance stops that. It's sort of cheating after all.

>> No.6481266

Manipulating fate to ensure that "the was is won" would still mean someone on Remilia's side would have had to shoot an unavoidable bullet. Whether it be in the first, second, or the last battle of the war, it doesn't matter. An unavoidable bullet is an unavoidable bullet.

>> No.6481297

Or it could mean her goals are achieved outside of battles, rendering the battles meaningless.

>> No.6481316

How would you know it was unavoidable when Remilia would just alter your fate to clumsily stumble into a bullet one day? It'd be cheating, but how would you know?

>> No.6481327
File: 764 KB, 699x1000, touhou_jenga_madness_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a well, it should be canon source that supports this interpretation.

>> No.6481388

There should be a word for stuff that should be canon.

>> No.6481455


>> No.6481481

No, fanon is non-canon stuff that many people consider true. Such as drooling idiot Cirno. Stuff that should be canon is a more subjective category.

>> No.6482018

I cannot find a download link.

I wish to experience touhou jenga madness

>> No.6482048



Scroll through the pool.

The ending is quite amusing and sufficiently unexpected to be appreciable.

>> No.6482069

Not another Touhou powerlevel thread.

For all we know Remilia could easily be killed by some dude carrying a high powered UV light or it could take some omnipotent from outside of the Touhou universe to take Remilia out.

Lets not even get started with Flandre's power...
