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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 763 KB, 1200x900, Konachan.com - 81022 kagamine_len vocaloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6437889 No.6437889 [Reply] [Original]

I come on /jp/ and I see all these people so hopelessly devoted to a character they love, they collect all the figures and they are truly happy
at first i didn't understand it but once i did i instantly fell into the idea
now this is the boy i always think about
even when i am with my actual boyfriend i am thinking of him
i want all the figures and merchandise so he is always with me
but its too expensive, even the little nenroid (?) figure is like $30 dollars
what can i do?

>> No.6437903
File: 184 KB, 600x650, e539a5c2afe27d10494634dcd63f5e64..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first thing to do is drop your actual boyfriend
maybe that will free up some time and money

>> No.6437910

Get a job.

>> No.6437916

I have one but the pay doesn't stretch to allowing me to buy stuff like this

>> No.6437913
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Ahh don't tempt me, I just had to delete all my shota because I found out its illegal here and I'm too pussyfag to keep it

But if I drop my real boyfriend thats like letting this obsession take over?

>> No.6437919

If you don't drop your real boyfriend that's like letting another obsession take over.

Where do you live that drawings are illegal?

>> No.6437927

That's true, seriously considering getting rid of him I just can't be bothered anymore
and UK, its ridiculous

>> No.6437929

The figures won't come to life and have sex with you.

>> No.6437930

whats it like being gay

>> No.6437932

Very unfortunate. What would I do without my shota.

>> No.6437933

If you think $30 is too much to spend on the one you love, then you do not love him.

>> No.6437936
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>> No.6437942

I wouldn't know, I'm straight femanon

I don't mind, at least it won't nag

Good point

>> No.6437944

How about you just save up for shit and buy it? No, you will never buy EVERY piece of merchandise unless you are a rich faggot. No you will never truly love anyone if you cannot devote yourself to either your boyfriend or your beloved character.

Yes you are a failure and yes you will lose out on everything in this way. Yes you claim to be a female which makes you nothing more than a slut if you cannot commit to your boyfriend.

Hurr durr am I one of you guys yet?

>> No.6437947

>I wouldn't know, I'm straight femanon
Time to get out

>> No.6437948
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>> No.6437951

Work and study harder so you can get a better job?

That's the main reason we make the big bucks here anyways: buying bigger and better anime figures and bigger houses to store said figures.

>> No.6437954
File: 361 KB, 700x774, d105799266b1f8aee2c50baff2e49ce9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men are overrated.

But if you don't want Len that's cool, I'll just fap to him now.

>> No.6437956

...I'm a slut for not being attracted to my boyfriend anymore?

>> No.6437969

According to the last line it looks like he was just joking bro.

>> No.6437975

>Yes you are a failure and yes you will lose out on everything in this way.
Important to remember. This isn't a path you're supposed to walk down proudly. It's when you get to the point where you really don't care at all anymore, about how people will think you're pathetic, about how it's extremely incompatible with 3D relationships, about how you're wasting loads of money on something that has no practical value. If you feel uncomfortable about any of these things, you'll do well to think twice. It's quite rare for a femanon to sink to this level, they usually just get a few anime posters at most, but still stay in touch with the normalfag world and are still accessible for getting boyfriends.

>> No.6437978

I walk down it proudly.

>> No.6437982

Sorry, sarcasm is wasted on me
but in response to your post yeah I'm still in college and it will be a little while before I can get an actual career, I'm just going to save up and get only 2 or 3 of the ones I MUST have

>> No.6437986

Disregard men
Acquire currency
Acquire endless Len

That is my advice for you.

>> No.6437989

>actual boyfriend

get the fuck out.

>> No.6437991

Disregard men, obtain Len. It rhymes, so it has to good advice.

>> No.6437996

Maybe your dumbass boyfriend will buy them for you. Maybe he's even closet gay for Len. I know I was

>> No.6438003

Yeah this could work.

If I had a girlfriend I'd buy her anime figures and then we'd hotglue them together.

>> No.6438001

Well I've already been heavily involved in the collectors side of things, I've just stopped for about a year because of money drying up completely so I'm pretty much deep in there in that aspect already

>> No.6437999

I'm still closet gay for len, I can't tell anyone except anonymously

>> No.6438006

He doesn't buy me things and I wouldn't ever really let him unless it was Christmas or something, I'm not that sort of person
also he'd think I was weird as hell and would refuse to buy me a toy

>> No.6438009

well, by "closet" I mean you don't even realize it yourself. It's just one of those little things that being on pre-split /a/ and /jp/ brought out in me (thanks a lot for that by the way.)

>> No.6438011

Oh I see. It's kinda hard to be unaware considering the amount of times I've came to him

>> No.6438014

He'd never agree to it, he still pushes me to sell my Pokemon collection

>> No.6438019

Well he is perfect, its normal for you to come to him, everyones a little gay

>> No.6438022

My girlfriend told me to do that. I promptly told her to go screw herself and have not been in a relationship since. I now have a complete pokedex.

>> No.6438026
File: 2.57 MB, 2100x1170, 128327009357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone feels the same way, len and rin pretty much embody pure love.

>> No.6438034

Good on you anon, I don't get what the taboo is, I don't drink or do drugs like most of my friends do, all the money they waste on drink and the like I could spend even less on collecting and have actual items to show where the money went

>> No.6438041

Fuck Rin, I just want Len

>> No.6438037
File: 202 KB, 700x700, 67b5c8cc7d765f2000a934425563833dcefe6f02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left.

>> No.6438044

There are a couple of people I sometimes eat with who are huge Pokemon freaks, seriously I don't get the appeal, the games (well I only played red, but I have been told it is all the same) are piss easy and the only "fun" thing is being super OCD and 100% completing it. Either that or being a furry.

Why do you like pokemon whaleanon?

>> No.6438047
File: 163 KB, 600x600, 1287151878313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6438054

The main storyline is supposed to be easy. The restrictive in-game content however isn't as easy, like the battle frontier. 100% completing is also fun.

>> No.6438055

I love the designs, from a young age I was always obsessed with monsters and mythology and I just love the entire backstory and set up, I collect my favorite Pokemon because I have an emotional attachment to them, I grew up with Pokemon and it was always my escape and I will never forget or leave it
and whaleanon? i resent the accusation

>> No.6438062

Funny thing when I play pokemon
I won't put female pokemon on my team

>> No.6438066
File: 38 KB, 400x533, 0f0906d61abca0e8e69f86be6c78d1d7..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are cute little girls.

>> No.6438068

I have an all male team as well simply for the fact that I like that I have power over them, they live to protect me and do my bidding but I still love them etc

>> No.6438077

How do you feel about breeding pokemon with perfect IVs/natures? I can't do that because the original ones I caught first are my friends. How could I put them in the box and forget about them, instead playing with their superpowered great grandchildren?

>> No.6438088

I don't even touch IV's but I do breed for natures, I like to think of it as if my Pokemon is getting old and weak and I want his spirit to live on so I breed him, his spirit lives on in his offspring, and I put the old Pokemon on My Pokemon Ranch so he can be happy
I'm ridiculously emotionally involved with Pokemon

>> No.6438098

>I want his spirit to live on so I breed him, his spirit lives on in his offspring, and I put the old Pokemon on My Pokemon Ranch so he can be happy


>> No.6438099

It's kind of sad to think of him retiring.

Speaking of which I have a pokemon and his son in the same team. It's awkward.

>> No.6438115

Yeah i know it sounds so stupid and over romantic over a game but thats just how I like to think of it

Oh damn, it's like you're cheating on him with his son right in front of his eyes

>> No.6438127

I'm not cheating on him, they're different species. It's just awkward they're fighting together like equals. They have the same level and sometimes they double battle together.

These kinds of feelings are required to be interested in 2D in the first place. If you can't view your pokemon as friends even when they don't exist, how can you consider a 2D girl your lover?

>> No.6438141

I don't know why but when I first read it I imagined this big old Salamence with like dry broken scales and this slender big shiny new Salamence in battle like,"it's okay dad, I got this one"
the species difference makes it cute rather than awkward though
Yeah I was quite surprised someone on here would consider thinking of Pokemon as friends strange when thats actually considered relatively normal in real life

>> No.6438150

On another note, I feel like I'm letting down the pokemon I fight with just to get them to evolve so I get them in my pokedex

>> No.6438162

Don't, they just aren't Pokemon you have a bond with, I just re-home mine or trade them all off to people on the GTS who want them so I know they will be appreciated or else I put them all on the Ranch to play

>> No.6438200

I don't have ranch, the graphics look bad and it only works with pearl and diamond, doesn't it? My main games are on heartgold and platinum.

>> No.6438209

The graphics are cute, its not about the graphics though
yeah it only works with D/P/Pt

I feel this thread is now slightly off topic?

>> No.6438227

Somewhat. It's nice hearing from someone who views their pokemon the same way I do, though.

>> No.6438318

That is true, thought most people felt this way though

>> No.6438323

I don't think they do.

>> No.6438425



>> No.6438441

thats pretty randum

>> No.6438453

I've seen more than a few of that scenario.

>> No.6438460

Nice monologue OP. Now get out.

>> No.6438639

really really do not want

>> No.6438746

This thread stinks of female.

>> No.6438902

Just watched his song in the live Vocaloid concert
oh my god i am in love

>> No.6439053

Wait that's a dude? FUCK FUCK FUCK

>> No.6439365
File: 763 KB, 1300x1100, Konachan.com - 73891 kagamine_len kagamine_rin vocaloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His twin is a girl and she looks really similar to him that might be who you got him confused with?
pic related

>> No.6440579

i shouldn't like these but i did

>> No.6440604

Only lonely losers who are detached from healthy interpersonal relationships fall "in love" with fictional characters.

Logic dictates that you're not very happy with your boyfriend. I'd focus more on your relationship and how to either end it or improve it.

>> No.6440973

Logic dictates you are in the wrong place.
