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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 407 KB, 891x1280, ReinaT_6363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6427152 No.6427152 [Reply] [Original]

Continued From

>> No.6427153
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Birthday Reina!

>> No.6427157
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Musume's Blogging Girls [Translations]:
http://ameblo.jp/rakkety/ [Reina]
http://hellosgfans.org/translations-2/ [Multiple]

高橋愛 「I am Ai」 :

新垣里沙 [Niigaki Risa Blog]:

田中れいな [Tanaka Reina Blog]:

道重さゆみ [Sayumi Michishige Blog]:

光井愛佳ちゃん [Mitsui Aika "Days" FC Blog]:

【ジュンジュン ブログ】 JunJun's Blog

【リンリン ブログ】 LinLin's Blog

>> No.6427164
File: 260 KB, 1000x756, nat00888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Musume – “Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game” PV:

Morning Musume – “Aisaresugiru Koto wa Nai no yo” Radio Preview:

Both the new single's PV & the radio rip of the c/w song of Morning Musume's 44th single release.

>> No.6427170
File: 452 KB, 1050x1483, ReinaT_6286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today we celebrate Reina-chan's 21st birthday in this world.

Try to lure her out of her blog loathing shell and champion all that is Reina.

>> No.6427174

        。 ◇◎。o/\__,ヘ,O☆οo.
       。:゜ ◎::O☆| ノノハヾヽ☆。∂:o゜
       /。○。 ∂从*´ ヮ`) O◇。☆
     /  ◎| ̄ ̄∪ ̄∪ ̄ ̄ ̄|: ◎:
    /    ☆。|..Happy Birth Day!!.|☆
  ▼       。○..io.。◇.☆____| 。.:
∠▲―――――☆ :∂io☆ ゜◎∂:

>> No.6427179

     __ ∧ __
   /  \ /  \
    | o。 /llll\ .o |
   ゙ # ゚┃!┃; 。
    ; 。 ・┃21┃・ #
   。 ;゙ #┃歳┃# 。
   ゙・# : ┃  ┃。 ; 。
  .;:# ゙。゚┃☆┃゚ 。 #
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 : .☆ノノハヽ | ゙  。 : . 
゙.  .ノノ*^ー^)|  。   :
 :  /  つΦ     

>> No.6427180

so why does she hate Koreans ?

>> No.6427187
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>> No.6427191
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Who doesn't?

>> No.6427194
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We summon forth the return of the Rival Surival tour and Reina's daily blogging habits once more!

>> No.6427202
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>> No.6427205
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>> No.6427206 [DELETED] 

<;`Д⊂ヽ I do nida!
(    ノ

>> No.6427211
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>> No.6427222 [DELETED] 

Result of living a sheltered life for years and being ignorant as fuck since she dropped out of middle school.
That's why every H!P bitch has to live a lie by playing a constructed stage personality: first of all because they have no likeable personality of their own, secondly because if their deluded fans knew how vulgar and lowbrow they are under this veil of pretense they would stop following them and for H!P it would be complete suicide.

>> No.6427228
File: 73 KB, 480x640, aewen2330a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple explanation to Reina-chan's blog situation,
she is missing her required Aika

>> No.6427233 [DELETED] 

Basically they are not any different from any female that ever lived, so nothing particularly special to comment on there.

>> No.6427237
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Reported for pathetic same trolling

>> No.6427241 [DELETED] 

Can't they just delete their blogs? I mean, who follow them anyway?
They revoked her posting rights two times already this year and it's not that she posts anything other than blatant advertizing. What's the point of keeping up this farce?

>> No.6427243
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I agree, it's like ever since this Yamanashi trip started to get under way everything started to break down.

We need to send over ambassador Aika to clear up any issues.

>> No.6427256
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Someone needs to splice all of the Reina Rakuen appearances together into one great montage to Reina!

>> No.6427265
File: 1.03 MB, 1048x1484, aewen6351r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outspoken, temperamental, mischievous, amazing voice, great dancer, big heart and amazing presence Reina.

>> No.6427281 [DELETED] 
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Can you tell me why this is trolling, or why anything I said is false?

Don't get me wrong, faggot, I don't even give a shit about her childlike racism, it's just a matter of creating a bond of trust between you and the fans and she fucked up big time.
To me one of the biggest charm points of an idol is being candid and honest. How would you feel if after years of devoting all your time to a certain idol you discovered that what you believed was her personality is actually a thin shell of artificiality that the producers made up because her actual personality is a sloppy mess of vulgarity and crassitude. Would you feel betrayed?
I know I would, that's why I would never feel any sort of attraction toward someone like her, only disgust and repugnance.
The fact her dumb fans are trying to downplay and justify her actions just tells me that neither side has any shame or intelligent thought. As far as I'm concerned, you can keep this useless dumb bitch.

>> No.6427287 [DELETED] 

Shitty idol from a dead group nobody cares, thank you for keeping all the stupid artificial bitches all packed in the same sinking ship. May you and the few clueless delusional fan you have rot in hell.

>> No.6427294 [DELETED] 

Gee, I can't tell if you are trolling or not, try a little harder.

>> No.6427297
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You can or can't kiss this, same troll

>> No.6427301 [DELETED] 

Go back to Hello!Online and make sure never to come back.

I'm being serious, sorry if you can't take any sort of criticism and expect people to support your dumb idols and your desperate astroturfing thread. Don't worry, if you push the panic button long enough the meido will come here to clean all the posts you don't like since he's your personal slave.

>> No.6427304 [DELETED] 
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Stay classy, Harlot!Project faggot.

>> No.6427310
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Sayu & Gaki's birthday entries thus far. Hopefully Reina's will be up shortly.

>> No.6427318 [DELETED] 

>astroturfing thread
hurr durr, I still spout out the same troll lines month after month and still have no brain or any comprehension of what this thread is.

>any sort of criticism
I just angrily sling shit on something I don't like because no one is talking about what I like on /jp/ derp...

>> No.6427324
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Reina's not even mad

>> No.6427328
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>> No.6427333
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Calm the fuck down everyone,
Reina's got this shit

>> No.6427350
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>> No.6427351 [DELETED] 

Please, stop posting. Just bothering to read what you write is a serious insult to my intelligence..

>still have no brain or any comprehension of what this thread is
So far you're just proving my point, MOTWYW.

>I just angrily sling shit on something I don't like
Your projecting is silly and out of place. This is the modus operandi of you Harlot!Project fans, I know very well what I'm talking about.

>> No.6427362
File: 171 KB, 800x600, nwk95e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Reina shrine from one of those Hyakupa bros

>> No.6427358 [DELETED] 

Crass, dumb, vulgar and unprofessional. Just like her fans. Go sit at the bottom of the short bus with the rest of your ilk.

>> No.6427393
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Looking forward to the Hello Channel DVD

>> No.6427401
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>> No.6427423
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It never ceases to amaze me the longevity and blatant vulgarity of same trolls. Ahh well, let's just report and move on and celebrate Reina's birthday.

>> No.6427438
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>> No.6427473
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>> No.6427488
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>> No.6427501

Tanaka Reina - Uta no Rakuen [Audio Collection]

>To Celebrate Reina's 21st Birthday I've created a little Uta no Rakuen mp3 Special

Speaking of just that, someone compiled all of her appearances into a big audio file, I think it was tattoo Reina guy.

>> No.6427539
File: 66 KB, 610x609, gloria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come she's so good at making everyone else look so fucking bad?




【CD Only】


1.Lady Rise

「2010.8.29 後藤真希@a-nation'10 powered by ウイダーinゼリー」LIVE VIDEO

>> No.6427551
File: 216 KB, 1024x1469, aewen6348r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Rei-Rei <3

>> No.6427563
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>> No.6427614
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>> No.6427623
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>> No.6427628
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So happy

>> No.6427647
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Reina's got guts standing next to that.

>> No.6427652

Just her personal assistant, been with her for a while now. But considering size of Reina tattoo guy, it's actually pretty appropriate.

>> No.6427661
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>> No.6427693
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>> No.6427710
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Besides the Reinya photobook, it's been a while since she's had her own solo release.

Final 6th gen photobook is going to be interesting

>> No.6427741
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>> No.6427759
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Hmm, be a good idea to compile all the Reina Bijo Gaku episodes links from this year too.

>> No.6427763
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Don't worry, her blog will be back friend

>> No.6427793
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>> No.6427923
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JunJun has posted a bunch of new blog entries about her recent location shoots with Linlin.
Some awesome pictures here

>> No.6428013

What do Momusu fans think of AKB48 or are they share same fanbase?

>> No.6428031

No, I don't believe we'll be roped into that discussion here, right now rather. Considering the number of hovering trolls on /jp/ right now.

>> No.6428163
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Don't mess with the cat

>> No.6428491
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>> No.6428557
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>> No.6428599
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>> No.6428609

I think one of the other fundamental differences I see in AKB as opposed to Hello! Project is that there is a difference in the approach to each individual within the group.

The sense I get from the little I have seen from AKB (and mind you, I have avoided it due to feeling threatened by the fans before ever seeing the group) is that there were so many of them so quickly and none of them is given any individual spotlight.
There distance put between the different Hello! Project groups and a lot of time is devoted to giving them individual space. This means that watching, for instance, a Morning Musume DVD or listening to a radio show, you get a lot of both rehearsed and more candid understand of what goes on within, for instance, Kamei Eri's head. They are people first with personalities, education, interests, etc. Whether they are attractive or possibly sexually available comes second or not at all. Kamei Eri was a little girl and then a teenager and now an adult and has shared much of her experiences over that time and will share the things she thinks and feels on a daily basis... There are things she likes and dislikes, and though she may be made up to look beautiful at times and can wear skimpy clothing, she is not for you and belongs to no one but herself.

However, AKB seems to throw a lot of pretty faces at once, none of them given space and all of them wrapped in the illusion of being sexual available. They seem to be projected to be claimed and owned and want to be by YOU. They are aimed to appeal at the basest of male approaches to females in which a male desires a lot of anonymous, healthy, female sexual partners without caring one bit about anything but them beyond the most simplest of details.

>> No.6428614

I could be entirely wrong about those perceptions and perhaps someone who approached Hello! Project from a different angle than I did where I watched Hello! Morning comedy skits and Ayaka's English Lessons WAY before I ever watched one of their music videos may see Hello! Project in the way I view AKB48.

I looked up the video that was repeatedly mentioned in this thread, the Heavy Rotation, because I couldn't help thinking "I don't like them, but what has upset so many here?" and watching it part of me was asking "How is this so bad?" When compared to some of the things we have here in America like Katie Perry or Kesha's videos... but I think I understand why it makes people, particularly women, uncomfortable.

The video may not have shown more skin or "private parts" than many of Hello! Project's videos, although the ass and crotch shots haven't been met in any Morning Musume video aside from ManPower. It wasn't that it was amount of skin showing, outfits like the lingere or the showing them in the bath or acting like animals... but it all adds up to lessen their humanity, their individualism, to objectify them and push them as anonymous yet sexually available.

>> No.6428620
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>he doesn't realize everything he has seen or heard has been carefully stage-managed to give him that impression

>> No.6428622

In more simple terms, generally Hello! Project, at least at its finest, pushes the idea that girls are at least equal to boys and respect and devotion should be given to them. They show off how great they can be and though they may occassionally fail (or always in the case of the burriko girls like Sayumi and Momoko), they are still equal to males (and notice that some are not above speaking like males or doing things that were traditionally considered in the male realm of activity). AKB48 projects the images that females are objects who want to be owned and claimed, can be bought and should be fought over. And this is an idea that is very popular-- particularly on Akihabara with the endless anime hentai games, the maid cafes (some of which have the girls naked all but an apron), the hostess clubs (some of which offer prostitutes on the side, although those are normally found in Roppongi and Shibuya), etc.

Hello! Project, and perhaps Morning Musume most of all, made some attempts on and off at trying to revolutionize women's role in Japanese society and try to make it more socially acceptable for women to break free of the mold they'd been born into. AKB48 aims at the basest, most outdated, most humilating aspects of Japanese sexism and takes advantage of it to make money.

>> No.6428626

And that's why many cannot like them both. At a certain level they are dynamically opposed. There are occassionally some overlaps. AKB48 may choose to have its members in Mendolu and sometimes Morning Musume takes on some ill-advised projects, do a really inappropriate song or sells photobooks with overly risque outfits or age-inappropriate poses.

Fans who are fully fans of what AKB represents will find the Hello! Project members to be haughty, distant, unfeminine and generally think they should be broken and learn their place. Fans of Hello! Project are going to find AKB48 to be sexist, disgusting, demeaning and cheap. And generally when Hello! Project undertakes the same sort of things, it is seen the same way with perhaps the exception that since Hello! Project does so many pro-feminist things, in small ways that I think it is difficult to appreciate without some understanding of the Japanese culture, that it is easiest to forgive it than when AKB48 does it where, as far as I know, they really haven't done anything to promote feminism in any manner.

If I am wrong, please show me how.

>> No.6428632

Well said.
On that, note, reading what AKB48 fans have to say is very creepy for the reasons you mentioned.

>> No.6428670

Gee, your rebuttal is sensible and makes a lot of sense...

Now where is they copy pasta'd from? It completely misses how the AKB fanbase came to creation and how they used questionable tactics and methods the entire existence.

Besides that, some pretty interesting observations. I would never view H!P fans as being haughty. But there is most certainly a complete difference in presenting idols between the two that objectifies them in completely different ways.

>> No.6428706

Although a lot of this hits the heart of where I stand as an idol fan, I still don't want to see an imported analysis and argument take place here.

Thanks for pasting it here, it is a nice sort of generalist distinction between the two. And perhaps the most appropriate without bursting into an sort of argument.

>> No.6428758 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6428773 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6428813 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 480x640, 13ih92-2-3238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely Leader!

>> No.6428848

It's coming from H!O. I just pasted it for the dude that asked before, because it might actually be representative.

>It completely misses how the AKB fanbase came to creation and how they used questionable tactics and methods the entire existence.

What did they do?

Sorry for the short replies, but I'm sick as hell at the moment.

>> No.6428885

Oh lord, I don't feel like getting into this stuff in this thread. It is a birthday thread after all.

You can find a lot of answers on 2ch or in the archives to be honest. It is a long and labored story that I personally don't want to discuss right now.

>> No.6428930

I'm actually slightly familiar with AKB, but I don't know what that's about. 2ch is full of "certain people", and I already follow the threads here - if you could just give me some keywords that would be appreciated too, no need for arguments in this thread then.

>> No.6429107

Try searching for Akb agents, hate campaigns, inflated numbers, pyramid schemes and search engine inflations.

>> No.6429117

I don't think you are the same person I asked. That wasn't even a good try.

>> No.6429159

As much as those words may trigger self defense mechanisms, they also hold a key to the underlying expansion and identity of the hardcore base.

In particular the H!P hate campaign machine is a part of idol history that takes a significant amount of material to flush out. There are specific words designated to this approach in attacking competitors.

Or if you wish to take a more light hearted viral marketing approach, you can look at their early sales gimmicks and member vote history.

I have no idea what you are even looking but just keep in mind that core akb fans have always had an identity crisis and bone to pick with H!P fans every since the beginning.

>> No.6429194
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Oh wait, she said she'll come back when she has calmed down...

>> No.6429210

I guess I'd prefer the second; /jp/ is a troll board that harbors touhou, idols, and vn.

>> No.6429273

I like the use of the term harbors, lol.
Anyway, no one is stating here that there isn't cultural aspects, industry trending and media tendencies that are involved as well.

Of course there are

>projects the images that females are objects who want to be owned and claimed, can be bought and should be fought over.
You see this is the most insulting part about this new "idol" movement. Is because the same people complaining about how H!P was supposedly over sexualizing the girls and targeting a wota fanbase, this lingering upstart group which spawned from that essential MO won it's popularity through directly manipulating that image and just fucking pumping endless gravure imagery and girls into the system.

In fact the lyrical prose itself can come off as being extremely sexually motivated. But again, I think that initial analysis post demonstrates how a line was crossed.

Personally I see the whole new trend as a degradation of idols, just flooding the market with tons of these girls, none of which seem to even appear on singles and videos.

>> No.6429282

>Or if you wish to take a more light hearted viral marketing approach, you can look at their early sales gimmicks and member vote history.

Their "gimmick" was (and still is, to my understanding) "Idols you can meet" and the voting process is something done specifically for the fans, since as far as I know their producer chose them by himself before that was implemented. No one will deny that including tickets to do so might inflate sales - but that's (=including event tickets etc.) nothing unheard of in the industry anyway, so that's not an argument.

As a level headed H!P project fan I feel confused by that argument.

>> No.6429326
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>> No.6429333

>As a level headed H!P project fan I feel confused by that argument.
You also don't seem to know how to take a hint that we didn't want to discuss this stuff in this thread.

>> No.6429342
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>> No.6429345

Why has /jp/ been raided non stop for the last 48 hours?

>> No.6429350

*I* would.

>> No.6429357

>48 hours?

Must be them Corean spies from Dentsu.

>> No.6429364

Well, it always turns into a bait war around here and it has been done to death and always degrades into flame wars. Something I don't want to see right now.

>> No.6429395
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Reina sighting on the C-ute blog.

Hmm perhaps, she will do a little blog adventuring to appreciate her blog experience more and be a little more reserved.

>> No.6429424
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>> No.6429452

Todays my birthday too!
..Is this fate?

>> No.6429540

Are you a Reina fan too?

>> No.6429555
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No, because it is only the 10th here.

>> No.6429588
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With a creamy Reina center

>> No.6429743
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25:00~25:30 テレビ東京「美女学」高橋愛・新垣里沙・矢島舞美・鈴木愛理・真野恵里菜

Previous Bijo Episode: http://www.hello-online.org/index.php?app=xbt&CODE=details&torrent=31594

Gaki-san & Ai-chan etiquette episodes continue tomorrow. I'm thinking this will be the last episode for this pairing. Higher quality streams would be nice to find too...

>> No.6429812

/jp/ is the fumi-e of 4chan

>> No.6429825 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6429938
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Aika blog “47days”

If you guys haven't noticed but Aika-chan has been turning up her blog entries recently.
Check them out over at Hyakupa if you haven't been there in a while, they even have a radio podcast now too.

>> No.6429947

Mikitty ;_;

>> No.6429975

I didn't want to say anything in the birthday thread...

>> No.6429989

Very sad advertising, sorry to report you.

>> No.6430016

Yeah because that's respectful...

>> No.6430287
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Good night thread bros
Sweet 21 Dreams

>> No.6430305

Mikitty was live on waratte iitomo a bit ago and seemed fine.
Still sad news though.... ;_;

>> No.6430329

no more salty milk for mikitty ;_:

>> No.6430341
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>> No.6431004 [DELETED] 
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Hey H!P faggots, how did including a free ticket for a free sushi meal in every Muten Musume single turn out for you?
7,000 copies sold? Pffft, now I understand the butthurt. That goes to show a lot of things, all of which will surely fly over your head since you're just a buch of blind sectarians.
But that's fine, you can keep deluding yourselves that the Korean spies from outer space are keeping vulgar, classless, no-stage-presence Musume down. Ahahahah.

>> No.6432112
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Good Morning

>> No.6432118
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Birthday Reina cake

>> No.6432122 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6432124
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Phew, it looks like she popped back on her Reinya blog at least and a nice Sayu birthday post for her.

>> No.6432130
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Isn't that the cutest little Aika ?!

>> No.6432167
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>> No.6432197
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>> No.6432206
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Stupid day light savings, distorting my JST time...

>> No.6432211
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Leader! Leader!

>> No.6432216
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>> No.6432232
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>> No.6432249
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>> No.6432253
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Problem, girls?

>> No.6432254
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>> No.6432261
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Looks like the leader grouping will carry on!

>> No.6432268
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My body is ready for this Rakuen episode!

>> No.6432291
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Fantasy!拾壱 (読み:ファンタジー ジュウイチ)

Covers for Musume's 11th album! Looks like the outfits from the Onna to Otoko PV.

>> No.6432294


at least they used those dresses instead of those other horrible outfits.

>> No.6432347
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I have no problem with the Onno to Otoko outfits, they've got a retro feel to them.

Honestly, I was expecting something entirely different but you have to remember what will be on that special DVD.

>> No.6432426
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Happy Veteran's Day!

>> No.6432436
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Well, it's been much too long since I've posted here... orz

>> No.6432447
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Oh I see, just going to mosey right back into our realm huh?

>> No.6432463

Didn't exactly plan to just mosey right back in, no. I figured there'd be some aggravation with the fact that I've been gone for like a month...things have been busy the last few weeks, cut me some slack...

>> No.6432486

I just don't understand the part where you don't have access to a computer in Japan.

>> No.6432492

Ask anybody I communicate with online, I've been unavailable on all fronts. Uploaded pictures to Facebook so friends and family could see the trip and checked my email at the end of every day, that was it.
Catching up with loaders, etc now...

>> No.6432534
File: 421 KB, 882x1280, aiai0080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been unavailable on all fronts.
Well obviously there is nothing we can do about that now. Welcome back to glorious America, I hope you got everything done while you were out there! And took a bunch of cool Musume related pictures.

>Catching up with loaders
I have feeling that isn't as hard for you as other people...

The Ai-Aika-Sayu bus tour was amazing from this end, I loved following it really closely and the recording and pictures are all in the previous thread. I knew there was going to be some quality cuddling pictures, I didn't think it would be that cold there.

And the concert was really sweet!

>> No.6432553
File: 633 KB, 1000x1407, aewen8614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does sound like people were really rushed through 4shot and handshake events.

It really helped clarify quality waifu time. But at least from the concert it was very apparent that Aika fans were in a much better atmosphere with Ai-chan fans than with the Reina fans...

>> No.6432601
File: 444 KB, 1280x894, aiai0085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welcome back to glorious America
If you say so...
Thanks for the warm welcome, though~

>I hope you got everything done while you were out there!
Somehow I managed to get almost everything I wanted to do, done. Ended up sick right after the bus tour so the last couple days I had planned to spend with friends were wasted resting, but other than that the trip was mind-blowing.

>And took a bunch of cool Musume related pictures.
Yup, most of the sight-seeing I did was places they shot HM@, etc.

Bus tour was incredible, Aichan was all smiles and her English is so cute ;________;
Lots of amazing waifu interaction, couldn't have asked for a better bus tour if I had come up with the activities myself. well, probably would have put some more time with the members on the schedule, of course, but that's beside the point ww

>> No.6432607

>It does sound like people were really rushed through 4shot and handshake events.
They were REALLY fast, it was ridiculous...but I still was able to say what I wanted to and ended up with a 4-shot I'm happy with, so I can't complain. Rushed waifu time is better than no waifu time.

>> No.6432621
File: 116 KB, 480x640, 201011_09_39_b0171039_21523044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are orientating yourself back to reality,
feel free to scan a few of those Bus Tour goods

I'm not sure if they will be coming to the Hello Store or not.

>> No.6432648

>I'm not sure if they will be coming to the Hello Store or not.
I'm sure they won't, but I also don't have a scanner. If people want me to just take pictures I can do that haha, although it may be a bit cause I'm still sorting through all the stuff I picked up in Japan.

>> No.6433122

I would love to know what you got from the Hello Shops specifically.

>> No.6433314

In honor of our Lounge friends I tracked down the first ever idol thread on /jp/ and few very very early threads.


We'll be coming up on /jp/'s third anniversary pretty soon....

>> No.6433409
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>> No.6433441
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And to the lucky troops in Japan...

>> No.6433445
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>> No.6433451
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Last Shot 8 ;___;

>> No.6433544
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>> No.6433672
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Circled stuff came from the H!P shop in Shibuya.

>> No.6433682
File: 486 KB, 720x540, 148421_659187361663_58215933_36155074_5030896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in this picture, Ueno.

>> No.6433748

That is a pretty impressive haul, seems to be mostly current stuff when it comes to photocards. I would of expected you would of dug deep into the catalog and gotten some of those old Ai-chan picture sets. And I have to imagine there was some leeway to bargain prices or bundle deals in there.

Is the rival survial hoodie a zip up, I think that is on the second set of preorders right now.

>> No.6433794
File: 94 KB, 720x540, 76960_659192735893_58215933_36155268_8297376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would of expected you would of dug deep into the catalog and gotten some of those old Ai-chan picture sets.
At the H!P shops there was nothing but newer stuff, at least that I could find. Digging through unofficial pics in Harajuku, though, I found some older pics I liked. Pic related.

>And I have to imagine there was some leeway to bargain prices or bundle deals in there.
Not really, I basically just went through each shop and grabbed all the Aichan stuff I liked. I have another set of H!P shop goods, but it's with a friend in Japan and needs to be mailed to me...not enough room in my luggage ww

>Is the rival survial hoodie a zip up
Yeah, it's really really nice actually. Not sure what it's going for on HSU, but it was definitely worth whatever they're charging for it on the tour. Even with the HSU mark-up I'd recommend it.

>> No.6433810

Now those unofficial sets are probably awesome to dig through. Looks like some real classics there.

Jesus, what are you going to do for Christmas now?!

Anyways, I have a feeling that is just scraping the surface of all the stuff ya bought, looking forward to the location shots and event shots obviously.

>> No.6433817
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sayumi and koharu

>> No.6433819

Aichan loves leader

>> No.6433833
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Hey uh...Guys.
I am going to Japan in the future and I really don't know much about the music scene there, I listen to radio sometimes but sadly my music repertoire is 97% vocaloid. I want to get into some "real" jpop (or rock music, but I don't know if you guys like that...) and I don't know where to start... Anyone have like...a guide or torrent or something (or atleast some popular group names)? Sorry for being selfish, I don't follow your guys' threads so I feel like a jerk, thanks for any guidance though.

>> No.6433862

>I want to get into some "real" jpop (or rock music, but I don't know if you guys like that...)
Well besides Morning Musume I am partial to Otsuka Ai, the pillows and Goto Maki.

I don't really get into any of that j-rock stuff because I have plenty of good rock to listen here.

>Anyone have like...a guide or torrent
For someone just testing around, you could type in a JPop band in last.fm and just follow that direction

>> No.6433911

>Well besides Morning Musume I am partial to Goto Maki.

I think he wanted to know about idol J-Pop that isn't directly related to Hello!Project, you wacky door-to-door salesman.

>> No.6434130

h!p is the best

some of my other favorites:

tomoko kawase (tommyfebruary6/tommyheavenly6)
genki rockets
ami suzuki
jun togawa
chieko kawabe (inactive)
yukiko okada (inactive)
onyanko club (inactive)
dream (inactive)

shonen knife
the brilliant green
akino arai
aoi teshima
sambo master
quinka, with a yawn
yellow magic orchestra
alone together
kazuki tomokawa
shugo tokumaru

>> No.6434171

She isn't related to H!P anymore and her sound certainly is very different being on Avex, same troll.

As much as I hate those threads, you might wanna try posting this as it's own thread on /jp/ but considering the moderation disappeared and someone just posted a list and an app to use, you've got a lot to start with.

>> No.6434200 [DELETED] 
File: 2.30 MB, 1436x2331, essential japanese music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of images I save while screaming about angry and violent as shit music over at /mu/. Maybe you'll find some interesting stuff here?

As for music related to this thread. Maki is worth looking into if you're looking for j-pop.

Sweet Black feat. Maki Goto EP

One EP

>> No.6434213
File: 2.30 MB, 1436x2331, essential japanese music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This are the kinds of images I save while screaming about angry and violent as shit music over at /mu/. Maybe you'll find some interesting stuff here?

As for music related to this thread. Maki is worth looking into if you're looking for j-pop.

Sweet Black feat. Maki Goto EP

One EP

>> No.6434221

i like how he omitted the pillows and ai otsuka. only sees and hears what he wants lol

also polysics is another great band, sorry for off topic

>> No.6434233

oh fuckkk, guitar wolf and sigh are godlike!

>> No.6434255

>h!p is the best
You should've kept the punchline at the end of the post, dumbass.

>She isn't related to H!P anymore
Implying your post wasn't trying to push hidden agendas and aren't just trying to promote former H!P members only because of their affiliation.
Nice try, tho, door-to-door salesman.

>> No.6434264

Haha, asking /mu/ about Japanese music. Actually I'm actually surprised someone compiled something like that rather neatly.

The bands that sort of jump out in my memory from it: Yellow Magic Orchestra, seatbelts, boris, guitar wolf and how bout some yui? I don't like that pop section they've got there..

Yea, he's a real charmer...

>> No.6434425

K, made a note pad with your guys' suggestions. Thanks for the help!

>> No.6434469
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>Jesus, what are you going to do for Christmas now?!
Well, considering I spent my own money on this trip I'll probably get presents like normal?
As for buying for everyone else...oops ww

>looking forward to the location shots and event shots obviously.
I've got like 200+ pics, what kind of shots are you looking for? Honestly I didn't take many on the bus tour (got shots of the chalkboard sign things, but those have already been posted elsewhere obviously), got a few from the sokkyougeki venue on 10/29...other than that it's all random pics of Tokyo and me in places MM went for location shoots on various shows.

Japanese music? Melt-Banana.

>> No.6434486
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>> No.6434519

>got a few from the sokkyougeki venue on 10/29...other than that it's all random pics of Tokyo and me in places MM went for location shoots on various shows.

Musume related place shots are interesting or anything that is just really cool ya saw, shit don't you have an idea of what really stuck out to you?

How bout some ramen shop and food shots, I'm wondering what you did for food and spirits, I dunno I like that sort of thing.

>> No.6434640 [DELETED] 
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You are so crazy

>> No.6434764
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>> No.6434792
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Actually I meant, what are you going to spend on Christmas now that you have spent all this cash now.

Doesn't it suck that you weren't able to catch a Rival Survival show in your time?

>> No.6434921

Hey Maki-fag, haven't heard from you in a while.
Were you kidnapped by Eastern European terrorists?

>> No.6434995
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Who needs Christmas when I have two weeks in Japan ww

And yeah, it's a shame that I still haven't been to a "real" Momusu concert in Japan (although the bus tour concert was fucking mind-blowing, holy jesus that setlist)...but I'd much rather be able to interact with Aichan like I did on the bus tour than attend 5 or 6 or however many concerts.

And since you asked food shots, here's some okonomiyaki that the mom of a friend I stayed with for a night made. SO good.

>> No.6435006
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>> No.6435028
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I'd love to hear more Bus Tour details, I was following the 2ch threads and saw a really good Aika-fan entry but any more travelogues would be very interesting to read.

>> No.6435158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6435167
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Here's the bus tour report I wrote for friends/family to read, then...

That covers everything of any real importance, if you want more details about something ask away.

Picture is the outside of the venue where they held the final event.

>> No.6435220
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Busy, lazy, thread(s) have been pretty much dogshit as of late.
Lots and lots of Maki news happening however.

>> No.6435371

Concert report
1 Mikan
It was Sayu presents, so this was a given. Awesome and powerful song to start a concert. I was kinda sleepy just before the concert but all tiredness and sick-with-flu feeling dissapeared.

2 Aki Urara
Well it was fall so I guess it as ok...

Sayu told us she selected all the song, she also thank us for some many yellow, pink and purple glowsticks.
从*・ 。.・从<<Ah there are blue ones too...
Then she said that there was people who said "Otsukareina" and did "Mayuge Beam" to them in the 4shot. She said she knows there DDs out there so she understood.

3 Sukichan
Sayumi is a dawawota so.... It was awesome hearing this song by this 3 members
Sukichan Sukichan Aichan ga Sukichan
Never thought I would be able to shout that

4 Koi no Jubaku (Aika solo)
Aika chose this song, Sayu sang this song with Berryz in an H!P concert and she said to herlself that she would sing it if she had the chance
从*・ 。.・从<Ah, so you think that if even Sayu can sing it you can sing it too
川*’ー’) <Why do you think so low of yourself?
从*・ 。.・从<Ah, then it was because she looks up to me and she wanted to sing it right?
川*’ー’) <That also kinda pisses me off

5 CRAZY ABOUT YOU (Takahashi solo)
I was just hearing this song before leaving for the concert, it was like destiny. I was wishing they would sing a Minimoni song, this song and Sukyun Love are my favorites. Brought back nice memories.
从*・ 。.・从<...Aichan really perfomed it well, she learned the steps and lyrics very fast
川*’ー’)<That's cause I was in Minimoni when this single was released....

6 Bye Bye Saigo no Yoru (Sayu solo)
I didn't know this song as more than half of the people in there, but somehow most of us got pumped up and started shouting to Sayu. I think her horrible voice made the "Bye Bye" sound really cute

>> No.6435440

7 Kataomoi Owari ni (Takahashi solo)
Eri rocks, this song rocks. Aichan singing an Eri song that rocks, rocks twice as much. I could have never been more happy in my life.

8 Watashi no Miryoku ni Kitzukanai Donkan na Hito (Aika → 3)
It looked like Aichan and Sayu were backdancers just like JJ and LL are for this song, but when suddenly Aichan started singing I knew there was a god called Sayu and that she was a wota and made this concert just to please us.

9 Shiawase Beam! Sukisuki Beam!
This is sayu like song, so no wonder why it was chosen. I can only remember Aichan's outfit for this song and of course that awesome Utaban episode. It was fun to throw Sukisuki beams to Aichan ( ´Д`)

10 Hajimete no Rock no Concert (Aika-Aichan)
wtf, mako song? I like this song, so it was ok

11 Umbrella (Sayu - Aika)
One more Eri song, or well, Tanpopo # song. I love this song and I would have liked if Aichan singed it too, but can't ask too much after Kataomoi no Owari ni. Sayu once again filled me with me with her horrible voice in the "Na no ni ne...♪" parts

>> No.6435458
File: 418 KB, 1190x1680, aewen2370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so when Aichan walked by my table I yelled out (in Japanese) "I can't read the kanji!!"
I lol'd trying to picture this. Pretty slick Ai-fag.

>> No.6435581

Thanks for the concert review, I'll have to look at your tour report closely.

And yea I was friggin blown away by the setlist and hearing Ai-chan singing Eri solo songs and the shuffle group songs I really loved too.

I'll be dying to see this FC DVD when it gets released.

Did the fans get time to go through the amusement park or was that just a pass bye?

>> No.6435593

Doesn't post for weeks, still half handed attack against the thread, ahhh glad I asked...

>> No.6435627

>Did the fans get time to go through the amusement park or was that just a pass bye?
We were given about three hours there, and a ticket good for one ride on anything in the park. Spent most of my time there just hanging around with people I knew ww

>> No.6435640

>Thanks for the concert review
Those posts weren't mine, actually...thank our Mexican friend~

>I'll be dying to see this FC DVD when it gets released.
The second the concert ended, I was thinking the exact same thing. Truly an incredible setlist.

>> No.6435652

12 Waa Merry PinXmas (Ai Sayu)
When this song started I had the feeling Aipinku was about to be born, and she was. It was fun to see Sayu utterly ignored because all wotas were only expecting Aichan "Hyaha" s. at first we all laughed but then Aichan was trolled with "Fuuuu" s. Sayu told us how she wanted to tease the 24 years old Aichan by making her do this. Aichan as expected did as Sayu pleased and we wotas were the winners ヽ(´ー`)ノ

从*・ 。.・从<Bit for a 24 years old you did it pretty well
从*・ 。.・从<I wouldn't do it if I was 24 years old

13 Egao Yes Nude
Sayu forgot all her lines, this made her really nervous and even though Aichan tried to make up for it it was an awesome failure by Sayu... still it was pretty enjoyable for some reason

キタ━━━━━川 ’ー’川━━━━━ !! 
This song is really awesome, and Junjun graduating made me think I would never be able to hear it live, but there it was, with even more awesome members!!!!

Sayu thanked us and told us everything have been perfect until now (receiving quiet a big ehhhh because of her epic fail in Egao yes nude)
This MC was pretty moving and I was about to cry when it ended. Sayu is really a great person and since she opened her blog she has climbed some spots in my personal ranking.

15 Aruiteru
Last song was Sayu all time favorite Aruiteru、Nothing special about this song but the perfect end to an awesome concert full of great memories

>> No.6435679
File: 65 KB, 480x640, o0480064010848179357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"you can't read the kanji!?? Which one??" with this concerned look on her face haha, then the guy helping me yelled out "all of them!"

It's kind of funny but I read the story and I think of a whole list of details that don't cross your mind.
I'm glad you had a funny moment there with Ai-chan so closely, I can't imagine it left a great impression on the other wotas.

It also sounded like you got in what you wanted to say to the girls even being rushed as fast as you were. I always feel like going on beyond basic English to sort of shock them. There couldn't of been too many gaijins on that trip, well I know of a few but still.

Just from the sound of the Live recording I could tell the crowd atmosphere was pretty sweet. Did they run through the crowd near you?

>> No.6435686

Ahh! I was wondering why you were using the little Ai-chan faces. Which I happen to really enjoy.

That and the fact that he was specifically remembering MC lines and translating them for us.

>> No.6435693

Wait, did you guys ride separate buses?

>> No.6435746
File: 458 KB, 885x1280, aiai0092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't imagine it left a great impression on the other wotas.
They all laughed, and the Aika wota sitting next to me was more than willing to help me out with the test. Not sure if they were just being nice because they had to or what, though.

>I always feel like going on beyond basic English to sort of shock them.
I didn't want to throw something at Aichan in English that I wasn't sure she'd be able to understand, and with the short amount of time I had to talk to her I just went with Japanese.
If I were really on top of things I'd have come up with something in English a little more advanced but that I knew she could still understand, make her feel like she had a "real" conversation in English...

>There couldn't of been too many gaijins on that trip
There were 4 I knew of...me, our Mexican friend, a German guy I know and some skinny British-looking dude I randomly saw during the grape-picking thing.

>Did they run through the crowd near you?
Apparently not, since I don't even remember them running through the crowd orz
I'm the wrong dude to look to for concert reports...I love concerts, but I always get so caught up in them that I can't remember a lot of details later. My best memories are always from the other events.

Yeah, I was on 10 and he was on 3.

So, do people want to see pictures from when I went to HM@ location shoot places? I've got lots...

>> No.6435777

Man the Ai-chan troll moments are aplenty. Always good to get that added sense of the experience with those little details.

>Hajimete no Rock no Concert (Aika-Aichan)
I really loved to see this in the setlist. Such a great song

>This MC was pretty moving and I was about to cry when it ended. Sayu is really a great person and since she opened her blog she has climbed some spots in my personal ranking.

I think it is because she cares so much about everything she does, I mean she was up at like 5 A:M before the whole thing started and she was rehearsing her song with Aika and was blogging very nicely through out the experience.

Although I will give credit for Ai-chan for having several entries up almost instantly when the Tour first started.

Ok, now are you in Japan full time until the end of the year then?!

>> No.6435811

>There were 4 I knew of...me
Wow, even I didn't expect that few but are you so confident of that count?

>I can't remember a lot of details later. My best memories are always from the other events.
Ahh, well explained. But it does make me wonder what sensory input is most activated.

>Yeah, I was on 10 and he was on 3.
Oh lord, the tension continues....did you even cross paths during this trip at all?

>when I went to HM@ location shoot places? I've got lots...
To be honest I think people would need refreshers on specific HM@ episodes to catch where you were at. I mean if you got really picturesque shots and want to rock out the connection, no one will stop ya.

Then again, as long as they are quality pictures I wouldn't mind seeing a lot of Shibuya pics and Hello Store pics.

Did you ever make it to the TV Tokyo building?

>> No.6435886

Oh my god /jp/ looks like utter shit right now

>> No.6435890
File: 2.98 MB, 1785x1339, PA280046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you so confident of that count?
Not really, those are just the ones I know of. There were like 700 people on the tour so it's totally possible there were gajins I didn't see.

>But it does make me wonder what sensory input is most activated.
At Anime Expo I ended up entirely focused on the music, first Musume concert so I didn't really think about it...Japan Expo I tried to focus more on what was happening onstage. This time I really focused on Aichan for most of the concert, which made it much more memorable but my recollection is still pretty weak. I really get taken over by the moment, it's so incredible at the time that I honestly don't really care if I remember it perfectly later.
I remember getting really teary-eyed during Kataomoi no Owaru ni though, that song is beautiful and Aichan singing it was ;____________;

>did you even cross paths during this trip at all?
Sure! Talked a good portion of the time we were at Fuji-Q, talked for a bit during Sunday's lunch, saw each other randomly a few others times throughout the tour...we intended to hang out on Monday and/or Tuesday before I flew back on Wednesday, but I was so sick I didn't get to see anybody on those days orz

>> No.6435896
File: 2.78 MB, 1785x1339, PA280047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I mean if you got really picturesque shots and want to rock out the connection, no one will stop ya.
I've got screenshots to go with everything, it was a lot of fun and being in the same places I've seen Momusu go got me surprisingly fired up. People who worked at stores, etc were surprisingly nice about it too...talked about the group with employees at most of the places I went to. Will have to post those pics later though, all the really good ones are on a friend's camera and she has yet to send them to me.

>Shibuya pics
Got those, here's one taken from the front of Shibuya 109.

>Hello Store pics
No luck on those, other than the entrance to the Ueno shop. No cameras allowed inside...

>Did you ever make it to the TV Tokyo building?
No, Japanese friend I was staying with looked into tours but couldn't find anything, so I ended up not going...

And another pic from in front of Shibuya 109.

>> No.6435916
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goood night thread
tour day dreams

>> No.6435944

Ahh that fine cultural slice of Nippon,
look at the old couple cascading in front of the legions of schoolgirls.

How did you fare against the crowd hordes and did you go to the famous Shibuya crossing?

What about the night life? Tell me you visited a plethora of tucked away street bars

>> No.6436688
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moar of this? i only had ai and reina

>> No.6437081
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>> No.6437163
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Meh, every time you'd have time to write and post something you'd just look at the thread and "this shit isn't worth my fucking time". Like I said: dogshit.
But there's been some huge Maki news happening, it just hasn't been worth it to post anything here. Leave you guys to your blogspam was the right thing to do.

Now where are the Ayaya-fags? The Difference is the worst fucking thing I've heard this year.

>> No.6437311
File: 276 KB, 1440x810, dat1289571370644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Difference is the worst fucking thing I've heard this year.
You ain't kidding, I only made it half-way through the thing before stopping it... terrible, truly terrible. So don't look at me to defend or try and make sense of it.

>> No.6437361
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Good Morning

>> No.6437393 [DELETED] 
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6th Gen Photobook - Memories

>> No.6437427
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Still no Reina return to her blog?!
Coming up on 9000 comments! This shit is ridiculous

>> No.6437454

Lol, so convoluted and self absorbed I won't even dignify that with a response.

>> No.6437484
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>> No.6437491
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dat smile

>> No.6437496
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>> No.6437504

These posts have that classic "island fag" feel to them

>> No.6437556
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>> No.6437584
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Fresh batch of wonderous live Leader pics

>> No.6437591
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>> No.6437592
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>> No.6437628
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>> No.6437642
File: 1.69 MB, 2064x2960, aiai0136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely stunning

>> No.6437796 [DELETED] 

18:10~18:40 NHK総合「MUSIC JAPAN」モーニング娘。

Oh, thankfully we have a group appearance coming up for the new single. I hope we get a Music Fighter too, last show appearances for the Pandas & Eri with the group will make for great television.

>> No.6437802

18:10~18:40 NHK総合「MUSIC JAPAN」モーニング娘。

Oh, thankfully we have a group appearance coming up for the new single.
I hope we get a Music Fighter too, last show appearances for the Pandas & Eri with the group will make for great television.

>> No.6437818

music fighter died bro

>> No.6437834

Oh man is that right? When did that happen?

>> No.6437878
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Is that so?

>> No.6437937


what a slut

>> No.6437997
File: 2.91 MB, 1785x1339, PA250025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you fare against the crowd hordes
At first it was insane, I got there on a Thursday and went to Ikebukuro right away to pick up the Muten Musume single...it was raining and COLD, and like 6 in the afternoon, so the crowds were just stupid. Luckily the person I stayed with brought an umbrella when they came to meet me at the airport.

>and did you go to the famous Shibuya crossing?
Yeah, once in the evening I happened to pass through there. Pretty crazy stuff.

>What about the night life? Tell me you visited a plethora of tucked away street bars
Nah, closest place I went to a bar was the shabu shabu restaurant Mari produced. Most everything I did was related to Musume somehow ww

Picture is the goods display at the sokkyougeki on 10/29.

>> No.6438008
File: 2.72 MB, 1339x1785, PA250026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a close-up of Aichan's note.

>> No.6438547
File: 104 KB, 991x688, offgaki5330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was that improv show you went to by the way,
I have the show you went to downloaded.

And why would you avoid Tokyo night life?! You could of been lounging it up with a girl on each arm

>> No.6438567
File: 498 KB, 887x1280, aiai0135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a wonderful person, performer and special leader

>> No.6438589
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>> No.6438623
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Oh you

>> No.6438659
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>>6432206 >>6432211 >>6432216

Bijo Gaku #32 (2010-11-11)

Newest Gaku is up on the tracker now. DVD's have been announced and planned to release in Late December. I can't believe Mano has been doing hand reading this entire time...

>> No.6438707


Amazing enough I was using /b/ during that time and remember it well, ruled only a half way house for him. Hope he has access to 4chan there

>> No.6438767
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>> No.6438833
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Reina Tanaka Photo Book "Eri Kamei Sotsugyo Kinen Haroharo! - Memories -

Final 6th Gen photobook w/DVD has been released. So much history between their first PB together and today..

>> No.6438861
File: 405 KB, 1366x768, nat00895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Week 2 Digital Sayumi

>> No.6438886

op i need a porn from one of singer.

anyone got pic or torrent?

>> No.6438929
File: 2.81 MB, 1785x1339, PA250029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have it downloaded? Happen to have the file available?

And it was amazing, honestly I couldn't make out a lot of the conversations perfectly but by the time they got around to actually performing their decided stories I could follow what was going on. Aichan's acting is really something else, and seeing it in person is heavenly ;________;

Also, at the end of the day show when the girls were walking around the stage waving goodbye to everyone, Aichan stopped, leaned in and waved right at me for like 3 or 4 seconds and said "thank you!!" in English a couple times haha
Great first activity of the trip~

>You could of been lounging it up with a girl on each arm
>implying I would do that to waifu
Anyway, I'm not much of a night life guy anyway w
Spent most nights taking it easy so I'd be ready for the next day of awesome Musume-related activities~

Picture is of the flowers given to Aichan and Risa for the improv show.

>> No.6438940
File: 2.51 MB, 1785x1339, PA250030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And more flowers~

>> No.6438958

>Man the Ai-chan troll moments are aplenty. Always good to get that added sense of the experience with those little details.
Being with KY gundans is fun but also gives you a bad image, I think Sayu may not like me now. But Aichan was nice as always and she did read a kanji for me, I will treasure thaty kanji forever and ever... I should have looked for a kanji I didn't know. I tried her to explain that word to me in english but she realized I was just pretending I didn't know and left orz

>I really loved to see this in the setlist. Such a great song
Long time since I last heard this song, I think it was in Bari Bari made me remember how much 5th gen rocks

>Although I will give credit for Ai-chan for having several entries up almost instantly when the Tour first started.
Yeah, although half of them weren't even tour related www

>Ok, now are you in Japan full time until the end of the year then?!
End of January ♥

>> No.6438996
File: 102 KB, 240x320, カルロスへ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Aichan's bus tour posts, she did a great job posting this pic

She looked gorgeous in this outfit.

And I remembered something cool about my bus.
Bus #3 was booked by people who knew each other, so there were only friend or people we knew in the bus. We had 2 bus guides for the whole trip and it looked like most of the guys knew one of our bus guides, they let us seat wherever we liked and we made good friends with them, I even took a picture with them after all the events. 2 shot with the bus guides ( ´Д`)

When the bus tour was over the bus guides gave a congratulations speech and so. But one of the girls said that, she didn't know MM before but after being with all of us and with the girls, going to the events and seeing how warmhearted we fans are she started liking Morning Musume and she will start supporting them and even buy the new single wwwww
We asked her for the coupon for the release event
Then one girl shouted, who was the cutest one!!??
She fumbled a bit trying to not hurt feelings, but finally said, I think the cutest one was... Takahashi Ai
One more win for Aichan ヽ(´ー`)ノ

>> No.6439002

Takahashi Ai & Niigaki Risa Improv Show (10/10/29) Day (guest: Kongoji Takeshi):
(10/10/29) Night (guest: Matsuzaki Shigeru):

>leaned in and waved right at me for like 3 or 4 seconds and said "thank you!!" in English a couple times haha
Oh man, was she wearing a dress for that show? Now you probably were the only gaijin at that show.

>> No.6439022

>And I remembered something cool about my bus.
>Bus #3 was booked by people who knew each other

Yea I heard about groups meeting up for specific buses. That's cool that you guys were able to get that bro atmosphere up in there.

>that word to me in english but she realized I was just pretending I didn't know and left
This is definitely an interesting Ai-chan angle to take at events, it's funny when it backfires too.

I wish some of the other members would take on the English route like Ai-chan, it's not like they can do any worse, lol.

>End of January ♥
Would definitely like to hear updates from the tour and around Japan. Which events are you going to?

>> No.6439047

>Would definitely like to hear updates from the tour and around Japan. Which events are you going to?
All concerts starting next week, Aichi Bus tour, and am on the process to go to the release events, and if I get enough money Dinner Shows too
If I find a job I will go to H!P winter concert tour and whatever they come up with
Today I am going to a free Mano erina event

>> No.6439061

Damn, live it up son, these could be the last of the good days.

How would you even get hired in Japan without any papers, it have to be entirely informal, unless you are on some special status visit.

>> No.6439163
File: 117 KB, 800x600, P1010133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's why I am having trouble finding a job orz

Language teacher, programming related stuff or UFA should just pay me to be dat gaijin wota at the concerts

>> No.6439248
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>> No.6439316
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More of this whore.. no more yellow bitches!!

>> No.6439339 [SPOILER] 
File: 493 KB, 800x600, miley_cyrus_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally some true red blooded american talent.

>> No.6439551

Where are you stationed out there for the long trip? Google maps for stalker level

>> No.6439586
File: 387 KB, 1446x1000, aewen8652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~Musume Rival Survival Fall Tour 2010~
11/13(土)  15:00  18:30  宮城・仙台イズミティ21 大ホール  ←次!
11/14(日)  15:30  19:00  新潟・長岡市立劇場 大ホール

The final 7 show dates begin tonight, lets make them special here on out.

>> No.6439729

Kanagawa, I am living with some wota friends so it would be rude to reveal the exact location

>> No.6439806
File: 273 KB, 1440x1620, mc1088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6439826

[DJ-W] Bijo Houdan (2009-10-15) #29 - Kamei Eri - Subtitled

>In this episode of "Beautiful Women Open Discussions Series," Kamei interviews Osanai Mieko, a screenwriter most well known for writing Kinpachi Sensei

Wow, Dj-Waffles subbing Bijo Houdan episodes even! This was a pretty hilarious episode actually with Eri acting like classic Eri.

>> No.6440053

Ahh, don't worry about it, just wondered if you felt like being directly located.

Are the wotas you are staying with all Ai-chan wotas, who are those guys?

>> No.6440205
File: 2.39 MB, 1785x1339, PB010093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh man, was she wearing a dress for that show?
Not sure why you're asking w, but no I'm pretty sure she was wearing little brown shorts and a fuzzy white long-sleeve shirt...so cute ;______;

Pic is a sign for the grad special on 12/15, taken in Ikebukuro station. Lots of people looking at/discussing this poster as I waited for a friend to show up, was pretty cool actually.

>> No.6440248

I was having trouble picturing whether it was a formal event or more casual.

>Pic is a sign for the grad special on 12/15, taken in Ikebukuro station.
Yea, I saw that one, nice pic, I am so eager for that concert, it's going to be a special Graduation Event no question.

>> No.6440310 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6440337
File: 545 KB, 896x1280, aiai0115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, definitely more casual. All the fans wore normal clothes or member shirts or whatever...evening show had lots of guys in suits etc, but that's cause they likely came straight from work.
Girls were both in cute casual outfits, actually I remember that I noticed that even Gaki-san looked stunning. Not more than Aichan, of course ww, but still extremely nice~

And yeah, I was the ONLY gaijin at both shows that day haha

>> No.6440448 [DELETED] 

11/13(土) 開場14:00 開演15:00 山野ホール
11/13(土) 開場17:50 開演18:50 山野ホール

Some forth the Golden Bros for First Generation FC events begin today as well!

>> No.6440456

11/13(土) 開場14:00 開演15:00 山野ホール
11/13(土) 開場17:50 開演18:50 山野ホール

Summon forth the Golden Bros for First Generation FC events begin today as well!

>> No.6440487
File: 249 KB, 763x980, aewen2403a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you happen to pick up that Hello Channel DVD vol 2 because I would love to see that available

>> No.6440543

No, got the magazine but as far as I'm aware the DVD wasn't available for purchase when I was still still in Japan...

>> No.6440625
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>> No.6440668
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>> No.6440679

   ノノ_,ハ,_ヽ     ノハヽヽ
  ノlc|*・e・)_    (’ー’*川
 /´ <|∞|> . \   ,^______ リ、
 | ノ 〈.|  |〉 ¢.ヽ/( (.   | |
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 @.|_/ \_|    /ソ.ハしノ\
   |  |  |   ハノハソハノヽヽ
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   |__|__|. ハハノハハハソ ハヾ
   (_).(_) んノんんノんんノんん.ゝ

>> No.6440695
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>> No.6440917
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Good night /jp/
Calm Reina dreams

>> No.6441001 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6441093


>> No.6442317

Eri wota and Sayu/Mano/Nanami wota
...yeah something like that

>> No.6442355


>> No.6442674

Good morning, not exactly what I wanted to see at image max....wondering for next OP

A first generation tour? Always possible with Abe there, sounds interesting

>> No.6442679

Still no Reina blog updates but it does look like the girls threw her another little party after the concerts yesterday.

>> No.6443007

abe has no gaem lol

>> No.6443038

Well, that's indecent

>> No.6443070

Don't worry, it is reported, I've got next OP coming.

>> No.6443547

Next thread
