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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6421459 No.6421459 [Reply] [Original]


The PS3 trailer is out. (the one used at the TGS)

Also Umineko general thread

>> No.6421474

Thanks, /a/, i wouldn't have known without you.

>> No.6421708

The mouths only moving and everything else staying still is really unnatural and awfully static looking.

>> No.6421728

no problem

>> No.6421729

I like the original Battler more. He looks more... Battler-ish.

They can get rid of original Maria, though. I highly prefer the anime one over the VN one.

>> No.6421747
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Would anyone else have sexual intercourse with Maria?

PS: she is not fat, she is 28 kilograms.

>> No.6421763

>They can get rid of original Maria
and Ange too

>> No.6421777
File: 22 KB, 186x202, battler_avatar4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must say I do prefer the new art, Battler needed blue eyes.

I wonder how long until a sprite rip patch?

>> No.6421781

I'm glad Umineko is ending at the same time so I won't need to deal with this. I wash my hands of the Umineko fanbase.

>> No.6421796


Troll witches and shipping not good enough for you?

What do you want, stuffy theory crafting and serious business?

Fuck that, a series of gameboards made by a Witch is not my concern to solve, let Belmont and Battler do it.

>> No.6421806


I think Umineko is a great VN simply for the fact that it starts out slow but then keeps throwing new elements at you over and over again. Sure, there's the super boring moments at the start of the first 4 episodes, but it kept building this momentum that made me go back to it everytime.

It's sad that it's going to end. But I guess this can't be one of those never-ending fun things that never end. That would probably break the magic.

>> No.6421807

-Terrible theorizing.
-People who still thought Shkanontrice wasn't true after 6.
-And after 7.
-People who know it is but can't deal w/ it
-People from /a/. ie, OH DESIRE
-Or worse, animesuki.
-The same threads over and over about wanting to fuck the milfs and/or Maria
-Those guys who still haven't spoiled themselves on 7 and make slowpoke threads about whatever witch hunt releases in their lame periodic patches

>> No.6421816

Sounds like you have a pole stuffed up your ass.

Shkanon has not been stated in red and OH DESIRE is entertaining.

>> No.6421820

The thick disorderly and thorny pole known as the Umineko fanbase. It's possible to enjoy something when you despise the other people enjoying it, but it isn't possible to discuss it.

>> No.6421821

What if I'm none of those and just casually read it?

>> No.6421819

>I wonder how long until a sprite rip patch?
When people know how to rip PS3 games, and this port has more sprites than the VN

>> No.6421817
File: 25 KB, 331x85, witch hunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6421823

Oh well, to each his own, I suppose.

I enjoy it for what it is.

>> No.6421831

Well you aren't really the people who make it unbearable to discuss it, since you're not really discussing it. I used to be really into Umineko and went to all kinds of places to talk about it, on the rare occasions they weren't filled with roleplayers playing with avatars and going CACKLE CACKLE CACKLE UOOO at me they were filled with other kinds of idiocy. I shouldn't have considering talking about it outside /jp/, but even the /jp/ threads get pretty bad. Probably because it brings people from these other places.

>> No.6421846

Well, Moonchan theorizers and who/howdunnit for the single episodes sometimes do dig up new things. Both E2 and E3 are still crossroad clusterfucks where you can't really tell for sure, though,

Most of these theories are better than what we are being served anyway.

>> No.6421853

No, you are just a fucking retard.
And these guys never got anything right.

>> No.6421948


I fail to see what's so "oh horrible" about that, most of these points can be fun.

Umineko fanbase is pretty much ok when you think about most of the fanbases and their lame shipping/hate wars.

>> No.6421971
File: 391 KB, 640x347, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smirk is gone but I'd still that 410.

>> No.6421983
File: 164 KB, 200x470, Siesta410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see 45 is still incredibly serious moe. And that 410 smirk looks fine to me.

...though it doesn't beats the original.

>> No.6421997
File: 363 KB, 1054x982, trix is for kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just not the same.

I NEED that smirk.

>> No.6422062
File: 82 KB, 640x360, pLcmOFu2ChHCZ6MK8PJ7UMao1C71GqO8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this?

>> No.6422087

Am I the only one who likes the original doodles better? I don't know, it just doesn't seem right without them. I must be broken.

One of you once said "It felt like he was using sophisticated vocabulary to insult me, all the while showing me a shitty doodle and acting like it was a masterpiece." I will miss that.

>> No.6422096

I guess building up to a climax in a trailer is pretty hard when all you have to work with are moving mouths

>> No.6422121


That's not the classic smirk I was expecting. Shit, they broke Umineko.


Oh, don't worry. I kind of like the original ones better too. Except for a couple.

>> No.6422147
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