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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 800x785, hag_panzermoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6470629 No.6470629 [Reply] [Original]


World of Tanks is a Tank MMO in Closed Beta, Battles are 15 vs 15.

The /jp/ channel is called "/jp/ Mew", we have a TeamSpeak 3 running on Omgmod.org Port: 9987

PanzerMoe is all about taking it easy, enjoying your tanks and having fun with other /jp/ers.

Earlier AfrikaKorpsSoldat, Furniture and me were rubbing around on each other.

Shrine Bitches StuG III Skin: http://www.mediafire.com/?1pkjt1ef4s8iyyz

>> No.6470642

If your thread got deleted by the maid, please don't repost it endlessly like some kind of sion.

>> No.6470643
File: 183 KB, 490x535, JapaneseMaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justify in the next 5 minutes why a russian MMO with no moe features (except what's been modded in) and the only connection to /jp/ being that some of you enjoy it should be allowed here.

Seriously, I want to know what makes this game special enough to keep you guys having threads.

>> No.6470644

My thread didn't get deleted, the old one 404'd

>> No.6470645

ALSO, one-shooting BOOF while he runs around is the new /jp/ official panzer sport.

>> No.6470646
File: 181 KB, 484x403, Tankiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking it easy
I believe you mean Tanking it easy.

>> No.6470647

Samples of yukkuri skin?

>> No.6470652
File: 426 KB, 1440x900, shot_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evidence #1

>> No.6470658
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Evidence #2

Even without the skins it was very moe, two StuG IIIs rubbing on each other and then rubbing on Maus-oniisamas sides

>> No.6470663
File: 555 KB, 1440x900, shot_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in death, the StuG III twins are united and hold hands.


>> No.6470664

I don't understand why you hate it so much. In the midst of all the crap, if we can have ONE thread, one GOOD thread where everyone is having fun and having nice discussions, then even if it's not related at all, what's the problem with it staying?

Really, Irisu, that 3D modelling game and this, I would rather have these three good threads which everyone enjoys than having a bunch of unrelated Ika spam that gets shitposted and deleted in the next 60 seconds, only to be made AGAIN ad infinite.

>> No.6470665

So is this a decent game?

I seem to remember an android app that looked very similar to this and just tried to sell you things every 5 minutes.

>Have fight
>Earn Points
>Go to armory
>Buy upgrade for 500 points!
>"Oh, you need 3 tokens also!"
"Yeah, they're $1 each."

Or does this not suck?

>> No.6470670

It doesn't suck

It's not an Android game

>> No.6470673


>connection to /jp/ being that some of you enjoy it should be allowed here.

The connection to /jp/ is that some of us enjoy it.

Happy? I am.

>> No.6470677
File: 642 KB, 2000x1424, tigertan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you know why it's really called a StuG?

>> No.6470679

The game is free. Completely free. Even the "premium account" stuff is free - the gold you use to pay for it is awarded to you daily for free. Just save it up for a few days (you don't even have to play really) and then use it for things like new equipment or a premium account so you can get more cash and exp.

>> No.6470682

Slippery slope.

Allowing this with no clear connection to the board (no matter how fun you're having) grants the ground that my niche-interest-with-a-loyal-followup-in-a-single-thread should be allowed as well.
It would be fair.

Can you guys keep going on easymodo? Is /v/ receptive to it?

>> No.6470685

Because it's an infantry support vehicle, the Sturmgeschütz.
Don't mess with former military otaku.

>> No.6470693

/v/ is not receptive to it and /k/ is rejecting any custom skins and Panzer Moe.

A lot of japanese artists enjoy WW2 tanks and like to draw pictures of them, a lot of people are military otaku and military otakism is part of otaku culture.

This isn't a slippery slope at all. This is just another facet of otakism.

>> No.6470697

Only thing you need real money for is 1. Premium(50% boost to credits/exp) 2. Premium tanks which are perma-premium for that tank, but the tanks are really terrible and only used for well.. free exp to skip tanks you don't like and farming credits. Or 3. Premium shells. Better than AP, worse than HE in damage but normally has slightly higher damage and penetration than AP.

In beta however you get 150 gold/day so all of that is rendered moot as everyone can get all the premium stuff.

>> No.6470701

also we have delightful chats about the DFC twins, Hetzer and Stug.

Stug is the older, more athletic sister who can run faster and can do better at sports than Hetzer-chan, who is always tripping and falling, and runs very slowly. Despite this, though, Stug is very protective of her sister and encourages her to do her best.

Also this. It's one place where we can just tank it easy with our /jp/ bros- noone argues, noone starts shit, teamkills, spams, griefs, or acts like a fuckwit here or in-game.

>> No.6470703

Just a note of the posts above about gold, gold won't be given out daily like that when the game is released (Don't think theres even a date on that yet however)

>> No.6470711
File: 176 KB, 1024x768, schweregustavtan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's true. Was just checking if you heard the rather obscure /k/ in-joke.
Apparently not. Probably a good thing.

>> No.6470714


And I might add that though it is different, airsoft is also HUGE in Japan with tons of otaku spending massive amounts of coin on it. Posting that in /k/? People think it's nothing more than a troll attempt and tell you emphatically, over and over, to get the fuck out.

>> No.6470719

This word, it doesn't exist.

>> No.6470724
File: 1.81 MB, 859x960, mechatewi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should of used Hina wheels (they are adorable in motion)

>> No.6470728

Let's be honest here there is no valid reason to have this on /jp/.

Then again, FOTM MMOs are sort of a /jp/ thing.

>> No.6470729

The experiences we've been having have been magical on Teamspeak. Being able to have lively discussions with other /jp/ers about anything and everything makes me really feel like I'm not going to be forever alone ;_;.

Without these threads, we can't coordinate between us, we'll have trouble collecting our anonymous players together for the /jp/ Panzermoe clan we made, and it will therefore be more difficult to compete in the US championship match that we are going into. If it wasn't for these threads, we wouldn't even have a TS server to talk to each other on.

Lots of us are here taking it easy. We never interfere with anybody's threads, we only tripfag in our threads, and we don't bother anybody.

>> No.6470738

Why don't you just keep to your teamspeak?

>> No.6470754
File: 328 KB, 600x512, PanzermoeDivision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panzermoe Division

>> No.6470760
File: 426 KB, 1280x1024, shot_027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some comparison with that T2 premium tank.

Time to full speed (72km/h) n flat ground...
A-20: 17.2 seconds
T2: 12.8 seconds

Making it the fastest tank in the game by a longshot. The mufflers on the back even look like little rocket engines.

Pic related, going up a hill at 68km/h

>> No.6470765
File: 43 KB, 400x266, marder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most disgusting Marder II in the history of Marders
and to prove my point I'm going to post an actual Marder that is disgusting

>> No.6470768

your cute butt was so nice to fire into

>> No.6470772

That and the Leopard are the tanks I hate the most.

I don't know how many times they've gotten close, and then they start circling around me until I die.

>> No.6470805
File: 26 KB, 142x114, inabainaba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should of seen MarderTewi 1.0 - it was worse. Oh, so much worse.. it was an interesting way to burn the remaining hours at work while seeing how much of an abomination my tank could be.

>> No.6470826


What about the BT7? Isn't that one faster?

>> No.6470827
File: 185 KB, 461x300, ShrineBitchesDecal2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Shrine Bitches emblem

>> No.6470831


>> No.6470837

Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Tarkus"

I see what you did there.

>> No.6470862

Initially I posted dozens of different colored Tewis all rotated at random angles and different sizes all over the tank to get a reference guide on how the skin fit the model. It was a glorious sight to behold - it was only fitting that another Marder killed me that battle.

>> No.6470882

This game sucks. The only thing that could save it is massive reskinning with Touhou characters.

>> No.6470890

Then start out by working on a skin instead of being useless

>> No.6470957

I have to get that tank, but I want to buy the american heavy premium first.

>> No.6471011

did you test the leopard with the 580hp engine? I've seen one move way faster than my a-20 even with the speed limit remover on.

>> No.6471014

That looks nice. Too bad staring at it too hard will make it go belly up.

>> No.6471021

Leopards are usually faster than A-20s

>> No.6471035

the listed speed with default parts is only 68 km/h compared to 72 km/h

those might be completely wrong though

>> No.6471077

I'm going to press the applying for enrollment button for the tournament now.

>> No.6471078


>> No.6471086
File: 639 KB, 600x846, Nazrin Decal Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck everything about this decal.

>> No.6471110


its appropriately RUDE for a Maus, though.

>> No.6471208
File: 113 KB, 600x600, greatest moment of my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, this teamspeak is pretty ballin'

Only three people, well.. Four now including me.

>> No.6471224

To everyone who is participating in the tournament, PLEASE come on teamspeak so that we can organize this.

>> No.6471227

Leo with the 580 engine is ~12 sec
A-20 is more.

>> No.6471520

><19:07:35> Trying to resolve hostname omgmod.com
><19:07:35> Trying to connect to server on omgmod.com:9987
><19:07:41> Failed to connect to server

Is the TS server actually up?

>> No.6471571

There are a bunch of us in it right now. Make sure it is TS3.

Type omgmod.com into the server name, and put 9987 into the separate post area.

>> No.6471578
File: 15 KB, 626x430, danbooru_unf-p-114870826445235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking maintenance.

>> No.6471592


>> No.6471600
File: 33 KB, 376x182, port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what I'm doing

>> No.6471608

stupid question, but how long are the servers off during the maintenance?

>> No.6471609



>> No.6471610

I suppose I'll try forwarding the port, but I expect things these days to handle it with UPnP themselves.

>> No.6471622

Nope, still fucked.

>> No.6471624

Never very long. They are off no MORE than 30 min. Every night, at 1:00 am EST, they reset. It's probably up by now.

>> No.6471642

servers back up.

I had no idea the tournament is tomorrow at 7pm

Please get into the TS server.

>> No.6471680

If only it would let me. Useless program can't even give me a reason why it's failing.

>> No.6471682
File: 461 KB, 1600x900, shot_032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6471695

Very bakkoi.

>> No.6471739
File: 178 KB, 715x841, panzermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471754

I can't seem to find the channel.. what...

>> No.6471757

search /jp/ in the channel list

>> No.6471759

Okay now it's working, wtf. Mods are asleep though, so just chilling in the lobby. Guess I'll tanks while I wait.

>> No.6471760

Just search for /jp/.

>> No.6471781

As BOOF said, tournament is tomorrow at 7pm pacific, 9pm central 10pm eastern.

You can download Teamspeak 3 here: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads and the teamspeak server details are listed by op.

Instructions by Adolf(Unless changed that is) :
If you want to go on Teamspeak, when you get in the lobby, poke someone with a star and ask them if they can register you (the registration is so that you can move to other channels. we had an issue with some spammers about 8 months ago, and so they made that rule.). Say that you are in AfrikaKorps's clan, and they will register you no with no further questions.

The channel in teamspeak is Dogfighter's 2nd SS Panzer Corps

It would be very helpful to be in the Teamspeak channel tomorrow.

"19.11 Round of 32
20.11 Round of 16 and Quarterfinals
21.11. Semifinals and Finals, announcing winners

First battles unfolding on 19 and 20 November start at 03:00 (UTC/GMT) / 10 p.m. (EST). Battles unfolding on 21 November start at 02:00 (UTC/GMT) / 9 p.m. (EST)."

>> No.6471815

I wish I could play in the tournament but I don't have any good tanks yet

>> No.6471821

so is this like /jp/s new game?

>> No.6471860

We are quite undergunned, I think the highest tiered tanks are Mayhem's Ferdi, my Tiger, and BOOF's KV-3.

But that doesn't mean we won't try to win.

>> No.6471877

i thought everybody from /jp/ used a hetzer

>> No.6471884

Well, if you've even got a Tier 4 tank that isn't a Lee, lol you stand a decent chance if you play carefully. A Panzer IV or a Hetzer can kill any of the Tier 8 tanks... if you use HE 10.5 and hit it a lot while it is distracted, or shoot it in the side and rear several times with the L-48.

>> No.6471898

I'd would be able to use my t4 m5 light tank (scout/close range fire support), my t5 M7 medium (scout/long range pinger), or my t3 m37, artillery

>> No.6471905

I'm not playing this, but I am going back to listen to Tarkus again, thanks OP

>> No.6471925

I'll probably use the hummel. I have all crew at 100%, shell rammer, gun layer and spotting scope. So I'm loading 20% faster and aiming 20% faster.

My KV-3 has more armor and a better gun then the tiger, but it's just so fucking slow.

The way I see it, It's going to be me, a bunch of scouts, a bunch of mid tier TD's, a ferdi, a tiger and some mediums.

>> No.6471932

We don't hate ourselves that much.

>> No.6471935
File: 438 KB, 2048x1536, Hetzer-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I love my Hetzer-chan...

>> No.6471939

I'll grind all night to see if I can get the JgPz IV ready so I can use something more powerful than the Stug. But if I can't grind to the 88mm gun on it, then my Stug would actually be more useful, since the crew will be better trained, it is fully upgraded, and has niftry equipment.

But if I can pull off a miracle and get the 88mm gun then I'll use that, crew skill be damned. I'll just hope I can get the money for some sort of loading speed buff before the match. It pains me but I will have to convert my beloved Hetzer's crew over to the JgPzIV, so they'll only be around 80 percent with no skills after the switch. We'll see though. Fingers crossed, and I might be able to bring a Tier VI tank destroyer with a good gun for killing heavies.

>> No.6472094
File: 403 KB, 1360x768, shot_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem Tiger?

>> No.6472123

>Not pictured: effective camoflage.

>> No.6472217
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>> No.6472230
File: 345 KB, 602x688, 13774336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medicine is the game and I'm Yuka. That how I feel like every time I play the game.

>> No.6472232


Can other people and players actually see these modified tank skins in game?

>> No.6472241

No. It's only for you to see.

>> No.6472250

The viewable skins will happen later. Not yet in the beta.

>> No.6472275

System requirements? Learning curve?

>> No.6472288

Sys reqs low as hell, learning curve steep as hell.

>> No.6472719
File: 717 KB, 4320x900, stugmoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My StuG III, skin's posted in OP post if you want the .dds

>> No.6472759

Hmm... maybe I'll give this game a spin...

Downloading now... any recommendations on which tank Uncle Mugen is best suited?... BTW... I'm more of a hit and run guy... that's how I usually last long in Counterstrike.

>> No.6472775

Light tanks. Preferably russian or american ones, as I think those are faster than the german ones

>> No.6472778

Any kind of Medium. I'd recommend the Russian Medium line.

Tank Destoyers are more like Hit and stay hidden.

So you can cruise around in a medium or stay hidden and put with a TD.

>> No.6472795

Draw Shameimarutank dying horrible to an IED

>> No.6472877


>Tank Destoyers are more like Hit and stay hidden.

If you want to die a horrible death from arty, yes.

Playing TD effectively, you need to realize when you've been spotted and your bush is compromised, and then move the hell out of there before the enemy pushes in on your location.

>> No.6473247

I still don't have my headset back. ;_;

You think the team could do with a T-43 driver using teamchat instead of TS? That said, do we have a channel in the ingame-chat so that I can hook up with you from the garage?

Also, LOL, living in GMT+1 means the game takes place at ~4:00 local time. I'll try anyway.

>> No.6473376

Yeah same here I'll go to sleep at like 22 or something and then just wake up at 3:45

>> No.6473386

Sadly I will be at work at the time the tournament starts, and for a solid four hours after.

>> No.6473416

-TD harassing our artillery
-fire off a warning shot at him while on the move
-expect it to go way wide but at least get him to realize he's under fire
-it hits, one shots him.
-0 artillery dead, TD dealt with
-everything went better than expected

I then went on to one shot some more people with my StuG and finally get an Invader trophy.

Feels good, man.

>> No.6473481

Ok, Furni here, it's comfirmed that I'll have the Jagdpanzer IV with the 88mm gun by the time of the tournament.

>> No.6473558

>Accepted for the participation:
>/jp/ Shrine Bitches

I will!
>The championship will start on November 19th and last for three days. The schedule is below.
Aw shit it starts today.

>a bunch of scouts
I don't think wasting our lives if we have only one arty is a good strategy.

>> No.6473565
File: 246 KB, 1123x2026, t34sakuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a sakuya skin for the T-34 when I was bored, I'll post it if anyone wants it. Also a pretty bad A-20 skin that was just random stuff tacked on.

>> No.6473577
File: 1.03 MB, 3072x768, 123456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6473580
File: 2.42 MB, 369x230, yingyangwheels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6473606

"Due to the fact that we have only 19 teams registered and 32 slots for the participants, the scheme and the timetable of the champ has been seriously reworked and reconsidered.

16 teams is the optimal number for the champ, held in accordance with the play-off system. So, before the 1/8 final we will hold 3 preliminary qualifying matches: 6 teams, randomly chosen, will struggle for 3 places in the main tournament grid with each other.

Preliminary qualifying matches will start at 8 p.m. EST November 20th/ 01:00 (UTC/GMT) November 21st :

1. 1ª Cavalaria Blindada ROTA vs. A Path Beyond
2. Goon Platoon vs. My Tank Is Fight!
3. Black Sun Armored Division vs. Iron Wolves

The main tournament grid will be created after preliminary qualifying matches, and Round of 16 will start as scheduled at 10 p.m. (EST) November 20th / 03:00 (UTC/GMT) November 21st. Quarterfinals will start afrer Round of 16.

Semifinals and Finals schedule stays as it is - 9 p.m. (EST) November 21st / 02:00 (UTC/GMT) November 22nd. "

>> No.6473619

I killed a guy called PleasureOfCumming. Now I can quit the game without regrets.

>> No.6473624

>My Tank Is Fight!
Something tells me I know exactly who the people in this group are.

>> No.6473660 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 512x384, Maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, I think we ALL do...

>> No.6473688

Yeah, and no cigar if you can guess who's in Goon Platoon. Now that's a funy prelim match right there.

Also, asking again: Do we have a channel in the in-game chat so I can get in touch with you?

>> No.6473699

Search the /jp/ channel called /jp/.
It will appear as /jp/ (Mew) because Mew created it.

Enjoy switching your crew into little girls.

>> No.6473700

Yeah, the in-game channel is /jp/ (Mew) if you search for /jp/ you should see it.

>> No.6473713

Panther, Panther here
I was told our team was in need of a Panther?

>> No.6473792
File: 15 KB, 249x228, 1252353577843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not working for me. ;_;

I made a nitori one for my TC, but alas, it just shows up blank when I replace the .tga... any ideas?

Pic related, it's what I tried to use...

>> No.6473802

Save it with the same size as the original you dummy.

>> No.6473807
File: 28 KB, 362x500, iron594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clock wheels
I'm going to have to ask for a DDS/JPEG. I think I'll change the text though. I like it.

>> No.6473812


I did that- I took the original Germany-03.tga and pasted nitori over the guy, scaled down. Save as'd it into my new .tga, backed up the old one, and then tried to use the new one

>> No.6473825

I didn't tested yet actually so I can't help you correctly right now.
Maybe you saved incorrectly or something.

>> No.6473835

I uploaded it with the PSD since you said you wanted to change some of the text

>> No.6473896

New-ish fag here. Are there any faster ways to earn credits when grinding battles? Right now I get about 2,000 for a victory. I really want my T-46 ;_;

>> No.6473902

Hotgluefags are in there?

>> No.6473931

Did we have to make a new clan due to the previous name? If so, a link would be appreciated.

>> No.6473948

We need an anthem, even if it's just the /jp/ song.

>> No.6473978
File: 286 KB, 1032x795, moetank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The starter tank is so cute and tiny.

>> No.6473990
File: 483 KB, 1920x1080, 14420366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out, just save the tga file uncompressed. It will have the same file size as other tga files.

I'm working on a SDM crew.

Pic related, it's World of Touhou.

>> No.6473993
File: 140 KB, 1400x724, 1280879362777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moe moe

>> No.6474026

BOOF sounds like he has cancer in his vocal chords.

>> No.6474058


>> No.6474119
File: 484 KB, 1600x900, shot_050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flandre doesn't fit quite well...

>> No.6474165
File: 61 KB, 350x250, ferrando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're playing WOT with godfather!

>> No.6474186

Short guide:

1. Go to [GAMEFOLDER]\res\gui\maps\icons\tankmen\icons
barracks for barracks; big for details window; small for garage overview
Don't forge to backup!

2. Open the tga files with GIMP or your favorite image manipulator.

3. Edit.

4. Save uncompressed tga format. It should have the same file size as every other tga files.

5. Save, reconnect in game.

6. ?????

7. PROFIT!!!

>> No.6474253
File: 45 KB, 432x324, 20080205-more-smiley-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>win by taking enemy base
>mon fromage

>> No.6474256

New server?

>> No.6474260
File: 267 KB, 500x500, 12609465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we just got kicked from Team Speak time to find another one, or some other kind of Voice chat.

>> No.6474323

We got kicked for clogging the server too much. /jp/ has more than 4 people. We need to find another server for the tournament.

Also, BOOT is BOOF's long lost brother.

>> No.6474412

fresse said that he has a mumble server. It was probably a mistake to use a third party's server - there is bound to be one douche among their leadership. Why not just keep it /jp/? We'll use a fellow /jp/er's mumble server who plays this game with us and avoid the problems of other autistic people who aren't part of the same internet home as us. Outsiders, if you will.

But to be honest, it was kind of funny. You could hear it in his voice, that excitement, and the fake "no hard feelings." You could hear his smile. Essentially, the other admins had approved us being there, and this one guy was having a fit because so many people were joining the teamspeak, and were all playing a different game, not his CoH mod. What probably happened, was after a week of his whining, they finally relented, and gave him permission to ask us to leave - resulting in this.

It's not a big problem, we'll use a different server, probably fresse's mumble server he was suggesting that we use in the first place.

>> No.6474428

We'll update that in the thread once we contact stopthefresse. Check back later for an address. It'd be good to tell AfrikaKorps about this when you next see him in the game's chat channel.

>> No.6474434

Why don't just use Skype?

>> No.6474462

It has a 10 call max and the sound quality isn't that good, I only recommend it as a last resort.

>> No.6474472

this game is actually pretty fun. But how is it /jp/ related again? This would actually be a nice /v/ flavor of the month.

>> No.6474487
File: 429 KB, 1600x900, shot_052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there's more than 20 /jp/sies online RIGHT NOW, which means at least twice much more from /jp/ play it. That's a rather big number for such slow board imo.
/v/ is full of normalfags/lolsorandumsxd

>> No.6474550

Watching gameplay vidoes somehow makes me feel a little Mechwarrior Mercs nostalgia.

>> No.6474754
File: 443 KB, 1280x1024, shot_033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luchs-chan's cuteness is unbeatable.

>> No.6474898

how does one penetrate?

>> No.6474902

You think you're going to find the answer to that on /jp/?

>> No.6474907

Does this game require skill to play?
I can't take it easy if it does.

>> No.6474911

First, take out your cannon. It matters not what cannon it is with the proper technique, but the bigger, the better.

Next, aim at someone you don't like. You must focus your tremendous rage at that person for maximum penetration.

And then, when the circle grippens, SHOOT YOUR LOAD WHOLE.

>> No.6474916

put my cannon isnt that big.

>> No.6474950

Yeah, some degree of skill is necessary, but you go learning the ropes as you go, and we're always there to help you out if you have any questions.

And basically, World of Tanks is about taking it easy. You're already taking it easy when you enter.

>> No.6475047

If you have a tiny cannon such as low tier light tanks, you can't always punch through the front of thicker tanks.
The sides are back are usually easier to punch through.

>> No.6475075

Aim for weakpoints (most often the back or sides, laos, viewing slits or the turret ring), try to have your projectile hit at a 90-degree angle or close to it and be aware that AP shells lose penetration over distance.

If you simply can't penetrate a tank at all, like a high-level heavy, just switch to HE and go for his tracks, gun, viewing slits and so on. Unlikely to kill him, but it can cripple him into being easy bait for your own teams artillery and heavy guns.

>> No.6475138

>This would actually be a nice /v/ flavor of the month.

last time i tried to make a WoT thread in /v/ turned into Sherman vs T34 drama

>> No.6475202

Isn't that fine? They're talking about tanks in a tank thread.
...those are tanks, right?

>> No.6475209

JEEPERS!... This game is harder than I thought... even at the back of the pack, I still get the lions share of ass-whooping

>> No.6475220

considering this is /v/ we're talking about, it was probably on the same level of discussion as console wars

>> No.6475237

Did you sell the Valentine Mugen? That gives a solid chunk of cash to start up.

>> No.6475240

Well, I got the news about teamspeak. This is utter bullshit.

I got 4 other mods to say that you guys can stay, and one dude had to be a dick and ban you all.

Well, at least we have one more day to prepare.

Does anyone have a vent or other teamspeak server?

>> No.6475249

>one dude had to be a dick and ban you all
He didn't ban us, he said that he WILL ban us if we don't log out.
I also liked how he said "Afrika is irrelevant".

>> No.6475255

"AfrikaKorps is irrelevant. I am the head manager of this server, and I'm asking you to leave."

The words are still ringing in my head.

>> No.6475263

You apparently can change the voices too.

I want to change the 'Tank destroyed!' voices with, for example, 'Oniichan no baka!', but you need a degree in Magnet Science to do it.

Meanwhile, in my Hetzer, I'm still sweating blood trying to kill something and not getting oneshotted to hell in the process.
Whoever told me to get the 10.5 cm gun, I wish I could punch you in the dick.

>> No.6475268

teamweeaboo.instantts.com 5377

just hope in the video games channel

>> No.6475271

Oh boy, waiting for a code to be sent to my email. How long is the wait?

>> No.6475300

If you can open a fsb file you can change the sounds.

>> No.6475305

I got mine in less than half a week. Then again, I got it from the official WoT site, not places like MMOhut and those. But less than a week for sure.

>> No.6475323

Sweet. Everyone should come on here.

>> No.6475405

Im waiting for the code too,shit sucks man.
I wanted to play this at night.

>> No.6475453

I know, I was hoping I'd get it within an hour. Oh well, better late than never I guess.

>> No.6475481


Did you guys get it from the WoT site? I used MMOhut and got it immediately.

>> No.6475493

I used WoT.But i'll try it on MMOhut now.

>> No.6475532
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She's trying to reach the sun!

>> No.6475542

10/10, would buy again. Thanks, saved me from a night of crushing boredom. Time to get my tank on.

>> No.6475574
File: 288 KB, 1024x768, shot_032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to change your Tankmen:
1: Open C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_closed_Beta\res\gui\maps\icons\tankmen\icons
2: Find your Tank's crew (This is a bitch, because there are 30 crew members and some look alike)
3: Edit each corresponding file in each folder (Barracks, big, and small)
4: Save as 100x60 TGA, restart WoT
5: Commander Nazrin

>> No.6475588

I can't connect to it, using latest version of TS3

>> No.6475589
File: 88 KB, 250x224, PanzerShrineBitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Panzer Decal.

>> No.6475591

The ratio of people on the /v/ channel compared to the /jp/ one is like 1:3 or 1:4

>> No.6475595

This is a ventrilo server, not TS.

>> No.6475601


>> No.6475640

So TS is no longer needed. I have to get vent?

>> No.6475651


Dude! All day!

We all know there are only little girls on /jp/, so we'll start out my tale by introducing Someone Who Isn't Me, or SWIM.

Anyway, SWIM read your tale of Mari/Rinnosuke as you might remember. While baked, as well, as you probably also remember.

Well, when SWIM when to bed, he had an amazingly vivid dream. He dreamed that he was at the mall, chilling, for some reason. This didn't bother SWIM too much, but then all of a sudden SWIM grew slender, and SWIM's pants and jacket began to fall off his body. SWIM tried to cover himself up, but his clothes were loose around his now feminine body. SWIM began to panic in the dream and sprinted into a video store, entirely naked. At about this time SWIM woke up, covered in goosebumps and still feeling cold from the exposure even though SWIM was in a warm room. He also most clearly remembered what it felt like to have hair down to one's lower back, and the feel of breasts pressing against one's forearms when one's arms are crossed.

Anyway, SWIM wanted to inform you that your tale seems to have really moved him. Or maybe he was retarded and easily impressed upon from lack of sleep. SWIM had also been a day without sleeping prior to this even.

>> No.6475681

Thanks man,dl client now.

>> No.6475695

Do they have their own platoon too?

>> No.6475712
File: 217 KB, 300x424, NitoriPanzers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be more Rinnosuke Genderswap

>> No.6475725
File: 439 KB, 1600x900, shot_053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked their chanel.

So there's like 6 times more people from /jp/ than /v/ that plays WoT.
So? Is this not /jp/ 'related' yet?

>> No.6475827
File: 661 KB, 800x800, GenderswapRinnosukeDecal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6475858
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dat maus

>> No.6475869

>T2 LT in a game of heavies
What the shit?

>> No.6475966

The SU-85B is garbage. At this rate, it'll take me about 90 games just to get the decent gun.

>> No.6475982

oh you crix, never change, never change

>> No.6476025

Am I the only one with lag issues?

>> No.6476054

No, I've been lagging pretty bad since the patch

So the SU-85B is the Soviet Hetzer? Go figure.

>> No.6476078
File: 137 KB, 400x300, Momiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All over my tank.

>> No.6476265

10.5, always use HE only. Even if it don't penetrates, it will cause damage.

Also, nice training battle, BOOF. @Other team: You were lucky your first hit managed to injure my laoder and driver!

>> No.6476387

Mumble: Arguing with drunk german.

>> No.6476701

>11 non penetrating hits
>he casually moves his turret towards me, his barrel
My rage is a theoretical singularity.

>> No.6476849

There seems to be no one tanks-related in this vent server?

>> No.6477015

Ahh... that was fun (except for that unexpected backstabbing because of me not delivering that promised Aya drawing... Lol!)

I'll set aside two hours tomorrow to level up... must get Leopard... (Thanks BOOF)

>> No.6477020

Pretty damn awesome night at Mumble. There was something for everyone, really.

>> No.6477050

We're on mumble. Ask about it in the /jp/ channel in the game. Somebody will direct you to us. We aren't using the vent server.

>> No.6477055


Oh hey, I'm in that chat.

>> No.6477080

I really hope you're using HE ammo (I don't know if it even has an AP ammo option, I know the Wespe's starting gun doesn't then the upgrade does), the whole point of the 105mm is to deliver HE crits, and you shouldn't be getting ricochets (since HE explodes on impact). AP ammo in a low velocity gun is utterly worthless.

>> No.6477093


What name do you use in the chat? I dont remember seeing you.

>> No.6477124

He was in our training battle with an MS-1 and then a T1 cunningham.

On very high armor HE can actually be deflected, I just learned that while trying to shoot the side armor of Hitler's Maus with my Tiger's long 8,8. I guess that's an advantage for the Maus as HE easily explodes on IS-7's.

>> No.6477155


Speaking of, what name do YOU use too?

>> No.6477171


It's what I use on all the voice chat programs we've been through as well.

>> No.6477541

I need some opinions. Ultimately I'll be getting a Tiger, but I'm not sure whether I should go for the VK3601 or VK3001 first. Of course, the VK3001 also opens up a route to the Panther, but I kinda like the idea of having some defense as a VK3601. Speed is not much of a concern to me.

>> No.6477555

Yeah!... I got my PfftII tank!...

Faster that the default one!... I sure hope my wife doesn't find out about this...

>> No.6478193


>> No.6478435

So how fucked are you guys for the tournament?

I played a bit and got a tier 2 tank before I decided it wasn't really to my tastes, but if you guys are genuinely fucked, I can probably sell my valentine and grind up to a tier 4 or 5 tank and join you for the second round, assuming you aren't knocked out in the first.

>> No.6478449

We've got about 5 to 7 middle-low tier tank destroyers, about 3 middle tier medium tanks, a Leopard, a Hummel, a Ferdi, and a Tiger.

Mostly guessing aside from the last four, but it is probably pretty accurate.

>> No.6478454


That's about 14 isn't it? Sounds like you're good to go to me, aside from being terribly under equipped.

>> No.6478501

You forgot ma T-43. ;) But yeah, I don't see us winning this.

>> No.6478579

So i bought my first tier 4 tank, leopard, and i'm now constantly playing against tier 6-8, meaning i can't do shit and get no exp/money from matches. My repair bills are now higher then the rewards, so i have to grind money with tier 3 tanks to even get the small amount of experience with the leopard. This blows, I can't even get the engine to be a scout.

>> No.6478616


How do you get the valentine?

>> No.6478625


I'm having the same problem with tier IV TDs. I get stuck in matches with IS-4s and crap and end up just sitting in a bush in the base since I can't damage anyone. They need to fix it so you're actually with people within a tier or two of you.

>> No.6478639

So closed beta... how do I get in on it? Is it really CLOSED or it is "closed"?

>> No.6478644



>> No.6478704

Eventually you'll go up against lots of Tier 2-3's with the Leopard, and become a god amongst ants.

>> No.6478872

Is the gameplay actually good? Like, actually influenced by strategy and not who's got the biggest guns or spent the most at the cash shop?
Kinda felt like EVE with tanks from the trailers.

>> No.6478880

Tiger here.

>> No.6478907

Bigger guns will of course blow asses, but strategy is more important.
Like shooting its track to immobilize an enemy and turning around him shotting until he's dead. Also staying in group is fucking important. Staying hidden too. Scouting is fucking retarded if it's not a benefit in any way. Etc.

>> No.6478986


yeah, a big gun will penetrate most anything and really whoop ass, but you can't pay your way to those sorts of things (not now, at least).
On top of that, the matchmaking, while still flawed, generally doesn't throw you against heavy tanks without a proportionate number of heavies on your team. Running into a tank of much higher tier is going to suck if it's just straight up one-on-one, but if you play it smart you'll be able to either assist a teammate to kill them, be saved by arty, or nail their track and then get the hell out of there.

I'm not sure how things are looking for the tourney, but I feel confident that we can at least put up a good fight- the matches are actually set up so you can't just field a team of Maus tanks.

>> No.6478991


I've done nothing but random battles so far, and out of 30 or so, the two in which our team managed to get a strategy together in the 30 seconds before that match started we did wonderfully.

Most of the time it's really just a free-for-all with one or two guys crying about being left alone at the base.

The mechanics are certainly designed to make having a strategy effective - so I can where it would make a difference in a platoon or something.

>> No.6479187

Suddenly, teamkillers. Hundreds of them.

>> No.6479410
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>> No.6479417
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>> No.6479637

So I tried it out and it looks like a good game. Very polished.

Though, I must admit, I'm not a big fan of tanks in general. Would be cool if these same people made World of Airplanes and World of Ships (NavyField's too old and it shows).

I've been running around in my T1 Cunningham getting blown up and shit. It seems to me like everyone is required to stand still and then shoot. I guess that's how it really was in WW2. I've been having trouble being useful in my T1. I've damaged a tank on 2 occasions, but that's about it.

>> No.6479640


Tried Battlestations: Pacific?

>> No.6479647

Hot damn Mayhem, you wrecked shit.

>> No.6479674

Yeah, I have that game. It's pretty cool, though I can't play it online for some reason. Battlestations is more like a strategy game, however, where you can control several vehicles or none if you wanted to. In WoT you only control your own vehicle and you can outfit it with different equipment, which is pretty cool.

>> No.6479684


Yeah, it's not quite the same thing. Just thought it seemed to fit the description since when you control a specific vehicle, it's most commonly a plane or ship.

Real shame the franchise seems to have been killed off. Was curious if/how they'd have pulled off Battlestations: Atlantic.

>> No.6479699
File: 150 KB, 1024x768, shot_045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had my best game on that desert tourny map.

Completely outsmarted the IS-3 with this tiny building and I got around to his back to detrack him where he couldn't shoot me but I could shoot his ass. Luckily their Hummel only shot me once before he ran out of ammo.

>> No.6479821

AllDay, Jellyfish, Crix, Magni, Forminator. We need the five on you on WoT right now.

>> No.6480211

Jellyfish, Crix, and Forminator we need you on.

>> No.6480275

What time is the tournament? I want to be online to cheer you guys on.

>> No.6480281

STOP BUMPING THREADS! You will upset the delicate equilibrium that we have here.

>> No.6480375

"Hello, I am delivering this info on behalf of AfrikaKorpsSoldat

These are the players and tanks participating in the tournament.

AfrikakorpsSoldat- Leopard
Allday- Stug III
Crix- M7
Ebonholt- m3
Furniture- Jagddpanzer IV
IronKingz- Hummel
Kneesocks- Grille
KommanderNitori- stug III
Lancer- Tiger I
Magni- T-43
Mathias Zealot- Stug III
Mayhem- Ferdinand
Mew- Tiger I
Osad- KV1S
Stapler San- Stug III

We have two stand in players who have not been accounted for."

And now we wait.

>> No.6480532

This game doesn't seem to have any muzzle velocity stat for the guns. Does it even take muzzle velocity into accout?

>> No.6480559

Is there a beginner's guide anywhere? I don't understand what's happening at all.

>> No.6480876


All the decals I've made to date, which are
Shrine Bitches 1 and 2
PanzerMoe Azunyan
Tiger Suika
Tiger Nitori
Genderswapped Rinnosuke
Panzermoe Division 1 and 2
Tank it Easy
Yuuka with AK47

>> No.6481053

This is fucking ridiculous. A BT2 just took out FOUR tanks all by itself. How the fuck do can he shoot ACCURATELY while driving around in circles at full speed?

>> No.6481061


Seriously, if we cannot into the match because of you, I will rage and my butt will hurt.

>> No.6481214

;_; we lost

>> No.6481222

They had 6 king tigers, 4 tier 5 arty and t-44s out the ass.

We had stugs.

They never even left their base.

>> No.6481241

*tier 6 arty.

two su-14's and su-51's

>> No.6481242
File: 19 KB, 300x401, 1275245685771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you enjoy yourselves, guys?

I wish I had a non-shitty pc, so I could play other games beside touhou and emulators.

>> No.6481255

Sell yourself and buy a new one.

World of Tanks is worth your dignity.

>> No.6481256

How the hell are you supposed to use artillery?
I keep shooting, but I never see anything land.

>> No.6481260

press shift.

>> No.6481268

We shouldn't have left the base.
BOOF is a bad commandar ;_;
Encoding the video and I'll upload it later to show you guys how much we sucked.

>> No.6481275
File: 100 KB, 350x300, -_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The score was 4:14 that how much we sucked.

>> No.6481283

You take that back ;_; You where the best tank we had and you died immediately.

I led us well, we did what we could. We where just overpowered.

>> No.6481292

Our team was completely outgunned. We all knew it'd be a clusterfuck and a miracle if we won, and we still ahd some good fun, so who cares?

I, for one, enjoyed the game.

>> No.6481298

That was a bad idea to register when 75% of our team has low tier tanks.

TDs are not supposed to lead a team. I'm supposed to snipe. From my base preferably.

We took it easy.

>> No.6481320

You are all forbidden about asking, talking, and just generally thinking about the match and the freaking Brazilians that beat us. I am currently burning with hate, scorn and sorrow just when I have a vague impression of remembering it.

Also Rumia, it's all your fault.

>> No.6481333
File: 782 KB, 1024x768, TigerPrintKing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiger prints, Tiger prints everywhere

>> No.6481343

You are not taking it easy. You are forbidden from posting in /jp/ until you can take it easy.

>> No.6481382
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American Kappa

>> No.6481398
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>> No.6481401

At least we went out with a bang, unlike some other teams.

Also, ROFL, Goons are going to the second round. The same Goons that killed a team of other goon yesterday to get one of the three spaces.

>> No.6481434
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>> No.6481436
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>> No.6481468
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More tigers.

>> No.6481499
File: 210 KB, 1024x768, 1266616712990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the tank's cruising speed scale depending the speed limit?

Like, my M3 Stuart has 61 km/h speed limit, but when I'm driving around, I only get like 40 km/h max on average. Soviet A-20 has 76 km/h, does it go faster?

I got a need for speed!

Also, these pictures finally come in handy.

>> No.6481502

I wish I could've been there. But I will be in the next tourney. When I get something better than this Hetzer or PzIII A.

>> No.6481545


Speed isn't really important since Heavies will 1 shot you regardless of your speed. As for the A-20, it can do up to ~67 km/h if its flat. The A-20 sucks bad, don't go that route. It helps alot to upgrade your suspension and engine. The suspension is so you don't slow down drastically.

>> No.6481592


If it soothes your butt, the filthy BR's lost their next match.

>Erich Hartman

What you did there, I see it.

PS- Why'd you blank your name? It's not like we're going to grief you or anything.

>> No.6481597
File: 74 KB, 496x702, f599917656a9fdb4dbc25c4e3d25dafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, yeah, That's mostly my problem. When I'm turning or moving up a slight hill, some tanks slow down to a crawl. Like the entry Soviet tank, oh god!

Also, that M3 Lee tank really surprised me. I shot at it from the front and I could not penetrate its armor. I asked myself, "hm, don't American tanks have paper armor?" Then I look at it's info, that thing has 50mm armor on the front, my 20mm cannon didn't stand a chance.

>> No.6481604

Also, a better suspension improves your turning rate

>> No.6481837

Lee's a Tier 4. Most things at that level, save for SPGs, aren't really going to be impressed by a 20mm autocannon. God knows a Panzer 3 or an A-20 won't really care.

>> No.6481877
File: 123 KB, 600x360, 1284252215053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The video is being uploaded on YouTube. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zt_TyC87HE
The upload should finish in 2h so bookmark it and check it later.

Even if we lost it's quite funny to see how we handled it. ;_;

>> No.6481931

20mm hispano-suiza has 30/41mm average penetration. A-20 has less armor than that. Am I reading this wrong?

>> No.6481974

20/20/26 and 25/25/25. If you say the Hispano Suiza has greater penetration, it should penetrate.
Unless the A-20 has sloped armor.

>> No.6481986

this game fucking sucks when do i stop being cannon fodder

>> No.6482005

it does but I get killed by shitheads with autocannons anyway. how do people have the luck to kill my tracks every goddamn shot?

>> No.6482009

The moment you stop believing you are cannon fodder happens to also be the moment THEY become cannon fodder.
Funny thing how that works!

>> No.6482016

Welcome to my world, where every other shot you get is a crit, where every other shot you fire is a ricochet.

>> No.6482081
File: 107 KB, 948x562, 12339121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy to get at least one kill.

>> No.6482100


They need different voices for each nationality.

I want my german and later british accents

>> No.6482110

I fucking panicked in there. I'm in my StuG, trying to be useful and all, but I just kept running around in circles trying to get a bead on anybody, ANYBODY, but fucking hell even in the end, I didn't even got a single shot to plink or anything... I even brought the Sturmhaubitze so that I can at least hurt the King Tigers.... I sad ;_;

>captcha: faccid traothow - if I were erect at the start of that map, I'd have went flaccid immediately after.

>> No.6482111


Where is that adorable girl from?

>> No.6482116

Stop playing like cannon fodder.
Don't charge in without support. If there are heavier tanks with you, let them lead the charge. They can take the damage better than you can.
Know whether or not the enemy knows where you are. If the enemy has artillery and you're spotted, you had best be behind a sturdy wall or moving quickly. Actually, you should be doing that anyway.
Scouting is as much about avoiding the enemy as finding them and you shouldn't be charging in to scout unless there are no other targets for your artillery to shoot at. If the arty are already shooting something, scouting only throws away your tank.
Don't engage tanks that are significantly higher tier than you unless you have terrain or position advantage. You will get in fights where the enemy has tanks several tiers higher than yours. When you do, avoid them unless you're behind them and/or can use the terrain to your advantage, Otherwise focus on the tanks on the other team that are around or below your tier.

Off the top of my head at least. It does take a while to learn all of the tanks, their strengths and weaknesses, and how best to adjust your strategy to each map and team compositions, but I didn't think the learning curve was that bad.

(Then again, I'm a terrible judge of learning curves)

>> No.6482140

It doesn't really take much brain power to learn how to play the game... But it takes a lot of brain AND hours upon hours of sheer, massive grindan to be _good_ in the game

>> No.6482167
File: 603 KB, 2200x2000, 1288806973300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It would be cool if they had that. At first I thought they did because I started with the American tank.

I imagine they already have Russian voices in the Russian version. Now they just need German.

Now I just need to put the Patton Girls in my crew icons...

>> No.6482174

You should have seen our main assault force. It was just a complete slaughter, they decided to camp and abuse artillery even with us being completely outgunned.

We tried though and attempted to break through.

>> No.6482177

random loli tank girl, I don't think she's from anything in particular. though you can check with iqdb to make sure

>> No.6482185
File: 210 KB, 714x1000, soooon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

british tanks wheeennn

>> No.6482188

I just feel bad about how I performed, since I usually do quite well. I even practiced a lot with the huge StuG gun, which at one point, I was sure would rake me a King Tiger or two. I feel bad about disappointing OSad, since he was really pumped to win this, and me too, since I really wanted to rip some BR ass.

I at least wanted to take a single T-44 with me, so I didn't have to die in vain, but goddamn, in the end I screwed up. T-44, near point blank, fucking missed.

>> No.6482203

Weren't the Valentine and Churchill British tanks? Also, why the fuck are they designated as Soviet Tanks? Were they a part of the lend lease program? Isn't the lend-lease program granted by America?

>> No.6482206

British tech isn't done yet.

>> No.6482218

Is the name you register as the same as the name people see?

>> No.6482255

Yes, I think.

>> No.6482263

>The British also supplied tanks to the USSR in the form of the Matilda, Valentine and Churchill infantry tanks.

Even though there isn't a buzz word like "lend-lease" for British assistance to the allies, they did send stuff.

>> No.6482268

Yes, you log in using your email. I wish I had known sooner...

>> No.6482288

Thanks. Wasn't sure you you name your tank or make an in-game name or not. Well too late now anyways. My name is now the DeserterFox.

>> No.6482290

Wait, so you guys:
1. Are using voice chat
2. Lost a tourney in /jp/'s name

Wow. Oh well, guess I'll just pretend you guys aren't really /jp/.

>> No.6482301

Just don't read these threads.
These guys are, like, /k/ posters who got lost, or something.

>> No.6482324

this advice is useless. you know how I know whether or not the enemy can see me? when they one shot me from outside my sight range. how are you supposed to focus on the tanks around your tier when everything below tier 5 usually dies within the first 3 minutes to tier 7+ shit?

>> No.6482346

the priest is literally worse than my old t2 artillery

I hate it so much

>> No.6482364

Should've got a grille dawg.

>> No.6482365

What the fuck, the tourney was today?

How hard did you guys get stomped?

>> No.6482387

the video is up

>> No.6482416
File: 890 KB, 1374x899, leopardsakuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My leopard skin. Replacing the heat vents with clocks make them look like some sort of power source.

>> No.6482457

We were just tanking it easy, skinning our tanks, changing crewmen into touhou, rub rubbing, ect. We knew we wouldn't win the tournament but we wanted to at least win a battle or two. When faced with impossible odds and missing our general we did not back down, commander BOOF stood tall and devised a plan for us to stand a chance..or better yet, win.

We may have lost, but we went down fighting unlike some others when you look at the tournament ladder.
We may have lost, but we fought side by side, we came together to fight even when it was 3am, we had fun together, and we died together.
We may have lost, but we will still be tanking it easy together.

>> No.6482565

Speaking of Touhou Tankmen, made this.
I'll add more when I get around to it.

>> No.6482614

It is, after all, what binds us

>> No.6482683

Rewatching all of that, I realized that we didn't really do half-bad... Nothing we had there could have been able to take on 4 King Tigers anyway.

>> No.6482702

We may have been able to take out one two King Tigers if the roles were reversed, but that would be it. No really areas to avoid artillery fire and they had dominant artillery.

New thread >>6482611 here by the way
