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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 172 KB, 1024x768, prontera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6427713 No.6427713 [Reply] [Original]

do any of you guys still play RO?

>> No.6427722

It's a closed chapter for me.

>> No.6427719

I used to. And then the server I played on for years stopped. And then I couldn't be assed to train another whole fucking character again. Played on it for 5 years goddamn. Stupid sexy low rate server. Maybe again, with some nice guys.

>> No.6427724

Used to, played on qRO and made my way up to becoming a GM.

>> No.6427728

which server? lowrate is what im interested in

>> No.6427735

This isn't /v/.

Write correctly or get out. You are not instant messaging.

>> No.6427734

It was discontinued by the owner. But it was 2/2/1 with some things like free kafra and a teleporter to some major cities. What I liked about it most was that there were so many "normal" people. Not those gaia cunts and not them normalfags. Just good people.


>> No.6427738

>Not infested with Gaia

Sounds too good to be true.

>> No.6427739

buff pl0x :3

>> No.6427746
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>> No.6427790
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The closest I ever got to my middle-school crush was naming a priestess after her

She was busy getting plowed by the resident jock while I slaved at high orcs

>> No.6429753

Is there still interest in a /jp/RO?
I remember there was one ages ago, I might be bothered to tack a Ragnarok server onto my Minecraft server.
It'd be low-to-mid exp rates, probably 99/70.
I've always been a fan of slightly highish item drops though.

>> No.6429777


This shit annoys me, look at that fucking picture. How is it that they let the trees grow all the way to the fucking walls of the town? So much for defense. Plus I guess they either live in a world where trees grow in a day or they have no need for wood in their civilization. And also with so much trees obscuring the roads, how does trade get in or out of the city? Fuck, even if they can get on the road with so much trees hiding muggers what would be the point.

Retarded design.

>> No.6429797

Last one I played was /jp/ RO. Knights are my favorite class.


Damn bro.

>> No.6429819
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Renewal sucks balls.

>> No.6429851

I was thinking I'd probably leave out the new bullshit classes, if I were to start a new server. Maybe even Ninja, Gunslinger, and the Taekwon stuff.

>> No.6429862

I just screw around on Super High Rate servers. Alone.
It satisfies my mindless killing fix.

>> No.6429903
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>> No.6429918
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>> No.6429925
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>> No.6429933
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>> No.6429949
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>> No.6429957
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>> No.6429974 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6431842

I might play, even though I dislike those high rates.

>> No.6431850

I am as long as you provide the client download

I need something to kill time.

>> No.6431856
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>Pay to play

>> No.6431974

There's a free server officially now.

>> No.6432173
File: 175 KB, 1280x1024, iRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played a private server with my roommate briefly because he insisted. Shit. Pure shit. I loved the server rollbacks, the errors, and the GMs coming on 'we're doing an event right now, try to' blah blah blah fuck you GMs. Shit was worse than Gaia, I don't know how you guys put up with it.

Official servers or nothing. Where GMs are PAID to listen to your complains, fix errors, and shut the hell up about it.

Played iRO for over 3 years, still have the game installed and updated even though I haven't played since the summer before last.

>> No.6432746

The server I played on never had a single rollback, and rarely an error beside minor problems after a server update. There's a lot of private servers and most of them are shit. Finding a good one isn't easy. Blame your friend for a shitty server.

>> No.6433346

Yeah, like the one my friend played for a year and a half until the guy running it was tired of running a private server and shut it down thus EVERYONE lost everything.

I went along with my roommate and ended up on about 8 different servers while he was my roommate, they were all trash. Ones that people thought were the best ever couldn't even figure out the homunculus system or mercenaries when they came out and the long quests like The Sign weren't even in any of them because GMs didn't want to code them. I bet
private servers STILL haven't got mercenaries.

Private servers are a joke and those who play them are idiots. $12 a month is nothing for a game I enjoyed was easy and I never had to put up with shit like the private servers do.

>> No.6433364

I've started playing again ever since iRO got that renewal update. It seems to be a bit more fun near the beginning, but get close to level 90 and you'll feel the wrath of the grind god again.

>> No.6433446

I regret playing RO for like 4 years on private servers.

Considering everything it was a good time but why the fuck didn't I play on the offical ones is beyond me today.

>> No.6433540

Yeah I do.
On a lowrate.
I'm too lazy for iRO.

>> No.6433546

because 1x

that is why

>> No.6433551

Just started iRO again on valk.

>> No.6433573

I play on a private low-rate for the organized vendors, the successful bot/dual client bans, autoloot, the balanced market prices (lol 5 mil for a VVS fire damaskus on valkyre) and because of a server wide main chat.

I tried iRO only to see nothing but bots and some :awesome: Blacksmiths greeding up my loot.

I also play RO again because /jp/ Mahjong died.

>> No.6433610

So what server is this anyway? As long as it is low-rate I'd play.

>> No.6433632

I stop for some months before begining my Crusader/Paladin again for months.

Going like this for years now. Always Crusader/Paladin, I like shield skills, beign full devotion is fucking boring.

Waiting for Royal Guard update on emulators, sounds really fucking powerful and broken.

>> No.6433638

How about making a /jp/ guild in some server?

>> No.6433645

my account banned forever for botting,

>> No.6433646


>> No.6433679

Pretty much all private servers nowadays have those features, and they're indeed much more convenient than whatever is there on the official ones. It's kinda hard to go back to not having anything once you're used to that.

At least iRO has Ragial to help with the market, even though @whosells is much more helpful when you need immediate information.

>> No.6433736
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just no..

>> No.6433831

I played on CzechRO or some similar name to that for 2 years it was x1.5 rates.

>> No.6433851

Paid my iRO account from 2003 for the bajillionth time since I registered it. Tried pservs for a while, but honestly they're all a crapshoot. After remaking 4-5 times, I prefer having my shit stick around for a while.

>> No.6433871

Played for over two years, don't remember.
Meet some really nice Portuguese girl, she was a priest and I was a sin.
She was shy (her english wasn't that great, but was still better then your normal american black person's)and would only ever talk to me on vent, when other people would talk to her she would only type back to them generally.
We got married in the game, and many days where spent just sitting around pront doing nothing, or killing turtles for 100000000 hours (pay server..), or gamble at those monster races.
We would trade accounts, make alts, do whatever, even joined the same group for WoE. When I finally completed the quest to get an icepick (The best sin weapon for grinding xp) she was so happy for me.
She eventually got a pair of angle wings (some pretty good strength headband or something that I wanted) and gave it to me for my birthday, I found out she spent the last 3+ months grinding angle porings for them.

One day she just never logged on again, ever. Her account still worked and I was able to log on until about after 3 months of her not logging on I gave up playing because it wasn't worth it anymore.

Whenever I hear the prontera theme music I feel a strange mix of nostalgia and sadness. I havn't played any MMO since.

>> No.6434019
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>> No.6434039

I know your pain, anon.

>One day she just never logged on again, ever.
Fuck you internet.

>> No.6434092

That only makes you wonder what happened to her. Whether it was a tragic accident or if she suddenly grew up and snapped out of it (realizing internet relationships are just that), you'll never know.

I don't think I ever got anything that nice from my RO wife.

>> No.6434105
File: 33 KB, 189x211, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he got married in RO and probably did /kiss emoticons to his RO waifu in the middle of the prontera_field_07 map

And once again I am the only pure /jp/er left.

>> No.6434120

What's wrong with having a 2D waifu?

>> No.6434135

[citation needed]

>> No.6434145
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Great story anon.

>> No.6434374

I'm just joking.

I feel terrible for >>6433871 but if it's any comfort I think that girl was actually a guy who suddenly got tired of RPing all the time.

>> No.6434404
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>> No.6434412

Wasn't a guy, had a undeniably girl's voice, and we traded pictures which I lost, along with EVERY screenshot of R.O that I had. I don't even remember what our characters looked like.

>> No.6434420

Or was in all in your mind?

>> No.6434426

As a guy who does that I can say you'd have to be crazy to play pretend for that long.

I run away as soon as my victim starts to show any attachment to me and I definitely wouldn't get them things.

>> No.6434451
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Acutally, I just found one picture on an external drive I thought was corrupted, only thing on it is a few random jpgs and some bad music.

>> No.6434457

On and off. It's a retarded addiction, it just keep making me go back to play it despite quitting like a thousand times. I stopped playing on iRO after the first year, and hopped from one private server to another with my guild and withstood pain to grind again and again. I haven't touch the 3-1s yet, but they seem like game wrecking. The whole rebirth crap was already insanely imbalanced, considering how everyone can virtually ohk (or within a second or two) each other in pvp.

>> No.6434470

you are cruel, ZUN

>> No.6435975

Well, I'm off to take another dive into this crap again.
Only because /jp/ made me nostalgic...
I already hate grinding.

>> No.6436010

Oh I remember qro. I was on highrate, but in a freaking Soul Society guild, which held Hohen (with solar god helms) for like 9 months. It was the best time I've ever had in a mmo. It's true about good people, nevermind the BR infestation.

>> No.6436056

If /jp/ can decide on a server to play on, I'll play too. If nobody is deciding, I'm going to try that HeRO server that was posted.

>> No.6436076


Well Valkyrie server is an official server that is free.
I still log onto it occasionally.

>> No.6436183

But I heard it was like 0.25x and 2x prices?

>> No.6436229


Yes there are lower rates than the paying servers, but they aren't that low.

Actually if I remember correctly, the free server has a bigger player population than the pay servers.

>> No.6436452

I've played on the free server but bots bots bots bots BRBRBRHUEHUEHUEEE

>> No.6436493

HeRO is pretty good I have a few characters on there.

>> No.6437444
File: 26 KB, 315x337, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm there right now.
I needed some break before fishing gives me tendon sheath inflammation.
Guess yesterday's thread is still here...

>> No.6437461

Why would you not play as the little girl?

>> No.6437462

I'm still playing on a pserv for the woe SE.

>> No.6437463


>> No.6437467

We're also here.

Also, take these shitty MMO threads elsewhere.

/jp/ - Hotglue/General

>> No.6437468

Downloading it right now.I'm looking forward to checking out the renewal stuff.
Going to play on the regular iRO server by the way

>> No.6437478

I don't know what that means but that's ok.

>> No.6437492

I think Clowns are the advanced form of Dancers and therefore sluts

>> No.6437499

Archer -> Dancer -> Gypsy
Archer -> Bard -> Clown(/Minstrel)

Depending on sex. So his post means he plays as a male character because he wants a Clown.

>> No.6437832

Okay, so I'm downloading the rag files as we speak. How about some in game names for HeRO? At least maybe lower-levels so we can adventure together.
