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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.04 MB, 800x1066, CHEEEEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6467856 No.6467856 [Reply] [Original]

What mad you originally start coming to /jp/?

Pic related.

>> No.6467859 [DELETED] 

To troll.

>> No.6467863 [DELETED] 


>> No.6467867


>> No.6467872

Oh hey new board, wonder what this is about, can't be worse than /a/ or /v/

>> No.6467875

First time I came on /jp/ I saw a crossdressing thread and anal masturbation thread, with everybody wanting to be little girls.
I knew I found my home away from home right there and then.

>> No.6467883

After the split /a/ was being spammed with too much /d/ shit so I gave /jp/ a shot then got banned for a bullshit reason and I've been shitposting here ever since.

>> No.6467884

It split from /a/

>> No.6467895


>What mad you

Yes I mad.

>> No.6467901

I ran out of VNs and was hoping to find new ones here.

I was unsuccessful, but I keep coming for some stupid reason I can't fathom.

>> No.6467907

Arc is always mad.

>> No.6467915


I came with the split, and stayed because I'm a huge pervert.

>> No.6467940

went to both boards because i still tolerated /a/, not so much now since its hard not to find threads that start with "why/what/would" etc.

this place before it was bombed with anime spam was well suited to talk about most things without shitty macros or green text which is why im still here

>> No.6468043
File: 11 KB, 200x200, umadwolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, but y u mad tho?

Anyway, to answer OP, came with /a/ split. One of the original /jp/sies. (and fuck the faggots who originally thought we should've been called /jp/edos)

>> No.6468046

/jp/edos is the name, though.

>> No.6468051

Got bored of /a/'s identical shit-flinging threads they have day in - day out.

>> No.6468053

I just wanted to be with fellow Otakuians. A little too much Touhou talk though. <_<

>> No.6468054

"I'm tired of anime but I'm still a flaming weaboo. I wonder what's on /jp/."

>> No.6468059

>fuck the faggots who originally thought we should've been called /jp/edos

>> No.6468062


>> No.6468063


It just isn't the same without the Butt.

I'm frustrated.

>> No.6468068
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Hisoutensoku netgay

>> No.6468071

But I still think that. Originally makes it sound like I changed my mind since then.

>> No.6468072


To a certain extent, it's true.

>> No.6468074


>> No.6468083

/jp is a bunch of funny critters too

>> No.6468085

a little interest in learning the language and the text boards were (and still are) complete shit. I also enjoy the occasional anime discussion with people that aren't complete retards. in before faggots that can't take it easy.

>> No.6468119

because /a/ became butthurt by the amount of touhou threads

>> No.6468128
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anime addiction

>> No.6468377

saw PCB screenshot on the main page and had to find out what fucking insane-ass game i was looking at.

been taking it easy here pretty much everyday since.

>> No.6468395

I love touhou, thats why I am here

>> No.6468403
File: 20 KB, 569x578, end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out what Touhou was and then someone recommended that I come here.

>> No.6468407

/jp/ is my last shelter against the normals that have invaded 4chan.

>> No.6468408

I never really liked /a/ to begin with, and mostly visited occasionally for the things that weren't anime or manga.
Then the split happened, and I became interested in /jp/ as I thought it could possibly become the sort of board I wanted, so I started to visit reguarly, and eventually more and more and after a year or a half I was already a daily visitor.

>> No.6468415

I'm normal. What now? It's only a matter of time until more people like me outnumber you.

>> No.6468416

I misclicked trying to get to lit.

>> No.6468433

Cirno, Chen, and Bad Apple!!

Yes, I know, I'm everything that's wrong with /jp/.

>> No.6468630

I was a /b/tard back in 2005/6, then moved on to /r9k/ when it was made because /b/ started being fucktarded instead of just bad around that point. Then when the relationshit started, moved on to here and /tg/. Don't know what took so long, I was playing touhou/VNs even back when I was on /b/, so it wasn't exactly a difficult choice.

>> No.6469161

VN, doujin games and language threads. I also think /jp/ trolled much less than /a/. Of course these days the trolls are replaced by shitposters and raiders.

>> No.6469169

This. Once /jp/ falls I'll probably move to tohno chan or /bun/

>> No.6469179

The misleading board title.

>> No.6469180

/a/ spllit so I came here because it was more relevant to my interests.

>> No.6469186


>> No.6469192
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>> No.6469193

I came here via an easymodo archived discussion about lolitas. I stayed for the community(Meta threads and cameras in Japan where I could watch lolitas). Eventually I got into touhou and visual novels. I now have a Waifu and forsake 3d.

>> No.6469199
File: 125 KB, 800x600, 1262581402423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Yume Miru Kusuri, felt emotions for the first time, wanted more VNs, redirected here, can never leave.

>> No.6469207

Visual Novels and talking about them.

The way the board turned out after the split.

>> No.6469210

same progression here. Except visiting /jp/ got me interested in touhou and VNs. So, I just lurk since I still don't really know shit compared to anyone else.
Poor /r9k/. It had so much potential but now is hands down the worst board.

>> No.6469212

What was the original purposes of /r9k/? /b/ but not retarded?

>> No.6469216

I started playing touhou. I still don't understand 50% of what /jp/ is talking about though, since the only touhou doujin I've read was that one where Cirno gets eaten by a frog.

>> No.6469218

I'm just visiting /jp/ occasionally for autism, shitposting, anime screencap threads and metathreads, beacause those are kinda fun in their own way. I haven't read any visual novel/eroge, nor ever played touhou.

>> No.6469221

aisp@ce thread on /a/.
Never looked back,

>> No.6469222

Wait, everyone came here to escape /a/?

But this board is exactly like /a/, but with threads about which Touhou's feet you'd like to sniff most instead of powerlevel discussions.

>> No.6469224


/b/, but with less meme/random and more OC, was kind of like that before normalfags moved in.

>> No.6469225

Would you fuck Rika if she were an anteater?

>> No.6469226

That's what they say. Apparently it was a test of the ROBOT9000 protocol, which would only allow a given post to be posted once, forever. The idea is to cut down on mindless spam and make people think out their responses.

>> No.6469228


>> No.6469232
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Oh, and I came from 420chan, not /v/.

YMK's HCGs were dumped on 420/h/.

>> No.6469237

I used to drop by from time to time, but the thing that really got me lurking here on a regular basis was actually Amaterasu's second poll. I got in the habit of coming to discuss that, and just wound up staying I guess.

>> No.6469239

Therein lies the rub.

And people don't come here to escape /a/, this is more of a relief board for /a/ to rid it of Touhou/Visual Novel discussion.

Touhou belongs on /v/, or at least it should, but then there's a lot of secondary content that wouldn't be appropriate there.

>> No.6469243 [DELETED] 

Not doesn't stop people from posting Street Fighter comics on /v/.

>> No.6469248

>secondary content that wouldn't be appropriate there.

That doesn't stop people from posting Street Fighter comics on /v/.

>> No.6469252

>Come to 4chan, be a weeaboo
> "Oh cool japanese culture"
>Not know what's going on.
>Encounter Alice RPer on /b/
>Come back

>> No.6469253

I used to go on /v/ until I realized they were a bunch of fags who argue about games and have anger management issues.

/jp/ has more vidya games anyway.

>> No.6469261

Personally I'm fine with any weeaboo-friendly somewhat niche games being discussed here. Seems like the demographic works better for it than /v/. Harvest Moon or Ar Tonelico for example. Some people seem to get buttmad over it but I've never seen it spread beyond a couple of threads at a time, so that seems to me to just be a particularly autistic form of elitism.

>> No.6469275

I like discussing games on here because /v/ is too far down the /b/ hole to even be worth visiting anymore.

>> No.6469276

Wasn't it just a given image? And they had all these kinds of rules, like the first time you reposted something you'd be banned for a minute, then 2 minutes, and so on... Do they still do that? I've never really checked back there since it first opened.

>> No.6469279

>this is more of a relief board for /a/ to rid it of Touhou/Visual Novel discussion.

Touhou more than visual novels. You can still find visual novel threads on /a/ and /v/, and they're usually very polite and civil. Unlike here.

>Some people seem to get buttmad over it

Those are the same people who get buttfrustrated over VN threads.

>> No.6469280

One of the last board on 4chan where I feel at home.

>> No.6469284

The split. No other reason is acceptable.

>> No.6469286

The problem is that discussing popular games like Harvest Moon, Persona, or Tales is basically an invitation for people from /a/ or /v/ to infiltrate the board. Even if they're not shitposters themselves, it's bad form.

>> No.6469288

Same. Everywhere else has become too filled with normals. When I saw a serious /a/ meetup thread reach 150 posts I died a little inside

>> No.6469290


>> No.6469291

/jp/ shouldn't have more vidya gaems. If you want to discuss video games go to /v/. That's what it's for. You can't complain that the board is terrible and decide to make off-topic posts on another one.

I can understand /jp/ being a home for niche or obscure games that would get lost in the swirling vortex of a fast board like /v/, but Harvest Moon is kind of pushing it. World of Tanks isn't /jp/-related but it's okay, I guess, if it sticks to its own thread.

>> No.6469292

I like taking it easy with other actual NEET/Hikikomori people that just didn't watch NHK and claim to be.

>> No.6469293

Does discussing doujin and games with low popularity come with consequence?

>> No.6469297

I don't recall ever having seen a VN thread on /v/. Touhou threads are usually shouted down there, but sometimes they stick around as part of shmup threads as long as they're not imagedumps.

>> No.6469303


I seriously just wish there was an entire /jp/ site, with it's own video game board, random board, etc...

Maybe moot's canv.as site will draw away a lot of them and 4chan can become good again (doubtful)

>> No.6469304

I started coming here to discover interesting VNs and Doujin Games. Unfortunately we don't have many threads about those things anymore. Now it's mostly just /a/ rejects talking about autism and Touhou. I never really had a problem with Touhou as long as we had VN threads too but the scales have been tipped massively towards Touhou lately.Worst of all it just doesn't feel like I'm talking to the same people I was a year ago. The attitude around here has been getting so disgusting that I've actually started browsing /a/ again of all places.

>> No.6469315

Me either, though I've never really spent very long in there either. I tend to assume they'll probably spend most of their time talking about FPSes or something which I have absolutely no interest in. I've seen some pretty good VN threads on /a/, though. They tend to not be as much of jaded elitist fucks as we get over here, so you can actually have a decent discussion about Type-Moon or Umineko or whatever.

>> No.6469328

/a/ turning into /v/ 2.0.
/jp/ felt like my first time on /a/.
Looks like I have to start all over again.

>> No.6469330

I was just checking out the new board, amazed by its initial slowness, find out I (sadly) relate to most of you guys and share your interests. Even though it's really shitty now, I can't quit coming here... one of these days /jp/, I'll leave for good... one of these days.

>> No.6469337

There are several autism-chans like tohno or /bun/.

>> No.6469340

Those places are really slow though. I have to wait at least a day for people to respond to a post, usually

>> No.6469341

There are far too many single-image no-text threads around lately. It's terrible. I'm mostly here for the Touhou, so I can't really say I'm against the Touhou discussion, but so much of it is just noise.

>> No.6469353

We should tell moot to merge /jp/ back into /a/, and then after a week or two create a new /jp/. Then maybe it will be good again.

>> No.6469359

1. moot you are deluded if you still think moot cares
2. it's a bad idea anyway

>> No.6469362

Dunno why I typed moot twice!

>> No.6469366

I searched for Touhou on Google. No kidding. I was here before knowing anything else about 4chan.

Tripfagging started in /g/, tho, after some thread about CUDA tripgenerator.

>> No.6469385
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Touhou threads on /v/ directed me here. I was pleasantly surprised to learn it was less weeaboo than I thought. I was unpleasantly surprised to learn it was more creepy than I thought. I've been coming to this board for months, now, but I still wouldn't count myself a member.

>> No.6469391

Nothing on 4chan has ever been good. Especially given the when the split happened in the first place.

>> No.6469392

>I don't recall ever having seen a VN thread on /v/.

Sometimes you'll see one after all the highschoolers are in bed.

>> No.6469400

I visited here on and off right after the split.

Stayed in /v/ mostly back then, left when I saw it was rotting like /b/ once did before. Jumped between /a/ and /jp/ until the disease caught up to /a/ as well.

I take an occasional step to /v/ during the safer hours, but everything that interests me there is either not yet out, of no importance to the rest of the board or discussed to death ages ago.

>> No.6469418

You either get a slow board with high quality or a fast board with lots of crap.

>> No.6469430

>Nothing on 4chan has ever been good.
/l/ and later the spin-off on not4chan were better than anything we have nowadays.

>> No.6469650
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/jp/ is the board I find myself most comfortable on. You guys are easy to relate to - this is the closest thing to what 4chan used to be. I bounce between other smaller boards as well.

From what I gather most of us come here primarily for refuge from the normals and faggotry. I myself haven't played a single vn and have only recently downloaded the touhou series.

Where will we all go once /jp/ is overun? Judging from the a/v/b spam I can conclude it will not be long from now. Are any of you in a finacially feasable position to start up a new chan? We can learn from 7chan's mistakes and do things right. A key concern will be remaining unknown to the mainstream internetter - an actual super sekrit club, if you will. We can build ourselves a new 4chan. One run by a competant, like minded individual. Not a cocksucking normal straight from facebook

>> No.6469662


>> No.6469665



>> No.6469681

It's impossible, it's the internet. You can't broadcast something to every computer in the world and expect it to remain hidden.

>> No.6469685
File: 1.56 MB, 1000x1412, b46b9de3aae17f1d102832b3ee9317f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty Touhou tripfags on /k/.
At first I came here to troll. Today I give my firearms names of touhoes.
I fucking hate you.

>> No.6469690

Hey now. Take it easy

I'm sure moot was trying to be edgy and ironic or something by posing with the fur-suited gentleman. He isn't a furry himself, but I wouldn't treat him much better than one.

>> No.6469697
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Sir I think your shift key got jammed.

>> No.6469701
File: 70 KB, 850x796, 1289909665424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ got invaded by normalfags and big 3 fags, that's why i come here.

>> No.6469715

After the Umineko anime ended no one talked about it on /a/ (or at least, they didn't have theory discussions--most of it was that oh desire crap) so I moved over to /jp/ for awhile.

Of course no one talks about that piece of shit series anymore, so I've just stayed here out of habit.

>> No.6469728
File: 57 KB, 480x560, cute cat girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, don't be so hipocrite.

Everyone is furry. Or is there someone who doesn't have something for catgirls?

Come on, everyone loves catgirls!

You are all furries now!

>> No.6469732

Nope. But we would be able to control the content posted on our website - so banning blatant fags and meme garbage. Also, it's not like everyone on the internet would immidiately become aware of the existance of our group. One of the main reasons we are seeing such an increase in traffic here on 4chan is largely due to people comming straight from ED with no actual cultural knowlege of the boards and shitting us up. It's the sites that make this stuff super accesible to the normals that are to blame. Otherwise they wouldn't have the attention span, nor time (normal obligations) to remain here and actually understand what's going on.

>> No.6469736

Because the majority of /a/ doesnt discuss anime and manga.

>> No.6469739


Catgirls aren't furry, unless you think <10% counts. Which it never has, moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.6469740
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Back when the boards split I just followed everyone here so I could continue Touhou imagedumps. Posted here all day every day since. I still visit both boards though, inb4 people tell me to get out. /jp/ used to be a lot of fun, now people just whine too much. I know how ironic it is to say that.

>> No.6469750

moot is a furry too.

>> No.6469753

Butthurt furry.

>> No.6469756
File: 248 KB, 600x800, black-and-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catgirls aren't furry dangit

>> No.6469759

Kemonomimi and Kemono fetishists actually fucking hate eachother in japan.

>> No.6469766

You are not the only one to think this it's just that there is nothing to do about it.

>> No.6469772

>What made you originally start coming to /jp/?

Umm... the Split. Why have only the anime and manga side of Japan?

>> No.6469773
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They are cat-alike, so it's furry.

No excuses.

Neko-ark is furry too.

>> No.6469781

Thats like saying traps arnt gay.
Congrats your a furfaggot.
but i dont see why its such a big deal to people

>> No.6469784
File: 602 KB, 1600x1200, floating-nekomimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine then I'm a furry only in a sense that I like catgirls, but fuck full-on fur, thats just sick.

>> No.6469786




nope. 8D

>> No.6469788

you gave me reason to post delicious nekomimi.

thank you, good sir.

>> No.6469797

Furries are a group of people focused on a specific fetish. They are vile perverts and drama whores who have made the most of 'anthro' art unfappable due to them making others associate it with them.

Giving them the 10% catgirls as well would be a cowards move.

>> No.6469798





>> No.6469806

>vile perverts
>on /jp/
>your name

>> No.6469810

I didn't come directly from the split by transferring from /a/, but I did come once I heard moot split a board into what was essentially VNs and Touhou; seeing that /jp/ was quite different from /a/, I stayed. So in that way I guess I came from the split.

>> No.6469821

I'm completely focused on the loli fetish yet that didn't somehow cause the amount of loli stuff to become unfappable. It's still some of the best stuff out there, objectively speaking, just look at Little Witch. Furry just isn't popular, that's all, the fandom didn't somehow scare all the good artists away.

>> No.6469854

I bought the Kara no Kyoukai books without knowing their origins, read them, did some googling, and somehow ended up at /jp/. I had never been to 4chan before that.

>> No.6469855

Don't get me wrong, anthro stuff isn't especially odd or offensive, it's that the furry subculture is so cancerous. People don't hate furries for what they fap to, but for who they are as people.

It's more that they showed up fairly early on the internet, before there were places like 4chan where fetishism was seen as relatively acceptable, even when it came to the more fantastic elements. That, along with the fact that many furries associate their fetish with their own sexual preference has made them into a self centered community with a persecution complex.

The truth is that not all furries are the raging cancer monsters that make up a good portion of their population, but the refusal of the 'good' ones to break away from the furry subculture and just be normal fetishists gets them grouped together with the ones they claim to be ashamed of.

>> No.6469860

>I'm completely focused on the loli fetish yet that didn't somehow cause the amount of loli stuff to become unfappable.

Can you reword that?

>> No.6469864

His fapping to loli did not decrease the fappability of lolis.

>> No.6469866

Came for the loli

Stayed for tea

>> No.6469873

>Wake up
>/a/ feels different
>-NEW BOARD /jp/-
>Oh, here's the /a/ I know
As far as I care, this is /a/, the old one. Neo /a/ is the new board.

>> No.6469874

Why would it? One faps to things one faps to, and they only decrease in fapability if you get bored with them. If he were Charles Manson and it was publiv knowledge that he fapped to loli, then I could see other people seeing loli less fapable (or more if you like the guy), but...

>> No.6469885

your homeboard is calling you back with your greentext.

>> No.6469901

>along with the fact that many furries associate their fetish with their own sexual preference

Did you just blame gays for the furry menace?

>> No.6469919

I'd more blame the social conservatism that made them so defensive in the first place. There is a huge population of homosexual furries, and they may very well be the source of the drama we so often associate with furfa... said furries. There are plenty of furries who use the subculture as a way to find sexual identity even among heterosexuals, anyways.

>> No.6469937

Every other board sucks; they're full with anons who enjoy "trolling" and using buzzwords. This one is full of lovable assholes.

>> No.6469939
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I'm going to be full honest here.

>> No.6469978

VN's and touhou fandom. Great escapism from drudgery, along with many others to share it with.

>> No.6469985
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I love smoking bowls with /jp/

>> No.6470009

I heard that there were Umineko threads over here...

>> No.6470012

/jp/ fags complaining about how the user base in /a/ was terrible and that they were so much better then everyone else

>> No.6470028

It's not necessarily that /jp/ers are inherently better than /a/ users. It's more that /a/ is too crowded and threads turn over at lighting speed. The old slower board culture disappeared, and then /jp/ appeared. Slower, longer lasting threads just suits some of us better.

>> No.6470038

I wasn't making a point, I just arrived here, that was my reason.
I should spend more time on /c/, the pace is much more placid.

>> No.6470053

When /a/ split I came here because I was always more interested in the off topic stuff. That's all. I still go to /a/ sometimes.

>> No.6470069

Any and all posts that don't mention the split should be grounds for a permanent ban.
Super secret internet club, etc.

>> No.6470164

Holy god new guy.

>> No.6470225

I mostly hung around /tg/ until I noticed KS threads here. I stayed for the similar laid back atmosphere, which is strange now that I think about it, given that said threads ended up mostly being full of rage and board based xenophobia.

>> No.6470229

Doesn't matter since old people are just as bad as new people on their own way.

>> No.6470276

Not only that but in some ways /a/ is much better than /jp/. They actually talk about their stuff instead of having metathreads and stupid shit all day. Of course, they have it much easier since there are new anime episodes to talk about every day whereas we rarely get anything fresh. It also helps that they don't think their board is serious business.

You can just scroll past that Bleach thread on /a/ if you don't like it but you're fucked when /jp/ is filled with nothing but crap.

>> No.6470286
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I got into Touhou, but /v/ doesn't like to talk about video games, so no Touhou threads allowed.

>> No.6470303
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/a/ not full of:
>metathreads and stupid shit all day.

>> No.6470334
File: 12 KB, 465x255, typicalfaggotfromVEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ got so shit and hypocritical, they are all a bunch of hipsters who are trying too hard to be "witty" and ironic.

They all hate mainstream games but the only thing they play are those mainstream games.
They all act like gaming veterans, though most of them never owned a console that is older than a snes, the majority of /v/'s userbase consists of dumb, pretentious colleague kids born around 1988-1994.
Their so called PC master race is a joke, most of them are fucking newfags that bought their first gaming rigs 2-3 years ago and the only games they play are the ones made by Valve and Minecraft of course.

/v/ is worse than gamefaqs and xbox republic combined.

Then i got into touhou and anime and then i left /v/ for good.

>> No.6470348

I don't see how people can like /a/ anymore.

If someone likes /a/, or goes as far to say /a/ is better than /jp/, their opinions on the whole can be disregarded. Putting /jp/ blow /a/'s level is like saying /b/ is better than /v/ and /a/. /v/ and /a/ are both very bad, and sometimes people say they're on level with /b/ to make a point, but in reality /b/ cannot be approached.

That's what it's like with /jp/ and /a/.

>> No.6470360

This is very much true, and I see myself visiting /v/ less and less now. I still need someone to talk about video games with, but being the very poor person I am, do not buy them often enough to warrant browsing /v/ too often. There is also hardly any board related content on there these days; mostly just /b/ overflow.

/jp/ is a very interesting board; more so than any other I've browsed over the years here. Other than the daily shitposter with Saten or squid girl, its a very good board.

Polite sage

>> No.6470458

/jp/ is where the true oldfags and the highest of powerlevels reside. Most people on /jp/ have seen more anime series than 10+ average f/a/ggots combined. In addition a lot of people on /jp/ can watch anime without waiting for subs like you fucking faggot babbys. Generally, /a/ looks to each other for approval of things, while /jp/ looks inward at itself instead of relies on a hivemind mentality. Also /a/ has no OC besides shitty image macro memes that get old within a week; /jp/ translates VNs, games and has doujin translation teams that regularly post there. People at /jp/ know your own boards' subject far, far better than you do, fucking dream on if you think you have any kind of superiority in any way whatsoever.

We sneer at you fucking newfags/normalfags, your shonenshit Big 3 threads, quasi-/v/ mentality and everything else that makes /a/ suck fucking balls. /jp/ is a better board than /a/ could ever dream to be because most of you f/a/ggots are, in our eyes, eternal newfags, aka there is nothing you could ever say or do to bring yourself up to our level, because you aren't true oldfags. You're G/a/ia, you're ANN and MAL trash now. Stay away, we don't want you in /jp/, not now, not ever. Go on and continue existing in your own world of shit thinking that it's any good, while the master race quietly resides separated from you mongoloids.

>> No.6470478

I rarely watch much anime though. Unless its something mech related. I can relate your thoughts to my feelings towards /v/ though.

>> No.6470519
File: 78 KB, 430x320, 0f0a00cf4fac7746b0d03fa496978f74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what else?
tripfags? hell no.

>> No.6470538

When the split happened, I began lurking this board. Feels good to see it 'evolve' to what it is now. It also makes me cringe when /jp/ gets all the bullying.

>> No.6470553


I hate /a/ but i disagree with you, /a/'s drawfag threads are the best producers of OC on 4chan, /a/ is the board that produces more OC on 4chan.

/a/ is shit but their OC is one of the few good things they still have.

>> No.6470585

>true oldfags
About that... It's not true in the slightest.
/jp/ loves to pretend that they are like old /b/. But old /b/ didn't spent their entire time criticizing other posts. They just acted stupid for the sake of acting stupid.
>/jp/ looks inward at itself instead of relies on a hivemind mentality
/jp/ loves to act as a hivemind, don't even try to deny this.

Someone else already addressed the OC comment, but yeah, you sound like a newfag pretending to be an oldfag.

>> No.6470597

You niggas are all replying to copypasta.

>> No.6470600

This is copypasta, you know.

>> No.6470602

To be honest, it was the Alice roleplayer. I never went to /a/ so when I saw him in /jp/, I fell in love instantly. My life has never been the same.

>> No.6470631

I just like /jp/ because it's a board that fits my interests without behaving like /b/a/v/int/new/

It's just the slowboard culture vs fastboard cultures thing.

Also, split.

>> No.6470671

>/jp/ loves to pretend that they are like old /b/. But old /b/ didn't spent their entire time criticizing other posts. They just acted stupid for the sake of acting stupid.
Yeah, it's absurd. Old /b/ at it's best was pretty much the opposite of what /jp/ is today. And it was better, too. To pretend that /jp/ is like some last bastion of oldfags is laughable at best.

Just because some of you were on 4chan before the /jp/ split doesn't mean you know anything about what /b/, or the rest of 4chan for that matter were like in the early days.

>> No.6470773

I came here when I was trying to find a place to either talk with men whom like to dress as girls or men who like to play VN's. I never imagined I'd find one place where you can do both, at the same time even. Never left.
