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File: 274 KB, 940x465, toho_euro_flash_vol_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6448675 No.6448675 [Reply] [Original]

The old eurobeat thread 404d and I can't find a new one.
It was alive for 2 weeks and reached 300 posts, so don't stop now!

>> No.6448684

Lyrics are too lewd

>> No.6448700

I am unable to understand most of it.

drunken Japanese cowboy.

>> No.6449010

Are you refering to Toho Euro Flash? The lyrics are printed in the booklet, you know?

>> No.6449014

Recommend me some beginner's Eurobeat, thank you.

>> No.6449068

Probably anything featured on Initial D.
Look for anything with "Super Eurobeat presents" and "Initial D". Most popular songs are featured there.

>> No.6449082

Here you can find direct links to most of the albums.


>> No.6451255 [DELETED] 

Depends on your taste.
Initial D is the way most 4chan folk got into the stuff, or so I imagine, so anything Initial D should do for you.
Otherwise, you might actually be interested in an indie release, "MOST EXTREME ULTIMATE THUNDER" by Magic Hammer. Mixes Eurobeat with Metal, if that's your thing, and a decent way to transition between the two genres. As well, the artists are all American so there's less accent to wade through.

>> No.6451293

Depends on your taste.
Chances are good you're already familiar with Initial D on some level, so you might wanna check out the soundtracks, usually preceded by "Super Eurobeat Presents". Italians have dem some strong accents, so it may take a little getting used to if you're just starting out. (Avoid Domino and Garcon if you're having particular trouble. They're good but their accents are EXTREMELY thick, or nasally in Garcon's case.)
Otherwise, you might actually be interested in an indie release, "MOST EXTREME ULTIMATE THUNDER" by Magic Hammer. Mixes Eurobeat with Metal, if that's your thing, and a decent way to transition between the two genres. As well, the artists are all American so there's less accent to wade through.

>> No.6451313

Bratt Sinclaire and Maurizio DeJorio make "1, 2, 3, 4, Fire" and do 'acoustic' versions of their previous hits together.
I came.

>> No.6451327

>implying he bought the physical album, much less the album at all

Check out Super Touho Beat Vol 1, then, the two Sugano tracks have American-written lyrics and vocals. If you can stand his voice then he's crystal clear.
Hear for yourself:

>> No.6453245

>implying a proper rip doesn't include a scanned version of the booklet

Also bumping.

>> No.6453854

...good point. I'm just too used to shitty rips.

Loved the Sinclairestyle video. Euro producers and artists need more exposure, a damned shame this video might get taken down by avex due to stick-up-the-ass syndrome.

>> No.6454383

I love how whenever I'm tired and have work to do I can just turn on some Eurobeat and be good to go for another couple of hours.

>> No.6454470


Thanks for this link mate, been looking for some Initial D albums but a lot of them are dead/incorrectly labelled.

I like listening to eurobeat, the only downside is that it sounds pretty gay to the average person and they are likely to take the rip out of you for listening to it. Ah well, I don't care.

Also, thinking about burning a Eurobeat disc for long car journerys. Right now I'm thinking of burning Initial D - First Stage D Non-Stop Mega Mix. Anyone got any other suggestions?

>> No.6456070

Most of the non-stops are excellent for your car journeries. I'm pretty partial to the one that came with Super Eurobeat 175, myself.

As for folks giving you shit for it, if you really do care about what they think, I do once more recommend Most Extreme Ultimate Thunder, or a lot of the more metal-inspired songs by Manuel. SCP also puts out some pretty nice Trance-flavored songs usually under the Pamsy title, so it depends on which ones you're willing to try and your non-Eurobeat tastes.

>> No.6456197

>I'm pretty partial to the one that came with Super Eurobeat 175, myself.
I second this. The other songs on 175 aren't bad either. It's still my favourite.

>> No.6456632
File: 29 KB, 468x458, internet-bro-fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck year.

Futureland and Red Code were my life soundtrack for at least a couple weeks after I got the album. Rock Me wasn't too far behind that... I'd have liked Bad Bad Bad more if it weren't a blatant ripoff of Boom Boom Fire.

>> No.6456636

it may take longer, but I suggest you build your own mixes of your favorite eurobeat songs. It'll make your drives a lot more fun. I remember when I just burned the nonstop megamixes and instead I'd find myself instead flipping through half of the songs to my favorites most of the time.

>> No.6456657

people giving you shit for your tastes in music? Especially Eurobeat? I don't know where you're from but that doesn't happen at all to me out here in SoCal. Feels like with so many musical styles popular out here, no one really cares. It's not all ghetto rap and shit. A lot of metalheads and ska/punk types here too.

although I feel like they're laughing at me about eurobeat behind my backs. ;_;

>> No.6457166

IIRC There was another Touhou Eurobeat release last Comiket besides Touhou Euro Flash with a title very akin to SEB.
Has anyone got a link?

>> No.6457277

The only other one I know is Toho Eurobeat.

Torrent: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=165642

Is that the one you mean, or are there more and I just don't know them yet?
