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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 114 KB, 640x480, sample10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6414321 No.6414321 [Reply] [Original]

Is your body ready /jp/?

>> No.6414329

Oh hell no.

Tentacle chick and amorphous chick spells me getting my tiny anus violated.

>> No.6414332

she jelly

>> No.6414423

I'd deal with it.

Also that hat looks very silly on the slime.

>> No.6414428

Bring it.

>> No.6414454

I chortled

>> No.6414457

Thick viscus jello like solid in the anus.

Cold ammoniated tentacles in the anus.

Yeah my body can't take it.

>> No.6414481
File: 101 KB, 640x480, 1285143229485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6414493

why are the CGs not on exhentai yet? ;_; my penis is beyond ready

>> No.6414504

I ain't havin' it.

>> No.6414516

If they warmed up would you be OK with it?

>> No.6414518

I'm diabetic, so only if she's sugar free

>> No.6414525

Ammonia always gives a cool sensation.

Octopi tentacles are crazy.

>> No.6414532

Oh, well that would be different.
As long as it isn't a cold tentacle.

>> No.6414541

I'll look at the CGs once and decide

>> No.6414551

Huh, didn't know that.

Anyway, if it was a choice between "monster girl waifu" + "something up the ass" and "ALONE FOREVER" I'd definitely take the first option. Gotta think about opportunity costs, bro. The cost of not getting something jammed up your ass is one waifu; is it really worth that to you?

>> No.6414553
File: 476 KB, 871x1200, SL1M3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone can say me name of this VN?
in trade have Living With Slime (from living with monster girl series) which probably everyone into this have already saw.

>> No.6414589

Well if one monstergirl waifu exists then I'm sure there are other horrible beasts of nightmare in the sea and if that fails there is always CASUAL SEX with willing partners.

Also I'm more of a spur of the moment kind of guy, if I was to fuck something like this it would be because it knocked me out with a baseball bat in a dark alley and tied me to a chair.

>> No.6414591

living with monstergirl Slime and Scylla by vanadis soft.

>> No.6414594

but i enjoy having tentacles and slime up my ass

>> No.6414596


>> No.6414600

Then godspeed good man.


>> No.6414622

Thanks *.*
So it's the same company that did the Lamia one , huh?
What about the translation of Lamia?

>> No.6414629


>game is already released
>CGs are not the internet

>> No.6414634


Wasserbahn is a faggot, so no translation.

>> No.6414646


I was really enjoying the lamia translation too.

>> No.6414649

This guy should get killed for taking the chance of us getting it translated by another competent translator guy.

>> No.6414677


Meh. barring a few, most VN translators are the flakiest fucks on the face of the planet.

>> No.6415080

why are octopus girls tits not exposed?


>> No.6415289

I still can't find a torrent of this shit. wtf

>> No.6415310

that's because there isn't one yet. Just wait, it'll appear in the usual sites.

>> No.6416168


>> No.6416383

I can't get past her gigantic hands and feet... Why didn't they make a regular slime girl?

>> No.6416401
File: 4 KB, 140x154, doushio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god

octupus girl is really, really cute...

>> No.6416415 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 388x560, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish someone would finally upload えむ先生のこと ( http://erogamescape.ddo.jp/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=14384 ) finally too. I've been searching for it everyday ;_; .

>> No.6416430


>must wait 12 minutes between downloads


this is the first H-game that has actually piqued my interest, goddammit.

Just my luck once I get it I won't be able to make heads or tails of what the fuck to do because I don't know moon.

>> No.6416436

Explain to me how and why a girl made out of goo (or some kind of amoebian lifeform) is supposed to have human sized extremities.

>> No.6416449

Yeah the slime's design isn't all that great.

It's all about the scylla.

>> No.6416450

Best gooey lubricant in the 2D universe.

>> No.6416484

lol, poorfags
you can buy the download version off DLsite for 2310 yen
it doesn't even have DRM

>> No.6416490
File: 863 KB, 1050x800, 11892094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just anti-aesthetic. They could also give her a pyramid head and cubic boobs, but you probably wouldn't find her attractive anymore. Oh well, maybe you would. Anyways, tastes.

>> No.6416614 [DELETED] 

I could actually, but I wouldn't.

>> No.6416808
File: 786 KB, 1024x768, SetupBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just finished downloadan, (virus scanned it, looks clean, thanks derek, etc.)

It's not installing properly ;_;

For some reason it puts the data there, but no .exe to run it. I'm gonna try some more.

>> No.6416812

I guess it'd be redundant to tell you to install with japanese locale.

>> No.6416841


hmm? I've never done that before, and truthfully I don't even know how... I'm an uneducated noob at this.

Anyways, I'm running windows 7 (inb4 OS shitstorm) and for some reason, windows explorer recognizes japanese text fine, but the installer renders everything in mojibake and ??????????

I got it to work by changing the install path to english (I called the folder "octopus waifu" instead of "–‚•¨–º‚½‚¿‚Æ‚ÌŠy‰€`ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€•ƒXƒLƒ…ƒ‰`_DL”
that got my files in the right place.

For some reason it also decides to auto run "uninstall.exe" immediately afterward, but since it's mojibake I had no idea that's what it was asking.

then I just copied the 魔物娘たちとの楽園~スライム&スキュラ~.exe file out of the .rar file and into where I installed the game. For some reason, the installer won't install that .exe if it is in mojibake, but windows explorer handles it just fine.

Runs fine now, didn't change any locale settings.

>> No.6416845

Google applocale.
You have to run the installer (and most probably the game) under japanese locale because they don't understand unicode.

>> No.6416848

AppLocale says it only works with XP, but it works just fine for me in Windows 7.

>> No.6416852
File: 708 KB, 1360x800, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's running fine doing what I described...

but not like it does me a whole lot of good because I can't understand this shit. ;_;

So where do I click for an octopus girl blowjob and a tentacle prostate massage? FUCK.

>> No.6416877

when is the robot one coming out?

the girl looks like a mix between suigintou and suiseiseki

>> No.6416882

Sorry friend, without being able to read Japanese you're not going to get far in an untranslated eroge.

... or at least understand anything that's going on.

>> No.6416892

Just saying, for next time and stuff? You'll save a lot of hassle.

Also, you won't find blowjobs on the config screen... probably.

Just find the NEW GAME button und holt CTRL until you hit a h scene

>> No.6416909
File: 214 KB, 810x810, jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6416945


yeah, when there are voiced parts I have a better idea of what the fuck is happening, my moonspeak is weak but I fare a lot better then when it's just Kanji, Kanji everywhere. Still, I'm pretty much lost from page 1.

>Just find the NEW GAME button und holt CTRL until you hit a h scene

sounds like a plan.

>> No.6416962

>the girl looks like a mix between suigintou and suiseiseki

Have a picture? This sounds great.

>> No.6416963
File: 851 KB, 1360x800, I'm not very good at eroge if you haven't noticed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>clicked random choices

apparently I broke the slime girl?

where is my fucking octopus meido waifu, goddammit?

>> No.6416972

>/k/ Weapons

No wonder we have a World of Tanks thread.

>> No.6417004


Actually, I don't even play WOT

>> No.6417032

slime&scylla weren't even in the initial roster. I dunno if they're going to keep clockwork girl and bee girl, at this point.
After plant, jelly, and octopus sex doll joints seem tame in comparison.

>> No.6417148
File: 988 KB, 1360x800, oh hell yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6417211

torrent where

>> No.6417246 [DELETED] 


>> No.6417249

it's the trial version. Complete game is 1.5gb

>> No.6417254

I just want everyone to know I'm watching this thread with great interest in anticipation for a torrent.

>> No.6417261


Thats because bee girl and robot girl dont have sugoi sex potential, and thats what these games are really about,sex and good VAs.

>> No.6417269

>>6417148 here

okay, I'm pretty sure I have a new fetish now, because that was fucking hot. I came buckets.

I'm still thoroughly and utterly lost, though. What sort of odds are there that this would be translated? (I'm guessing slim, but hey, I've never been into eroge before so I could be wrong)

I'd start one up but I've got shit bandwidth and I'd probably not be able to seed it for very long, sorry. ;_;

>> No.6417273

Are you guys serious or did you just miserably fail to read the thread properly?

>> No.6417274

Well, at least you're fueling my lust for octo-slime sex.

When it comes I think I'll set aside a whole evening for fapping.

>> No.6417279

Disregard that, just realized it was DDL. Whatever, DDL and torrent are the same with Jdownloader.

>> No.6417294

>What sort of odds are there that this would be translated?
No one is going to bother, because 75% of this game is moans and descriptions about what kind of monstruosity the mc's dick is thrusting into.
Lamia was dropped because the translator couldn't handle sex scenes, and those make up two thirds of a vanadis game.

>> No.6417297

At first I was like omg that's horny.
Then I saw that loli like slime girl likking in his anus and now I have burn wounds on my dick.

>> No.6417304

>have to wait

>> No.6417312

lol, the Lamia one in this series is already tl'd

>> No.6417319

Beegirl doesn't have sufficient sex potential? I can think of at least 5 scenes. One for the nuptial flight where you do it in the air while she carries you (there are some close relatives of bees that do this, where the female is flightless and the male takes her along in his flight while mating, it'd be the reverse here. ), trophallaxis scene with honey (there are rather cute "head patting" motions bees and wasps do during this with their antennae, so you'd kiss her and she'd drip warm honey directly into your mouth while patting your head with her antennae), licking tergal gland secretions (those are glands located on an insect's back, they secrete compounds of varying effects, some are shown to be linked with sex. So she'd allow you to lick those glands or spike your drink with them, reveal they secrete a strong aphrodisiac and start riding you. ), laying trophic eggs (some bees lay nonviable "food-eggs" for other workers to eat) and a scene where she rubs your dick with her pollen pouches (thigh sex is my fetish and this is pretty much thigh sex, except improved. )

And this is not even counting the inevitable worker bee orgy or various bee-associated insects like beewolves, sphinx moths, wax moths, hive beetles etc. as cute girls (well, the latter ones are pushing it since Vanadis seems to focus on one or two monstergirls at the most. )

>> No.6417328
File: 111 KB, 598x396, oh fuck yes this is hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm pretty sure you'll like it.

I got to another octo-H and one of the slime H scenes, but I had already finished fapping so I wasn't as keenly interested.

That fucking octopus meido (I'm pretty sure they refer to her as a "maidopus," haha) can dirty talk like a fucking champ. Calling you gosuhjin-sama and making quick little gasps and moans, and she's just got a sexy voice to boot. You have no idea how many times I hit that "replay voice" button.

>> No.6417330

if you're russian, yeah

>> No.6417334

You've taught me more about bees than I ever wanted to know.

Thank you?

>> No.6417337

oh fuck i just got a boner

>> No.6417345
File: 388 KB, 628x428, 1281366119032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>laying trophic eggs
>this is somehow supposed to be sexy

>> No.6417350

anyone have pics of the other girls?

>> No.6417351

> I can think of at least 5 scenes.
Average vanadis game has 10-12 per heroine.
Sliscy has 24 or so in total.

>> No.6417353


though on second thought, we eat nonviable chicken eggs and omlettes are fucking delicious...

I respectfully retract my previous puke.gif.

>> No.6417354

I've already sucked it up and started downloading it via the fileserve links, but that'll still take far too long for my tastes.

Oh well, sometimes the best things are the things you have to wait for, I guess.

>> No.6417355

I seriously hate this "DDL bullshit"
having to wait, and lol at fileserv, captcha aren't even recognised by jdownloader

>> No.6417357
File: 381 KB, 853x1200, cda0f8396e110ad1e8089b0cf6bbf26ac23a83e1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.6417372

>captcha aren't even recognised by jdownloader
go to jdownloader's homepage, they have a new captcha breaker. Downloaded all seven parts in a breeze, so I guess it works.

>> No.6417373


All of my hate.

>> No.6417375

Awesome, Fantasy Zone!

>> No.6417387

Is the CG-set uploaded somewhere yet?

You must be the insect guy that comes up with all sorts interesting facts about insects, and somehow turns them into something cute and/or erotic.
I just wanted to tell you that I love it whenever you make posts like these.
Keep being awesome

>> No.6417396


how does one extract the CGs?

>> No.6417399

What insect-girl would you prefer to make love to and why?

>> No.6417400

Oh, and I have a boner now.

So yeah, thanks.

>> No.6417406

I like them too. Post moar Insectonymous!

>> No.6417416

Most of that stuff would be difficult to show, and honey is pointless when flower waifu already has nectar oozing things to stick you dick in.

>> No.6417426

Can't they make a visual novel where a mole cricket is digging your hole?

>> No.6417429

Beegirl could be femdom route with sticky-bondage and wax dildos.

>> No.6417437

I already find myself fapping to the occasional trap thread, don't make me anymore corrupted.

..Ah fuck it.

>> No.6417441


i cant find a larger res version of the image. any help? i really want to see what the monster doll looks like.

>> No.6417448

Nope, heres how it should go.
MG4:Cockatrice and Echidna girls
MG5: spider waifu,plus fungus girl who corrupts and controls aruru

>> No.6417452

>spider waifu

>> No.6417459
File: 146 KB, 945x1299, nitori gloves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traps are gayer than femdom, imo

>> No.6417463

there are drawings of a spider girl in the dev blog

>> No.6417464
File: 114 KB, 600x850, hom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6417465

thanks a lot!

>> No.6417468

Oh god link please.

>> No.6417472
File: 114 KB, 600x850, bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the bee one, for those interested. As I've sai though Slime and Scylla weren't there, and Alraune looked a bit different in the preliminary page, so it's doubtful whether they are going to cover these two. I hope they do, though.
>"Males have no rights"

>> No.6417476
File: 326 KB, 800x800, nikki04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somewhere in here

>> No.6417478


heterochromia AND drillhair? What... what madness is this?

>> No.6417480

Feather-legged assassin bug, because I have a fetish for elder sister type characters who also happen to be perverted lesbians. Feather-legged assassin bugs lure in ants with a sweet-tasting compound and suck them dry with their characteristic rostrum, so I want to be the little ant girl charmed by an elegant assassin bug onee-sama, who'd then invite me to her house, reveal the three-segmented rostrum on her crotch and claim me as her wife by violating me for days.

If it's straight sex, then thread-winged antlion. Those have extremely long wings (so long, in fact, that their pupae are specially modified for the wings to fit) and I suppose one of those would be a shy, clumsy girl who frequently trips over her own wings. I'd like to see such a girl in a wedding dress right after marriage, her wings wrapped around herself like bizarre ribbons as she lies in the bed, waiting for me to take her virginity as her rightful husband.

But that's neither here nor there, I don't want to derail a good thread.


>> No.6417483

Also, even if it was already posted:


>> No.6417492

That's like getting gonorroe without intercourse

>> No.6417499

>does not have 8 eyes.
>her body is not ready for me.jpeg.

>> No.6417526
File: 78 KB, 400x389, diary091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hardly a problem. Caponiids have two eyes too. Though it looks like they're going for a golden orbweaver, not surprising since in Japan those are known as jorogumo. Incidentally, Hatsune's (Hirasaka, not Miku) design was based on a golden orbweaver too.

That's one of the reasons Alicesoft is awesome, they know their monstergirls. Play Galzoo Island if you haven't already, though it has no spider girl.

>> No.6417535

>Play Galzoo Island if you haven't already, though it has no spider girl.
so what monstergirls does it have?

>> No.6417546

Cat, rabbit, salamander, anglerfish, turtle, kappa, snake, squid (no H for the last, I think you do see her getting raped though. Poor Kraken. ) plus a bunch of humanoids.

Also features Yamasachihiko and Umisachihiko as girls. You don't see this everyday.

>> No.6417560
File: 21 KB, 400x553, 127625947097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cat, rabbit, salamander, anglerfish, turtle, kappa, snake, squid (no H for the last, I think you do see her getting raped though. Poor Kraken. ) plus a bunch of humanoids.

>> No.6417571
File: 86 KB, 800x600, 9bbc9f09c72265c4fc4209d820668b43ae5f973f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...I wouldn't really call those monster girls, though, looking at the CG. They seem to be about as monstrous as cat girls.

>> No.6417583

I just skipped through the cg at exhentai and where the fuck is my anglerfish

>> No.6417598

pics of the octogirl please

>> No.6417616

Isn't there supposed to be some kind of bee race that basically rapes their prey to fertilize their eggs, and then uses the same prey to incubate the eggs?

>> No.6417638

So, I've been learning moon for a while, and I'm considering making this the first eroge I play in Japanese. Does this series seem pretty decent for newcomers in terms of language?

Of course, I am a pro at reading sex noises, so that should help some.

>> No.6417673


this spider girl looks serious. reading the jorogomo entry at the MGE,I think she can be diagnosed as kuudere.During the day,she is super stoic,at night however she is very romantic and horny and will do things like hang upside down and scuttle around her web naked.

>> No.6417761

>I am a pro at reading sex noises

Go ahead, it'll be smooth sailing.

Well, there is the genus Stylogaster, though those are flies and not bees. Those are parasites of many insects including bees, roaches and other flies, and have extremely long ovipositors. When the female fly finds a suitable host, she subdues her mid-flight and forcefully jams this structure into her to lay the eggs. During this process, the ovipositor is thrust forward between the fly's legs, much like a real penis (if an absurdly large one, since in those flies the ovipositor can be about half as large as the animal. ) So one moment you could be flying merrily, looking for some flower to take nectar from, and the next a flying rapist is trying to force an ovipositor half your size inside you.

There are also beewolves, which catch bees from the back in a manner that they can't sting, paralyze them and force them to spit up honey (this involves what you could call bee scissoring, though it's nothing sexual. The beewolf stands over the bee, which is on its back. She then presses her abdomen to the bee's and starts thrusting while the bee is releasing honey. ) The beewolf then eats this honey and lays her eggs on the worn-out bee. During the entire process, she also licks the bee all over to prevent fungal attack.

>> No.6417826
File: 102 KB, 435x415, rageface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on exhentai
>the event CGs still aren't up.
>my face

>> No.6417860

feels good man

>> No.6418063
File: 162 KB, 900x600, Jurougumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this spider girl looks serious. reading the jorogomo entry at the MGE,I think she can be diagnosed as kuudere.During the day,she is super stoic,at night however she is very romantic and horny and will do things like hang upside down and scuttle around her web naked.

Here's the entry.

>> No.6418806

anyone know where to find a CG gallery?

>> No.6418902

These games are designed to sell on the moe moe aspect.

Wait a while and we'll get that crazy monster harem adventures through time and space.

>> No.6420635

oh god this is out? time to fap

>> No.6420964


How come I didn't notice that before?

So, how do you turn that to English while keeping the pun? Lakys?

Actually, Scylla isn't exactly pronounced like that.

>> No.6420974

I doubt anyone cares that much. And actually, the original greek word does have the same K sound

>> No.6420983

Isn't it more like si-hi-ra?

>> No.6420993
File: 26 KB, 468x605, cilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call her Cilla?

>> No.6421001

In English, maybe, The original greek word sounds much like the game title pronunciation スキュラ
It appears they did their monster girl research

>> No.6422591

still no cg?

>> No.6422596

it's on exhentai

>> No.6422652

>Name - Beebee Queen Anaphylaxi


>> No.6422670


link? going to exhentai gives me sadpanda, wtf?

>> No.6422688
File: 37 KB, 479x591, 1284154706559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's still people who don't know how to access exhentai

>> No.6422734



just go here

>> No.6422756
File: 209 KB, 800x600, ev407_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mein Körper ist bereit

>> No.6422874


I can foresee the bad end.

>> No.6422934


This is one of the first times pointy ears haven't bothered me...

dem eyes
dat fang

Meidopus waifu ;_;

>> No.6423032

can someone upload it to mediafire or something? e-hentai and its gay bandwidth limit/"credits" suck and make it impossible for me to watch it.

>> No.6423049


Second. I really don't want to save each damn file individually.

>> No.6423660


>> No.6423864

hell yeah, thanks bro

>> No.6423887

Thanks bro.

>> No.6424367


if someone still wants the lamia or alraune sets, they're there. this one has both, and also comes with extras like character sprites etc.

i couldn't link either of the filesharing sites since moot's a nigger and put both of them into a block list, so i have to link to a page that has them.

>> No.6426196

i still think that the Alraune is the best one yet

>> No.6429475


Mega blowjob will blow your mind.

>> No.6429563

Threads like these make me wonder what it would cost to comission a VN translation.

>> No.6429922


depends, I know some guy on dark translations was going to charge 4000$ to translate Mindead blood , but its a 25-30 hour game.

>> No.6429990

Man, he must make a lot of money to place such a high opportunity cost on just learning Japanese.

>> No.6430372

That... Seems somewhat absurd. A few hundred I could probably spare, but that's just silly.

>> No.6430532

so what is their next project?

>> No.6433437

probably jiragumo-waifu

>> No.6433826 [SPOILER] 
File: 130 KB, 800x600, ev209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally , I hope at some point they introduce fungus girl or a fungus element and use it to bring back aruru. The fungus would make her hair longer and bigger breasts and maybe a mushroom on her head. The fungus would create a bdsm element as aruru would be rendered servile to the entity that infected her.

>> No.6433838


>Diet: Carnivorous, wild animals, etc

It's kinda rare to see a non-semen based diet in these.

>> No.6434353


Or perhaps Echidna waifu will do it seeing that she has magic.

>> No.6435396
File: 194 KB, 800x600, ev417_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I cursed to have 3 dimensions? ;_;

>> No.6435407

If you were born 2D, you'd wish you were 3D.
Just think. Your favorite touhou might masturbate to you every night and wish she could be with you and hate her lack of depth.

>> No.6435438

only the magical ones are semen based usually.

>> No.6435442

>looks at CG

I'll take my chances in 2D ...somehow

>> No.6435453

Man, that's a tiny penis

>> No.6435456



>> No.6435500


just beacuse moot thinks we're fags ,doesnt mean you have to be one.

>> No.6435521

Actually it's not
That's pretty realistic

>> No.6435633


exactly, its the bizarre tongue vortex emerging from her throat that isnt.

>> No.6436389

I'm sad because we don't see enough of meidopus' tits.
After Episode could have been better too
good game though

>> No.6436407

> its the bizarre tongue vortex emerging from her throat
she has an octopus-like tongue, you're complaining about realism in a monstergirl game?
I came buckets at this scene, even if the sound effects were a bit overboard.
Yeah, she always kept the maid outfit on, it was a shame.
Also I didn't like the After Episode. Sure, the orgy scenes were quite hot, but I don't like harem ends, I like my monstergirl love pure.

>> No.6436412

Monsterwaifus always make the best waifus.

>> No.6438096

I didnt say I was complaining.

incidentally ,who do you think gives a better blowjob? maidopus or lamia waifu?

Im leaving for the weekend guys try to keep this thread around until sunday nightish please.

>> No.6439625

lamia, dat tongue

>> No.6440732

Source pls

>> No.6441878


( 魔物娘たちとの楽園~スライム&スキュラ~ )
screenshot taken from After Episode
