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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 471 KB, 1680x1050, 生徒会会長04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6456819 No.6456819 [Reply] [Original]

3DCG thread. Post saves, links to mods, discuss modding, post pics of your waifu being violated, etc.
What 3DCG is: 3d custom girl, a program for creating a character and posing it. Has a light, sort of subpar sex sim. Using MMD(mikumikudance) you can create your own animations as well.

DISCLAIMER: Consider all mods and hardsaves in this thread to be of Japanese origin unless stated otherwise. The original modder is rarely known, however.

INSTALLATION TORRENT(read comments for instructions): http://deadfrog.fapis.com/entry.html?id=13316
4.1 UNCENSOR PATCH: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C47TU8HR
MODS(also contains game): http://www.mediafire.com/?6rrxdgx8ka1stkt
Mods go in the "arcs" folder inside the 3DCG game folder. Saves go inside my documents/techarts3d/TDCG/. Poses go inside /TDCG/pose/.
Mod catalogs can be found in the old threads. Ctrl+f for "catalog".

If you're looking for something, please use ctrl+f and search before asking. If your request has been discussed already, it may be considered a troll.

Old threads:

Avoid posting the full URL when linking to Japanese uploaders or files in uploaders. Typical custom on Japanese boards is to remove the "h" in "http://"(as shown above). This helps lighten their server load, and helps us avoid getting IP banned as the Japanese are apt to do.

>> No.6456836
File: 1.42 MB, 128x256, hnt0397.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm... just noticed the old thread torrent links direct to specific posts... oh well, i'll clean it up next thread.

i guess i'll post a few hard saves to start out.

>> No.6456844
File: 1.92 MB, 128x256, 62DD65C8-3930-405B-B97149094A187A72.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's been a lot of talk on mmd, but no real good guide as to how to get/use it.

for starters, you can get mmd here:

and here is a guide to importing your characters into it:

>> No.6456848


>> No.6456851

I love making the girl bored then flick her in the forehead.

>> No.6456854
File: 58 KB, 1280x1024, cumshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6456865
File: 487 KB, 128x256, 音速丸.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6456909
File: 1.45 MB, 128x256, 23D21939-1600-4AB6-A638FB94B62140C3.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6456920
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>> No.6456922


>> No.6456941
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>> No.6456948
File: 1.52 MB, 128x256, 1243048350846.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6456960
File: 1.10 MB, 128x256, EE142EE7-6D21-44FC-A4902B4119AE2046.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6456977
File: 180 KB, 599x599, kuronekoeatingdonuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a kuroneko mod exist for 3dcg?

>> No.6456981


>> No.6457007 [DELETED] 

too big for 4chan

>> No.6457011
File: 135 KB, 451x1035, sample (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too big for 4chan

>> No.6457015

That was fast. Thank you, kind anon!
Even the captcha is expressing its joy (are joysum)

>> No.6457023

Oh god, wrong quote.
Should've been >>6457011

>> No.6457031

clicking on a number auto-copies it for you on your post, I hope you aren't manually entering them?

>> No.6457039
File: 2.98 MB, 128x256, (10).tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i deleted my original post and reposted.

>> No.6457043 [DELETED] 

Must've clicked on a previous post or something. My bad.

>> No.6457055

there was a bit of talk in the last thread about setting up a wiki.

it seems like a really good idea. this game is a little abstruse and going to hongfire to learn about it is a headache to say the least.

at present, there is no consolidated source of good documentation on the game that is not in japanese.

mod catalogs are also quite outdated to my knowledge, but updating them is a lot of work.

>> No.6457074
File: 2.63 MB, 128x256, tim0456.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese tdcg wiki, for those interested

>> No.6457075

>setting up a wiki.
Would be awesome, but how does one even start something like that?

>> No.6457085 [DELETED] 

So why would I want to make an inferior version of a 2D character?

>> No.6457089

So why would I want to make an inferior 3D version of a 2D character?

>> No.6457106

primarily so you can make it do all sorts of things, animated or posed

for example, you're never going to see azu-nyan... nya at you in a felicia-style bikini. maybe in a doujin, but not animated.

>> No.6457110


It's 2d in my book, I just design it in 3d.

Ag3/sbz/illusion games can keep their noses, special effects, and other garbage that bring out a model's third dimension.

>> No.6457117

If you make them in 3D, you can put them in all sorts of poses afterward. If you make them in 2D, you have to do each pose from scratch.

I don't think there is anything wrong with 3D. The thing that is wrong is real women, colloquially referred to as 3D women. That doesn't mean 3D models drawn in this kind of style (colloquially 2D style) are disgusting.

Now if you were copying the character, except trying to make them look as realistic as possible so that they're no longer that character but more like some whore cosplaying as them, I would agree.

>> No.6457141

i believe his post was primarily a joke.

in any case, i personally chose this game because of its proximity to modern 2d style, and stuck with it primarily because of the ability to customize proportions and animate.

illusion games are too restrictive for me; maybe charcolle will be good.

>> No.6457176

But if you really love your Kirino, you should be willing to draw her from scratch every time. Are you willing to have her look worse just because you are being lazy?

Besides, that, the fact that it trys to imitate depth makes it look more realistic (and creepy) to me.

>> No.6457200


anybody know if this is going to stick around?

from the past few threads we have a lot of info we could probably just copypaste with minimal editing

>> No.6457221

That's a good point, but at the same time I can't draw at all, it might be insulting to her the amount of times I draw her in terrible ways before I am able to recreate her efficiently. I'm not perfect, that's her job.

>> No.6457237

>Besides, that, the fact that it trys to imitate depth makes it look more realistic (and creepy) to me.
well, taking you seriously...
artists try to do this as well, you know. that's primarily what lighting and perspective is for.

i think the perception that it's actually "trying" to look 3d is more or less because it is actually using 3d models. it's not that the game is "trying to look 3d"; it's the opposite, but making a customizable 3d model perfectly imitate 2d/anime while still maintaining the ability to be animated is not as easy as it might seem.

while the fact that the game doesn't perfectly imitate manga style/2d is a legitimate argument(although if you ask me it's extremely close to it depending on the model), i'm going to ignore you as a troll if you are trying to argue that you should not be able to design your character in three dimensions. that's like saying we shouldn't know what our characters look like from behind.

saging because i don't consider this worth discussion.

>> No.6457248

>Besides, that, the fact that it trys to imitate depth makes it look more realistic (and creepy) to me.
There are many mods(if not the originals?) that have deep lines and flat textures for the sole purpose of imitating manga art and avoiding "making it look 3d."

>> No.6457304
File: 1.07 MB, 128x256, E0B6D0A9-A149-4716-88E08409AA2E8777.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not get any further into arbitrary discussions of the popular troll topics of whether a game is "good" or not or resembles something.

I'm interested in creating a few pages for the wiki in >>6457200 so that we have somewhere to direct people who ask basic questions with long answers, but I don't want to waste my time if there's a chance it'll be taken down soon. I guess I/we'd have to get in contact with the manager of it to find out anything.

>> No.6457319

It just seems kind of pointless to try to make a 2d looking 3d model when you could just make 2d sprites in mspaint and be done with it.

>> No.6457323


Hey, did you know most sprites in games are made by tracing over pre-rendered models these days? I bet I just blew your mind.

>> No.6457324

It's far easier to let nature apply depth for you than to draw it yourself. The cel shaded effect still makes it look very 2d.

>> No.6457329

Bullshit. I've seen sped-up versions of people making them.

This is what Western animators said years ago. It still doesn't look 2D no matter how hard they try to make it look that way. Thankfully, Japan is still mostly 2D.

>> No.6457568


Well I have to ask..

If we have the Kuroneko, is the imouto available?

Because I'm pretty sure there was a way to get more than two girls in there at once... And I'm having fun thinking of the potential here.

>> No.6457676

>I guess I/we'd have to get in contact with the manager of it to find out anything.

Tried, failed.

As posted in the last thread... The author looked pretty dead, so I started a new one here:


Stuff that could be added with little effort:
- Mod reference (links to sites, translations of keywords, etc.)

>> No.6457828

thank you, i'll start using it. might be more of a trickle of information though.

no, unfortunately. the blogger also said he has no plans of making kirino.

given that her outfit+hair is pretty simple and we can use kuroneko as a base, she might not be particularly hard to make, though(if not as good as kuroneko).

>> No.6457846

There's also an existing MMD wiki, but it's fairly poor in the documentation of MMD's usage and hasn't been updated in awhile.


I don't really think it would be a wise idea to try to document MMD's use as part of a TDCG wiki since it's a comprehensive animation program in and of itself. We could probably use that one, though, although I'm not convinced many of us besides myself are using MMD.

Something tells me the manager might not be too keen on it being used for distribution/instruction on making sex animations, though, which is why I'm mentioning this. I suppose we could at least use the TDCG wiki for documentation of that alone.

>> No.6457887
File: 125 KB, 128x256, 3DCHEs_heavy_hani_blue.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you write stuff on the wiki please remember that there has been a lot of detailed info posted in previous threads. feel free to copy and paste it if needed; even if you don't like how it was written, it's still useful information, and we can edit it later if the composition is bad.

my biggest concern with my writing is simply that i write too much. sometimes i have trouble making a simple concept look simple.

currently editing the mod catalogs page. i will probably flub it up somehow, so please correct me if you can so i can learn from it.

I'm going to include:
Basic definition
Links to current mod catalogs
Explanation of how mods are commonly listed/should be listed
Reference any important information to new pages(so far, the mods reference catalog and uploader naming systems)

>> No.6457966

Can a kind anon direct me to some good skin mods? There's no way in hell I'm going to search all the way through the 50+ random mods listed in the catalogue.

>> No.6457979

It would be great to have a more reliable list of mods. I've got the torrent of mods up through XPC00700 or something like that, but I think there are some gaps and a lot of later stuff I'm missing.

>> No.6457995

>I don't really think it would be a wise idea to try to document MMD's use as part of a TDCG wik

Oh, for sure. By "MMD" I just meant some pointers to get someone started on exporting characters from TDCG to MMD.

> Something tells me the manager might not be too keen on it being used for distribution/instruction on making sex animations, though, which is why I'm mentioning this.

(guy who registered the wiki here) I see no problem with it, and I haven't found anything specifically prohibiting "adult" content from Wikia. I'll look into it further, but we'll probably just need a big NSFW warning on the front page and that's about it.

Stuff like direct links to pirated copies of the game itself is a no-go, but that goes without saying. Most of the mods/patches are free, though, so that should be fine.

>> No.6458001

Posting from my phone so I can't link much at the moment, but last thread had a few decent ones. Just search "skin". I think they were loli, but that's not a problem right?

>> No.6458020
File: 2.30 MB, 128x256, 1114830E-9D55-4F20-998C1FE11E650E35.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What categories should we have?

I can think of:
General(introduction to the game and whatnot)
Installation(files, instructions, possible problems)
-Game system
-File system and structure
--Associated file types
-Explanation of saves
-what constitutes a "mod"
-mod catalogues
-mod sources(with links to Community)
-list of available characters
Character Creation & Use
--Very basic overview of the basic stuff with conceptual links to other pages
--TMOProportion and related mods
--Use of the poser
--Explanation of the gravure mod
--Relationship to MMD
Mod Creation(should include lots of references to pages inside System category)
-Modding tools(TDCGExplorer, tsodecrypt, etc.)
-How to make a working TAH
-Texture editing(including an explanation of alpha channels)
-Basic etiquette(is anybody going to read this?)
-Western community(hongfire and /jp/)
-Eastern community(include the location of blogs, uploaders, and futaba)
-Mod creators?
-Importing a character
-Importing models from TDCG
-Tools related to MMD(tso2pmd, tmo2vpd, etc.)
-Exporting an animation to TDCG
-Animation instructions? Perhaps we should simply cross-link to the MMD wiki for this
-In the future, listings of animations that would not be listed on the MMD wiki(sex stuff probably)

I'm of the opinion that mod creation is important enough to deserve its own category separate from "mods".

>> No.6458042

Under "mods," include "Mod Location" or something similar. Catalogs and more advanced methods(such as using TDCG explorer and the mod reference site as explained in the last thread) can be subcategories.

I would say the best approach to asking your question is to take a look at a lot of hard saves, find one that contains a skin you like, and then either use TDCGExplorer+Mods Reference site to find the mod or ask where the mod is located here.

If you're going to ask here, I suggest either posting the hardsave yourself along with your question or linking to it if it's already been posted, so that people can look up the mod.

I know there is a good body mod in 450ish range of the futaba mods(modsxxxx.zip), but beyond that I can't remember the specific name of any off-hand.

>> No.6458081 [DELETED] 

looking at it now, it feels like there should be another level of categorization than what's currently present.

for example, i don't think that clicking on the "mods" category should display all the subcategories out on one page. it should display links to categories such as "mod location", which would contain links to specific pages themselves such as "TDCGExplorer," "Mod reference site," and "Internet availability(blogs, uploaders, etc)."

is there a way to do this or are we just going to have to use the current system?

>> No.6458090


Looks good enough to start. Personally, I prefer to start with a single "table of contents"-kind of page, then split off the subsections into their own pages once they become too big. But that's just me, feel free to roll your own.

Btw, you might want to try the "Source view" button when editing - I find the "wysiwig" editor a bit too fragile and confusing.

>> No.6458095

looking at it now, it feels like there should be another level of categorization than what's currently present.

for example, i don't think that clicking on the "mods" category should display all the subcategories out on one page. it should display links to categories such as "mod location", which would contain links to specific pages themselves such as "TDCGExplorer," "Mod reference site," and "Internet availability(blogs, uploaders, etc)."

tl;dr, categorization should go
-overall categories("mods")
-subcategories("mod location")
-links to pages("use of tdcg mods reference site")

is there a way to do this or are we just going to have to use the current system?

>> No.6458111
File: 1.49 MB, 128x256, pnt0080.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does make it look a little more empty, but the better starting structure you have, the easier it is for people to know what to contribute/where to contribute it so that it will last.

If people can simply edit a page in a clearly defined category rather than having to create their own category, it's easier for them to contribute, I think. Using intuition there, not experience with wikis.

>> No.6458116
File: 122 KB, 500x382, 20100603234439692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thanks for posting that. In addition to that fine Kuroneko, they also have this a few pages back. I am pleased.

>> No.6458300

Anyone have links to some ballgags?

>> No.6458371

i'm going to take some liberties on testing page creation and organization.

hope nobody minds. pretty much everything i create is just going to have the text "test."

>> No.6458437

Getting ready to upload the install package I promised yesterday, as far as instructions are concerned, how does this sound? Anything else I should include?

-Download "3D Custom Girl.iso" from the included "Tech Arts 3D ™.torrent" torrent, mount and install.
-Copy everything in the "Required Files" directory to your chosen installation directory (default "%Program Files%\TechArts3D\3Dカスタム少女") replacing any file that already exists.

Additionally: OPTIONAL
-3 files have been included in the "Additional Files" folder which are required for several user modifications and saves to work properly. These include:
-ToonShader2 - toonshader2.rar - shading mod
-Gravure - TAC1554.zip & TAC1574.zip - allows "motion" files to be used

-Mods (.tah files) will be placed in your installation directories "arcs" folder (default "%Program Files%\TechArts3D\3Dカスタム少女\arcs").
-Note that you may create additional folders in your "arcs" folder and place the mods inside those for organization.

Saves & Poses:
-Saves (.png files) will be placed in your "%My Documents%\TechArts3D\TDCG" folder.
-Poses (.png files) will be placed in your "%My Documents%\TechArts3D\TDCG\Poses" folder.

>> No.6458494
File: 1.46 MB, 3664x2748, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be this awesome

>> No.6458515
File: 434 KB, 882x768, hihihiihiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty casual looking one, but I like it.

>> No.6458516

>1.46 MB, 3664x2748


>> No.6458549

i'm the person who's been filling out most of the info so far.

i'll note that there are some things i can't/won't fill out info on(so don't expect it to magically fill itself if you're well informed on the topic):

-Installation process
-Anything involving programming or actual file structure

also, there is a japanese uploader site that is passworded. however, if they find out the password is distributed, they change the password of the site(they follow this rule themselves--if it's given out on futaba, they change it).

how do we want to handle this? it doesn't seem like a good idea to simply freely distribute with the idea "fuck the japanese," since that could just lead to the PW getting changed.

they give a hint as to what the password is, and my idea is simply to post a translation of that hint on the wiki. that shouldn't offend anyone. at the very least, to avoid some jackass pointing a finger at us to the japanese in an attempt to troll/get us blocked, we should do it in a roundabout method.

>> No.6458566


Thinking of adding links/instructions for a few recommended mods (shojo mods, etc.) to that also...

Will wait for OP response before uploading.

>> No.6458718

Looks good. The only corrections I could make might be is one minor correction to wording.
>-Saves (.png files) will be placed in your "%My Documents%\TechArts3D\TDCG" folder.
Shouldn't it be "must be" or "are to be?" They're not installed automatically by the torrent.

It looks fine. It's difficult to point out specific recommended mods since none of them come in large packs and I don't have what zip files contain what mods recorded well, but off the top of my head, absolutely recommended/must mods would be

The gravure mod(ctrl+f the last thread, I can't remember the file name)

Make sure to have a note about the DirectX problem that's fixable by dling DX0.9c(if you don't know what I'm talking about, I can provide a link--I know Manikzang on Hongfire made a post describing it well).

>> No.6458777

As you can see in the ReadMe, gravure and toonshader2 are already included as optional, additional files. I think those two are the only ones I'll add then, aside from Horo maybe - because Horo.

I'm not aware of the directx problem, so if you want that explained I will need the link.

>> No.6458894 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I guess I didn't read it fully. My excuse is that I was pretty frustrated when I made that post because I accidentally lost a large section of text I'd written on the wiki.
To the guy the was talking about Kirino from Oreimo:
Looks like this guy is making one, but some of his stuff that's of this quality(that hair is almost perfect) goes to DLSite and is not available for free. Check the blog frequently if you want it, some times modders distribute a mod and then pull it off very quickly.

>> No.6458927

Sorry, I guess I didn't read it fully. My excuse is that I was pretty frustrated when I made that post because I accidentally lost a large section of text I'd written on the wiki.

Here is the post from Manikzang I was talking about explaining the problem:

If you get that in, it seems like it's prepared.

Actually, see
Looks like this guy is making one, but some of his stuff that's of this quality(that hair is almost perfect) goes to DLSite and is not available for free. Check the blog frequently if you want it, some times modders distribute a mod and then pull it off very quickly.

>> No.6459203
File: 1.34 MB, 128x256, 037E599E-F503-4903-ABA6D0D0DD0C0A65.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filled out the Community page with a lot of links and info. however, it looks really poorly organized.

i'll probably implement this method of organizing the wiki to the Community page tomorrow or later today.

--Create the category "Community"
--Create separate pages for Etiquette, Western Community, Eastern Community, and Mod Creators; all of these will be linked to Community
--Considering splitting up the Western Community page between /jp/ and Hongfire, but I don't think that's necessary
--Will probably create a new page for links under "Eastern community" and link to it under the Eastern Community page since it is so large

>> No.6459237

need a kuroneko model with clothes

>> No.6459247
File: 414 KB, 1024x768, 1289835027631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never ride a train with marisa sitting next to you.


>> No.6459250
File: 197 KB, 1024x768, 00DEAA14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more outfits ;_;
Also, anyone know how to get rid of the damn logo in the pose cycle mode?

>> No.6459291

Press "Home"
It says in the translated help:
If you didn't have it

>> No.6459300
File: 1.55 MB, 128x256, 3C1B5F13-DCFB-4E01-87D97D6F56C5A14B.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be waiting

>> No.6459310
File: 175 KB, 1024x768, 00DEB3CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, kinda ruins it when there's a logo blocking part of my waifu

>> No.6459313

I can't quite tell what your post is about, but if the post you linked is you, I(the OP) was posting between

>> No.6459405

i dunno about that, that body mod has a pretty nasty looking face.

>> No.6459406
File: 1.39 MB, 128x256, 366444CF-7B94-494F-A9B0EBFD94F38D46.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6459313 I'm >>6459300
I meant I'll wait for the upload.
Sorry for the confusion, please have some Mio...

>> No.6459490


Do want moar!

>> No.6459516


One comment.... I don't think you need to go that crazy obscuring links to other sites.

Large boards might be doing this to prevent small sites from getting hit too hard (imagine, say, what would happen if a *clickable* link were to be somehow posted in /b/), but the traffic going through clickable links on Easymodo and/or the wiki is going to be miniscule...

If you are REALLY paranoid, you can remove the HTTP referer by linking through hiderefer.com or something like that.

>> No.6459540 [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 128x256, 8FB6F991-EB98-45BA-9D8EB3DEE598E1C4.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do a rar with the Strike Witches I have... Tomorrow at 7 AM (in -4:00 GTM, that's it).
I have like 9 only, so if someone have more...

>> No.6459563
File: 1.44 MB, 128x256, 8FB6F991-EB98-45BA-9D8EB3DEE598E1C4.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do a rar with the Strike Witches I have... Tomorrow at 7 AM (in -4:00 GTM, that's it).
I have like 9 only, so if someone has more...

>> No.6459699

yeah, i agree with you.

i was going to only do it for the uploaders originally since they're the only sites that seem to mention it, but since it was pretty much a matter of pressing down>down>right>backspace>repeat, i just went ahead and did it for all the links.

>> No.6459709
File: 895 KB, 1440x900, FE498BAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never hurts to be extra careful. Think of how fucked we'd be if they decide to ban western IPs because THEM FURRINERS BE TAKIN OUR CULTURE or whatever rot.

>> No.6459733

Is it possible to enjoy this without any sex whatsoever? I get in trouble for viewing pornography in the dorms.

>> No.6459749

>I get in trouble for viewing pornography in the dorms.
Er, how does this work? Are you in a religious school or something?
Yes, you can just use it as a poser, though most of the poses and stuff will probably make anyone unfamiliar with it believe it's some kind of porn.

>> No.6459781
File: 2.04 MB, 128x256, ペリ○ヌ.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6459827

It isn't like that everywhere?

>> No.6459829


I have a feeling that some people are a little confused here... Lemme try to explain.

The "ttp" trick is popular on 2ch (NOT 2chan.net), where all links (starting with "http") in a post are made clickable and modified to redirect to a page with ads first. The trick is used to:

- Hide the referer (the owner can't tell the site you came from if you just copy/paste the link)
- Avoid the ad page (well...)
- Lighten up the traffic load. (obviously, if it takes a tad more effort, fewer people will bother) Again, it's only really noticeable on /b/ scale, where a good portion of viewers are clicking on links just because they can.

That's all there is to it. Unless you're using a proxy, the owner still sees a foreign IP accessing the site - which is why I don't really see a point in doing this.

>> No.6459849


sometimes i think i'm the only one who's most stimulated by female form/behavior and social situations around here

>> No.6459866

Most places have rules against sexually explicit material, not for the actual material, but because they don't want you downloading viruses from those shitty porn sites. They won't care unless you get a virus on the system.

>> No.6459887

If you're asking whether you can argue that the program is not entirely pornographic, the answer is yes.

The first two points are not issues that would concern the uploader sites, and yet it's the uploader sites themselves that made this rule. Wouldn't that mean it's unlikely that those are the reasons the uploader sites want URLs cut?

I think it would be in our interest to hide referers more often than not.

I had assumed that the primary reasons they don't want direct linking is because of your third reason(lightening traffic load) and because it helps avoid certain kinds of bots(or is that not effective?).

Whatever the case, the fact that the uploader sites request it(and the Japanese themselves comply) is reason enough for me to go along with it. It's easy enough to do.

>> No.6459966

> Whatever the case, the fact that the uploader sites request it

Just curious, where did you see that?

>> No.6460012

Back when I was in college nobody ever gave me shit for watching porn, nor did I ever hear of anyone getting in trouble. The idea they'd bother you about it seems utterly bizarre to me.
Is it all pornographic material or just porn sites or...?

>> No.6460016

is there a beatrice save?

>> No.6460048

Here it's "any graphically explict sexual or violent material are not to be viewed on the Center's computers." It's rarely enforced.

>> No.6460072


For starters, don't call it an "H-game" and use it like a "3D character modelling" tool or something. Though people writing rules like those would probably freak out by just seeing a non-Western drawn girl, anyway.

>> No.6460083

I recall reading it somewhere on ttp://www.esc-j.net/tech-arts/img3ch/tech/

I'm sorry, but I can't back up my claims without searching through the threads again. I'm not even sure what to ctrl+f for(切?) to find it again. You can sue me or something if I misread, but I don't think taking off "h" from urls of uploaders is really that big of a deal either way. So far I've been the only one linking to them throughout these threads anyways.

>> No.6460087
File: 186 KB, 1024x768, 00DEAA96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute poses~

>> No.6460146

Also, if you go to that site you will see them using http, but that's because they're not linking to a mod uploader.

If you go here,

You can see that most of the links cut off the h when linking to mods.

But not all of them do it, it seems. I'll look and see if I can't find the specific statement again later, but it's not unreasonable to follow suit if most of them are doing it.

There's not really much of a reason to do it for anything but uploaders, I won't disagree with that. If it bugs you, feel free to correct the links on the wiki or something, but I never stated otherwise on the wiki myself.

>> No.6460162


I admire how comfortable that guy is with himself.

>> No.6460208

nijibox5.com and esc-j.net are either 403 or redirect to yahoo.co.jp. (here in Canada and also via US proxy) Is it just me?

>> No.6460298 [DELETED] 

You may have to set your browser to Japanese settings.

They claim it is to keep out spam traffic or something like that(this is one of the reasons I don't want to take chances).

>> No.6460326

You may have to set your browser to Japanese settings.

They claim it is to keep out spam traffic or something like that. According to what I read, I mean. This is one of the reasons I'd like to do things which may reduce risk.

>> No.6461064
File: 1.94 MB, 128x256, 1F2748C5-7DB9-4B2F-A3A3693938814321.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6461240

Alright, upload finished.


-Download "3D Custom Girl.iso" from the included "Tech Arts 3D ™.torrent" torrent, mount and install.
-Copy everything in the "Required Files" directory to your chosen installation directory (default "%Program Files%\TechArts3D\3Dカスタム少女") replacing any file that already exists.

Additionally: OPTIONAL
-4 files have been included in the "Additional Files" folder which are required for several user modifications and saves to work properly. These include:
-ToonShader2 - toonshader2.rar - common shading mod
-Gravure - TAC1554.zip & TAC1574.zip - allows "motion" files to be used

-horo.tdcgsav.png - Horo hard save - because Horo

-Mods (.tah files) will be placed in your installation directories "arcs" folder (default "%Program Files%\TechArts3D\3Dカスタム少女\arcs").
-Note that you may create additional folders in your "arcs" folder and place the mods inside those for organization.

Saves & Poses:
-Saves (.png files) are to be placed in your "%My Documents%\TechArts3D\TDCG" folder.
-Poses (.png files) are to be placed in your "%My Documents%\TechArts3D\TDCG\Poses" folder.

-If you get the error "Obsidian/DX9" when you try to launch the program you probably do not have the correct version of DirectX.
-Download and install the DirectX End-User Runtime from:

>> No.6461359

What does toonshader2 do?
I installed it and can't see a difference.

>> No.6461369


By itself, not much. However, it is required for a lot of various mods and hard saves to work correctly.

>> No.6461418 [DELETED] 

Okay, so I'm new to this whole thing.

Do I have to install the uncensor patch that's in the OP after I install your upload, or is that separate?

>> No.6461469


That package will replace the one in the OP for the next thread. The OP file just includes the 4.0/4.1 update, this includes everything from release to 4.1.

So no, you don't need anything from the OP file really. That package includes everything required to get started, save for the ,iso, but it does include the torrent where the iso can be found).

>> No.6461480 [DELETED] 


Thanks very much.

Kinda excited to try this out.

>> No.6461491

Thanks a lot for your help. For now, I changed the template on the wiki.

What >>6461369 said is pretty much correct. The most major system enhancement they confer I know of are the filters(press e) and enabling you to zoom out the camera without a grey ball covering your view(a very annoying aspect of the game without the TS updates).

>> No.6461519 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, the torrent is 45GB?

Does anyone have a list of what all the different mods are?

I don't want to download a bunch of shit I'll never use.

>> No.6461538


Read the first step of the readme

All you need is the .iso from the torrent, that's it.

There are also 7 "3D Custom Shojo Mods [1-7].rar" files that I would recommend you get, just because they seem like a good place to get started building your collection. Not required by any means though.

I assume the wiki will, at some point, have the catalogue of what the rest of the mods in the torrent are - until then I wouldn't really bother with them unless someone posts a specific one here you want - and then they'll provide you with the filename so you know what to get.

>> No.6461545 [DELETED] 

Will do, thanks.

To get it out of the way now, is there a Shana one?

>> No.6461550

How do I use the gravure mod?
It just adds 3 icons on the hscene list, non of which are animating.

>> No.6461553 [DELETED] 

If the old wiki got abandoned, why not just start another one? It takes like three seconds and there's zero content on the old one.

>> No.6461556


... Why did I bother writing a ReadMe?...
>-Gravure - TAC1554.zip & TAC1574.zip - allows "motion" files to be used

It's the same as toonshader, by itself, it does nothing. They're just the most common dependencies. A lot of other things will require them. In this case, anything with motions.

I'm almost positive that I saw one at some point, but OP is far better fit to answer that question.

>> No.6461564


the catalogs don't contain many of the recent mods, but they're fairly accurate for the ones they do... use ctrl+f to search for stuff you want

even if the catalogs are out of date, for a person that's starting out there's a lot you can find using the mod catalogs.

well, admittedly, i don't know exactly how much is contained in the custom shojo mods files. i added them to my collection very late.

>> No.6461569


It would probably be best if you excluded the installation package link from the wiki itself, and just left it to these threads. Otherwise it'll just end up on HF, limit out and no one here will be able to get it.

>> No.6461571 [DELETED] 


wow, this is all kinda overwhelming

so i just install the .iso, slap on the included files, and i'm ready for h, or are there more steps involved?

>> No.6461574


Well, I thought I'd made it simple enough...

-install iso
-extract "required files" to installation directory

That's it. You have the latest version, it's uncensored, the menu is translated.

Personally, I would go ahead and install the files from the "additional files" folder also, using the instructions from the readme, as they will be required for most mods to work, and because Horo - but again, that's optional.

>> No.6461575

Sorry, I thought you could use it to animate the poses. ;_;
So you can only use it to play motion files you downloaded?
Where do I download those motion files?

>> No.6461579 [DELETED] 

they're included with the mods

>> No.6461582


search the previous threads (the last one) in OP post for "motion" (ctrl-f)

>> No.6461581 [DELETED] 

yeah, you did, just wanted to double check

i'm still downloading the .iso

>> No.6461584 [DELETED] 

Thanks for doing all of this, friend. I really appreciate it.

>> No.6461587 [DELETED] 

seriously this

you guys are making this awfully easy, i'm really grateful

>> No.6461603

All I want is a ridiculously long and thick penis that I can actually do something with

>> No.6461605 [DELETED] 


As you can see here, this guy has clearly made one, but it doesn't seem like he ever distributed it.

It doesn't appear to be on any of the uploaders, either. There's a good chance he either made it for himself and blogged about it, is going to put it up on DLSite for purchase, or is simply going to distribute it later.

In any case, even if he ever did distribute it, it seems I don't have it. I'll post here if I ever find anything.

>> No.6461610
File: 160 KB, 1040x770, 1289925593227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new mod called TmoFlip at work.


As you can see here, this guy has clearly made one, but it doesn't seem like he ever distributed it.

It doesn't appear to be on any of the uploaders, either. There's a good chance he either made it for himself and blogged about it, is going to put it up on DLSite for purchase, or is simply going to distribute it later.

In any case, even if he ever did distribute it, it seems I don't have it. I'll post here if I ever find anything.

>> No.6461623

>All I want is a ridiculously long and thick penis

>that I can actually do something with
Good luck; I have never seen a mod that had "penis physics."

The gravure mode does have functionality that allows it to switch between different animations when you touch different body parts, but that's the extent of interactivity you're likely to be able to get without some heavy programming, and as far as I know you'll need to make your own animations since I've never seen anything related to the male sex organ(not too hard using MMD, depending on what level of detail you're going for).

>> No.6461641 [DELETED] 

Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

>> No.6461645 [DELETED] 

Not even the male sex organ fucking women?

>> No.6461665

Tell me you have a hard save for your image...

Also, looking forward to those strike witches we were promised.

>> No.6461670


No, there is a default (semi-transparent) male character in the game with a penis, which is used to suppliment most of the sex animations - and it does have a (rather poor) penis. There are, of course, replacement mods for the offending member.

I believe what was being stated is that there is no known way to animate the penis. It's a static object. You can move it, but you can't morph it.

>> No.6461673

pass is "mori"
Contains hard saves of some copyrighted characters, such as Taiga, Mio, Morrigan, etc. I believe this file is available from the torrent as well, but it's not marked as containing hard saves. I figured I'd just post it here.

Well, for that, I'm pretty sure you can just use a mod to make the male model used by the game into an actual model instead of the blue silhouette to correct the males in the sex scene. I couldn't give you an exact mod for that off the top of my head(I've never wanted that), but I'm sure you could find something in a catalog as I know plenty exist.

>> No.6461680 [DELETED] 

So, I downloaded the torrent, installed the .iso, and copied over all of the required and optional files. I start obsdx9.exe and am greeted by a black screen. Any suggestions?

>> No.6461691

-Turn your monitor on.

It might take a minute or two to load... And it will just sit on a black screen until it does. If there's an error you should be getting a message or something.

If after a minute or so it hasn't come up:
Try going to your "%My Documents%\TechArts3D\TDCG" folder, opening (or creating, if it doesn't exist) the settings.ini file and replacing the contents with the following:


And see if that launches properly.

>> No.6461696 [DELETED] 

Ah, see, I didn't wait more than 15 seconds. Sorry, I'm an impatient fuck. No errors or anything like that. I'll give it another go.

>> No.6461697

Link to the massive penis mod?

>> No.6461704


Found one here:

No guarantee on the quality though, I haven't tried it (yet).

Source: http://caracarnsblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/3d-custom-girl.html

>> No.6461743


I just noticed that site also has a volume 8 of the shojo mods in the torrent, which stop at 7. Some nice stuff in there in my opinion, Cirno wings, some gundam parts, new bodies, etc.

Worth adding if you have the first 7.

>> No.6461769 [DELETED] 

So I take it the framerate is just loljapan coding? I can run Crysis cranked at 1920x1200 but this is giving me a slideshow at 1024x768. Why.

>> No.6461783


That could be nearly anything...

I'm running it from inside a VM and still getting a solid 30 personally. All I can really tell you is the standard "update your drivers, directx, make sure you're not in "power save mode" if on a laptop, etc. etc."

Maybe we can start building a list of troubleshooting solutions for the wiki as we find them, but for now the directx issue is the only one I've heard of - and I just heard of that today (earlier in this thread, actually).

>> No.6461792 [DELETED] 

It's fine until I change poses or cum.

Then it goes to shit for about 15 seconds, which is rather unfotunate, seeing as cumming lasts all of five seconds, of which I get to see about 3 frame, maybe.

Fuck man. I'll try updating my drivers but I'm almost positive they're current. Already forced everything to absolute minimum in my GPU control panel, to no avail. Feels bad.

>> No.6461803 [DELETED] 


Okay, well, just checked and there are new drivers and AMD Catalyst™ Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) Technology Edition. Whatever the fuck that is? Google turns up a thread with no concrete info and a bunch of mirrors. Should I get that or just stick with the normal Catalyst package? Fuck when did this shit get so complicated.

>> No.6461811


If you're
this is starting to sound like a hard drive issue. Either massive fragmentation or something wrong, be it software (corruption) or hardware (failing motor).

The game "shouldn't" take more than 15 seconds to load, from my VM it takes about 5 and VMs are notorious for slow I/O. Added to that, what you're saying is that every time there's a scene (pose) change, you're slowing down. These are the only times the game is really accessing the hard disk heavily after the initial load...

Might be completely unrelated, but it wouldn't hurt to check your SMART and run a chkdsk.

Google should let you know how to do all that if you don't, otherwise I'll be around tomorrow - need to get some sleep before class.

Damn - again, if you have a save for the girl in that image - PLEASE post...

>> No.6461819 [DELETED] 

Well, I did put my game install on a non-system hard drive, which separates it from the save files, which might be causing problems. Is there a way to relocate the save files or am I going to have to somehow clear room on my tiny system disk for the game?

>> No.6461821


Highly doubt you need that. What are you specs, anyway? For reference, it runs decent even on my netbook with some ancient Intel integrated graphics. Sounds more like some obscure bug in the drivers (lolATI).

>> No.6461830 [DELETED] 

I've got an i7, 8GB of RAM, and a 5870. Like I said, I can run Crysis cranked at well over 60FPS at max resolution and this shit stutters to a standstill. Seems to happen a lot with Japanese games, for some reason.

>> No.6461843

Doubt it's a driver issue.
I have an ATI 3650 and it's running smooth on this game. I'm on XP though. Maybe it's a Win7/Vista problem?

>> No.6461856 [DELETED] 

Could be. I'm installing a new operating system on a different hard drive and I'll try reinstalling the game on that and seeing if it's a hard drive problem. I don't trust chkdisk because it failed to pick up failing hard drives in the past, same with any other disk health bullshit. I know it's not a fragmentation problem because I defrag every week, and it definitely shouldn't be a speed problem because this is a 10K drive.

I guess we'll find out.

>> No.6461919

Is it just me, or do the guy's penis looks like shit?
It's just a thin cylinder and doesn't look like a penis at all.

>> No.6461930
File: 1.57 MB, 128x256, 03A145FD-FE09-44DF-973B87BAF6ECEF3E.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes in my laptop, when I run games in HIGER settings, it looks better. Yeah. I had portal with minimum settings and get 25 fps. Changed to medium and get 70 fps

As promised: http://www.mediafire.com/?o401wyc385m7e3g

>> No.6461935


Originally it was censored by the .exe - a large 3D mosaic that overlayed the genital area, as was the vagina (hence the original skin having just a red patch). My guess is they didn't see much reason to put a lot of effort into modeling something you weren't supposed to see.

But, that's why we have mods.

>> No.6461960

Is there any information regarding the shojo mod packs, as in what does what or screenshots or, really, just anything in general?

>> No.6461979

So anyone have a penis mod?
It should've been included with the uncensor patch.

>> No.6461985

Give TA0545 a try, it's the one I use. But there's probably more up to date and better looking ones out there.

>> No.6461998

So what does the 70mb uncensor.tah do?
It doesn't seem to do anything? The vaginas are still a red stripe and the penis is still a cylinder. And removing doesn't bring back the mosaic.

Thanks I'll give that a try.

>> No.6462003

It just gets rid of the mosaic. The only way you'll be able to have textured genitals on your bodies is through mods.

>> No.6462036

>the penis is still a cylinder
Would you rather have a rectangular prism?

>> No.6462039

It'll be interesting...
Thx for the strike witches saves

>> No.6462054

Alright, pardon me durping a bit.

First, I can't edit the hard saves. Is there a way around this or do I have to look up every piece that was used to try and recreate it before I can change it?

Second, I don't seem to have a config.exe or something of the sort to edit to change my res and turn off the webcam.

>> No.6462182
File: 2.06 MB, 128x256, (52).tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fell asleep for a bit... wonderful "nightmare."

One of the things I'm doing tomorrow is definitely writing up some information about male mods on the wiki. There have been a lot of people asking for it.

I'm very glad to have someone else answering/attempting to answer technical questions. I'm not very knowledge about them, so it really helps out. If it's not too much of a pain, it would be a good idea if you wrote something about general issues you see here.

Usually the most I can do is direct people to install directx9.0c and DL toonshader, so someone who knows about real problems and solutions regarding frame rate and functionality is much appreciated.

Unfortunately, there is little documentation in catalogs as to what most mods do. The catalogs themselves are out of date.

If you want to know what mods do beforehand, your best bet is to load them in TDCGExplorer and take a look at the model(.tso) files.

If we could get a system for people to update and catalog mod content on their own, or a person dedicated to doing so, that would be great. If we make it an open project, I'm a little concerned about somebody trying to troll it, but it shouldn't be too hard to restore things if somebody tampers with info so long as people mostly provide genuine info and report when something is wrong.

I kind of wish I had that girl, but unfortunately it's just some guy on Futaba posting(it's from their current thread in id). If he ever distributed that girl or her clothes, I didn't catch it. I think I've seen the eye before, but I don't think I've ever seen the hair(although it looks like it could be a combination of two hair styles).

>> No.6462207 [DELETED] 

So where do I get skin mods to replace the vagina and how do I make the penis look normal?

Are the skin mods just part of these hard mod .pngs you guys are posting? What about the penis, how do I change that?

>> No.6462242
File: 2.16 MB, 128x256, custom_Body_ver4.2_Normal.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know where I can find this body in .tah form?

>> No.6462280

The mods to uncensor the vagina should be in the uncensor pack.

After that, all body mods may have their own vagina texture.

Normally, I would just tell you to go to http://3dcg.wikia.com/wiki/Mods#Reverse_Lookup

But in this case, it seems that the mod reference site doesn't have a listing for that body mod.

I believe the source of that save file is Cusjiru's blog/loda uploader, but beyond that, you are probably going to have to make a tah yourself if you want to use it as a mod

See http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/6378131#p6389028..

>> No.6462296

Here is a mod catalog wiki.


Maybe we could use this site? Or should we rely on text files/write our own catalog in the main wiki? The site doesn't seem freely editable, and who knows what the manager is doing.

Forgot the rest of your question.

As I've stated to other people here, you're going to have to download some kind of male mod. I can't direct you to one at the moment since I need to do some searching(I've never desired this, so I don't know where any are offhand), but you could probably find one in a mod catalog.

>> No.6462431

>The mods to uncensor the vagina should be in the uncensor pack.
The 70mb uncensor.tah? It's not working. I only see a red stripe.

>> No.6462452

TA0089.rar contains a textured uncensor. Try that.

It could be that your texture is simply not good. I think the uncensor patch is designed to remove a mosaic, but I'm not sure.

Please tell me if it works for you.

>> No.6462473

iirc it's impossible to get a good uncensor on to the game's default models. They have nothing but the normal skin color down there, and only 4 pixels or so of the actual skin file are devoted to the area where the vagina is, so you can't draw anything on either.

>> No.6462479

to the earlier guy wanting dicks/men

TAC00159.zip ("real-looking dick male"); can't vouch for how good it looks

XPC01135.zip ("pocha otoko"; "fat guy," i think?)
TA0259.zip (replaces male; alternate man)
TAC1539.zip (middle aged)
TAC1543.zip ("metabo oyaji")
TAC1856.lzh (minotaur?)
TAC2267.zip ("riarukasu otoko"; no eyes, added adominal muscles?)
TAC2270.zip ("riarukasu otoko" "for BL")
TAC2379.zip ("massive paper bag?" i'm pretty sure this makes him a guy with a paper bag head)
TA3CH0363.zip (3 oyaji types)
TA3CH0084.zip (boy and middle aged guy)
TA3CH0170.zip (??? a spirit ripple? no idea)
TA3CH0250.zip (no shoes?)
mod0092.zip (man to half-goblin)
mod0132.zip ("male body mod")
mod0404.zip ("male mod, pig")
mod0494.zip ("dazo ore"; not really translatable)
XPC01566.zip (kintarou man?)
XPC02016.zip (criminal from detective conan)

also probably of interest:
TAC1243.zip says "changes man to futanari ojou"

>> No.6462487

i assure you this is not the case, although i don't know which of my mods it is that is providing the texture(s)

>> No.6462504

also, try TAC1541.zip

>> No.6462517

Thanks, downloading a few of those now.

>> No.6462524

Let me know how they work out. I can't say I enjoy hunting through uploaders, but there is a little more I can do if those don't work out.

Remember that you can preview the models in TDCGExplorer.

>> No.6462554

Will do. Unfortunately I'm trying to get those mods from the torrent and it's awfully slow (lol 0.8kb/s).

>> No.6462575

Many mods are available for DDL in mediafire links contained here:
Some of them are only in that torrent, though. You can try the uploaders too(check the wiki for links) if you don't want to wait(ctrl+f the file name).

Probably going to go afk soon, but if I do I'll be back later.

>> No.6462601

assuming you were talking about the umineko character, i've seen a screenshot of one but haven't found a save yet.

>> No.6462680
File: 81 KB, 376x748, 見本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looked around a little bit but the most i could find from umineko thus far is eva


>> No.6462692

yep, her. oh well, too bad.

how about bernkastel or virgilia?

>> No.6462866

Fucking figures that the only Umineko save around is of probably my least favorite character.

Are there at least any Siesta sisters or something? That would be so hot.

>> No.6462990


All I found in there was her mantle, even though there were screenshots galore of her getting boned by Rinnosuke. Can someone help?

>> No.6463059 [DELETED] 

>It should've been included with the uncensor patch.

No. That would be against design. The female is anatomically correct, the male is a blue shadow puppet. Thus the uncensor ensures that *all* of the female is anatomically correct, and the male remains as a blue shadow puppet.

Core concepts should not be changed in distribution packages like that.

>> No.6463062

TA0545 (Dick) - Works but looks out of place with the semi-transluscent male model
TAC2379 (Guy with a paper mask on his head) - Works

TA0089 (uncensor) - Didn't work, I still get a red stripe on where the vagina is supposed to be.
TAC1541 (adds a new skin type) - Well the new skin type it added has a vagina but only that skin type has one.

Maybe 4.1 breaks the uncensor patch? I tried to remove base_xpr4.tah but I get an error when I do.

I guess I'll just give up, the default skin types are way too shiny for me anyway.

>> No.6463086 [DELETED] 

>It should've been included with the uncensor patch.

No. That would be against design. The female is anatomically correct, the male is a blue shadow puppet. Thus the uncensor ensures that *all* of the female is anatomically correct, and the male remains as a blue shadow puppet.

Core concepts should not be changed in distribution packages like that.

Please ask before you come to conclusions. The uncensor is working as intended, clicking the skins will give you the default skin. After you click and get the default, you'll notice near the bottom right another, smaller bar has appeared. It includes several variations of that skin - in this case uncensored variations and pubic hair/uncensored variations of all the default skins.

>> No.6463093

>It should've been included with the uncensor patch.

No. That would be against design. The female is anatomically correct, the male is a blue shadow puppet. Thus the uncensor ensures that *all* of the female is anatomically correct, and the male remains as a blue shadow puppet.

Core concepts should not be changed in distribution packages like that.

Clicking any default skin will give you the default skin. After you click and get the default (which just had the red stripe), you'll notice near the bottom right another, smaller bar has appeared. It includes several variations of that skin - in this case uncensored variations and pubic hair/uncensored variations of all the default skins.

>> No.6463137

Thanks! Damn now I feel like an idiot. I didn't tried clicking those buttons below.

>and the male remains as a blue shadow puppet.
Yeah but now the male is a blue shadow puppet with a weird looking thin cylindrical object as a penis. Maybe find a mod that turns the penis into a blue shadow too?

>> No.6463151


Matter of taste I guess. It's not really something I cared for, had or knew off the top of my head where to find, so it didn't make the package. I don't really use the sex scenes much anyway though, and when I do I prefer the dildo look to something more realistic. Just my preference.

Like I said, I was going for the absolute minimum required to get the game up to date and workable - I actually debated the female uncensored skins as there are A LOT of options for those and that one is again, just one that I personally like and fits the default well. But yeah, that was the reasoning. Something was clearly missing from the female after the removal of the mosaic, but the male still seems to be "as intended".

>> No.6463169
File: 114 KB, 506x866, korbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this thread is a little lacking on the korbo.

>> No.6463280

Is there a gangbang mod?

>> No.6463289

I know it's in the megaupload file up there, but can someone post that Horo save file? I can't wait 6 hours for that.

>> No.6463298
File: 1.55 MB, 128x256, horo.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6463309
File: 705 KB, 1024x768, 00E9EF64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a pose in the archive.

>> No.6463337

Thanks a lot.

Still wondering if there's a seven stakes or Siesta sister set/saves.

>> No.6463659
File: 446 KB, 1152x864, 00EAF4CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone encounter a problem with the save button missing?
It seems that if I load some of my chars the save button disappears.

>> No.6463775 [DELETED] 

So when I download those penis mods will one overwrite the last every time I drop another .tah into arcs, or will it add a bar to the menu that I can choose from?

Sorry, I'm at work right now so I can't find out until I get home.

>> No.6463813 [DELETED] 

>at work
>browing an h-game thread

you're pretty brave, anon

>> No.6463815 [DELETED] 

I use adblock to force no images everywhere on 4chan. If anything it looks like I'm researching from far away, because it's just a wall of text.

>> No.6463890

i made a package for that body in the previous thread

>> No.6463992

You can still do a hard save by holding ctrl and clicking where the save button should be. The game won't allow you to do a normal (white) save if it can't find the mods associated with a hard save.

>> No.6464019

I need more clothes. I don't care about penis mods, body mods, and the thousands of sexual things.
I just want more cute clothes (that work on the basic body) to dress my waifu in

>> No.6464023 [DELETED] 

You monster. Take that shit to /d/.

>> No.6464040 [DELETED] 

Get the 3D custom shojo stuff from the torrent. Fuckloads of clothes and props and shit.

>> No.6464057

That works. Thank you.

>> No.6464077



My worldview just imploded.

>> No.6464107 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 1280x1024, â_â`ââÆjreadme&ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fat guy wasn't quite what I was expected. Picture spoilered if you're interested.

>> No.6464139

so uh, where do you get the loli

>> No.6464153 [DELETED] 

Wish I knew. That's just the preview image that came with the .tah.

>> No.6464161

Which torrent was it? All i'm seeing is the megaupload 400mb file that seems pointless to download to just trash 2/3 of it.

>> No.6464237
File: 1.01 MB, 128x256, (161).tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use TMOProportion.

1. Get hard saves
2. Find clothes you like
3. http://3dcg.wikia.com/wiki/Mods#Reverse_Lookup
May not work for all clothing; some just isn't available outside of one character

You didn't try the others?

Did you ever solve your problem?

For those of you that have problems with the installation or those of you who help people solve their problems successfully, it will be helpful if you write it down in the wiki under the page "Known Installation Problems(creating right now)."

>> No.6464260 [DELETED] 

I did solve my problem. Works great now. Still a little stutter when I load a new pose but otherwise smooth.

Anyway, how do I get these body mods to work? The penis mod works fine (and is much better than the default, I must say) but none of the male body mods I installed show up.

>> No.6464267 [DELETED] 

The torrent that's in the megaupload package is what you're looking for.

Also, how is it "garbage"? Everything in there is 100% useful.

>> No.6464283

The one that's 45gb or so.

I'm not sure if someone helped you to install it, so could you please either link to the post that told you how or explain how you did it yourself briefly?

I'd like to add it to the wiki

>> No.6464314 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.88 MB, 128x256, (71).tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image is NSFW and /d/.

I had forgotten what your original request was, but here's a hard save containing something that seems similar.

That depends on the mod.

Most penis mods are simply an item. Those shouldn't overwrite each other.

Others change the game's male to another model. Those will overlap each other.

>> No.6464326

seems like a lot of posts just got deleted...

most by the working guy?

>> No.6464393

Whenever I try to post how I fixed my problem I get a perm, so... I guess I'll put it on the wiki instead.

>> No.6464404


Speaking of which, there are to wikis. Which one should I post on?

>> No.6464407

two, even.

>> No.6464444


>> No.6464455
File: 2.07 MB, 128x256, 1AF70525-46A4-45C3-A5CAF8C4ACFF458C.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and the installation problems page is under Known Installation Problems.

wiki's pretty bare bones atm but at the very least, i'm working on it. we just started it yesterday.

>> No.6464504


Ah, I put my bit up.


Should I move it to installation problems or leave it where it is? Just added a "Installation Tips" section.

>> No.6464533

4chan has been shitting out wikis recently.

Sons, I am proud.

>> No.6464610
File: 594 KB, 965x821, tdcgexplorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this helpful? should i organize it differently? anything i forgot to mention?

it's to help describe how to get information from saves.

i'll organize it.

>> No.6464822

for now, i've created a page for male mod creation and filled it out with some bare-bones info.

i'd appreciate it if someone knowledgeable on the issue, or someone who has actually tested the mods, could provide more information(especially on the available mods section at the bottom--ideally they would list a mod file name accompanied by a short description).

>> No.6465338 [DELETED] 

I guess I'm blind, mind pointing out the post number?

>> No.6465469

>Edit statistics
>Page edits since 3D Custom Girl Wiki was set up: 362
>Average edits per page: 1.51

Nice. I'll be keeping backups (made weekly), just in case Wikia decides to boot us out, for whatever reason.

Any specific ideas about mod catalogs?

Btw, turns out you can actually edit tags on http://3dcustom.ath.cx/rails/ (mirror: http://tdcg.ath.cx/rails/).). Click on a mod, then "編集" ("edit"), then タグを追加 ("add tag"), then "保存" ("Save"). The author asks that you use Pixiv or Niconico-style tags wherever possible, and use the top search page for bookmarking/linking. Be nice.

>> No.6465479


I know it's a matter of opinion, but I'd like to see a (relatively small) catalogue of "/jp/ recommended" mods. Basically a "best of the best", the really well done, high quality mods - things that are often requested in these threads, etc. etc.

>> No.6465497

I could see a bunch of faggots flooding the site with English tags for their personal convenience, don't know if they want that.

>> No.6465511 [DELETED] 

Well... somebody's been asking for this a lot, and I've had difficulty coming up with an answer, but I suppose for now I'll nominate the string bikinis in XPC01118 and XPC01117.

>> No.6465517
File: 289 KB, 1260x788, E93251AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... somebody's been asking for this a lot, and I've had difficulty coming up with an answer, but I suppose for now I'll nominate the string bikinis in XPC01118 and XPC01117.

>> No.6465523

As opposed to a bunch of Japanese Niconico faggots flooding it for the lulz?

At any rate, it's intentionally open, and they even have a few regular English-speaking posters on their board. I guess it won't hurt to ask what they think, though.

>> No.6465543

For some reason that doesn't happen, and the point was more or less that it would be English tags, which the Japanese may not even be able to understand(especially if they're memes). That and some people here seem to get a kick out of trolling the Japanese, while to niconico users it's just another site.

I'm not really all that worried about it, but I don't know what their stance is going to be on tags they don't understand or duplicate tags in English.

>> No.6465588

Does anyone know if there are any saves for the Rune Factory girls?

>> No.6465613

some more male/dick mods

TA0525 ("futochinko" thick dick)
TA0386 ("chinko kaihen" dick update/change)
TA0112 ("real dick")
TA0396 (chinko v2)
TA0737 ("redone version of real-looking dick from TA0396")
TA0038 (penis patch)
XPC01657 (rirakuma otoko? dunno)

all of these are coming from ttp://3dcustom.ath.cx/rails/tags/42?page=1

>> No.6465634


Thanks. I'll try these out.

>> No.6465656

Someone please give impressions/summary of these mods, or at least pick out the good ones

kind of like this

Update the wiki directly if you want, it would be appreciated

>> No.6465688 [SPOILER] 
File: 485 KB, 1184x839, 1288976241675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are any of those the one being used in this picture?

>> No.6465735


I would kill for that. Holy shit.

>> No.6465746
File: 74 KB, 424x730, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I approve of this mod.

>> No.6465754

turn on some aa bro, holy shit

>> No.6465760

I don't know.

Where did you find the picture?

>> No.6465765



Just answered my own question. Nearly forgot that I already had most of those mods archived.

I'll never find this mod. It must be one of the mods from that inaccessible Japanese uploader site.

>> No.6465766


Uh huh...

>> No.6465775


2ch. They have 3dcg threads like every day with tons of pictures of amazing mods we will probably never see.

>> No.6465813

I'm usually refreshing the ID thread.

I strongly suspect that many of them are made for personal use, so you're right that we'll probably never see a lot of them.

Others you can pay for, so we'll probably never see them either.

>> No.6465819

scratch that, i was thinking of 2chan

>> No.6465820

I'd buy a penis mod like that for a few bucks.

>> No.6465839


Err, yeah, I meant 2chan as well. My bad.

That particular mod is very common though and I see it used in a lot of screenshots. So it's probably been distributed.

>> No.6465855

I have heard rumors that some are on Japanese p2p networks like Perfect Dark and Share, but I've never found anything myself.

I'm guessing you can speak/read Japanese then. If not, if you have any more info/find any more info about it, you can post it here and I'll see if I can't find anything about it myself.

>> No.6465887 [DELETED] 

Figured I'd post this. It explains how to length a skirt model using 3dsmax.

If you find it useful, tell me.


Better yet, if you think you could summarize it for the wiki, write something in the Mod Creation section.

As much as I appreciate the guy's effort in explaining, I suspect that English may not be his first language(not that it's terrible or incomprehensible).

>> No.6465893

Figured I'd post this. It explains how to lengthen a skirt model using 3dsmax.

If you find it useful, please post saying so.


Better yet, if you think you could summarize it for the wiki, write something in the Mod Creation category(http://3dcg.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Mod_Creation).).

As much as I appreciate the guy's effort in explaining, I suspect that English may not be his first language(not that it's terrible or incomprehensible).

>> No.6465902

How in the holy fuck do I download a mod from 3dcustom.net? It always asks me for a "DLKEY" that I can't find.

>> No.6465922


Search the last thread (ctrl-f) for "pass". Probably the first result.

>> No.6466299 [DELETED] 

After that, we have

mod0453 -- Good, cute bikini wear. I think there are other mods in this series in the mod0400's

TAC1346 XPC00585 XPC00640 XPC00239
^Contain good bondage stuff

mod0473 mod0324 mod0322
^Cute/sexy one piece swimsuits... there are a lot of different skins

^Contains a few of good princess-looking items such as a fancy dress, circlet, etc. Definitely the most beautiful dress I've seen so far, although it can clip with bigger breasts.

^pass=30. I don't think I have ever seen sexier high-class adult underwear. Probably not even in real life.

Somewhere in the mod0450's is a mod containing a really good looking body, with a bit of a baby face(not literally) and big eyes. It's a personal favorite.

Also in the 400's is the best China dress I have ever seen. Looks really cute and sexy(because it's so short) at the same time. It's a pity it's only available for loli characters(afaik).

[If you can't tell by this point, the mod0400's contains a lot of really good mods.]

XPC01721 XPC01734 XPC01738
^Contains good dresses and related saves. One looks kind of like a tutu or something, but more dress-like.

^Good summer dresses

^Not listing all of these. See-thru babydoll dresses. The kind of thing a woman might wear to bed without anything else on to be provocative while making pretenses of simply going to bed.

>> No.6466313
File: 361 KB, 1280x960, 見本 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After that, we have

mod0453 -- Good, cute bikini wear. I think there are other mods in this series in the mod0400's

TAC1346 XPC00585 XPC00640 XPC00239
^Contain good bondage stuff

mod0473 mod0324 mod0322
^Cute/sexy one piece swimsuits... there are a lot of different skins

^Contains a few of good princess-looking items such as a fancy dress, circlet, etc. Definitely the most beautiful dress I've seen so far, although it can clip with bigger breasts.

^pass=30. I don't think I have ever seen sexier high-class adult underwear. Probably not even in real life.

Somewhere in the mod0450's is a mod containing a really good looking body, with a bit of a baby face(not literally) and big eyes. It's a personal favorite.

Also in the 400's is the best China dress I have ever seen. Looks really cute and sexy(because it's so short) at the same time. It's a pity it's only available for loli characters(afaik).

[If you can't tell by this point, the mod0400's contains a lot of really good mods.]

XPC01721 XPC01734 XPC01738
^Contains good dresses and related saves. One looks kind of like a tutu or something, but more dress-like.

^Good summer dresses

^Not listing all of these. See-thru babydoll dresses. The kind of thing a woman might wear to bed without anything else on to be provocative while making pretenses of simply going to bed.

That was a real pain in the ass. Pic is the mod0400's body(i think) and two examples of the cute swimsuits in mod0453.

>> No.6466322
File: 195 KB, 1152x864, halem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combination of some of my favorite mods.

Next post, I am going to attach a hardsave of this. If you like how they look and want the mods, find them. I've written a lot on this subject in the past week.

>> No.6466329

I lied. I'd never give out my waifu.

>> No.6466350
File: 2.79 MB, 128x256, 80A9DD60-A09B-4271-9A50F363BAAA2EF0.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was too big, so I had to remove something and chose the body. Use one of your own.

>> No.6466402


Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Anyone know who the girl in the OP is, and if I can get a save of her?

>> No.6466407


Thank you friend.

>> No.6466430
File: 437 KB, 1680x1050, 生徒会役員の方々03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he's ever distributed her, but he has a little comic series of her and a few other characters going.

>> No.6466538

My webcam turns itself on when I play this, is there a way to stop that?

>> No.6466549 [DELETED] 


So the body is 0400 itself? Or...

>> No.6466561


No. If your webcam doesn't turn on we can hardly stream videos of you fapping now can we? What, you thought this program as *free*?

I have no idea why it does that for you, I only have a virtual webcam, but it doesn't try to activate that...

>> No.6466580

That's actually pretty fucking creepy.

I would say unplug that shit stat and get it checked out by an exorcist.

>> No.6466581


If I enjoy something a lot, and can make a copy to share - I don't mind letting other people enjoy it too.

>> No.6466585

It was somebody else posing as that guy because it took him a little while to post the hardsave. The next post has it, bro.

>> No.6466586


Wait, I looked it up. Apparently since xp2 it added face tracking or something.

>> No.6466587


Very nice!

When I run into something like mod0473, where the reverse lookup says "futaba"

How do I locate that?

>> No.6466614

Also, sorry to press you, but:
>lso in the 400's is the best China dress I have ever seen. Looks really cute and sexy(because it's so short) at the same time. It's a pity it's only available for loli characters(afaik).

If it's that good... can you be a little more specific...

If possible I'd rather not download *all* the 400s looking for it.

>> No.6466644

Apparently the torrent got taken down?

Lists it as unregistered, my friend can't download.

What do I tell him, /jp/?

>> No.6466650


Tell him to let it run for more than 30 seconds so DHT can kick in.

>> No.6466664


OK, I think I've located everything there save for:

-the body (mid mod450s?)
-the china dress (mod400s?)

I'm considering putting together a series of "recommended" mods to go with the distribution package if anyone wants it - so if you could provide the original zips for those or a download location (since I can't Jap, and you seem to be FAR better at this than I) it would help a lot.

>> No.6466667
File: 237 KB, 1280x1024, 表示例.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's right

I don't want to go hunting for it again, but you can find it easily yourself if you go to the Futaba uploader(check the links page on the wiki; see below) and search for チャイナ around the 400's.

If you still have trouble, let me know.

If you have the mod name, you should be able to find it in the OP torrent.

If it's not there, the next step is to go directly to the uploader. In this case, the uploader is the Futaba uploader. http://3dcg.wikia.com/wiki/Uploaders#Eastern

Finally, if you can't find it there, check the mediafire pages on http://deadfrog.fapis.com/entry.html?id=13927&show_all_files=1

If you still haven't found it, ask here(this is likely to take the longest). It may have been deleted by the original uploader and be unavailable.

Hope that answers your question.

>> No.6466677 [DELETED] 

Pictured is mod435, loli bunny suit set

Okay, since you're willing to help make something lasting, I'll try to be a little more specific over the next few posts.

>> No.6466683
File: 787 KB, 1050x1025, サンプル (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured is mod435, loli bunny suit set

Okay, since you're willing to help make something lasting, I'll try to be a little more specific over the next few posts.

>> No.6466692
File: 231 KB, 1024x768, sample (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"mod 450ish body"

eyes for it are in mod0441
mod0445.zip appears to be related, but i think mod0449 contains this body but with an added version that has breasts(So, i THINK mod0449 is just a later version... test yourselves please)

>> No.6466700
File: 325 KB, 1024x768, sample1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome(loli only) china dress
also contains a skimpy ribbon kind of dress(loli only i think)

>> No.6466702


Thank you.

Also, I was able to locate mod0473 on one of the other uploaders.

So now it's just:
-china dress (mod0400s?)

>> No.6466709
File: 658 KB, 1100x1000, FC3792BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mod0473.zip is on the futaba uploader, use ctrl+f

it, as well as its related files which you can find by searching for the zip file on the 3DCGMRS, contains one-piece bikinis with many more skins than this

>> No.6466730
File: 301 KB, 640x480, sample (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at mod0322 on the 3DCGMRS, it's an old version of another mod(presumably 324). I checked, and I have a tah with the exact name of the file it contains in my directory, so I think it is safe to assume it's simply an old version of mod0324 which was deleted and is now unavailable.

this is mod0474.zip, which is wrestling swimsuit that's well done in general. tangential since i hadn't mentioned it yet.

>> No.6466735


Right, found that one - and you linked China dress right before I posted: >>6466702

So we're down to:
-mod0441 (sorry, it's not in the torrent or deadfrog and I can't find it on any of the uploaders that I've figured out how to navigate)

You are right that mod0449 is an update of mod0445 though.

>> No.6466753

Are we putting these on the wiki?

Also, how do I get male body mods to work? Penis mods work fine but I can't get the actual body to change, even with only one .tah file present.

Wat do?

>> No.6466756


I "think" I found 0441 inside of 0447, if that's the case then we have everything.

Which means I can add the swimsuits from the previous post in and we'll be on our way to a first "recommended" pack.

(Should we stop here for pack 1, or wait for more mod?)

Going to test them all first to make sure I have the right things obviously, so it might be a day or two.

>> No.6466772

I looked it up on the mods reference site and checked all available resources I had, but couldn't find it. Googling brings up no results either, and there are still no related results taking off .zip.

It says it's just a test product, so there's a good chance he took it off after a short period of time, and possibly reuploaded it as another mod. I know I found the mod name on the 3DCGMRS site, so chances are it was linked as an older version of the file I originally found it on but does not link to its newer version itself.

If these mods are not available in catalogs, it would be good if they were added to one.

Which brings up the question of what we should do about making a mod catalog. Can/should we use the wiki as a mod catalog?

Should we instead try contacting the 3DCG Mods Reference site about making an English version of his site?

>> No.6466773

actually i'm wondering about the male body thing too

mine is always default blue, and i've tried swapping it out with several different models to no avail

anyone have a short tutorial?

>> No.6466789

Ok, so here's what we're looking at right now for mod pack 1 - currently about 565Mb (sorry, but I'm just going to post the work file)

Assuming it all works out, what do you think?

-xpc01117 - XX
-xpc01118 - XX

-mod0453 X

-TAC1346 X
-XPC00585 X
-XPC00640 X
-XPC0023 X

-mod0473 XX
-mod0324 X
-mod0474 XX

-XPC01721 X
-XPC01734 X
-XPC01738 X

-TA0762 X

Princess Mods/
-7.zip - XX
-8.zip - XX
-9.zip - XX
-10.zip - XX
-11.zip - XX
-12.zip - XX

-3Dカスタム少女MOD43_30万ヒット記念品.zip XX

-TA3CH0159 - X
-TA3CH0145 - X (Marked: OLD? - If conflicts with TA3CH0159, DO NOT USE)
-TA3CH0199 - X
-TA3CH0172 - X
-TA3CH0230 - X
-TA3CH0328 - X
-TA3CH0292 - X

Somewhere in the mod0450's is a mod containing a really good looking body, with a bit of a baby face(not literally) and big eyes. It's a personal
favorite. ~FINISHED
-mod0449 - X (body)
-mod0447 - XX (eyes)
-mod0441+mod0445 (mod0449 is updated version of mod0445?)

Also in the 400's is the best China dress I have ever seen. Looks really cute and sexy(because it's so short) at the same time. It's a pity it's only
available for loli characters(afaik) -FINISHED
-mod0454 - X

X = torrent

>> No.6466792

here again,
The description for mod0447 is "added camera-tracking functionality for mod0441,445 eyes."
mod0445's description is "self-made body"

given that mod0445 has a body of its own, it seems likely that it's a newer version of 0441.

mod0441 does contain a body tso as well(looking at 3DCGMRS). it has a different name, but it's probably the same body. whatever the case, it doesn't seem like it's available anymore, so we'll just have to assume that's the case or make a note to keep looking for it.

>> No.6466806

I am probably going to be at this all night if we continue, so it's probably best to leave it at that for now.

I'm willing to continue posting single-item hardsaves of mods I like if someone is willing to look them up, but I have other things to do and I can't afford to be as involved in this activity as I have been for too much longer today. Got stuff to study. Posting hard saves of mods I like for people to look up would be easy, though.

>> No.6466814
File: 78 KB, 128x256, 1D5BF5CE-D0B4-42CC-92D7B093573A9F80.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just so people know the process i have been doing is

-browse my tdcg menu for an item i like
-hard save it
-open in tdcg explorer
-get tso/tah name
-go to 3dcgMRS
-look up zip file

so it's taken a bit of work, thus why i dont want to continue past the hard save point. if someone else wants to do it in my place past that point and continue building this file, step up, or i'll just go back to normal posting

>> No.6466815

What about the loli bodies?

>> No.6466819

I'm with you, not looking to turn it into a full-time job either. My chem professor would kill me if I did anyway.

I don't think I'm as good at finding these things as you are - so unless someone comes along who is it might be best to just slow down with it and take it easy. Putting together the packs is enough for me, for the most part. Maybe aim for something like 1 ~600mb "recommended" pack a month or so, just to keep the interest up/new things coming.

>> No.6466820

>go to test some new mods i downloaded
>get distracted before I even reach it in the menu
>end up fapping
>close program without even looking at the mods i downloaded




>> No.6466825


There's one in there already, two others were posted earlier (with following eye mods) that I could add.

"Monolith" seems to be another popular one, but honestly I didn't think it was as well done.

>> No.6466828
File: 702 KB, 1024x768, 成長過程.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a loli body

if you're expecting us to post bodies that look like little girls, you're making the wrong requests.

if you want something that REALLY looks like a little girl, you're going to have to use tmoproportion. pic is something i posted in an earlier thread, along with explanations of how to use tmoproportion.

i will post more info about how to use tmoproportion and tpoeditor on the wiki in the near future. for now, you can find info in the old threads.

>> No.6466831

>i posted this pic in an earlier thread
fixed, i am not implying that those are body mods. that pic simply shows tmoproportion at work.

>> No.6466836

Nah, not talking about toddlercon or anything. Just something that looks like >>6466313 is more than fine.

>> No.6466839

Are you megauploading this one too?

>> No.6466845


I might go ahead and add it to the pack, but I think I want to change a few things first. Mainly, one of the bodies was released with 3 variations but it only includes one of them - so I'd like to go ahead and make .tah files out of the other 2 variations (which are currently heavy saves).

Either that or just include them as heavy saves...

>> No.6466847

i'm not sure you understand what i'm saying.

almost all bodies look the same to begin with in terms of age(as determined by height and arm/leg length).

the difference between a "loli body" and a normal one is typically the design of the face, hips, and breasts.

this does not mean you can't have loli in your game.

if you want your bodies to look like >>6466313, you change their displayed proportions by using tmoproportion(along with its associated apps, pngproportion and tahproportion). i explained how to do so in an earlier thread, but i don't have the time to go over it again.

TMOProportion and its associated apps are available in XPC02403.zip. my explanation is in http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/6378131#p6380973

>> No.6466851

tl;dr want lolis? download tmoproportion and learn to use it.

(note: i believe >>6466692 is actually the body being used in >>6466313. the character looks like that because of TMOProportion.)

>> No.6466858

Is it just me or is the tracker not working for the Tech Arts 3D ™ torrent?

>> No.6466862

Sorry, I wasn't aware you needed outside programs to do. Thought you could just download a body mod. My bad.

Thanks for the links, though. I'll look into it.

>> No.6466870

just remember that there are bodies that are more suited to loli proportions than ohers, which is why i'd call >>6466692 a loli body(big eyes, round face, etc).

the one thing tmoproportion isn't very good at is changing finer details of facial structure, so having a body with a appropriate base face for your desired result is important.

>> No.6466876

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.

>> No.6466886


I'm almost sure you posted this somewhere but I think my brain is failing me at 5am - where was it that the process for making a .tah from a hardsave was?

(I want to make a few for the 3 custom_4.1[2] bodies to throw in the mod pack.)

>> No.6466889

seriously though, why are the male body mods not working?

is there a patch process or something i have to do?

>> No.6466898


Probably something to do with the load order...

Try naming the .tah file "base_xpr5.tah" and see if that works.

>> No.6466907
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, 00F1C3D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is komachi demonstrating tmoproportion for us. same save file, same poses, different proportions.

wait a minute please, i've been trying to get to your question but failing. i need to dl a mod file.

it was indeed in an earlier thread. use ctrl+f for "explorer" and press "previous"; it was near the bottom of the first thread i started posting in

>> No.6466917
File: 62 KB, 360x360, Shikieiki_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her honkers are way too big.

>> No.6466930

tried that, and put it in the base directory to no avail

>> No.6466931

we call that "small" in my industry

it was also the easiest way to for me to show a large difference in characters

what this guy says
you may have another mod overriding it.

>> No.6466934

also, if it's the case that you have another mod overriding it, what that means is that you need to do is find the mod overriding it and then remove it.

this can be a huge pain if you have a large arcs folder. hopefully you have an idea of what kinds of male mods you've put in there so you can easily search and extract what you find.

>> No.6466937

Doesn't seem like there's an option on the menu for different penis mods.

Do I have to swap the .tahs out manually when I want to switch between them?

>> No.6466942


nothing seems to be working

i only have two mods that weren't included with the megaupload starter pack anyway, and they're both unrelated to the male body

>> No.6466947

another thing i forgot to add:

if you've downloaded the custom shojo mod packs, then you may have a male mod in there that is overriding it. i'm not sure what male mods there are(or if there are any) in the custom shojo mod packs, so if you did put them all into your arcs folder then it might be one of the files included in them.

if you mean penis mods for the model that game uses for males, then yes.

if you mean normal penis mods, then probably not. most penis mods are added as items and do not overlap.

>> No.6466950 [DELETED] 


Ok, I found the instructions, but I'm having issues with explorer.

The directories are all set correctly, but when I go the the savefile tab nothing shows up at all - any ideas?

>> No.6466952

okay, give me awhile. i found that apparently my male model has a dick attached to it, so i am removing things from my arcs folder trying to get it back to the default model so i can test.

>> No.6466956

i just figured it out

models that swap the male dicks apparently count as the entire male body, so you can't interchange the two

i guess you've just got to hope that the body you get has a good dick on it

>> No.6466961

yes... that is why i was swapping them out because it had a dick attached to it.

i finally removed mine(turned out to be りあちん優先度改--that's never going back) and it seems that it was overriding the other mods(my male became a dakimakura after that), so hopefully removing such a file will solve your problem.

i'll probably add a note in on the wiki to be careful of what male mods you put in for this reason. i removed about 10 mods from my arcs folder trying to figure out which it was.

>> No.6466964
File: 382 KB, 1440x900, ObsDX9 2010-11-18 02-31-55-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, that was the reason

pic related for working now

>> No.6466969


Ok, kinda getting there.

I have 3 hard saves, all very similar bodies - that I want to turn into a single .tah file, that will display a single body in the menu with 3 "options".

... Any idea on how to go about that?

>> No.6466993

this might take a bit of explaining and may stretch into tomorrow.

1. extract all tsos and psds from each hard save
2. put them all into one folder, naming them whatever you want(may have to come before step 2)
3. drag and drop folder into TDCGExplorer
4. create a TBN file for each of the tso files
5. select all files
5a. if you want to edit the icons, choose to write out. open the folder and edit the .psd files to reflect what you want the icons to look like(remember, you cannot change the resolution or any actual property of the image; just copy and paste or use basic image editing functions).
6a. use tahdecrypt or TDCGExplorer(takes longer) on the folder to write it into a tah.
5b. choose "compose tah file from selected files" and put it in your arcs folder

sorry for the poor explanation, tried to write it with minimal effort

>> No.6466996


Alright, thanks. I'll give this a go tomorrow, since I need to get up... now... So much for sleep.

But yeah, I'd love to be able to get those bodies in properly with the mod set, since they work well with most loli stuff and look pretty good.

>> No.6467000
File: 305 KB, 1024x768, ss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hope we can get rid of captcha one day, it's extremely annoying not being able to at least make image posts with 1 hand only

>> No.6467004

Hey this looks incredibly hot. Request for a hard save

>> No.6467011


Seconding this. That reminds me of that hot as fuck demon girl from that one image that nobody ever has source on.

>> No.6467014 [SPOILER] 
File: 507 KB, 900x1000, 06aea8f7d8034d11d383016cfa32bcb12250ba42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plug that in to an image search and you will get a sorce.

>> No.6467019


Fucking awesome, thank you.

Another pixiv favorite. Now if only I could get around to actually going through all of them...

>> No.6467029
File: 525 KB, 900x1000, 2869610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6467041
File: 1.53 MB, 128x256, あくまのおひめさま.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck male mods are annoying

i still can't get mine back to normal... not like i ever use it anyways, but it's annoying

>> No.6467050


>> No.6467054

You are awesome, anon.

>> No.6467064
File: 314 KB, 800x600, FDC5BC78 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i feel like looking for this fucking mod

>> No.6467066

how the fuck do you have a 1.5 MB picture that's almost the same size as the thumbnail

>> No.6467068
File: 163 KB, 800x564, 1270722094401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.53 MB

>> No.6467081
File: 369 KB, 1024x768, サンプル1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6467092

Ohh dear god what did you do to Auska. Please, put her down, she doesnt need to suffer so much. Her life has been bad enough.

>> No.6467093
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, ss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6467098
File: 438 KB, 1024x768, サンプル2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask the guy who made it, not me

>> No.6467100

You happen to have a hardsave for these fine ladies?

>> No.6467101
File: 536 KB, 1050x1680, 00F274E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a couple of screens of what TMOproportion/TPOeditor can do to enhance your girls curvature, even with subtle changes. You can achieve somewhat of a more hourglass figure and perkier breasts which may be more desirable than the default anatomy to some. It certainly was to me at least.

>> No.6467102
File: 414 KB, 1024x768, F4390C14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6467104


How do I get my skin to not look shiny as fuck? It's perfect there.

>> No.6467105
File: 465 KB, 1050x1680, 00F2767A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6467107

how'd you get rid of those huge black outlines?

>> No.6467111
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, ss2 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have a hardsave but i have her mod files

>> No.6467118
File: 604 KB, 1050x1680, 00F2A9F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's just a certain body mod that looks like that. Some are even much shinier than that.

>> No.6467120
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, SAMPLE01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different body mods have different properties

so, you would need his body mod

i'm not sure exactly which one it is

>> No.6467125

Fucking hell.

>Get this game.
>Fap more times in a day now than I used to in an entire week.

What are you doing to me, /jp/.

>> No.6467127
File: 60 KB, 800x600, 見本 (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6467131
File: 337 KB, 800x600, Image04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't stop.

>> No.6467147
File: 225 KB, 1440x900, サンプル2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6467153
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, mizu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6467191

about new thread time?

>> No.6467195


311 posts.

>> No.6467345

Hello guys I'm new and this threat caught my attention. But I'm new I really don't get this wiki stuff and torrent stuff. Can someone be kind enough to break it Barney style for me? Or at least show me what I need to download and how it works. Please?

>> No.6468622

>Typical custom on Japanese boards is to remove the "h" in "http://"(as shown above). This helps lighten their server load, and helps us avoid getting IP banned as the Japanese are apt to do.

>> No.6468781

please give me a better reason as to why they do this and i'll replace it.

i am thinking of removing it.

i'll be upfront in admitting that i'm ignorant about the topic; i would honestly like an accurate statement(or nothing at all if it is seriously unnecessary, but it seems to be a rule that jp uploader sites give out(which is probably not enough for 4channers to comply)).

>> No.6469460

There are at least four different tutorials in this thread.

Download the most recent megaupload package.

Launch the torrent, only download the iso from it.

Install ISO.

Copy over required files, and optional if you want.


Seriously man.
