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6477103 No.6477103 [Reply] [Original]

Dear UFO,
Fuck off.

It's like ZUN cranked the difficulty and I can't mount any momentum past the stage 2 boss.

>> No.6477111

UFO is one of the easier games

>> No.6477125

I hope you're referring to hard or lunatic mode, since those are the most difficult respectively in the series.

But comparing normal modes, UFO is one of the easier ones.

Flying Fantastica is the single hardest card on normal mode of any main touhou game.

>> No.6477127

Use Sanae B or A.

Whatever you do, stay away from Marisa B. All of her usefulness dissapeared into SA and MoF.

>> No.6477131

I disagree...

Shit's right behind SA in terms of difficulty.

>> No.6477132


Not that guy but really? Because I've been having tons of problems on Normal even on the second stage boss. The only other game on normal that does that to me is SA.

>> No.6477134

Actually, it's Normal mode. Every other game I can get to at least the 4th stage boss without dying. Those 1cc attempts took a few tries.

Could be the mechanics of the game fucking around with me.

>> No.6477139

>this thread
People claiming to have difficulty on normal mode?

Come back when you're trying hard or the ex

>> No.6477144

UFO is hard for me too. It and SA always give me problems.

>> No.6477146


>> No.6477153
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>> No.6477170

I think I'm at 60 hours across all characters. Which is only like 10 min/day since it's been out, actually.

>> No.6477174

Jeeze, has /jp/ been taken over by secondaries?

Or maybe something else.

Maybe there's been an exodus of primaries?

Dodging bullets doesn't have much of a pragmatic use in everyday life--I can easily fathom the notion that those individuals who've dedicated enough time in touhou fidelity have left.

>> No.6477181
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UFO is cake if you take 10 seconds to understand the scoring/lives system. I had full lives and bombs by stage 4 the first time I played the Normal.

UFO Hard is more like Lunatic for other games, and the Lunatic is just cruel, so you are allowed to complain about those. UFO Lunatic took me forever to 1cc.

>> No.6477185

UFO may seem harder exactly because of the UFOs. If you try ignoring them, you will notice that almost none of the patterns seems threatening enough to bother gathering red UFOs in case you die.

I'm going to use a really faggy analogy, but I like to compare UFOs to the hard modes in World of Warcraft, in terms of concept at least. Higher difficulty with better rewards.

>> No.6477189

The problem with UFO is that you can lose the game about 15 minutes before the game actually lets you know you lost.

>> No.6477193

>Flying Fantastica is the single hardest card on normal mode of any main touhou game.
Not really, I came very, very close to capturing it on maybe the fourth or so time I saw it. Not so with a number of others that I can't really name at this point in time.

UFO Extra is actually pretty easy over all the extras, though.

>> No.6477195

levels 1-3: red ufos
level 4: bomb and then collect three green ufos to instantly level 5: lol
level 6: green or blue ufos depending on how many lives/bombs you have at that point. You can get up to five or six bombs, reducing Byakuren's fight to a cakewalk (watch out for flying fantastica regardless).

>> No.6477198

>levels 1-3: red ufos
Green UFOs are almost always a better choice, unless there's pure-red UFOs floating around.

>> No.6477199

I don't get this. You have to play on hard/lunatic to get the storyline or to enjoy the games? Accept that different people have different skill levels.

>> No.6477200

>UFO extra is easier than most

huh, I've only ever bothered playing UFO's extra, since it was the first game I played, and subsequently 1cc'd.

Since I beat the ex of the most modern game that means I'll be working the ex stages down, next up SA.

I've unlocked them all (sans MoF since it's such a boring-ass game).

>> No.6477203

When somebody uses the S word just don't respond to them, it's generally best for the thread.

>> No.6477206
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>next up SA.
Good fucking luck. See this face? This will destroy you.

>> No.6477209

I think I would have no problems with UFO if there weren't so many lasers. I am so bad at dodging lasers.

>> No.6477210
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>> No.6477211

Seriously, I can put up a somewhat decent fight on all the extra stages except SA's. Koishi just destroys me ;_;

>> No.6477229
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>> No.6477235



>> No.6477238
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Dude, just sit on the very bottom of the screen directly under her. The lasers grid in fixed locations, it won't hit you if you just chill out right there. That's her easiest card.

>> No.6477240

you actually just need to bomb once for sanae's first card if need be. and you really shouldn't be playing extra if you can't capture her 2nd and 3rd.

>> No.6477246
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Her first card really is her easiest, trust me on this...

>> No.6477248

Shou's non-spellcard attacks are rather bitchy. Ditto that on Hijiri's Star Maelstrom.

UFO is strangely all downhill after stage 4 for me, or at the least the biggest stumbling block.

>> No.6477254

That one noncard where Byakuren kinda circles around the stage and charges at you with the lotus battle platform spewing circles I universally have to bomb. It's almost more of a bitch than Most Valuable Vajra.

>> No.6477262
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I captured her second and third on my first try.

But those grid lazers man, I gotta learn how to deal with it if I'm gonna be facing it every time.

Well that's just great. One of the most impressive cards I've ever seen goes the way of rotating fixed star and mystic fragrance of a makai butterfly, Nue's timeout card, and Yomou's ageless obsession.

Really pretty and complicated LOOKING but entirely static and in reality super, super easy to dodge.

Yes I mad--I furious

Here's a box of fuzzy momijis to give me good cheer.

>> No.6477268

Is anyone else also autistic enough that you don't watch replays or use practice mode? Part of me really wants to figure out how to deal with all the spell cards on my own (which invariably means you end up bombing through the ones that you never figure out.)

>> No.6477278

Only on spell cards that I keep getting raped on

In other words, only flying fantastica


>> No.6477280
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Sorry for breaking the magic, but it really does make things so very much easier. Plus it's an ideal damaging position.

>> No.6477285
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I only ever watched a play of Orin, since man, screw Orin.

I'm working on Satori right now and I have no idea what comes after her next spellcard. It's fun times, especially on the card I'm currently working on - I sat there literally yelling "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE" the entire time before I died. Good times.

>> No.6477293

Hurr, Koishi. I'm horrible at remembering her name for some reason.

>> No.6477295

>Shou's non spell cards
Can't help you, twitch dodging got me through most of the noncards fairly well, but the regular spells have a lower rate of success

>Byakuren's curvy lasers
However you usually move in response to a laser moving at the trajectory you assume will kill you. Do the opposite of what you feel is intuitive.

Go right in front of where the curvy laser is going--I guaranfuckingtee you that you won't get hit by it.

Those curvy star maelstron lasers only hit where they look like they won't. They veer way off from where the initial perceived target is.

>> No.6477298

I don't watch replays. Practice mode is fun though.

>> No.6477338

Shou's nonspells are pretty easy when you know how to deal with them on normal and they shouldn't bug you if you've practiced it a few times.

>> No.6477523

>He's only tried 48 times

>> No.6477637

I like ufo. In lunativ it's hardcore from the very beginning.
Not like SA bullshit where you can sleep.

Also since I die even on easy, I play on lunatic only now - I die as usual, but at least it's fun

>> No.6477903

I can complete UFO extra without dying, but I can't beat Ichirin in practice mode.

fucking crapcha

>> No.6478240

Return later when you spend some time on it

UFO was my first one, naturally I spent the longest time on it and am best at it.

>> No.6478245
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>> No.6478257


How many tries did it take for you to get your first 1cc? I've played UFO about 100 times, 66 on Sanae A and about 50 on Reimu B and I've only made it to stage 5 once. Although probably half of those tries are unfocused since it was my first game.

>> No.6478280
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The first step is always unlocking practice mode for all the stages, so keep throwing yourself at them until you beat them with your starting two lives--bombing is pivotal of course.

Practice them, you'll slowly get better in general and simultaneously learn the cards.

It gets boring playing the same one game, so move onto a different one when you get frustrated, or maybe some StB/DS.

Playing a different game may seem counter-productive, but in reality you're still sharpening your skills. Trust me, it's much more effective than throwing your frustrated mind at the endless maze of bullets.

Example: Aya in MoF used to kick my ass back long ago. I spent about half a year on hiatus from the game (it's pretty boring for danmaku). I return the other day and on my first try capture all of Ayas cards, including her timeout card which I never had before.

It's not a race, you'll develop in time, but you have to remember to keep practicing. It should take the layman three days to beat it first (with continues of course) and then depending on his seriousness up to two months (or even more) to 1'cc it when they feel they're ready.

>> No.6478284

It depends on how good you are and if you decide to restart if you die early in the game.
The weird thing is, I'll usually be doing terribly for a while, then I'll 1CC the game with a bunch of lives left.
PCB's phantasm had me trying a whole load of times, and then I beat it with a single death. And I had bombs left on that death that could have carried me to the end.

>> No.6478319


I see...I don't really play practice mode much, I used to but figured that just playing through each day would be better. I normally cycle between games since I believe it helps. So far I've managed to 1cc MoF and Fairy Wars A route. The MoF one was literally me with 1 life and 0 power, the Fairy Wars I had 6 extra lives left. I've played PCB only about 6 times and I've done much better on it than UFO. Maybe it's just the difference in patterns though.

>> No.6479364

The problem with SA extra is the freakin' star to lives system, which means you won't get an extra life until after Koishi's first spellcard.

Games before SA usually had the midboss give an extra life when defeated, as well as a free extra life right before the boss or after the first spellcard.

Of course, you'll only get that extra life after the first spellcard if you haven't died to any previous spellcards, meaning that the stage and midboss of SA extra essentially REQUIRES perfection.

>> No.6479457

>But those grid lasers man, I gotta learn how to deal with it if I'm gonna be facing it every time.
Grids are always the same:
Bottom middle above enemy counter = safe zone

You'll get an extra lot of lives in the boss fight itself.
The stage doesn't require perfection. If you can't perfect it, you bomb and still get the same amount of stars. (bombing is actually better in some situations)

>> No.6481121

Playing other games is a good idea yes, provided you don't completely forget how the stages go for the ones you aren't playing. Jotting down notes or watching replays on youtube are good refreshers.

Also UFO is weird. No lives left going into Stage 6? Any other game that's a dead run. UFO drops about 2 or 3 lives during it's last stage, and that's enough to clear the game with good bombing. Hijiri feels on par with Kaguya and IN had the easiest last boss in the series.
