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6470423 No.6470423 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of mistakes do Touhou noobs usually make?

>> No.6470425

Playing on easy.

>> No.6470433

Believing they have to memorize spell cards, rather than react to the game like they should be doing.

>> No.6470436

Thinking that Mari x Ali is a good pairing.

>> No.6470435

This, and running into bullets.

>> No.6470438

They don't stream.

>> No.6470439

I'm pretty bad at touhou.
is the only one I do.
I've only ever 1cc'd PCB and PoFV.

>> No.6470440

Not bombing enough

>> No.6470455

Playing as Homing shot Reimu first.

>> No.6470460

This is very important actually. You should never lose a life if you had bombs left.

>> No.6470466

Focusing rarely/never

>> No.6470489

They post on /jp/.

>> No.6470506

This continues to be the bane of my Touhou existence. I'm so determined to capture the card or stuck in the "there's no way I can die on just the stage part!" mindset that I'll die with 3-5 bombs in my pocket. Stupid. I've beaten 3 extra modes, so I'm not TOO bad, but I could be better.

>> No.6470513

Playing on slow and not playing on Lunatic on your first try.

>> No.6470539

By not holding shift for focused movement.

>> No.6470541

Is that really going to get you anywhere? I mean, not playing on easy, sure, but starting out with lunatic?

>> No.6470570
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You jelly?

>> No.6470622
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Not knowing how to stream

Moving too much

Moving entire pixels instead of minimal dodging

Dying instead of bombing

Stupid deaths due to ignoring enemies/bullets in favor of items/ufos

Hugging the bottom and forgetting that moving up and down are also dodging options

Focusing on the bullets instead of the space between them

Playing on easy

Playing as border team

Playing as border team on easy

>> No.6470639

Yes, it gives you a better idea of how you should play later on when the levels are harder and an idea of how you dodge bullets in a Touhou game. Maybe.

>> No.6470661

Starting on lunatic will just teach you that you should bomb every spellcard from stage two onwards. Easy is a bad place to start, but lunatic might be worse.

>> No.6470666


also giving up after dying on cirno and becoming a secondary

>> No.6470674

>dying on cirno

>> No.6470686


somebody told me later that you don't stand in the middle of the screen and dodge diagonally converging bullets, you move off to the side, and then it got better, also, i'm not the person you replied to

>> No.6470688

How do you dodge less than 1 pixel

>> No.6470707
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Believe it or not, a lot of people start playing EoSD aware of the Icicle Fall - Easy baka cirno meme but somehow just can't figure how to dodge Icicle Fall - Normal, I think it's mind-boggling

>> No.6470708
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>Hugging the bottom and forgetting that moving up and down are also dodging options

I hug the bottom for most spells, I just feel more safe that way. If a spell card requires me to move in all four directions (e.g. Kogasa's and Ichirin's last spell cards, all of Murasa's attacks), then I'll do so. Otherwise I consider moving up or down to fall under, well,

>Moving too much

>> No.6470709

Fuck you for posting every single thing I planned to post.

>> No.6470726

Hugging the bottom does let you drag against it for even slower movement, but it's often good to have a little buffer zone below you in case dodging downward is the best way to escape a sudden situation.

>> No.6470745

>Focusing on the bullets instead of the space between them

I think this is a rather important thing people should try to realize more. Bullet hell games are not about dodging bullets. They're about seeing the path to survival and taking that path. Well except for a few cards that are really reaction based like Eternal Meek. But on lunatic the only surefire way to survive it is to either bomb or use the safespot so maybe it kind of fits anyways.

>> No.6470824

So I'll be streaming along just fine and then suddenly I realize that I am pressed up against one of the sides of the screen without being able to get across the bullets to the other side, and then I'll be forced to bomb/die. Is there a good way to prevent this other than more touhou?

>> No.6470843

Playing IN first.

No wait, playing IN at all.

>> No.6470842

>Well except for a few cards that are really reaction based like Eternal Meek. But on lunatic the only surefire way to survive it is to either bomb or use the safespot

With the vsync patch to reduce input lag, capturing it reliably shouldn't be that much of a problem.

>> No.6470849

Playing touhou in the first place instead of a more interesting shoot 'em up.

>> No.6470852

IN is really fun. There's nothing wrong with enjoying it.

>> No.6470854

For most patterns, when you start getting close to the wall, unfocus and make a very quick movement towards it. It should create a hole that you can move through.

>> No.6470860

No, I must play against my Mokou

>> No.6470881
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>in is a bad game

No it's not. Pic related

>> No.6470894

Thank you.

>> No.6470898

A little later than 3/4 of the screen into your stream, quickly let go of SHIFTFORFOCUSEDMOVEMENT and jump a fair distance in a short amount of time. This will create a gap in the aimed bullets and allow you to begin streaming in the other direction. Congrats, you now have a new lease on life.

On YouTube, watch a few of Raak1010's replays. One of Flandre's nonspells is a good example of this streaming technique.

>> No.6470902

You can often extend your life slightly by going up even if you fail to make a cutback. In a lot of games, you don't even have to stream, actually, you can just make a circle around the top.

>> No.6470912

Well crap, I spent all that time typing that out...

>> No.6470951


Vertical dodging is pretty useful. I don't know why you'd limit your movement options by sitting at the bottom of the screen. If you use pure left-right movement you're probably having a much harder time with the game than you need to.

>> No.6470960

Yeah in STGs with proper streaming you move in sort of a sideways 8, making use of that vertical space at the sides. Touhou is usually designed such that that's unnecessary and/or you'll fucking die if you do it but it's good to understand the technique.

>> No.6470977

I keep hearing about a lot of people having trouble with icicle fall. What is so hard about it?

>> No.6470980

Cris-crossing bullets.

>> No.6470985

Not pressing the bomb button right when i die.

>> No.6471016


They saw Cirno's Perfect Math Class and ragequit after getting a face full of danmaku on normal.

>> No.6471030

I just started playing, starting with UFO, and the thing I'm probably having the biggest trouble with besides the obvious horrible dying, is not using my bombs to avoid losing a life.

Just having trouble getting the timing down.

>> No.6471031

When I was new, the sides moved in a weird diagonal way that was hard to go through.

>> No.6471045

Getting anxious and trying to bomb every single thing that seems threatening. And then when you actually get to a part where you need that bomb, you don't have it.

>> No.6471048


If you use bombs, you're a scrub.

>> No.6471050
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>starting with UFO

>> No.6471052

If you can't beat the game on Lunatic without losing a life and bombing on your first try, you're a scrub.

>> No.6471063
File: 721 KB, 1075x1267, 697c9f5c7aa37c209f1e6aa211ac9af4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing these games at all, knowing I just suck at vidja in general. Pic related.


Why do I do all these things even though I know better?

>> No.6471070

As long as someone isn't horribly put off by the UFO system it's fine to start with. It's one of the easier ones to bomb your way through to victory.

>> No.6471076


>bombing your way through


>> No.6471079

Why would you start with ufo.

>> No.6471080

Dying instead of bombing can't be helped if you don't realize you are going to die. Don't be hard on yourself, everyone here sucks at video games except for White Ren.

>> No.6471083


>Don't be hard on yourself, everyone here sucks at video games

excuse me
you should see my gamercard on Call of Duty: Black Ops

it'll shock your eyelids

>> No.6471087

Sorry, I meant everyone here except you.

>> No.6471098

>>6471030 here

It was just a friend's suggestion to start with UFO. Not sure what the big deal is.

>> No.6471117

There isn't any big deal.
