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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 122 KB, 532x401, 1289963128521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6460141 No.6460141 [Reply] [Original]

just a reminder, weeaboo's

don't ever forget it

>> No.6460154

Ignorant American leave this place

>> No.6460152

What if America messes with America?

>> No.6460158


just a reminder ameriboos
don't forget it

>> No.6460157
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>> No.6460164

But I'm actually an American.

>> No.6460168
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>implying japan doesn't have its own nukes now

>> No.6460165
File: 46 KB, 418x359, umm err.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh-dear-god you are a mad man

>> No.6460166

get out of here stalker wwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.6460170

Take Civil War
Replace muskets with ICBMs

>> No.6460171

dont you pick on china like that fagget. they have more people than your country and our more powerful. there swords are made of steel which can go through bullets noob.

>> No.6460173

/k/ finally got rid of you?

>> No.6460175
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>> No.6460183
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Reported for underage.
I invite everyone to do the same.

>> No.6460185

isn't that why america is called the melting pot?

>> No.6460193
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>> No.6460194


If by that you mean that they steal everything from everyone else, then yes, of course.

>> No.6460202

but america is a fairly new country how on earth can it have its own culture?

>> No.6460210

I'm pretty sure bikinis are French.

>> No.6460216
File: 47 KB, 400x562, 1278103748001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


America is non-country.

Not eaven own language.

>> No.6460231
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>implying America

You mean United Statesian amirite

>> No.6460241

Sorry, I meant to say non-continent.

>> No.6460242
File: 74 KB, 576x500, ehonda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been like what, a month or two since then?
how do you even know that if i have or have not already turned 18 by now, and most of all why do you care?

>> No.6460250
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>He still uses outdated and shitty scripts

>> No.6460246
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>> No.6460247


The ability to take the best of every other culture is, itself, a distinguishing cultural feature.

“All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.” ~Bruce Lee

>> No.6460261

Are you that Russian girl from /tg/?

>> No.6460262
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>> No.6460268

What's with that date?

>> No.6460277

yeah, seriously piss us off, it'll happen

that said, we're currently bros with both Japan AND China, or didn't you get the fuckin' memo?

(suck it, ausfailia. just suck it right down)

>> No.6460278
File: 155 KB, 800x600, 800px-Casale_Bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are paintings of women wearing a bikini-like clothing on mosaic, 4th century AD created by the romans. I'm pretty sure they weren't used for swimming though.

>> No.6460286
File: 118 KB, 800x600, whut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, I only partially understood why /k/ thinks you're a loser.

This is making it easier to understand, though.

>> No.6460288
File: 32 KB, 512x384, 128312440182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you 'murrica.

>> No.6460303

Soon China will become more powerful then US.

We are fucked.

>> No.6460324
File: 480 KB, 1056x960, charonboat_dot_com_hiroshima_victim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget, never forgive.

>> No.6460321

/jp/ sure is tsundere for America.

>> No.6460327

I really want to know the context of that image.

>> No.6460328



>> No.6460338
File: 20 KB, 242x193, 1287717474069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jap sure got what he had coming to him

>> No.6460342

/jp/- National Pride/Normalfag General

>> No.6460354

That's not far from the truth, really.

>> No.6460360
File: 35 KB, 380x461, nagasaki_nuclear_bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US has committed worst warcrimes in the history of men.

>> No.6460371
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>> No.6460385
File: 31 KB, 450x316, pearl harbor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those Americans sure got what was coming to them

>> No.6460387

Yeah we should've done a land invasion instead, leading to more casualties for the Americans and a decently good chance of near-genocide levels of Japanese deaths.

>> No.6460397

No-one cares about American casualities. It was a coward effort.

>> No.6460409

Bonus: whatever was left of Japan would also partially be under control of the USSR much like Germany.

>> No.6460410
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yep... sure got what was coming to them

>> No.6460425

Nobody ever gets what's coming to them. Shit just happens.

>> No.6460437
File: 154 KB, 800x600, doom yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am sick of all this hate in /jp/ why cant we all just take it easy?

>> No.6460446
File: 40 KB, 450x278, finnchan_totuus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hate was offered by HFF. Hikikomori FinnFag.

Anonymous never goes outside, Anonymous never fucks, Anonymous does not dare to. Anonymous just swets inside and jerks off to little cartoon girls!!!!!!

>> No.6460455

It was Japanese casualties that were the concern. Civilians in Japan were encouraged to strap explosives to themselves or take whatever weaponry they could improvise and charge American troops. Japanese soldiers would use their own civilians as shields while advancing on American troops. At that stage of the war it was clear to Japanese military command that they were in a disadvantageous position if they fought on equal moral ground, so they decided any moral atrocity was permissible as long as it benefited them in war. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were small fishing villages, chosen to minimize the civilian casualties while fronting a bluff that America had an unlimited supply of nuclear bombs and would use them on any city in Japan. The goal of the bombs was to frighten the Japanese military command into folding despite their stubborn desire for 'honor', and prevent the need for any further casualties.

>> No.6460456

>America losses 2 buildings
>Other countries get nuked, invaded, tortured.

I think america is winning in the "give people what is coming to them" category.

>> No.6460472

>another "herp derp WW2" not-even-trying troll thread
>over 50 replies


>> No.6460482


What a glorious country. Suicide for my people!


>> No.6460484
File: 37 KB, 405x600, hu-jintao33772o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when americans think they would stand a chance against china

>> No.6460544
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>> No.6460553
File: 151 KB, 522x473, New-Vegas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY face 20 to 200 years after we invade China

>> No.6460564



Those Japs sure got what was comin to em.

>> No.6460606

>frighten the Japanese military command into folding despite their stubborn desire for 'honor'
It was less the feeling of fear as a feeling of hopelessness and despair. They wanted the Japanese to realize that there would be no honorable final battle nor any chance of a conditional peace. Continuing the war would lead to the systematic death of the entire Japanese race and culture one city at a time until they surrendered. There would be no fighting back, just a waiting period for each city until the inevitable end.
It had the intended effect and undoubtably saved lives for all involved, so yeah.

>> No.6460612

Honestly I think they could have achieved the same effect by nuking a patch of open ocean first.

>> No.6460630

That would have been viable if we had lots and lots of nukes, but we only had the two; the rest were a long time coming, plus we didn't even know if they were going to work.

>> No.6460679

"Honorable battle" was right out from the start. Japan's declaration of war was a note to the president during negations for them to cease hostilities in China, saying he had less than an hour to surrender or there would be war; Zeroes were already enroute to Pearl. American soldiers were terrified of the fanatic nature of Japanese soldiers - even after calling for surrender from Japanese soldiers entrenched in caves, even after starting to deprive the cave of oxygen to draw them out for capture, Japanese soldiers would remain at their posts. Japan wanted their soldiers to be the obedient, fearless, and loyal to the death, and dabbled in genetic engineering to produce optimal soldiers (which is where the blood-type-personality thing in Japan comes from). There was no honor on Japan's part during the war, only desperation and self-sacrifice for the sake of maintaining the political and social face for less than a hundred of Japan's political elite.

Unfortunately, no. Not only did America need to show they had the weapons, but they needed to demonstrate that they could fly a bomber round-trip to any point in Japan to deliver them.

>> No.6460689

The japanese didn't care when we blew the fuck out of Trinity.
Remember that they had their own atomic program, so they knew atomic bombs were possible. When we conducted a live test and then informed them that we had beaten them to the punch and thus the war was now effectively over for them, they kept fighting.

>> No.6460728

Eh, I'll agree for the most part. The idea of "honorable combat" was entrenched fairly deeply into most of the military. The IJN mindset was almost entirely for ship-to-ship combat, considering a merchant or cargo ship kill as lowly and beneath them.
While it was less so in ground forces, practical need taking over for the most part, there was still an idea of a Glorious Final Resistance of the Japanese against invaders. The thought that they'd be executed en-masse from a plane they couldn't even fire at was what finally made them give up on the idea.

>> No.6460756

Japan had girls under sixteen and women above sixty training with bamboo spears to resist the land invasion on the beaches. That's the level of honorable but futile resistance that they were willing to put up. But if even that meager bit of honor is taken from you by fire from the sky, you really might as well give up and go home.

>> No.6460777
File: 150 KB, 530x372, ichigoloveeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I fucking love anime and manga, to the point where they are my main hobbies, and prefer Japanese games to western ones, I still smile every time I remember how Japan got put in it's place by the US.

Fucking nips, keep it in mind that we own you.

Kudo's to Stalker-coincidentally, his name is one of my favorite western(Does Russia count as western?) games.

>> No.6460787

i remember hearing this one japanese guy say he saw them hand a girl an augur and told her "even if you just get one soldier, it is enough"

>> No.6460793

What I always find ironic is that despite the idea of "honor" being more cited on the Pacific front, the European front was more humane, at least after D-Day. Both Allies and Axis took prisoners if they could rather than kill, and treated those prisoners extremely well. In Africa, victorious generals would meet with the defeated and congratulations would be exchanged, and Rommel was known for driving unescorted to an Allied hospital and improving their operations just because.

>> No.6460798

I read about that too. I think it was in Blossoms in the Wind, which I never got around to reading more than a few chapters of. A damned shame, too; I need to finish reading that sometime. But I remember it being an awl.

>> No.6460804


Where does it say this?

>> No.6460811

It's actually common knowledge that fights between the Axis and Western Allies were quite humane in their treatment of prisoners. Just check out the survival rates for details. The Eastern Front, on the other hand, was a fucking charnel house.

>> No.6460816

Oh, the Rommel hospital story. I got nothing, I'm a different poster.

>> No.6460824

And now your country is owned by China and various Jews, isn't that nice ?

>> No.6460829


Yes, Erwin was a man of honour. Murdered by his own.
That is where honour gets you in war.

>> No.6460837

It's because in the Japanese mindset, valiant and futile death in suicidal combat is honorable, whereas surrendering when you're fucked is the ultimate dishonor. Japanese did not surrender very easily; many ended up doing basically committing suicide by doing things like charging Americans with a sword. To the Japanese, an American who surrendered was a worthless dishonorable dog, who was lucky that the Japanese even bothered to spare his life (which they often didn't.)

>> No.6460858

Which part? The PoWs or Rommel?

For PoWs:

For Rommel:
>On one occasion, he visited a New Zealand Army field hospital that was still under Allied control. "[Rommel] inquired if anything was needed, promised the British medical supplies and drove off unhindered."[38] Eventually, Rommel did supply the medical unit with some medical equipment.

Both in body and in spirit: when requesting no Nazi iconography at his funeral, his casket was adorned with swastikas; the official story was his death was a heart attack or wounds in combat, despite the true cause being suicide on command of Nazi authorities, with the death of his family if he did not comply.

>> No.6460860
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Yeah the Japanese were pretty much dicks constantly: targeting medics and hospitals, etc.
Do note that it was really only the Eastern front with Britain/France/US that had dignity in the European theater, though. The Russians and Germans absolutely hated each other and pulled out all the stops to fuck the other up as much as possible.

>> No.6460863

>Eastern front
Western, durrr

>> No.6460871


>Implying China won't fall apart under it's own weight in the coming decades
>Implying the world isn't completely run by Jews anyway

Sure beats getting nuked though, amirite?

>> No.6460896

>Implying China won't fall apart under it's own weight in the coming decades

The USA will fall apart the same day then, considering China holds $883.5 billions of the US treasuries. Sure was worth it, huh ?

>> No.6460945

We will pay them with $883 billion in nuclear energy

>> No.6462397

Stay classy America.

>> No.6462407
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>> No.6462425

I love Ichigo Mashimaro, but I never played Stalker. I just love those young girls.

>> No.6462426

why the hell is this thread still up?

kimmo-country "metal" fans, britshit empire fanboys, cock-sucking czechs/russians, and all other euro shit stay in >>>/int/

>> No.6462428

Sounds like this cowboy is a little pained in the barnhole.

>> No.6462446

lol, something is seriously wrong with you euro types

>> No.6462541

Sorry, /jp/ it's just our resident troll.
A retaded marine boot camp dropout.

Don't respond, he has a short attenion span.


>> No.6462548

gee thanks for bumping it, "barnhole"

>> No.6462561

Sorry, I'm browsing on a phone.

>> No.6462564

Is your butt still sore over that? Keep yer chin up, chief! It don't affect you if you don't let it get to you, right?
