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6449741 No.6449741 [Reply] [Original]

Are you Man enough to stand in front of a Mirror and say Old Hag five times?

>> No.6449746

>implying I want to be manly

>> No.6449755

That's silly even for a superstition.

>> No.6449760

i just did
surprisingly disappointed nothing happened

>> No.6449768


Aint shit happening but your mind playing tricks on you.

>> No.6449769

Why would I want to do that? It sounds like a real dick move.

>> No.6449779

I already saw Yukari or one of her look-a-likes in a Borders Books and Music. It scared me shitless.

That's more than enough Yukari for one lifetime.

>> No.6449780
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Nope not going to risk it.

>> No.6449796

I just did this, and a hand came out and slapped me.

It wasn't Yukari's, it was my sister's for barging in while she was taking a shower.

>> No.6449801
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The bloody mary thing still scares me bro.

>> No.6449809

Just did it and nothing happened. I wish adding excitement to my life would be so easy.

>> No.6449823

Just did it. Yukari appeared and agreed to take me into Gensokyo. She says that if I want to go there and be a youkai girl so much, she will turn me into a fairy and drop me with no equipment in the middle of Gensokyo so that I can enjoy freezing and getting beaten or mugged for years until I manage to claw out a somewhat acceptable life (that is, three meals a day and a roof over my head. ) She gave me a few minutes to say my goodbyes.

Bring it on. If anyone else lands on Gensokyo, well, hope we find each other.

>> No.6449832

Real M- little girls get beaten up and raped until they get shit powerful in Gensokyo so they do the raping and beating up then.
In there little girls have the saying.

>> No.6449840

Reverse Rape.

My forte.

>> No.6449845

Would Candyman win in a fight against the old hag?

>> No.6449847
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I am rather fond of it, myself.

>> No.6449856


>> No.6449859
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>Yukari will never snatch me out of my pathetic life and drop me somewhere in Gensokyo


>> No.6449870

Tonights the night
Chapter 4

>> No.6449873
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I hope it has more Remilia and biting.

>> No.6449884

well, all you'd gain from that would be either death if you met a beast youkai, or a boring life of a farmer in human village.

no more internet.

>> No.6449889

It will, but not nearly as violent as the first chapter.
Saving that for the last chapter with another character

>> No.6449905
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I am looking forward to it.

>> No.6449933

I´d lend myself a bit money/help from patchi, eirin and other "useful" persons and build a construction company with lot´s of hard working fairies constructing the nessesary infrastructure, then i flood their medieval markets with lot´s of technology and observe how that mediocre country is developing into a huge, capitalstic industrial nation with me on the top.

>implying the majority of youkai wouldn´t spare me since i´m probably the only male besides that fag Rinnosuke and therefore most likely very popular with the ladies

>> No.6449937

>Only other male besides Rinnosuke.

Everyone is gay in Gensokyo.

enjoy your sexy beam.

>> No.6449949
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Sorry, there's other males there already. They'll be just like you, though, unnamed and below the notice of anybody important.

>> No.6449953
File: 182 KB, 800x812, rinnosukerance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are tons of men in Gensokyo.

You may want to consider expecting the unexpected.

>> No.6449964
File: 28 KB, 400x300, !BQQEmc!BWk~$(KGrHgoH-E!EjlLlyV66BJ335pjOQ!~~_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey business major how do you think you're going to bootstrap the industrial revolution in Gensokyo? Good luck building microchips without HF much less high purity silicon.

>> No.6449979
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kappa ingenuity

>> No.6449985
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I'd say everyone is Bi in Gensokyo.

Rinno can only service so many, Youki is getting up there in years and the Scarlets killed their sire.

Byakuren's brother is dead, as well.

I'd imagine they grab any male they can and the rest of the time it's lesbian sex.

>> No.6449988

with humans it makes sense
but since species reproduce to replace its numbers due to death, and since yokai can live to centuries
it would make sense that there would be a small number of male yokai,
seeing as they are not all that necessary.

>> No.6449994

Or he has a monopoly on the sex toy and aphrodisiac market.

>> No.6450003
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So how ya gonna make the machine tools punk? Do you know how fucking hard it is to make accurate machine tools? Where are you even going to mine the metal to make them, as I don't believe Gensokyo has any natural ore deposits?

>> No.6450009

I don't believe Gensokyo has any natural ore deposits?
why not?

>> No.6450012
File: 70 KB, 960x768, 98c907cb1ac9e6c5b4d9b3b4e49d0936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That too.

>> No.6450017

I think you don't believe Gensokyo has any natural ore deposits?????

>> No.6450041

see, this is why your dad is gay

grow up

>> No.6450045

Japan doesn't have any natural resources. Gensokyo is in Japan. Therefore Gensokyo doesn't have any natural ore deposits.


>> No.6450050
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>I don't believe Gensokyo has any natural ore deposits
Sure. And their swords/weapons were made out of what exactly?

Also they could always steal stuff from the human world. i mean remilia and her folks managed to get their huge-as victorian mansion to gensokyo after all.

>> No.6450066

Japan did have mines in the past bro

>> No.6450071

you also have to take into account that less than a century ago,one way or another Japan aquried enough resources to build a war machine that invaded Manchuria and kept the Ameircan and later British navies at bay for years.

>> No.6450080

Excellent, and then what happens when massive amounts of metals start vanishing? Or when machine tools start poofing into thin air(machine tools are fucking heavy, by design). Boatloads full of iron don't simply go unaccounted for, even if they sink there are companies that salvage them.

>> No.6450092

>Excellent, and then what happens when massive amounts of metals start vanishing?
people will freak out
whats your point?

>> No.6450093

And now they are all mined out.
Yes and they imported those resources.

>> No.6450099

And then gensokyo gets exposed.

>> No.6450101

well then Genoskyo just needs to import metals
whats the problem?

>> No.6450105

no it doesn't
boat disappears, people blame aliens
end of story

>> No.6450127

Oh wow, our iron shipments keep disappearing, let's put GPS trackers on all of our boats. Gensokyo=EXPOSED!

>> No.6450130

does GPS even work within gensokyo?

>> No.6450148

...Nopperabou gay rape?

>> No.6450155

Can one see the sun and stars in gensokyo? If so GPS probably works.

>> No.6450158

>Oh wow, our iron shipments keep disappearing, let's put GPS trackers on all of our boats. oh crap, the boat suddenly vanished from our radars in the middle of an ocean.

ALIENS! or alternatively those damn sea pirates sunk it. there's no way it was moved to another dimension after all.

>> No.6450168

if it was possible to penetrate the barrier with a simple satellite, it would be exposed years ago.

i doubt a weak gps signal could ever penetrate the border.

or yukari could just gap out the ore without the boats.

>> No.6450193

I'll do it.

But not right now, I should probably wait until about midnight.

>> No.6450203

When a boat sinks a major investigation is carried out, mainly to figure out who gets their ass sued into oblivion. Somali Pirates sinking a boat would be unprecedented as most Somali Pirates don't sink ships they hold them ransom. In addition cargo ships operating in those regions are now equipped with an assortment of anti-pirate weapons.

>> No.6450205 [DELETED] 

Clever. Very clever. I never thought about that.

>> No.6450210 [DELETED] 
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>Boatloads full of iron don't simply go unaccounted for

>> No.6450215

well then gensokyo would be exposed by it's lack of GPS signal or it's impenatrable-ness to electromagnetic radiation.

Also one could put a neutrino emitter in with the ore, and then figure out where in the world it is with all the neutrino detectors in the world. Oh and Japan has one of the biggest neutrino detectors. GENSOKYO = EXPOSED!

>> No.6450219

Gensokyo does not need whole boats of iron shipments often. With all that quantity they get with one cargo ship they won't need another one for years.
And of course they have Iron in Youkai Mountain or somewhere else. And even if not there are other ways to get some, the Youkai know how to get it.

>> No.6450226 [DELETED] 

Gensokyo is totally self-contained, you dimwit. Nothing disappeared from Japan when it was created except the beings inside. If the border ever comes down, the resultant convergence trauma would probably damage the region of Japan it coexists with quite badly.

>> No.6450230

that's why i think gensokyo's a completely separate dimension, with a normal human-populated area occupying the same space in the real world.

if it was just an area surrounded by a border like a force field, it'd be discovered long ago.

>> No.6450232

exactly, besides would yukari even gap in boatloads full of iron?

>> No.6450246

The border between our world and Gensokyo is the border between reality and myth.
If you truly believe myths are real, then there is no border, and you can pass into Gensokyo.
The border isn't a physical force field or anything.

>> No.6450252

Well of course they have iron, iron is quite abundant in Earth's crust, it's the not so abundant, industrially useful stuff like tungsten, rhenium, rhodium, yttrium, hafnium, copper, etc. That would be hard to get in gensokyo.

>> No.6450253
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It's another dimension out of phase with our own.

Can you go to the geographical location of Gensokyo? Yes.

In fact, everything there would literally be right in front of you, mere inches from your face at times, but you are invisible and cannot interact with it just as it cannot interact with the outside world.

If you looked a little deeper than just what 4chan says, and read the source material, Gensokyou is where forgotten things go to live out the rest of their days.

Rinsoukke's entire shop is based upon things the outside world has thrown away and everyone forgot about. Since it's all forgotten, it is never missed.

I also think IRL Gensokyou borders a landfill or something. That would explain how so much trash from our world ends up there since it becomes forgotten. This same forgotten principle applies to mythical creatures as well. Remilia is the last vampire, ever. There are none in the "real" world anymore, that's why she moved.

>> No.6450264 [DELETED] 

>If you looked a little deeper than just what 4chan says, and read the source material, Gensokyou is where forgotten things go to live out the rest of their days

That's just what Rinnosuke thinks. You don't have to listen to him. He probably has no idea what he's talking about.

>This same forgotten principle applies to mythical creatures as well. Remilia is the last vampire, ever. There are none in the "real" world anymore, that's why she moved.

I think Remilia would be a little put out if her mansion up and vanished while she was sleeping.

>> No.6450268

What if Gensokyo was actually created in the atomic bombings, and its inhabitants are people who were killed in the initial blast?

>> No.6450278 [DELETED] 


>> No.6450294

Before I attempt this, can anyone give me a list of touhous who are nice and won't try to kill me?

The only friendly touhous I know of are Nitori and Marisa, and I'm not even entirely sure about Marisa.

>> No.6450299

I want to try this but it's too awkward. Even by myself.

Someone teach me the secret to do it.

>> No.6450300


>Gensokyou is where forgotten things go to live out the rest of their days.

Then where the hell are my:

-Chivalrous Knights
-Wild-West gunslingers
-Dashing privateer captains
-Rugged, brave frontiersman who can wrassle a bahr

>> No.6450305


>> No.6450330

Yukari-obaachan has some big feet.

>> No.6450348

B-but what if she actually appears...? What do I tell her? I did call her a hag, FIVE TIMES. The thought is both exhilarating and scary.

>> No.6450351

All the better to give mindblowing footjobs with.

>> No.6450361

There are no more and because the world haven't actually forgot about them. Outdated pieces of crap that are found at Kourin's are only there because the original owner threw it out or simply forgot it was lying in the back of there closet.

>> No.6450372
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Oh... but there are, just turns out most of them were drunkenly lost oni way out of Japan.
Seriously, wrestle a bear? Not even Mikhail Kalashnikov routinely wrestles bears, at least not anytime recently.

The ones that weren't haven't actually been forgotten yet.

>> No.6450378

Tell her she's a hag because she has the power to solve all these crisises (crises?) like AIDS and famine and stuff, but does nothing.

She'll probably still think you're an idiot, but at least you won't have said it for no reason.

>> No.6450389

I don't think being a hag has anything to do with solving problems. She'd probably just call me an idio-


>> No.6450468


Chapter four is done, one more to go.
On a side note, Joe Hisaishi is the shit, I listened to him while writing the ending of this chapter

Also what the fuck, I used link shortener on my last chapter, but now it's making me not use it, oh well.

>> No.6450506


Where can I find the other ones?

>> No.6450508

As my friends from /v/ would say...


>> No.6450515

Chapter one:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:

>> No.6450535

I was repeating Yukari name in fron of mirror name for few days. So if she would listen to it...

>> No.6450664

she only listens to obaasan or old hag.

>> No.6450690

I'd say the world has forgotten about cowboys more than it's forgotten about vampires and Japanese folklore.

>> No.6450716

She must be some sort of masochist then since she only shows up when people are mean to her.

>> No.6450718


Just like real girls, m i rite.

>> No.6451014

Well, a shamanistic ceremony of Altaic Turks involves breaking the back of a live horse without spilling any of its blood to the ground (bare hands optional. ) And this ceremony is done by every family fairly often, so experienced shamans are probably so capable in the art of inflicting spinal cord injuries that they can break mortal men's backs with a particularly fierce gaze and leave bears paraplegic with a single punch. And the reason the horse is killed is so that the shaman can catch the its spirit and ride it to ascend to the sky, so after each bear he kills, the shaman is left with a new spirit-bear at his command. Which he can ride.

In fact, we need an Altaic shaman Touhou. She'd be a girl dressed in animal skins, with the traditional drum that hosts a bunch of important spirits. She'd be like a miko, except instead of having deities possess her, she'd just beat her drum and they'd come out of it.

>> No.6451054

Those are all the same links.

>> No.6451143

Well shit. One sec

>> No.6451155


Link to the folder, this'll be easier.

>> No.6453920

baba baba baba baba batmaaaan

>> No.6456674

I said it five times and she didn't appear. I even had a little bit of wine before attempting the summoning. What might I have done wrong?

>> No.6457228

maybe she will read this thread:

Old hag Yukari Yakumo
Old hag Yukari Yakumo
Old hag Yukari Yakumo
Old hag Yukari Yakumo
Old hag Yukari Yakumo

>> No.6457235

hiya granny! looking hawt today eh?

>> No.6457270
File: 403 KB, 1056x1500, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you Yukari proof your house before attempting this

>> No.6457300

Yukari is one of those Touhous whose status as a slut is recognized, but not talked about as frequently as Aya or Sanae.

Seriously, you do realize what she does to every faceless man she "spirits" away, right?

>> No.6457302

That old hag is harder to keep out of your house than a Hound of Tindalos.

>> No.6457306


She buys them a coffee?
