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6406279 No.6406279 [Reply] [Original]

Can standard bullets and weapon hurt Touhous?

>> No.6406291
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Science > Magic. ZUN agreed. Don't bother him about it.

>> No.6406294

Fanon bullshit

>> No.6406298

Yes. If you believe.

>> No.6406299

baaaaw why can't my touhoes wipe out armies

>> No.6406301


It depends.

Against human Touhous, obviously, just as effective.

The more spiritual a being is (i.e. the less human, the more Youkai), the less effective standard weapons are. This doesn't mean they're useless -- it just means:

A) they are less effective
B) they are not really able to permanently damage their target

That is, Youkai will tend to recover from almost any wound caused by purely physical weapons.

>> No.6406303

why should a microphone be in a shooting game
oh wait it's a shotgun

>> No.6406304


To add to this, Arcanum: Of Magick and Steamworks Obscura is probably the closest parallel I know in a game. Touhou is an odd case where magic and modern-ish science coexist in a single universe (also see the Thief series, etc).

>> No.6406305

Modern weapons are much more destructive than the pitchforks, lumber axes, and rusty swords the peasants of old were armed with.

>> No.6406337

Yeah, but I don't think any decently powerful youkai ever lost to an army peasants, they lost to human heroes of legend (presumably as powerful as the human Touhous we know,) and at that point it doesn't really matter whether Sakuya-of-olde is using guns or knives.

>> No.6406339


Youkai were often hunted by professional Youkai hunters, not peasants (the latter were mostly useless). It is probably reasonable to expect that before Gensokyo was created in ~1880, gunpowder weapons were used against Youkai (considering they had been in Japan for centuries prior).

>> No.6406346


A good comparison is probably Princess Mononoke; if you haven't seen it, do so. It has professional Youkai hunters hunting various Youkai (and a forest god) as part of the story.

>> No.6406350
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This thread requires the chart.

>> No.6406351

Depends. I'd guess fairies would die pretty easily.

Most of the bigger hitters in Gensokyo would likely just laugh it off, given the amounts of firepower everyone is able to throw around.

>> No.6406353

Youkai were driven to near-extinction by humans. You're saying that that was solely the work of "professionals?" Most slayers of youkai in legend were just samurai armed with nothing but a bow an arrow or a sword.

>> No.6406357

And what made these professional Youkai hunters and heroes of legend more capable of killing Youkai?

>> No.6406390

I find it more likely that a band of youkai-slaying adventurers (imagine an adventuring party consisting entirely of youkai-exterminating Reimus slaughtering all the youkai they come across) decimated the youkai rather than an army of ordinary people. Sure, ordinary people help, but they're like the faeries of the Touhou world, there are a lot of them and they stand around to support the people who actually matter.

Presumably being hax powerful has something to do with it.

>> No.6406408


Legendary heroes are hax. By definition, they don't need fancy weapons.

>> No.6406427


>Youkai would surely be unable to stand a chance against weapons such as a rifle that can shoot a spread of many bullets in an instant (shotgun), or small arms whose rounds cause great explosions (portable rocket launcher/grenade launcher), or guns that shoot bullets that the user can control after firing (guided missile launchers).

>> No.6406428
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Oh my god I can't stop fucking laughing

>> No.6406437

Which explains why they can dodge danmaku
oh wait

>> No.6406449

They can dodge danmaku because they're intentionally made to be dodgeable as part of the rules.

>> No.6406459

That would suggest that one Vietnam-era company could conquer the entirety of Gensokyo, and I'm pretty sure that, say, North Vietnam could not have conquered Gensokyo a thousand times over. I feel like this is just Akyu being wrong.

>> No.6406471

Your youkai are not cosmic horror-level broken. They are still living creatures that bleed and die. Deal with it.

>> No.6406472

They were hax by their time. Today, they'd be rather mundane, if not outright boring.
A soldier with a rifle would be hax to them.

>> No.6406480

There's a lot of power level between cosmic-horror level broken and being able to be defeated by one soldier with a carbine, which there were over twenty million of half a century ago.

>> No.6406483

>I find it more likely that a band of youkai-slaying adventurers (imagine an adventuring party consisting entirely of youkai-exterminating Reimus slaughtering all the youkai they come across) decimated the youkai rather than an army of ordinary people. Sure, ordinary people help, but they're like the faeries of the Touhou world, there are a lot of them and they stand around to support the people who actually matter.

Reminds me of Inuyasha, where like every other episode there'd be a scene where like 10,000 random youkai would come flying out of something and half of them are killed by a swing Inuyasha's sword and the other half are sucked into Miroku's hand.

>> No.6406487

There's a reason Gensokyo is sealed. It's not to keep themselves IN, it's to keep us OUT.

>> No.6406489

You're right.

It would probably take three soldiers with a carbine. Maybe even six for the powerful ones.

>> No.6406502

Most powerful Touhous could defeat Sakuya, and Sakuya could kill at least a dozen soldiers of any variety, so your estimate is probably on the low end.

>> No.6406505

Time stopping means very little if you can't react at the speed of a bullet.

>> No.6406506

Bullets mean very little if you can't react at the speed of time stop.

>> No.6406513

The speed of time stopping, yeah, where she has to stop and concentrate for a full second before it goes into effect. I'm sure that's faster than a bullet.

>> No.6406514

Canonically Remlia circle the moon in seconds for shit and giggles.

Marisa has near light speed reflexes

Sakuya stopped lightening in mid strike

Kaguya has reaction time in the femtoseconds

Youmu goes so fast the effects of relativity are seen

and Aya is faster than all of them.

Bullets aint tuching any touhou. Maybe cirno if she's sleeping but not any touhou.

>> No.6406518

Silent Sinner in Blue; you are incorrect.

>> No.6406521

Sakuya could kill them with what? If they had stab proof armor, she couldn't do anything to them. Just freeze time and run away.

>> No.6406525

Yeah, if only she was in a series of games that revolved around dodging bullets.

>> No.6406532
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Yeah, and if Sakuya had bulletproof armor, she couldn't be killed.

Anyway moko-moko onii-chan could kill arbitrarily large numbers of soldiers so it doesn't matter.

>> No.6406536

Bullets that don't approach anywhere near the speed of actual bullets.

>> No.6406538

If they're fast, you just lead the shot.

>> No.6406541

Not unless you never see them coming. Which is what modern weapons excel at.
By the time you hear the shot, you have two nice holes where there weren't any.

>> No.6406555

Immortals would be taken down with drugs and gas and then restrained. Both of them are basically human so they can't pull any super strength breakout tricks.

>> No.6406557

If you accept that all Touhous are fragile as glass you're left with this odd scenario where the first Touhou to actually go berserk could literally just kill every other Touhou before they knew what was going on. That's absurd.

>> No.6406571
File: 202 KB, 566x800, KeineMokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure what actually happened is that you tried to drug her, but then Mokou set everything near her on fire and her would-be-captors died.

>> No.6406574

Perhaps it isn't necessary. Damage that could kill standard humans (bullets to the head, for example) disable immortals for long enough to do that.

>> No.6406575


Mokou has sufficient magical power to vaporize herself in an explosion, thus allowing her to resurrect safely somewhere else.

Of course, she wouldn't fight like that anyways. Mokou would just live as a wandering human, like she had for 1000 years before Gensokyo.

>> No.6406581

>the first Touhou to actually go berserk could literally just kill every other Touhou before they knew what was going on.
This is true of humans and even more true of Touhous.

Sakuya could stop time and kill the entire human village in one night if she wanted.

>> No.6406584

>Remilia can circle the moon for shits and giggles
You mean the capital, which is much smaller than the moon. She's fast enough to leave afterimages, which is about on par with Aya, but she's nowhere near that fast.

>Marisa has near light speed reflexes
No she doesn't. Beam of magic =/= light speed.

>Sakuya stopped lightening in mid strike
Lightning that crashed around her and swirled around doing fancy shit to take the form of dragons before converging on her. She had plenty of time to react.

>Youmu goes so fast the effects of relativity are seen
That's the speed of her sword strokes, not her actual speed.

>> No.6406587

Most higher level supernatural creatures are immune to weaponry that isn't at least +1 or better.

Don't even get me started on bullshit demi-liches with immunity to +3 and lower

>> No.6406590

Step 1: Yuyuko steals or Eirin borrows Yorihime's magical fan.
Step 2: Yukari abuses her gap power and vaporizes Gensokyo's enemies, a battalion at a time.
Step 3: Keine rewrites the discovery of gunpowder.

Conclusion? These discussions are FUCKING RETARDED and everybody participating in them is also retarded.

>> No.6406593

drugs are necessary so she can't use her powers due to being fucked out of her head.

>> No.6406598

Or if the spell card rules allowed her.

Which reminds me, what would happen to a Touhou that simply decides to ignore the spell card rule and just go all out?

>> No.6406601

Yukari fucks them over for not being able to play nice.

>> No.6406603

Hurt, yes.
If they have the ability to feel, then they have the ability to feel pain if something hits them. Bullets included.

>> No.6406605

Not just Yukari, probably every other resident of Gensokyo will play along, and then you're looking at a one on fifty. If anything is going to cause the rest of Gensokyo to drop their shit and pay attention, it's the one person who decides to threaten the peace of Gensokyo. All other considerations are small time.

>> No.6406624
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And then, Reimu was a vampire.

>> No.6406625

Reimu will kill them. She's a shrine maiden, she does have the power to actually kill youkai. If it's just a youkai eating a human then it's what youkai do. But doing it against any touhou in the games will get a equally horrific power used against you.

>> No.6406627

>Step 3
I doubt Keine has a say on the history outside Gensokyo.

>> No.6406640

>>"standard weapons"

never forget that we live in a sort-of sci-fi time as it is. Modern weapons can be incredibly powerful and destructive on the infantry level already.

>> No.6406650


canon Sakuya cannot react with the speed of a bullet.

>> No.6406669

>implying stab-proof armor offers 100% protection

You just got stabbed in the joints and your face.

Sakuya deciding to abuse her power means that she can literally kill entire armies without anyone even relaising what the fuck is going on.

Also, for all the wankers: Have fun with Okuu, she wins a nuclear war agianst the whole planet by herself.

>> No.6406672

Step 1: Yukari steals a Russian nuke.
Step 2: Yukari sets it off in New York City.
Step 3: Yukari watches the world burn.

>> No.6406685

The original sun birds were killed by arrows. It wouldn't take much to drop Okuu.

>> No.6406697

See, the thing about that is that Okuu's nukes aren't in the form of ICBMs. She has to actually get close to the things she wants to lay waste to.

She can dish out nuclear strikes, but can she take one?

>> No.6406709

Okuu isn't a sun bird.

And still has enough firepower to win a nuclear war. End of story.

Given we've seen her literally create a fucking sun around herself even in a mere sellcard fight? Yeah.

>> No.6406716

This is a god powered sun bird.

Still, if it bleeds, we can kill it. We killed Satan, and we would've killed Yahweh too if that faggot, the Archangel Michael, didn't get ahead of us

>> No.6406718

I hate memes, but I honestly think that trying to quantify just exactly how powerful Touhous are compared to the rest of the outside world is more or less a sign of autism.

>> No.6406723

No, she isn't, but she got her power from a sun bird, and was nothing special without it.

Also, can't use spellcard duels as proof here, unless you want to argue that Cirno can take a nuke to the face without melting.

>> No.6406735


Pretty much any of Touhous more powerful characters can get into a fight with a modern day army and turn it into a massacre. They are just that broken, deal with it. And that's before we get to people like Yuyuko, Okuu, the two immortals or Yukari, who are just complete outside-context-problems. And before Reimu abusing Fantasy Heaven aka Hax Sign [You Just Plain F***ing LOSE!]

>> No.6406743


Dude, she wrote Gensokyo's history. Yukari (probably) made Gensokyo, using her border abilities to seal off a part of Japan from the outside world, and then Keine came in and wrote in a rich tapestry of history for the place, so that Youkai transplanted there don't feel like they've missed anything or got uprooted and hence can live naturally like they were before.

The fact that Gensokyo was made to harbor youkai from humans means that yes, most youkai can probably easily be killed by people (it's said that ZUN said that shotguns are the bane of youkai but I've never actually seen the source on that so I can't verify). However some youkai are far stronger than people, for example, Yuyuko because guns wouldn't hurt a ghost and we obviously don't have magic or soul-based attacks. Fortunately Yuyuko doesn't live in our world (and basically doesn't technically live in Gensokyo either).

Anyway the clues point to Yukari and Keine being around before Gensokyo existed. There were probably many other youkai back then too but they all died or we don't know them yet. But the question is.. would their powers work here? Yukari's powers certainly still work here, otherwise she'd never be able to gap back to Gensokyo (and she obviously travels back and forth between our world and theirs still, hence Suika has a cellphone and a TV in SA among many other human things that got brought over). So, if Yukari's powers still work in our world then I don't see why Keine's would suddenly stop working.

However, this is all conjecture that requires Gensokyo's creation to be concretely established, which it canonically is not.

tl;dr going off all things known Keine's power probably would work in our world. Keine only rarely gets full power though, and is apparently quite careful in exercising it/has her edits pre-planned.

>> No.6406747

She got it from a sun GOD, not a bird. And given that we see her survive way worse, your point is meaningless to begin with.

And yes, we can use spellcard fights just fine, thank you.

Don't even bring that idiot Stuart in here. Also, nothing in that story had more firepwoer than the combined nculear arsenals at the height of the Cold War combined. Okuu does. And can spam it to the point where trying to shoot anything at her fails due to fuckign huclear explosions being in the way.

>> No.6406748

Weapons could kill with little effort: Humans, Magician Youkai

Weapons could harm, but would likely take an army to handle: Beast Youkai and most mid to low level youkai.

Weapons couldn't do shit against: Fairies, Immortals, Ghosts, Vampires and other High Class Youkai

>> No.6406755

canon Sakuya has awful limits with her time stopping and objects. She can only mess with placement and not momentum.

>> No.6406756

Ex-Alice > *

>> No.6406763

If even the average youkai riffraff can give humans so much trouble they wouldn't need a Gensokyo.

>> No.6406769

Her knives still have momentum after placed during timestop.

Your entire army just got simultaneously knifed in the face.

>> No.6406770


Salvation War, right?


>> No.6406782

>>implying an army doesn't use armored vehicle support and long ranged backup

>> No.6406785

derpa derp derp derp

The sun god she got the power from was Yatagarasu, the sun bird.

>> No.6406793

It's indicated time and again that Gensokyo being built up has more to do with the youkai just plain wanting to be left alone and/or the outside world shifting to repeal their base existence. Same reason Kanako decided to pack up and move the shrine to Gensokyo. There's not a single indication that they're actually running away from humans.

>> No.6406798

The person who fired the arrows that dropped the sun birds was a god of archery. Most soldiers in most armies today aren't gods of archery.

>> No.6406805


Humans in Gensokyo are tough fuckers, any one of those youkai hunters would put an action hero to shame. They still only stand a chance because of training and the rules, though. But yeah, a low level youkai Rumia would likely be turned to swiss cheese by any 10 random Marines.

>> No.6406806

The same god of archery was beaten to death by a bunch of humans.

>> No.6406808

Bullets won't do shit against anything save for humans (snipe Reimu when she isn't looking).


>> No.6406811

>implying any of that matters against an enemy that can literally kill your entire army without ever being seen


And we repeatedly see her survive massive amounts of firepower just fine. Okuu hadily survives while sitting inside a fucking sun. Deal with it.

>> No.6406813

Yeah. If it worked for them, it works for us.

>Weapons couldn't do shit against: Fairies, Immortals, Ghosts, Vampires and other High Class Youkai
Law of Reciprocity kicks in. We can't hurt them, they can't hurt us.

>> No.6406815

Who the fuck invented the law of reciprocity?

>> No.6406816

The oni, said time and time again to be pretty much the strongest race of youkai there is, left the surface world because humans were murdering the shit out of them. It was probably the same story for the weaker youkai.

>> No.6406824

Surviving mostly-harmless danmaku is not a good indicator of durability.

>> No.6406831

Except no, they didn't. They left because they had enough of humanity being a bunch of lying jerks. You're now down to outright fabricating bullshit against Touhou canon.

>> No.6406832

Mythology has schizophrenic power levels that way.

>> No.6406834

This. In fact, my pet theory is that the oni were all wiped out.

>> No.6406836

Surviving inside a fucking sun is.

Also, "mostly harmless" damnaku at the level of any of the bigger hitters is enoguh firepower to rearrange local geography.

>> No.6406837

>The oni, growing weary of being duped and killed repeatedly, abandoned humans for all time and moved to a place beyond human reach, or so the legend says. In any case, the oni have not been seen since.

I'm doing what now?

>> No.6406840

So, does Yuyuko still have those instant death butterflies? Does canon put some sort of upper limit on how fucking crazy she can go with them?

>> No.6406844


Also the fact that so many Youkai that should be able to whup the shit out of pretty much anything humans can muster, but still left this place and live in Gensokyo, is probably attributable to their strength having allowed them to survive that long in the first place. They moved to Gensokyo because it seems they tend to not have anything in common with people, and tend to be downright unfriendly to them.

For an analogy, I guess... Imagine living in a city full of literal retards, who constantly looking for you and trying to kill you/push you around. Even though they're retards you can shove aside easily, you'd get sick of it, and just want to move to a place with more people like yourself where you can live in peace. So, many Youkai weak and strong went to Gensokyo.

Another odd thing to consider is the Lunarians, and the situation on the Moon in general. Apparently humans (as in modern people, our world) are in a war with the moon people in the Touhouverse and it's at a stalemate. So if you'd count the Lunarians as Touhous then they'd be able to hurt you just as bad since they also use modern weaponry. I've also heard they have some weapons more advanced than ours such as devices that can disintegrate many kilometers miles of matter instantly (analogous to our nuclear weapons, I'd guess)

>> No.6406846


So they are the mortal enemy of modern day media?

>> No.6406849

>or so the legend says
ZUN, that card, puts all information that would actually establish how powerful the youkai are, or information about whether or not youkai really did run around eating people, into the hands of unreliable narrators.

>> No.6406850

If guns won't do shit, the army would just adapt like the old humans would have.

Vampire regenerating those bullet holes? Shoot stakes and garlic.

Ghost instagibbing your ranks? Bring in a bunch of Shinto priests or go find Reimu.

Immortal or fairy just keep coming back? Stick them in a diamond box and bury it under the ocean.

Yukari gapping your bullets back at you? Reverse engineer that shit.

>> No.6406851

The oni extreminators were very good at taking big chunks out of the oni population.

>> No.6406855

One thing is for sure.

Akyuu would be the first one shot. Hopefully by her own side, so we don't waste the ammo.

>> No.6406857

>reverse engineer Yukari's gaps

>> No.6406859

Could humans kill Touhous? Yes.

You can't predict who would win an all out war though, unlike DBZ there are more things that matter than how high your powerlevel is.

>> No.6406861


We can make black holes. That's one step away from a fancy wormhole.

>> No.6406862

>Yeah. If it worked for them, it works for us.

No, it doens't. For one, magic actually exists in Gensokyo. For two, any high-level Touhou character would have curbstomped heaven and hell form Salvation War, easily.

"Killed repeatedly"...

Yeha, that's not evne close to indicating what you think it does. That reads mroe like humand were a bunch of lying jerks, then managed in a few cases to kill an oni and the oni decided to fuck it, these guys aren't invited to our parties anymore.

For all wek now, "killed repeatedly" means all of half a dozen dead onis after several million attempts. Not to mention fuckin youkai hunting specialists going around who 'are' on a level to mix it in, unlike normal humans.

>> No.6406863

It's not a quote by Akyu. It's from Suika's official profile.

>> No.6406865

If we actually reverse-engineered Yukari's abilities, we would become unto gods.

and then kill each other because we are greedy bastards

>> No.6406868

No, no we can't. Somebody's been reading too much science fiction.

>> No.6406873

Adding "so the legend says" to something is basically inserting an unnamed, unreliable narrator.

>> No.6406877

Youkai power is predicated on belief. Human power is not. Therefore all the humans have to do is stop believing in youkai and they will no longer exist. No bullets needed. Youkai are doomed to extinction anyway, as science and technology is seemingly increasing in Gensokyo. Yukari might be a master manipulator, but even she can't halt the progress of the human mind.

>> No.6406881

You're not familiar with the legend of Shuten Douji, are you? A group of humans trick Shuten Douji and his men into drinking themselves silly, and then they decapitate Shuten, kill all his men, and hunt down the rest of his posse.

The humans meant business.

>> No.6406885

Black holes are something very, very differrent. If you wnat those, ask Suika. Preferrably when she's somewhat less drunk.

>> No.6406886

You're forgetting that they had the "lie down and die" command. Unlike us, they don't know about the microwave signals, etc.

>> No.6406891

Magitech confirmed in Touhou.

(Wild and Horned Hermit chapter 2)

>> No.6406892

>Can standard bullets and weapon hurt Touhous?
>107 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.6406901


Well it kind of doesn't matter now, since no one in Gensokyo knows how to kill an Oni anymore. Not even Patchy. Apparently, they just plain won't die from taking physical/magical punishment (makes sense considering they are supposed to be beastly, near-godly strong), you have to use some kind of trick(s), and that knowledge was lost. This happened because the Oni, in addition to just disappearing out of reach, also adopted the behavior of killing any humans that seemed to be liars or tricksters, since without getting them into the proper position to use whatever tricks they did they're absolutely sitting ducks, apparently the oni successfully killed all the Oni hunters.

>> No.6406906

How many threads we will have about this?

>> No.6406908

Thing is, it's the youkai that are adopting the technology. Also, kinda hard to stop believing in youkai when they're flying around having highly visible magical duels with the local miko while a couple literal gods are coming by regularily to give you the sales pitch. Well, I guess it's less believing and more knowing at that point.

You mean the legend that is not Touhou canon? Yep, that's sure relevant here...

So they had a cheap, way less effective knock-off of what Yuyuko can do, big deal. Not to mention that it's unlikely to work against any youkai in the first place, given that they're outright stated to have a completely differrent thought process compared to humans.

>> No.6406928


Touhou power level threads have existed since Day 1 of /jp/. Even though I don't think this thread was intended to be a complete discussion on all sorts of canon/lore, it wound up that way anyway.

>> No.6406931

>So they had a cheap, way less effective knock-off of what Yuyuko can do, big deal.
Uriel could've dropped the entirety of Los Angeles instantly if the inhabitants weren't shielded. I wouldn't call that 'less effective Yuyuko knock-off'

>> No.6406933
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Yeah, completely irrelevant. It's not like there was an oni survivor that lost an arm in the massacre or anything. Yup, totally not part of Touhou canon.

>> No.6406939


Actually the humans don't know about the war with the Lunar Capital. The Lunar Landings were taken as an act of war by the capital, but it''s unclear whether anything happened. I suspect Eirin had something to do with it.

>> No.6406951

Yeah but I was talking about this specific "bullets vs touhou" thread.

But Kasen is not a oni. I'm not following this discussion by the way, just felt like pointing this out.

>> No.6406958

Wild and "Horned" Hermit.

>> No.6406967

Wait wait wait. You are really deducting that she's an oni because of that? Just because of that? Nothing mentioned on anything? Just the title of a manga?

>> No.6406976

>Kasen is based on Ibaraki Douji, the only one of Shuten Douji's group to survive. He later sought revenge on one of the group who vanquished the Ooeyama oni, Watanabe no Tsuna, by posing as a young girl in distress, then turning into a demon and attacking him. Tsuna cut off his arm and escaped.

>> No.6406986

So how is she a hermit then?

>> No.6406996
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Also because she isn't an Oni she can't be the third mountain deva either (who are supposed to be only oni). Just pointing that out because some people seem to think the's one of the four devas, when they devas are specifically said to be four particularly feared Oni. Unless of course it turns out that Kasen actually is an Oni (I guess she'd have small horns under the buns?)

I guess as a consolation, it means we'll get at least two more Oni designs, eventually. And I love me some Onis.

>> No.6407008





Jesus christ, anon. That doesn't mean she will be following the same story and concept of what she is based of.

>> No.6407018

Kasen is almost certainly an oni and the third Deva. She's based on Ibaraki Douji just as Suika is based on Shuten and Yuugi is based on Hoshikuma.

No one says an oni can't take up hermitage, and even if they can't in the way humans do it, no one says they can't masquerade around as one, or just live with the same ethics.

>> No.6407027

So she just drinks and parties on her own?

So sad.;_;

>> No.6407029
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>Ibaraki Douji was an oni
>Kasen has a shackle on her wrist, which ZUN says he always associates with. She's also "horned."
>Ibaraki Douji had his/her arm cut off.
>Kasen's right arm is fake. She's searching for an arm.

Yeah, totally not following the concept and story. I mean, it's not like ZUN's ever completely taken a famous legend to add his own bits to it.

Oh wait.

>> No.6407047

Until we get a definitive confirmation on official works you can speculate all you want. Just don't go around saying things are canon when they are not.

>> No.6407055

Also, we never went to the moon.

>> No.6407073

Well is not like going to the moon is proved anyways.

>> No.6407078

The moon landings were real, it's just that Armstrong and Buzz were the only two survivors of the Lunarians.

>> No.6407110


Laser range finding-mirrors (three-sided mirrors that reflect laser light back to Earth) were left by the Apollo astronauts, that are still used by astronomers all over the world today to accurately calculate the distance between the Earth and moon. It turns out that since those mirrors have been placed the Moon has moved a couple of centimeters away from the Earth, fitting the theory that its orbit will drift farther and farther away (just as we drift ever so slightly further from the Sun each year as it loses mass).

Either the entire fucking astronomy world is in on some huge conspiracy theory, which is unlikely since many astronomers in nations that are enemies of the US past or present would disprove the landings if they could, or, you're a fucking idiot conspiracy theorist and/or a jealous European.

>> No.6407121

"Based on" doesn't make the story itself part of the canon. FFS, Remi and Flan are based on european vampires, yet they can go out in the sun with nothing more than a parasol, just for one example.

>> No.6407143

I'm the guy who was arguing with him, and even I see that your example is different than his speculation.

>> No.6407150

Yeah, you're right. I guess Flight of the Bamboo Cutter is in no way part of the canon either.

>> No.6407153


That, or the "MOON LANDINGS WERENT REAL" people are actually Lunarian spies trying to undermine our greatest accomplishment.

>> No.6407159

ALl I'm saiyng is that to assume that the myth he's talking about happened 1:1 in Touhou canon because some characters are based on it is pretty ridiculous, given that we've got plenty of characters already that are absed on a plethory of myths, yet outright contradict them on a shitload of details.

>> No.6407162
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The whole "sunlight kills vampires" was part of a bunch of crap tacked onto their lore over a 50 year-ish span between late 1800s to early 1900s. For example the novel Dracula made up a bunch of shit that didn't exist before, yet is now taken as common vampire lore.

Somewhat similarly, Shinigami did not exist in Japanese lore until the mid-late 1800s and were based off of the Western concept of a death god. Yet now people act like they've always been there and weren't basically a modern equivalent of a fanfic retcon.

Then again I kind of don't care what is truly old lore and what is modern tacked-on shit because if Remy and Flan were "real" vampires they'd be fucking hideous walking bloated corpses. And I like Flan just the way she is. Best Flan.

>> No.6407167

Actually, in one of the EoSD endings, Remilia is shown outside speaking with Reimu on a very sunny day, with no cover to speak of.

>> No.6407171

I missed the part in the original myth about the whole hourai elixir thing, I guess. Or that Kaguya's a refugee. And so on. Not only that, but there's literally dozens of versions of the story out there that also don't agree on a lot of details.

"Based on" does not equal "exactly the same".

>> No.6407176

Oh god, not even SUNLIGHT can harm her.

And since religious items don't appear to work (how can a vampire LIKE crosses again?)...

We are all doomed.

>> No.6407190

But she said she would burn up if didn't get her parasol up soon and then Reimu would become immortal.

>> No.6407249

Still, just a minor weakness to sunlight, immunity to crosses...

What still works?

>> No.6407253
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.. Wait, why would Reimu become immortal from Remy burning up? Would Remy go nuts and bite her or something during her dying movements?

>> No.6407256


>> No.6407271


Try feeding her garlic? I don't know if that's actually supposed to kill vampires though, so much that they simply can't tolerate the smell garlic. I guess just invite Remy and Flan for dinner at an Italian restaurant and order some garlic breadsticks.

>> No.6407283

>kurt cobain's microphone

Too soon. Saged and reported.

>> No.6407306
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You will never invite Remy and Flan out for dinner ;_;

Unless you write/draw a doujin of yourself doing that, in which case I guess that counts.

>> No.6407314
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Cold piercing of a silver bullet

>> No.6407323

Outside of an inability to cross flowing water unassissted, Remi and Flan are pretty much only mildly inconvenienced/pissed off by most of the things classical vampires are vulnerable against. Sunlight works, but takes a good deal longer than in most any myth, crosses are completely useless. They also have a few weaknesses that more apply to IIRC oni, but again, it's less deadly and more just inconvenient and liable to just piss them off.

>> No.6407391

Great. Now I'm imagining a Castlevania game with Touhou characters.

Seriously, would the Belmonts really stand a chance in Gensokyo against the big stuff? Even Dracula had the fatal weakness to sunlight after all, and crosses at least hurt him quite a bit.
Yet Remi likes crosses and can stand sunlight for an incredibly long time with little difficulty.

And to say nothing of the not-vampire characters in Gensokyo. Yeah, the Belmonts are good at taking out stuff like Death, werewolves, and spectres wielding swords, but can they handle Death's Boss, a werehakutaku, and a HALF-GHOST swordswoman?

>> No.6407427

Isn't there a Touhou Castlevania clone that basically reeinacts EoSD?

Adn well, yeha. Most of the higher-ups in Touhou are jsut flat-out broken characters only held in check by the spellcard rule and two even more broken characters (Reimu and Yukari) being likely to kick your ass if you try to break the rules.

Seriously, Reimu? Fantasy Heaven would be just so utterly broken when used without the spellcard timeout, it's ridiculous. Hax Sign [You Just Plain F***ing LOSE] indeed.

>> No.6407435

Belmonts can murder a swath through all mythical creatures, Japanese ones included. You have to be pretty badass to be able to kill a 20-meter tall golem with just a whip.

>> No.6407470
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Ghostbusters are the perfect anti Youkai task force.

>> No.6407485

Erm... Youkai does not equal ghost. That's a completley separate thing. For one, Youkai are living beings, ghosts are dead (and, in Yuyuko's case, loving it).

>> No.6407520

Again, it's just like the Belmonts, only even more extreme. The second the ghostbusters went up agains-


Just cross the streams aimed at the Netherworld!


For each major sub-species of Youkai (Youkai in this case meaning "every species in Gensokyo"), send against them the group that deals with that species the most. So for vampires, send in the Belmonts, for ghosts, send in the Ghostbusters, for aliens, send in the Men in Black, for gods, send in priests from every major religion...

Who fights oni for a living again?

>> No.6407567

There's also the thing about Yukari.

Because most of the people fighting higher-up lovecraftian entities for a living tend to have a rather... short career. And at best mixed success.

>> No.6407581

>Who fights oni for a living again?

Monks. They sometimes don't fight personally though, they have hordes of their own converted, righteous demons, which mob any offender and beat him into submission.

It's like Pokemon. Wild Shuten-Doji appeared! Go, Zenki!

>> No.6407583

We send in the Persona crew and hope things turn out okay. They have a 50/50 success rate. It'll be alright. Some of them might die and they might have to try twice, but it'll work out.

>> No.6407594
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>There's also the thing about Yukari.

The are also entities that could out dick Yukari with relative ease.

Like this guy for an example.

>> No.6407652

So basically the best way to handle Oni is to use Pokemon against them.

Now where did I put my Bullet Punch Scizor?

>> No.6407676

Nope, just throw beans at them.
With such a shitty weakness, it was like they were asking to be wiped out.

>> No.6407685

That's only good for getting an oni to go away for a time, it's not like it's killing them.

>> No.6407686

>for ghosts, send in the Ghostbusters
Yuyuko has the ability to kill any human at will.
I don't think 4 random dudes with wacky beam guns are going to do much, if this is an actual serious fight.

>> No.6407696

And so it was that Gensokyo fell to a combined strike from the Roman Catholic Church, the Belmonts, the Ghostbusters, the Men in Black, and bean-farmers.

And then Yukari gaphaxed them all into oblivion. And then undid every single effort they made.

>> No.6407697

>outdick Yukari
So I assume this dude is some actual omnipotent being that has deviantart-fan character-level type invinciblity?

>> No.6407701

>Kurt Cobain's Microphone

That's really cruel, bro.

>> No.6407702



Okuu nuked them.

>> No.6407706

Except that Yukari isn't omnipotent or invencible.

>> No.6407707

Also, Okuu was provoked to do that by Yukari. Just as planned.

>> No.6407713

Never said she was. I asked if that dude in the pic was. Which I'm thinking he is.

>> No.6407715

She's not omnipotent, yes. But far closer to it than anyone else would wish for. By all accounts, she's a major-league reality warper and she is damn good at using her powers. On top of being a magnificent bitch and first-rate chessmaster.

It's just that she's normally way too lazy to do anything but troll people for the lulz.

>> No.6407744

>But far closer to it than anyone else would wish for.
Fun fact: Yuka, Ex-Alice, Shinki and Shikieiki are stronger than her.

>> No.6407748

>for the lulz
You can leave now.

>> No.6407787

Not to go against you, but "for the lulz" is actually a pretty good definition of what she doe-

...what if she's on 4chan? What if she browses /jp/? What if she sees my posts?

>> No.6407796


He is an omnipotent, but oddly enough he would fit right in with Touhou setting.


>> No.6407807

Dracula walks around in the sun.

>> No.6407813

Who is Kurt Cobain?

>> No.6407826
File: 37 KB, 749x245, nirvana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Genderswapped Lunasa.
Or maybe the other way around, whatever floats your boat.
