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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 30 KB, 240x180, turtle on post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6447666 No.6447666 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when captcha was going to be a temporary measure to stem the tide of spam from a specific, now defunct website?

Good times.

>> No.6447672

Captcha has always been on 4chan newfag.

>> No.6447670
File: 51 KB, 359x398, WTsnacksTrustedMoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447674

People are still botting to this day.

The captcha will be removed as soon as someone comes up with a more effective way of preventing bot posts. If moot just ripped it out today then 90% of 4chan posts would be savethisimage dot hta.

>> No.6447677

Hey, bud. Kimmo-chan is still attempting to bot spam 4chan, if you didn't notice. The guy is too autist/butthurt to ever stop.

>> No.6447678

Remember captcha got turned off for an hour or so and spam instantly started showing up? It was a while ago but they're still at it.

>> No.6447690

IP range ban for all of the Netherlands, oneshot permabans for anyone stupid enough to save a script. Problem solved.

>> No.6447703

Disable image posting. Seriously. Or something that makes you captcha only when you want to image upload.

But yeah people are still botting even with the captcha. Come up with a better solution or stop posting.

The only probably other thing that would happen is posting gets bumped up to like 5 minutes in between

>> No.6447706


why ban a country?

>> No.6447707

>IP range ban for all of the Netherlands

Why the fuck? Kimmo is Swedish.

And it would ban me ;_; On second thought... do it.

>> No.6447709


>disable image posting
>on an imageboard


>> No.6447713

I-it's not like we'd miss you.


>> No.6447718

>implying moot didn't get lots of google jewgold for putting recaptcha in one of the most used post-based websites

>> No.6447738

So the guy wants to make a mint out of his site. Fucking sue him, faggot. It's not as if none of us would do the exact same thing.

>> No.6447743

He said he doesn't earn money from the captcha.

>> No.6447747


I've been known to say things that are, in fact, not the truth. This is a thing humans can do.

>> No.6447766
File: 196 KB, 661x768, Moot_Server_Rack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


moot is no longer human. He has become one with the dataforce. Also, a faggot.

>> No.6447778

You're implying that he's lying?

>> No.6447783

>has become [...] a faggot
>has become
( のワの)

>> No.6447784


I'm implying that it is a desirable situation for google, one they would probably not mind compensating him for. Y'know, if people actually translated stuff with it, instead of doing a thousand variations of "pacappen nigger."

>> No.6447790

Well I'd be happy if Google paid moot for captcha.

>> No.6447804
File: 71 KB, 382x363, leejun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like he's having his /b/tards "invade" Google's "naive" project with 4chan "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" crapola as another publicity stunt to please the execs of Time magazine

>> No.6447809

even if there was only one person that fills the easier captchas properly out of a hundred people that type nigger, that'd still be a hell of a lot of traffic.

>> No.6447812

Sometimes I wonder if kimmo and sion are same person.

>> No.6447844

Yeah, a hell of a lot of nigger.

Back before 4chan started using there probably weren't many people at all who filled it out incorrectly. 4chan is very likely a net loss for them because of all the new shit they had to deal with.

>> No.6447876

Actually, it was supposed to stop Cornelia. It's kinda sad they haven't yet found a way to prevent the botnet from spamming 4chan without using text verification.

>> No.6447881

I honestly like the idea of helping to digitalize books (even if it's for someone else's profit), I can't see why anyone would try to undermine this.

>> No.6447886

All she wanted was an Al Pacino thread. ;_;

>> No.6447893
File: 98 KB, 518x625, 1280325800400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget. ;_;

>> No.6447896

you really think they don't have a quality check or something that can see if the result matches?
Google didn't reach where they are now by thinking like that.
My point is that for all the nigger spam, they still make profits out of all the people typing captchas on 4chan

>> No.6447901
File: 23 KB, 698x526, I wish I could feed my dic ka bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And feed her dick birds.

>> No.6447908

>4chan is very likely a net loss for them because of all the new shit they had to deal with.
So you have no idea how recaptcha works?

It matters none how many times the /b/tards type nigger into the captcha, the automated system never accepts a specific word as its suggestion from a single website - the same suggestion needs to come from several different addresses.

The /b/tarded vision of having ebooks full of nigger nigger nigger would only work if they did that to every damn recaptcha on the internet. Not a word has been validated from the contributions of 4chan alone.

>> No.6447928

Well, google is the king of crafty bulk text analysis, so they probably have had a plan in place for sustained crapflooding.
Plus they can always just TOS moot for being a bitch if they need to.

But yeah, that about sums up what I was getting at, we aren't doing them any favors using their captcha even if most of aren't just trying to break it to be "leejun" (or out of sheer annoyance)

For instance, just why do you think moot has the stupid thing presented EVERY page load? Even if it's just a thousand little aspies sitting there in their own piss playing "press f5 as fast as you can whee" with their imaginary friends, making Google generate captcha after captcha and just throwing them out, and only like one guy's actually filling it out to post?

moot's a known dickhead, the only difference between him and Kimmo is that Kimmo's dumb enough that it's more obvious what a complete tool he is. That's it, that's all.

>> No.6447939

actually, I think the most frequent answer gets checked against two ocr guesses

>> No.6447943

There's no such thing.

Plenty of spam still gets through, just look at the survey referrals on /b/ every page every day. You can add auto-ban wordfilters, and moot used to do that all the time, but it takes a dedicated botspammer one day at most to get past that.

It's really just a matter of it being easier for bots to circumvent protection measures than for admins to create them. Invent a solution to this and captchas will be a thing of the past.

>> No.6447960

>make profits
you're an idiot

>> No.6447961

>So you have no idea how recaptcha works?
So you have no idea how net loss works?

If the strong majority of entries are useless (which they most likely are) then the implementation is useless. Having reCaptcha on 4chan is basically an act of charity just for publicity; not that there is anything wrong with that.

>> No.6447973


Because it costs so much to filter out the word nigger in a database.

>> No.6447990

The porn site industry (themselves a very spammy non-contributor to the internet) invented one a LONG time ago.

They charge $10(bux) "to verify age" (which is bullshit since they put the best stolen content on their "hentai" sites in the preview area anyway)

>> No.6447997

same faggot

>> No.6448002

I've always wondered how they survive. If there is something available for free in the internet, it is porn.

>> No.6448010

so the only way to avoid is to go the something awful pat?

>> No.6448014

I personally just smash out some gibberish instead of nigger, and I'm pretty sure many others do as well.

>> No.6448034

They thrive on retards. And if there's something on the internet it's retards.

>> No.6448044

Well, apparently moot thinks it's naive so so must the rest of us and help him tear it down to bring the spotlight back onto 4chan yet again


consummate asshole like Dick Cheney

>> No.6448052


I go with nope. Even made a little macro for it.

>> No.6448058

Looks like I'm one of the few that simply fills in the captcha unless it's unreadable.

>> No.6448083

I personally type the damn thing out perfectly, each time. It honestly doesnt take that much time, and it's not that annoying.
Everyone just needs to take it easy.

>> No.6448095

I thought most people outside /b/ did do.

>> No.6448096

same here, but for each one of us, there are 200 (not 200, 2000) /b/tards typing whatever

and for every /b/tard, there's ten asspipe gawkers refreshing the page over and over, so that's like 22000 to 1
double that if you generously assume you yourself post every other page load, quadruple it if like most people you don't, so like 88000 to 1
so just fucking round it up to 100000

>> No.6448869

Shut up and get the fuck out Lowtax. Stop being butthurt people left your shitty website.

>> No.6448884

I never fill in the word that I know isn't checked. I just type "a". Why would I? I hate the captcha, I want it gone, I certainly won't work for Google.
