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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 463x374, meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6420044 No.6420044[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You're a zealot now janitor.

Taking care of the spam is good, but taking care of what would be considered just low quality threads is too overzealous. The whole point of 4chan is having a place with practically invisible moderation and not having to be afraid of what you post lest you get punished, be it through a ban or a simple deletion.

Please remember your purpose as a volunteer to these imageboards. You're too allow discussion, be permissive of the not so good threads and let the users decide if they want to reply to them or not.

Don't take this as a defense for the spammers, they still deserve being deleted as just ignoring them is akin to burying your head in the sand. All I'm saying is be more lenient of the other threads, the lousy ones that are still related to the purpose of the board. Don't become one of those that argue that anything outside of a very specific spectrum (namely VN and touhou) is not related here.

Do not be a zealot. Take it easy. That's all I wanted to say.

>> No.6420045 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, OP. I love Meido-san.

>> No.6420049 [DELETED] 

OP is a shitposter who only makes shitty threads. Discuss.

>> No.6420053 [DELETED] 

OK, now it's just plain spamming.

>> No.6420054

>Derpdeederp, I'm OP.
>I love Saten so fucking much.
>Saten is from a Anime
>Anime is part of Otaku culture.
>Why won't that stupid prep janitor let me post Saten in /jp/ ;_;

Go die in a hole OP.

>> No.6420055 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, Meido-san. I love Meido-san.

>> No.6420063 [DELETED] 

OP is the Ika/Saten/Purple-hair-with-big-tits-anime-girl spammer. Discuss.

>> No.6420060


I see just one thread that I would possibly want to keep. Otherwise, great job, Meido.

Do away with this one, too.

>> No.6420062

You're all too retarded to realize deleting the spam and shit threads doesn't make them go away. People will always keep making them, and the little moderation there is here won't change anything. You don't love the janitor, you love the idealized form of him drawn as a cute maid which titillates your severe autism.

>> No.6420065 [DELETED] 

Look, if the threads were really so great they wouldn't have been reported so often. Now shut the fuck up and stop wasting my time.

>> No.6420066

You got it all wrong.

I hate the Saten spam as much as anyone in here. Ika Musume, as much as I like her character, already has a place far away from here.

I'm saying that we shouldn't be so close minded to delete even the related threads just because they're not up to some arbitrary level of quality and interest. This reduced topic pool is making the board even more stagnant, which is not a hard task given how low the releases in this line of interest are.

In other words, don't be so quick to dismiss everything outside of a narrow cone of observation. Not everyone that has a critique on the current level of moderation is a shitposter spammer, not everything that is deleted on a daily basis deserves to.

>> No.6420067 [DELETED] 

/jp/ just needs more marauders

>> No.6420072

It does make them go away until they're posted again. We just need them to all be deleted as soon as they're posted. Once that is achieved, the spammers will become irrelevant.

Even if that cannot be achieved at the current time, it is good to know there is someone at least trying.

>> No.6420073

Im with OP.

>> No.6420070

Give an example of a thread that was unjustly deleted.

>> No.6420078 [DELETED] 

Anything outside of a very specific spectrum (namely VN and touhou) is not related here. Now get out.

>> No.6420075

It doesn't make them go away but it DOES prevent /jp/ from being flooded with 13 pages of spam. Now stop complaining people.

>> No.6420081 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 200x197, trollkastel-seal-of-approval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok kid, calm down. Which one of your threads did the mean old maid delete?

Be specific. I'll decide on whether or not it was actually relevant.

If it wasn't Touhou/vn, it wasn't

>> No.6420084 [DELETED] 

>1. All things otaku welcome!

Just pointing that out.

>> No.6420085

Post-split, there was a time when Kamen Rider was welcome here. /m/ took it back though

>> No.6420092

You are wrong. Threads of poor quality must be deleted as well, otherwise this board will turn into /a/.

>> No.6420097 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 275 KB, 850x944, sample_0785b786ff12f913a66f542f52f4f243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6420095 [DELETED] 

I am disappointed that janitor deletes flanfly every day.

>> No.6420093

That's just a troll view and isn't the reality. First of all, everything can be "otaku". Secondly, if you go with the warped otaku definition, anime and manga are otaku, but there's already a board for that.

The fact of the matter is /jp/ is just the excess meat of /jp/. All the fringe bullshit as moot phrases it. Anything that would go in /a/, but isn't actually anime or manga.

>> No.6420098

This thread only further proves to me that /jp/ is getting worse by the minute. I used to legitimately enjoy coming to /jp/ for its good discussion, use of *chan features how they are supposed to be used, etc. Now its just /a/ for touhou.

>> No.6420099

You forgot figs, dolls, iM@S, and Vocaloid.

Maybe some other stuff, too.

>> No.6420101

by technicality figs and dolls are /toy/ related, however, it is tolerated here for Otaku Culture

>> No.6420103

Post-split, there was a time when we have daily waifu-roll threads and they all reached bump-limit.
Well, rules are rules. It even hurts my heart more when he deletes a Japanese Bird being cute thread though ;_;

>> No.6420104

What I don't get is why people place so much value on trolling. Isn't the point of a discussion board to be discussion?

But then again, we are on 4chan, which thanks to misinformation, is an internet terrorist super awesome teenage fight club now.

Yeah and I mad and buttowned and sperm necklace and all that. Just saying my opinion.

>> No.6420105

I bet a lot of people aren't even bothereing to post here so that's kind of unfair.

Let's just not sweat the small stuff.

>> No.6420108

imageboard =/= discussion board
but I agree

>> No.6420114 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 320x351, 1289116051734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw >>6420095 was deleted and it literally just referenced 4chan's rules

>> No.6420118

Trolling, in the actual, meaningful sense of the word (not the meaningless "baww you're rude" or "baww you don't agree with me") encourages discussion.

Spam is not trolling. And the fact that flames are is just a testament to stupidity of the population of interwebs.

>> No.6420117

OP is mad his /v/ and /a/ threads are getting deleted.

Reported captcha and all. Metathread complaining about moderation. Violation of global rules.

>> No.6420122

There are a lot of things tolerated on /jp/ besides just VNs, Touhou, figures, dolls, and Vocaloid. Kigurumi and idols come to mind, and there's quite a bit more.

You're thinking of >>6420084

>> No.6420127

I am using the unspoken rule that we're allowed a proper metathread like once a month.

Seriously, we must stop with this "everyone that disagrees with me or the meido is a /v/-/a/ thread spammer". I don't post anime here, nor have I gone back to /a/ since like late 2009.

Can't we discuss like the civilized posters we pride ourselves to be?

>> No.6420132

Frankly, I don't see the problem with overlapping content, it gives a lot more variety.
But, I definitely don't want this place to become another /a/

>> No.6420134

I agree with lolifall.

>> No.6420136
File: 61 KB, 237x287, yandere janitor-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, look, /v/ thread about mainstream jrpg shit, on front page, with green text and everything, now watch how it will reach 300 posts in a week without getting deleted because our autistic janitor believes he's in /v/.
And you faggots dare to complain that he deletes too much?

>> No.6420137

As has been pointed out, you have the means to present an example of unjustly deleted thread and therefore are expected to do so.

Don't expect to be taken seriously until you do.

>> No.6420142

>Japanese RPG
Because that definitely doesnt fit in on a FUCKING OTAKU BOARD.

>> No.6420144

People have been emailing moot nonstop about the out of control meido on /jp/

Would not be surprised to see him lose his job soon

>> No.6420146

Because your every shitty final fantasy didn't fit in /v/ for what, 7 years?

>> No.6420148

That makes it hard to decide where you should draw the line, though.

I sure as fuck don't want to see Final Fantasy threads on /jp/. Do you?

>> No.6420149

>Japanese cartoon
Because that definitely doesnt fit in on a FUCKING OTAKU BOARD.

>> No.6420151

Despite the name, not all things otaku-related go on /jp/ if there are other boards for the same material. As very obvious examples, manga goes in /a/, mecha goes in /m/. trains go in /n/, and cosplay goes in /cgl/.

>> No.6420157

Bring back snacks. Around snacks, never relax.

>> No.6420154

Like the "now make pairs" threads, those are totally /jp/ related, stop deleting them.

It's too strict to say I should only talk about vns and touhou. /jp/ is a community. Sometimes I want to relate to the people within the community. If you tell me to get out and go to facebook or some stupid shit, I won't be in the same community, I'll just be in a rabble of normalfags I can't relate to.

>> No.6420156

And by "people" you mean "angry shitposters."

If anything, he needs to add more of the same to the staff.

>> No.6420158

The board's supposed topic is irrelevant. It's "if people want to discuss something then they should be able to, provided it's related to Japan or Japanese culture". Especially if they stay in one thread like the idol fans do.

I basically agree with this. Because how often do we have threads that would belong in /c/ (Flan pudding), or /h/ (Latest Sanae work), or /d/ (Yukari is fooling around again).

>> No.6420160

Goddamn it, the Mod does his job and you bitch?

Spammers and low-quality thread posters should be IP-range banned.

>> No.6420164
File: 40 KB, 500x463, 1250593497975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is no "zealot". The new Meido is merely doing what /jp/ told him to.

Why would I say that now? Because that's exactly what all of us said we would do in "what if you were a mod" threads. All that relentless deleting, autobans and cold attitude is something we yearned for back when there was no moderation at all. And this guy is probably one of those people who, sick of the "newfag sumer", /v/ influx and Dawson spam, said back then: "man, if I was a mod, I'd watch over /jp/ 24/7 and delete every single remotely shitty thread on sight".

You can't blame the new Meido for also deleting normal threads sometimes, because what she's doing is like a gag reflex. It's like vomiting: if, along with your food, you eat something harmful, the stomach can't be picky about what to get rid of, so it just throws everything up. Plus, after an onslaught of shit, it's kind of expected to be suspicious of even good threads.

I, for one, like this "zealotry". It's a welcome change from an unmoderated messy clusterfuck of a board I've been used to.

>> No.6420167

>low-quality thread posters should be IP-range banned
Only for repeated and consistent offenses.

Spammers need to go, though.

>> No.6420168

fuck off

>> No.6420169

What determines if a game thread goes in /jp/ or not, besides being a doujin game (then it obviously does,) is how well /jp/ as a whole receives it. For example, even though they get deleted from time to time, as a whole the community does not vehemently object to various MMO threads, and Ar Tonelico threads were going for months before people eventually lost interest. RPGs with more exposure, not so much.

>> No.6420166
File: 201 KB, 800x772, main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JRPG thread rest in peace.

>> No.6420174

Make it a proper thread then, not something that would be confused by the sort of /b/shit that gets posted in /v/ on a regular basis.

It's hard to look away from the pattern and stuff like "OMG I am so anxious at high school" just screams of underage to me.

I saw those threads, and was relaxed when I saw them deleted. If it was like, I don't know, Social Anxiety General (As otaku related as it can get) and not just a very specific thing that happens mostly in high school it wouldn't be deleted.

At least not as fast.

>> No.6420171

But we DO discuss JRPGs. Just not mainstream ones. It's a pretty poor distinction.

>> No.6420175

>It's like vomiting: if, along with your food, you eat something harmful, the stomach can't be picky about what to get rid of, so it just throws everything up.
Except you can only forgive the stomach for that because it doesn't have the faculties for rational thought.
It isn't like a gag reflex at all.

>> No.6420175,1 [INTERNAL] 

Aaaaaand the janitor got mad.

>> No.6420175,2 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody was like "OMG I am so anxious about high school". Nobody like that goes to /jp/. It was all past tense.

And I don't think the meido would have spared that thread if the OP was worded better. In fact, the "Social Anxiety General" would just be an instant click in the meido's head for deletion, I bet. That, or the meido thinks that once a thread has been deleted, it can be deleted again and again no matter how many times it is rephrased, like permanent bans for ban evasion. Since I had a thread that was deleted like spam, then I remade it so the OP was better, and it was just deleted again. It was very /jp/ related.

>> No.6420175,3 [INTERNAL] 

Ar tonelico is a bit of a special case, though. It has both pure JRPG and pure VN segments.

>> No.6420175,4 [INTERNAL] 

Was this thread deleted? It seems like it can't possibly have fallen off page fifteen based on what it was made, but it doesn't have the trash can symbol next to it:


>> No.6420175,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sad.

>> No.6420175,6 [INTERNAL] 

>Nobody was like "OMG I am so anxious about high school". Nobody like that goes to /jp/. It was all past tense.
Actually, there are some kiddies complaining about that kind of thing on the weekends sometimes.

>> No.6420175,7 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think this thread, in particular, should have been deleted. Yes, complaining about moderation is a global rules offense, but if you want the rules enforced across the board, it's a global rule that you cannot post anything lewd in /jp/ because it's a work-safe board.

>> No.6420175,8 [INTERNAL] 

Well, you'll need to point it out to be because I'm here all day and I've never seen it.

>> No.6420175,9 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, continue here as tradition marks.

Some days they drive out the social and depression aspect away. Other nights they allow it while deleting the spam so it's not just "meido is sleeping".

Moderation at the moment is not consistent and seems to depend on the meido's mood at the time. That would explain why so much is deleted along with taking care of raids or spam, he is just upset with the board being so shitty.

>> No.6420175,10 [INTERNAL] 

>>6420175,8 [INTERNAL]
(Except when someone asks /jp/'s age a few people post low ages and say stuff like "report me, I don't care, I'll just reset my IP" or ">implying anyone follows global rules", but I never see it come up anywhere else.)

>> No.6420175,11 [INTERNAL] 

Was anybody else here sort of bothered by the way that meido was carefully monitoring this thread before dropping the axe on the whole thing?

>> No.6420175,12 [INTERNAL] 

We have a truce on that so that we can still discuss eroge.
Just post behind spoilers, let know that the content is NSFW.

There is a mod post on it from a few months ago, but I can't be bothered to look it up in the archive as I don't remember the exact terms used.

>> No.6420175,13 [INTERNAL] 

I regret using a sion term here, but a buttangery Janitor (or user for that matter) can't rely on rational thought when facing 10 pages of spam on the one hand and a bunch of other buttangery users whining about the aforementioned 10 pages on the other. Trust me, you would have some trouble being rational too in the same situation. Meido is still a person and a 4channer at that. And I believe that says a lot.

Also, don't you guys act like deleting metathreads is a bad thing now. There are more than enough of those in the archive, we don't need any more.

>> No.6420175,14 [INTERNAL] 

And the janitor actually allowed it to live for a short while to see how people think of his moderation so he can do his job better. And since this thread is a meta thread it has to be deleted period.

>> No.6420175,15 [INTERNAL] 

Man, my grammar sure is shitty.

>> No.6420175,16 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder exactly what you can learn from this.

"/jp/ userbase is unpleasable" is a lesson we learned from the first day after the split.

>> No.6420175,17 [INTERNAL] 

I hope moot renames /jp/ to Japan and Pedophilia one day.

>> No.6420175,18 [INTERNAL] 

If that ever happens, pigs will fly and Suigin will become a mod.

>> No.6420175,19 [INTERNAL] 

The swine flu.
It's only a matter of time...

>> No.6420175,20 [INTERNAL] 

Old news, old news. It's really boring to see people making the same complaints we've seen for the past 2.5 years. It's like people never learn.

>> No.6420175,21 [INTERNAL] 

What do you expect? This place would have turned into a heaven if those retards ever learned anything at all.

>> No.6420175,22 [INTERNAL] 


Best comment in this thread.

>> No.6420175,23 [INTERNAL] 

same autist

>> No.6420175,24 [INTERNAL] 


Shut up Juanita.

>> No.6420175,25 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, look at this.
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.6420175,26 [INTERNAL] 

