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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1600, toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6418728 No.6418728 [Reply] [Original]

How does it work?

>> No.6418731

You drink from it.

>> No.6418735

No really, is it better squatting than sitting?

>> No.6418740

HP 2 Rads 2

>> No.6418738

Those are breathing hole for Asian seals. People would stand still with a spear for hours to wait for them come up for air.

>> No.6418742

Purportedly it's more natural for your muscles and such.

But I'd still rather not act like a bear shitting in the woods. And besides, what, am I gonna get an ass cramp? Or maybe a prostate cramp?

>> No.6418755

You sit your arse on it.

>> No.6418756


actually, straining to shit in a sitting position supposedly makes you more likely to get hernias.

I'm more concerned about losing my balance and falling into a pile of my own shit, though.

>> No.6418761

I might like this better, i'm always afraid of my penis touching the toilet. Then again i've tried sitting in a squatting position like this and my balls drag on the carpet.

Maybe thats what that bar is for is so you can hold yourself up and dont dunk your junk.

>> No.6418763

I was stuck at the Narita airport last year for about an hour.

Holy shit, going to the bathroom has never been so much fun.

Each stall has a little stylized icon of what style the toilet is: sitting, squatting, or "toilets so high tech they shit for you."

There was no line for the squatting toilet, so I tried that one first. I somehow managed.

Next I tried the fancy bidet toilets. They have butt sensors so that they don't shoot water into not-ass and make a mess.

What's hilarious is that the button that says "WASH" or "SHOWER" in English is labeled "おしり" in Japanese.
おしり means butt.

>> No.6418765

Having lived in Asia for most of my life there are some distinct advantages and disadvantages to the Turkish toilet design.

First and foremost, it isn't very refined looking, it actually is better for your muscles but I still prefer conventional toilets.

Second, it smells since the waste matter is not submerged in water as with conventional toilets.

As for advantages, it is cheaper to buy, install and maintain, as opposed to regular toilets as well as being easier to clean.

Lastly, in small bathrooms it is useful because you can cover it up with a screen lid and the entire bathroom area becomes a shower.

>> No.6418776

I still have one of those in my house. Never used it. I'll try it out someday.

>> No.6418778

>the entire bathroom area becomes a shower

That is disgusting. Fucking Elevens.

>> No.6418784
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That feel when you were raised with these and now squat on western style toilets.

>> No.6418791
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>> No.6418798

The screen is there so you don't accidentally step in the toilet, also lets the toilet act as a drain.

Sure it might seem insanitary but considering that the shower practically cleans your bathroom for you, it is really quite convenient in my opinion.

>> No.6418799
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>> No.6418808
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This is how I have evacuate my bowels. Those things cannot fit into my lifestyle.

>> No.6418816

I hope you're not American, where every bathroom comes with a toilet and excretory and sanitary functions are both practically literally conflated in design and common parlance.

The Japanese actually like to keep their shitters and baths separate, if they can afford to. On the other hand, Americans pay top dollar to shit where they clean themselves. I never understood that after 19 years of living in this country.

>> No.6418820

Maybe if you kept your shitter clean, you wouldn't have to build an entirely different room to take a shower/bath in.

>> No.6418825

While I agree with you I couldn't help but mention that I absolutely find it really tremendously aggravating to have to go to the bathroom after using the toilet to wash my hands.

>> No.6418826

what the fuck are you saying?

>> No.6418835

Exactly what I was going to say. It must also be a pain when you want to take a shit but can't because someone is taking a shower there.

>> No.6418838

Or maybe, I don't know, western world works fine with toilets and showers in the same room. It is not like the lifespan of a boy living in a western country is 45% shorter than the japanese boy because of the bathroom.

>> No.6418841

That's why most of the houses and apartments have two bathrooms? where do you live?

>> No.6418843

>western world

Protip : It's only like that in the USA.

>> No.6418847

westerners are all the same, anyway

>> No.6418860


Canada too. And England. And the majority of Europe that I've experienced.

>> No.6418874

Where are you from?

>> No.6418883
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>And the majority of Europe that I've experienced.


>> No.6418944

I shit on the floor. Not because I'm autistic but because my diet causes me to shit out a massive nugget like once every 1-2 weeks.

It feels REALLY good coming out

>> No.6418950

I should probably add that I need to break the shit up into individual pieces so it can be flushed down the toilet.

>> No.6418961

I know people who would pay good money for a shit that big

>> No.6418965
File: 23 KB, 349x234, germantoilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it work?

>> No.6418986

Tried the boss rush for it and got to floor 46, but killing the special bosses with callou is difficult.

>> No.6418990

According to the Japanese poopsquat is more likely to give you 'roids than sitting and toiletpaper is more likely to give you 'roids than getting a squirt to the butt.

>> No.6418992

Your parents should have enough grandchildren to satisfy them so you can continue being a self loathing pile of shit and contribute nothing to anything.

>> No.6419004


>toiletpaper is more likely to give you 'roids than getting a squirt to the butt

Stop trying to turn people gay

>> No.6419009
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How does it work?

>> No.6419014
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I can't stop laughing, good one anon.

>> No.6419019

How much time would you be looking at investing if you wanted to collect every iosys and innocent key album ever released? Yes suwako is a bad influence, the nymphet getting knocked up like that, one of Sanae's ancestors is a pedo. From every 1000 people that are ';vanned'; only 1 go to jail.

>> No.6419020
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>> No.6419021

And what would this individual be planning on doing with my compacted stool? I am in no way questioning the legitimacy of your statement - I am however intrigued by the potential usefulness of my poop

>> No.6419031

What the fuck diet is this and how do I follow it?

>> No.6419034


When I was at Moscow University we had those toilets in the our dorms. Instead of there being a sort of 'handle' you push to flush, there is a knob on the top of the toilet that you pull. The trick in order to not make a mess is to lift the knob every once in a while and let the water take each turd away.

>> No.6419039

I can't believe that people so lacking in imagination as yourself still exist in this day and age. Why, the uses are endless, my boy! Not only for recreation, but for science as well!

>> No.6419041
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>> No.6419044

What the fuck is this place there is no overview at the faq.

>> No.6419045

yeah who wouldn't want a monolithic shit nugget!

>> No.6419054

A diet of eating very little. I've always had a fairly delayed shitting schedule so it could just be me.

>> No.6419061

After we finished eating and started walking around, you couldn't help but notice that there were a lot of little girls there.

>> No.6419069
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How do they work? Badly.


>> No.6419076

You're right.

I can paint with shit slush after submerging the turd in water to save money on conventional art supplies. I can also smear myself in a fresh log for bodily warmth. Fuck, I might as well eat my own shit to save money on food.

>> No.6419086

The first time I used a squat toilet, I was unprepared.

I squatted over the toilet, and being unused to the pressure it would put on my bowels, the shit shot out of me like rocket propellant. I thought I had just prolapsed, it hurt so bad. I stood up so fast, that I passed out.

I came to sitting diagonally on the metal fixture at the front of the toilet. My ass severely bruised, I tried to stand again. I passed out again.

I came to with my foot in my own turd, my face bashed against the wall.

I cleaned myself up as best I could, threw my socks away, and from then on, I avoided squat toilets where possible, and took it real slow if I had to use one.

I'm going back to Japan this January.

>> No.6419145

I hate that reading this made my day.

>> No.6419154
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>I came to with my foot in my own turd

>> No.6419163
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>> No.6419172
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>> No.6419186


Hardest I've laughed all fucking week

>> No.6419198

What happens when drunk japanese people try to shit in those? Is there enough muscle memory for people used to them that falling over while shitting is about as rare as a drunk falling over on a sit-down toilet here, or are these decidedly very drunk unfriendly?

>> No.6419204


The main reason the toilet and method of cleaning yourself are segregated in some homes is because of the fact you can't use the shitter when someone's bathing, not some retarded cleanliness paranoia.

>> No.6419206

They probably grab that handle bar in front of them and prepare themselves for the ride of their lives!

>> No.6419209

Oh fuck that makes mountains of more sense. I've been in such shitty situations plenty of times.

>> No.6419252

This thread made my night, now I can't wait for the next time I get to plop one in the toilet.

>> No.6419276

I wonder if anyone's ever tried to squat on a western toilet and fell off in the process.

Imagine you had an cute Japanese exchange student in your house, and you hear a loud thump one day. You bust into the bathroom to find her lying face down after having fallen and smacked her head against the floor/sink/bathtub or whatever you have across from your toilet. She's vulnerable looking with her lower half exposed and pretty much face down/ass up, but naturally there's poop everywhere.

>> No.6419285

I... it's her fault for being so defenseless!

>> No.6419299


I did see an Indian kid fucking reverse cowboy one once, sat on it with his legs straddling the narrow part where the bowl attaches to the tank. People laughed at him, but I can see the logic now- squat facing it, sit facing it.

But really, someone would have to be pretty dense to not appreciate the fact that a western toilet is very much chair-like in its height, and not conducive to perching.

>> No.6419336

Oh god I hated those things when I lived in Europe, nothing worse than a hangover shit sitting out of that tiny dish of water stinking up the place.

>> No.6419342

It's a urinal for "the people who walk on walls". BEWARE THEY COME OUT ON RED MOONS.

>> No.6420129
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Is this a common situation?

>> No.6420141

Only if you're so incontinent you can't shit without peeing.

>> No.6420150

Only if you're a toolbox that doesn't know how to squat.

>> No.6420161

Squatting, if only because you don't sit on a seat. Seats are fucking cold and honestly do you want to sit in a public toilet seat? With squat toilets you don't have to.

However squatting for too long can be rather painful, if you are constipated enjoy your leg cramps.

>> No.6420186

Normally I find /jp/ boring as hell but, this thread is incredible.

>> No.6420202

Did someone say Lillipad?

Seriously, it's the natural position. The sit-up variety is rather recent invention.

>> No.6420220

This thread made my night, and the day to come.

>> No.6420294

We should strive to be as far away from the natural as possible.

>> No.6420302

Wouldn't you be kind of disturbed if you walked into someone's toilet and they had that contraption there?

>> No.6420329
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Not as much disturbed as i would wonder what the hell it was for.

>> No.6420341

Why Japan?
You are one step from reaching the three seashells with your super toilets, but you still have hole on the ground toilets everywhere.

>> No.6420367

Because asian toilets are better for you to shit in.
No lie.

>> No.6420375

>Get off train at Akihabara station.
>Go to bathroom.
>Every euro style toilet stall taken.
>Go into Japanese style toilet stall.
>See shit splattered all over ground outside of toilet.
>Take a piss standing, and walk out.
>Feel filthy look for soap.
>No soap by sink. Nasty ass hand dryer thing.
>Look for somewhere to throw my fucking trash away.
>End up throwing it into can only trash box by vending machines.

>> No.6420439


Man what a fucking nightmare!

>> No.6420505

So /jp/ is getting spammed because of this thread??

>> No.6420509

No, /jp/ is getting spammed because one retard is mad at the janitor.

>> No.6420513

You mad ZUN?

>> No.6420518

So what you're saying is that toilets are, in fact, otaku culture?

I thought we were supposed to be floorshitting NEETs. What use do we have for toilets?

>> No.6420569

it's more that the spam really does nothing but create extra legwork for the janitor, so in the end that's the only reason to do it.

nobody really cares if /jp/ is spammed at this level, aside from it being a minor annoyance and something so seemingly pointless and such a waste of time that it's beyond understanding.

>> No.6421587

Those trash cans are for cans and PET bottles only, not your asswipes.
