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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 300 KB, 1200x900, Patchydaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6403062 No.6403062 [Reply] [Original]

How do companies get away with selling $100 pillows?
And how do you afford a dakimakura while being a floorshitting NEET?
I can barely afford a figure every few months.
Are the Ebay bootleg dakimakuras any good?

>> No.6403080

>And how do you afford a dakimakura while being a floorshitting NEET?
Financial support from family/government/other and placing otaku goods higher on your list of priorities than food.

>> No.6403093

Not OP, but I really want this.


But I've never purchased something like this from ebay before.

>> No.6403097

Usually government agencies don't just give you a check, they pay for your housing and give you food stamps.

>> No.6403111

I thought they usually do both.

>> No.6403140

Aren't there quite a few people on disability around here?

>> No.6403147

I ment to say something more along the lines of disability CHECKS. Not housing or foodstamps.
Oh well, you get it.

>> No.6403165

Companies get away with the over-priced pillows because people buy them, even at those prices, and the companies earn hefty profits, so they are pretty comfortable where they are.

With the market being one of the niche variety, and the majority of the customers in this niche are willing to pay what they pay, there's no incentive to change.

>> No.6403168

For those in the United States...

Technically, you can't get disability if you've never worked, though there may be a few loopholes. However, there are similar programs which don't have these restrictions, but it's also much more difficult to qualify.

Mostly just semantics when it comes to casual conversation, though.

>> No.6403169
File: 10 KB, 266x253, ChenFish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh whats his trip there, Sudo, Suigin? Something with an S.
They live off a disability check for autism or something.
Sounds like a dream life to me.

>> No.6403186


>> No.6403298

I could be getting paid to have autism?
god bless the USA

>> No.6403324

Its a little sad that this is the only semi-/jp/ related thread on the frontpage.
Cosmic Break being a far second.
Whats with all the >/jp/ posts tonight?

>> No.6403326

>floorshitting NEET

First off, I have a toilet about 10 feet away from me, my bedroom and bathroom are pretty much in a self-contained area. Hooray for small 3 room apartments.

Second, NEET != hikikomori. A NEET is a bum. A hiki is a shut-in. You can be both, but one is not the other.

>> No.6403347

I apologize if floorshitting offended you.
I refer to myself this way even though, like you, I don't shit on the floor. I just find it comical.
Bum, shut-in, neither have jobs, so both would be relevant to the topic of expensive otaku tastes, no?
I know not every NEET or hiki even knows what a dakimakura is, but if your on /jp/ and you're one of those two, it seems quite likely.

>> No.6403368


Neither a bum nor a shut-in. And shut-ins can have stay-at-home jobs now, as well as make grocery orders online. You never have to leave your house and still lead a successful life.

I do have one of Bern, though.

>> No.6403370

>Bum, shut-in, neither have jobs
It's technically possible to be a shut in and still have a job.

>> No.6403384

Where did you get it? Is it one of the expensive ones or a cheap eBay one?
I'd love to get one but I can only really afford the eBay ones. I'd like someone with both types to come in here and give a comparison.
Also, pictures? I love dakimakura threads, but there doesn't seem to be one tonight.

>> No.6403392

Well NEET specifically means you don't have a job yet, but aren't in education or training.

>> No.6403402
File: 112 KB, 333x444, tewi17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted one with Tewi on it.

>> No.6403403

>Ebay bootleg

What's the matter, OP? Don't love your waifu enough to to buy a real dakimakura?

>> No.6403406
File: 36 KB, 640x360, sato4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate working. Being a neet is like a dream to me.

I've tried it before, but it just doesn't work out. You need money to survive, and unemployment just can't take care of all utility, food, rent, etc.

But it seems most neets have their parents support them. My parents would never do that, so no luck for me.

Still searching for a way to make good money from minimal effort so I can just live doing absolutely nothing but browsing the internet.

>> No.6403415


I wouldn't mind one with Tewi either.

>> No.6403420

that hurts. I'd have to not eat for a year to afford a real one. I'd be starve to death before it shipped.

>> No.6403424
File: 71 KB, 200x400, Hina Portrait Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have plenty of money to buy one, but I cannot find one of Hina anywhere.

Could someone please help me out?

>> No.6403429
File: 400 KB, 640x803, bunny_dakimakura_by_caidychen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here ya go.

>> No.6403432


I'm not up and up on the whole dakimakura scene, are there even Touhou dakimakuras? Forgive my ignorance.

>> No.6403439


Uhm...YES? There are plenty of them. A good number are sold at Comiket, and there are a few at vendors like White Canvas.

>> No.6403442

Not "official" ones. There's some made by doujin cirlces that they sell or the ebay bootlegs.

>> No.6403444

I have slow internet and the text loaded long before the thumbnail.
Curse you and any offspring you may have for three generations for getting my hopes up.

>> No.6403449


No, Tewi's on it. See? There are 2 little Tewis on the left-side image.

>> No.6403456

But... but.. well you have me there. B-But you know what I mean...

>> No.6403461

Stop that.

>> No.6403464

blog like the rest of us cool kids in the /jp/ blog friends and happiness circle. Post filler like your on /jp/, get money, buy figures, post them, get more money.

>> No.6403469

Deal w/ it

>> No.6403477

>Technically, you can't get disability if you've never worked
Yes, you can. I'm on SSI for clinical depression and anxiety and I've never worked.

>> No.6403482

How much does that pay if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6403486

$700 a month, plus food stamps. It'd be more if I actually had rent or bills to pay.

>> No.6403489

That's not disability. That's SSI.

I'm also on SSI.

I get $674 a month, but I also don't live on my own. They will probably give more if you don't have any other support.

>> No.6403502

That sounds pretty nice. I've always figured if my parents made me get a job i'd work at a meatpacking plant for awhile and then lose a thumb to some machinery and live on disability.
but I guess keeping my thumbs and being on disability is now an option.
How do you go about getting on disability for something like that?

>> No.6403513
File: 36 KB, 640x480, getoffmyisland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm fucking doing it wrong. God damn.

>> No.6403515

>That's not disability. That's SSI.
They're the same thing, for all intents and purposes. You get paid because a medical condition prevents you from working.
You need to have been treated for it before. You can apply online at Social Security's website to start the process. There will be a lot of paperwork to fill out, and they'll pay for you to see a psychiatrist. It took about six months between the time I applied and got approved. When I first got approved, they sent me three months worth of back dues to cover the time I applied, and then six months later I got another 3 month lump sum payment to cover the rest of the time. I still get monthly checks, of course.

>> No.6403517

How hard is it to get a doctor's approval for conditions such as those? I'm assuming thats the proof they need in order to qualify for SSI and whatnot. I may try to get myself tested for autism since I believe I have that to a lesser degree at least.

>> No.6403526

Very much depends on the doctor and condition you claim to have.

>> No.6403539
File: 352 KB, 467x479, rainbow_hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't really have autism you dingus.

>> No.6403547

I had been to several doctors and a couple therapists, and on various medications before I applied. The longer your medical history, the better your chances are. I don't think autism counts as a disability, so you're gonna have to do better than that.

>> No.6403557

Have you been to a doctor for your obesity?

>> No.6403560

>I don't think autism counts as a disability
The latest change to the "Americans with Disabilities Act" or whatever classifies it as one, I think.

Also, I've been diagnosed with autism, but also cyclothymia (type of bipolar) and avoidant personality disorder. I'm pretty sure the autism was the biggest factor, though.

>> No.6403567

How much are you guys making on this thing? I'd like to join your guys' ring, but I can't imagine with something like google adsense alone making anything significant. every little bit helps I suppose

>> No.6403573

Have you? I'm well within the normal weight range for my height.

>> No.6403578

but /jp/ keeps telling me so so it must be true!

>> No.6403580

They don't make anything.
Blogging might be a healthy pastime to keep your mind from decaying too much though.

>> No.6403585

Why are you so fat Sudo?

>> No.6403592

Because he hopes to one day find a way to transfer part of himself into his waifu to bring her to life. A greater body mass gives him a higher chance of success.

>> No.6403597 [DELETED] 

aside from being fat, i heard sudo's dad is gay

>> No.6403606

I heard that too, perhaps that's why he was bullied so much at School.

>> No.6403611

>How do companies get away with selling $100 pillows?

Economics. People buy it for that price, so they're able to sell it at that price. Same reason Nike gets away with selling $100 shoes that only costs $20 to make.

>And how do you afford a dakimakura while being a floorshitting NEET?

Save up cash that your parents leave you for food. Why would you want to waste money on something that'll be gone in a few minutes?

>I can barely afford a figure every few months.

Yeah, kinda the same here.

>Are the Ebay bootleg dakimakuras any good?

Same fucking shit as the official ones. I just wish they picked better designs. Most of their stuff has really crappy artwork, or is really revealing and slutty. I mean, I know people like that, but I personally don't. I want my waifu looking comfortable, like she's about to go to sleep. I don't want her to look like some slut.

>> No.6403618
File: 98 KB, 780x591, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's you again.

>> No.6403625

Not evening trolling, you genuinely are fat.

>> No.6403633

what a load of crap. You can't work because of anxiety and depression? you know what would make you feel better? actually accomplishing something for yourself instead of waiting for a handout. i battled with the same problems for years and took medications but i overcame my issues and fears and now i actually can say i earned what i have. why don't you let someone that is actually disabled have that money?

no you aren't doing it wrong, they won't amount to anything in life, eventually you'll get a better job and be worth 10 times more then them

>> No.6403634

Yup, you're the guy with the shitty English who stalks me alright.

>> No.6403637

I post about daily and make about ~$70 a month.
I don't care too much about the money. Bloggin' is pretty fun.
will get you started. Its a list of /jp/ bloggers. Most are still active. Follow and comment on anyone that has posted recently, and they'll probably follow you back and visit your blog. We're pretty nice folks. The more traffic we can generate for each other the better, so we look out for eachother. I'll read anything you blog about, I have nothing better to do. Write stories about eating gunk off your carpet for all I care. I'll read just about anything and enjoy it.
You can also join our irc if you want to blog or not. We pretty much talk about figures, being NEETs, and /jp/.
We're in #/jp/blog on irc.rizon.net

>> No.6403638

What the hell? Who the fuck is that retarded mod not deleting those fucking horrible and useless posts?

>> No.6403640

Companies are taking advantage of the love you have for your waifu to milk you out of money. Be a real man and make your own dakimakura with love, they're not hard to make and actually pretty cheap.

The only hard part is going to a silkscreener and asking them to print out an image of your waifu on a pillow case.

>> No.6403642

>going outside
I don't think that'll work out. Are there some internet silk screeners that anyone has experience with?

>> No.6403644

If you are actually capable of having feelings of accomplishment, you're not properly depressed.

>> No.6403647
File: 35 KB, 450x359, geek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His mummy even makes sure he swallows his medicine!
What a dork!

>> No.6403649

Almost to the $100 point. When you reach that, you can cash out. But blogging is pretty okay anyway, so it's not like it's hard work. Just make a meta-thread...outside /jp/.

>> No.6403650

He's male and once shed a tear. That's reason enough to treat him for depression in these times.

>> No.6403652


Make a blog about sudo being fat.
I'll read it daily.

>> No.6403653

>why don't you let someone that is actually disabled have that money?
They can still get it if they need it. It's not like I'm preventing someone else from getting benefits. You don't know shit about my situation, anyway. I'm not going to live off SSI forever. I'm going to a psychologist (which is voluntary) and trying to work through my problems. I'm going to try and go to college next year if I'm well enough by then.

>> No.6403662

Where did you acquire this picture of sudo?

>> No.6403663

I'd read it.

>> No.6403668


We've had the "I'VE HAD IT AND SORTED IT OUT, YOU HAVEN'T SO YOU'RE ALL PUSSIES!" guy, now all we need is the "Depression isn't real" guy and this topic will be complete.

>> No.6403669

Yeah and the Government also pays the bill for that too!
Get a job you nerd.

>> No.6403671

No seriously, blogging about how fat you think someone is over the internet? Killer idea. I'd read the hell out of it.

>> No.6403676

Who the fuck let the normalfags on /jp/? Why don't you go back to Facebook? Seems like you belong there. You even have the "I don't give a shit about pressing the shift key" thing going on that I always see in Facebook screenshots.

>> No.6403678

finally someone with some intelligence

>> No.6403681

laffo @ this post

>> No.6403685

Your samefagging is so obvious it's painful. Go work your minimum-wage job at Wal-Mart while I enjoy my free figures.

>> No.6403688

Samefag. Always happens in these kinds of topics.

>> No.6403696


>> No.6403702


>> No.6403703

At least I'm not fat.

>> No.6403705


>> No.6403714

Stop projecting your own obesity onto others, it's unsightly. Much like your body itself.

>> No.6403717

yea I'm done here, have a good one!

>> No.6403721

W/e fatboy not slim.

>> No.6403740

>not slim.
Oh, so you admit you're not slim?

>> No.6403742

>Come to /jp/ and frontpage is all relevant
My dream.

>> No.6403761

Then fucking go to Bunbunmaru.

>> No.6403764

So Sudo is fat?

>> No.6403770

No, he is obese.
He has to take slimming pills.

>> No.6403780

That's pretty good, almost enough to buy a dakimakura OP is complaining about. I'll try to figure out the adsense crap on my own, but for a newbie blogger like me, which ones better, wordpress or blogspot?

>> No.6403782

Too slow for me.

>> No.6403799

blogspot methinks, adsense and that crap is integrated. Don't forget to comment on some of the /jp/ blogs!
Your followers will grow quick.

>> No.6403807

Guys, he says he might try to go to college next year...awwww

>> No.6403818

That's harsh. Pointing out that he's fat is relevant and funny but that's just rude, dude.

>> No.6403844
File: 44 KB, 477x358, 32669879436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To do what?
Game design or hair dressing?

>> No.6403859

Link to your blog?

>> No.6403873

You must have such a pitiful existence to have nothing better to do than samefag so much. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.6403883

You really need to learn to ignore people, Sudo.

>> No.6403890

Best advice in this thread.
Half the fault for this thread derailing is Sudo's.
Don't argue with your fat stalker. Get 4chan filter and put fat in the comments.

>> No.6403893

>A shit posting, spamming, attention whoring faggot who lives with his mum, lives of benefits and has mental problems saying other people have a pitiful existence

>> No.6403897

Agreed. I have a hard time of it myself, though.
