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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 67 KB, 800x252, skhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6391777 No.6391777 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: quotes you wont forget

"Do you know what the archimedes principle is?
"Do you have enough swords, king of heroes?"
"What do you think about the planetarium?"
"Welcome to the fairy's home!"

>> No.6391789

The best way to cook delicious meals:
1. Believe in yourself.
2. Weigh the rice.
3. Each and every grain of rice contains a precious life.
4. With those innumerable lives, people can keep living.
5. But every life will eventually return to the earth.
6. The Earth is Life, just as Life is the Earth.
7. In order to someday bring about new life
8. Long Sci-fi novel “Gaia’s Journey” – Fin
9. Polish the rice and wash it for twenty minutes.
10. The summertime makes me want to eat some incredibly spicy curry.
11. Cook.
12. Stare long and hard at the fire, letting dangerous thoughts soak into your body OR remembering comrades-in-arms who gave their lives to protect you (Two choices)
13. Once cooked, steam upside down for ten minutes.
14. Super delicious rice is born.

>> No.6391796

"Even girls have dicks in their hearts!" - Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~

>> No.6391805

That fucktarded chapter 2...

>> No.6391806

>1. Believe in yourself.
>2. Weigh the rice.
Two rules to live by

>> No.6391815

It can't be helped

>> No.6391817

Now I want to play it. Even though I know there's no way I can enjoy that trainwreck.

>> No.6391820
File: 225 KB, 800x600, kusari021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Stay outta this, woman! You've got a lot of guts to cut into a fight between men! Come back once you've grown yourself a cock!"
"Firearms are such a bore! Killing with your own hands is where it's at!"
Both from Kishida from Kusari. awesome villain.

>> No.6391823

it isn't.

>> No.6391825

Sure, it's deep

>> No.6391826

Just has some really crazy chapters and can get a bit too lost in itself.

>> No.6391827

Still better than most VNs though

>> No.6391836

Detestable villains such as myself are necessary to urge those who reach toward the sun, such as Mitsuhiro, into action. Life is a series of vicissitudes. And, regardless of how much good, or evil, there is in the world, the sun will continue to rise from the east.
So you see, everything is like a wheeeeeel....

>> No.6391861

"People die when they are killed"

>> No.6391864

This one is better:

This is the simple way to make potato butter:

Light a fire.
Heat some stones.
Give each potato a name.
Throw stones at the foil wrapped potatoes while feeling brokenhearted (this increases the flavor).
Wipe your tears.
Overcome your sadness and grow as a person.
Stop waiting.
Stop your stomach bug.
Take the potatoes out and move them onto a plate.
Butter......in lieu of that, add salt.
Sweep away trivial questions like, 'Wasn't this supposed to be potato butter?'

>> No.6391884
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>> No.6391909


Taichi has the best lines.

>> No.6391911

It's spring

Akiha's body, so different from that of a man

I am sorry that I was born

and anything regarding infinity loops.

>> No.6391912
File: 29 KB, 300x300, Sengoku_Rance_-_Rance_1325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I hear about Remember11,my thoughts drift to this.

>> No.6391919

while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant.

>> No.6391921
File: 626 KB, 800x600, EV_029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Don't worry, I'm the protagonist. The protagonist never dies".

- Fujii Ren, Dies Irae ~Acta est Fabula~

>> No.6391933

If I told you I were actually a man, would you believe me?

>> No.6391945

I don't get the joke.

>> No.6391955

"Keep it simple."

>> No.6391957
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>> No.6391960

God it's been a while I hated a protagonist so much as him. The brocharacter should have been the protag instead.

>> No.6391993


One of the best scenes in CC and pretty much the only VN quote that's really stuck with me even years after reading it.

>> No.6392002

n nnn nnaaah kimochiiii

>> No.6392013

"Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk"

>> No.6392026


>> No.6392031


Not everyone here can read Japanese, guys.

>> No.6392037 [DELETED] 

You should at least recognize その目、だれの目 because it was shown in own screen in Japanese.

>> No.6392036

Really? Why?

He was completely standard mid tier in my eyes. Nothing particularily great in him, but nothing eyecatchingly bad about him either.

>> No.6392041

You should at least recognize その目、だれの目 because it was shown onscreen in Japanese.

>> No.6392044

But I don't know the line in English, and it wouldn't sound as good. Just ignore it if you can't read it.

>> No.6392045

this is from Chaos,Head, it's simple
source of the other japanese quote please

>> No.6392055


D'oh. Right, it's that line.

Yeah, source on the other one?

>> No.6392064

hint: CC doesn't refer to Comic Cafe

>> No.6392066

It says the source in the fuckin post you retard.

>> No.6392073

Many issues I had with him too (with the entire game to be exact), but it's the way he interacted in the conversations was one of those things why I hated him as the protag:
>Character X says 10 lines
>Ren thinks for 3 lines in narration
>Character X says another 8 lines
>Ren asks a question or says "......."
>Character X says another 6 lines
For fucks sake, is it too much to ask for a protagonist who actually makes the conversations feel alive? Shiro, the brocharacter would have at least interjected sometimes. Not like I was fond of him much either though.

>> No.6392078


The only "CC" I know is Cross+Channel, which is in English already.

Forgive me for my massive stupidity at not wanting to waste time learning a language I'll never use.

>> No.6392084


english translation?

>> No.6392089
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CC refers to Classy Cranberrys, doesn't it?

>> No.6392098

"Bees from my eyes!" - Inohara Masato

>> No.6392111

It is CC. I read it long before it was translated.

CC spoilers:
"Sorry that I can't leave anything for you but this," after Nanaka leaves Taichi.

>> No.6392124

Now it's your turn to have autism. - /jp/

>> No.6392127

'I'm sure I'll remember this scene vividly even after I've gone to hell."
And it's partner line:
"Even should he fall into the depths of hell, he'll recall that image vividly."

>> No.6392131

“If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear – whatever you *believe* can change the nature of a man, can.”

>> No.6392146


>> No.6392166

sorry - it's from game, but I always remember that quote
"Love is darker and deeper than the black seas of hell." - Lynx/Fate (Chrono Cross)

>> No.6392171

Puriizu... meat.. in my mouse... from mooningu!

>> No.6392177


As story-focused as Torment is, I don't think it counts as a VN.


Fuck, even remembering that line gives me an orgasm.

>> No.6392179
File: 99 KB, 1199x900, FUCK YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumaga has no many great quotes that I could make a thread just to post them all. But if I had to choose one, this wins hands fucking down.

I'm also very fond of "We don't need a happy end".

>> No.6392185

>has so many great*

>> No.6392188

Clearly Mira has the best tits.

>> No.6392196


>> No.6392199

Weird way of spelling Oki, man.


>> No.6392202

I thought that didn't happen until later.

>> No.6392207

Oki isn't in that image.

>> No.6392213
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>> No.6392225

Have you finished the game? Are all the H-scenes as terrible as the first one? I'm on Spica's route right now and got her first scene and was seriously disappointed. Fuckin mountainous vulva and huge slabs of thigh, and then Ozaki's invisible monstercock. I had to skip through the damn scene to get the picture off the screen. I'm a loli lover, but usually I can fap to normal girls. I could not fap to Spica, even though she looked alright in normal CGs. Everything became so damn exaggerated the second she took her clothes off.

>> No.6392250

Besides, how on earth could Oki have the best tits? She doesn't have any in the first place.

>> No.6392253

Second one is bit better if I remember right. Or it might not be, I read what I could so long ago.

>> No.6392275


>> No.6392279
File: 86 KB, 850x728, 1284314477630..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica's first ero scene is my favorite ero scene in the whole game...

>> No.6392290
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>> No.6392296
File: 111 KB, 1197x900, FUCKDAMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, had to stop on Garnet's due to incomplete translation. Been learning japanese just to finish it in a distant future, though. And yeah, the second one is kind of better, but if you didn't like the first one, give up. Garnet's is going to be even worse for you, though.



>> No.6392346


>> No.6392352

Why would I give up on a game just because the ero doesn't appeal to me? I mean, hell, I played through Tsukihime. Besides, there's always Mira and Oki to look forward to.

>> No.6392360

That is my fetish.

>> No.6392361
File: 83 KB, 800x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pickup line in any eroge:

(Kazuki when meeting with an Alpha robot for the first time.)

>> No.6392365
File: 27 KB, 381x470, spicadealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it.

>> No.6392367

I mean give up on Spica's h-scenes. They are all on that fashion you described. Also,
>there's always Mira and Oki to look forward to.

Sure, if you can read moonspeak.

>> No.6392389

hey, is there a sumaga's partial patch?
igf yes where can i find the download?

>> No.6392390

Mira's H-scenes are terrible. Her voice is normally cute as hell, but her sex scene voice forces your finger automatically to ctrl.

>> No.6392395

I wasn't even aware Spica's route was translated until I read this thread, honestly.

>> No.6392399

There was.
But now, you'll have to wait forever to support JAST etc.
I'm too lazy to go get the link from my mediafire folder right now.

>> No.6392402

Deploying copy-pasta:

Spica's route:
Garnet's (50%)
Some other shit you will need to run the game:

Install the fonts first.
Patch the game.
Use the NoDVD exe.
Move nss.npa from your main folder.
Update the Spica patch with the files from Garnet's, and then move the nss folder to the main one.
After that use Applocale and it will probably run.

Shit that went wrong when I tried to install the game:
>Games closes when you try to open it using Applocale.
You installed the game using a path with foreign characters. Move it to a folder with western characters only, it will work.
>No text displayed, moves in skip move.
Either you installed the fonts wrong, or you need to set your Locale to Japanese and reboot.

I've also heard the same is true for Kusakabe, but her sample voices on the site didn't sound that bad. True or not?

>> No.6392404
File: 30 KB, 640x480, Robotic_tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In the end, there is one thing I must tell you."

>> No.6392430
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"At last, Kouji knows that he has lost everything forever."

>> No.6392432

It's pretty good until halfway through her scenes when she starts that weird screaming/grunting hybrid thing.

>> No.6392449

Anyone in here know what Sumaga Special is? It has a different score on EGS, so I don't think it's just a rerelease. Fandisk?

>> No.6392454

Yes, it's a fandisc.

>> No.6392464

Yeah it's a fandisk, with two new heroines (Deneb and whatsherface).
I don't know the details on the story since I haven't played either.

>> No.6392519
File: 4 KB, 409x259, 1248741756808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never play the english version of Sumaga.

>> No.6392522

Look at the site again, they removed the "support JAST's official translation" thing.

>> No.6392529

it's because they are assdevastated by the Demonbane deal, since it's Nitro+ fault but they keep getting all the blame.

>> No.6392557

You mean TLWiki? It's still there.

Fucking this. N+ are a bunch of assholes, goddamn.

>> No.6392567

"These pretzels are making me thirsty" -kramer, Seinfield

>> No.6392702
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>> No.6392707
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"Is it still raining over there?"

>> No.6392715

oh god yes.

>> No.6392721

Fucking bitch, if Al Fine wasn't my second favourite route in the whole game, I'd hate her even more.

>> No.6392734

Don't be fucking stupid. You dislike the power of LOVE? That's the best thing about her route, feeling guilty and ashamed while she can't stop because her feelings are too much.

>> No.6392768
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At least Key didn't make this game, people would want to fucking kill themselves.

>> No.6392771

reason I hated her, she was a woman by the book, a completely manipulative bitch.
I preferred Fal's subtle but constant manipulation.

>> No.6392775

This game was more depressing for me than any of the Key VN's so far.

>> No.6392788

She simply loves Chris too much. I think it's a pretty nice route considering it's probably what most people would do in such situation (not the EXACT same thing, obviously, what I mean is people using the opportunity to finally maybe reach their love, even with the unmerciful truth crushing your mind)

That final scene where they are playing for Ari made me cry so fucking much.

>> No.6392802
File: 19 KB, 200x280, Symphonic_Rain_visual_novel_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of it felt bittersweet, Key does that too, but they throw in a big fuck you every once in awhile, and leave you with only despair.

Still found it better than most if not all Key VNs though.

>> No.6393138

"I"m just....A little broken"


>> No.6393156

It doesnt matter
Instant orgasm with torta's voice

Also, her song is cute

>> No.6393167

All voices are great, all songs are great as well.

>> No.6393234
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Bye bye.

>> No.6393253
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>> No.6394848
File: 338 KB, 1024x768, 正宗_1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I will admit my wickedness".

"Why deprive? Because you desire. Why desire? Because you love. Love, Desire, Deprive. That is the path of conquest."


Off the top of my head, Muramasa is a quote goldmine.

>> No.6394855 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 1023x575, orz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"orz" - Minato Kageaki, Muramasa

>> No.6394879
File: 412 KB, 1024x576, haah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6399364

"Even if I die, I'l come back alive."- Yotsuba

>> No.6399384
File: 107 KB, 800x600, Magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6399412

Yeah, the songs were really great.
It's like Ritsuko Okazaki put all of her life into it.

Oh god...

>> No.6399544

So I had planned on just reading it (Sumaga) in Japanese (and in fact already started to), but English is preferable since it's easier for me that way, even if it's only partway, but I have no idea how to use the nss folder in there. When I installed sumaga the nss file was already packed as nss.npa so how exactly are these files meant to be used? It could just be me having a retard moment, but I'm not getting it.

>> No.6399583

"I am pretty dog. Are you pretty dog too? It's miracle!"
"If my clothes are sewn by the strongest girl, they will be the strongest clothes!"

Both by Sunohara Youhei

>> No.6399601

Create a folder named "nss" and extract those files inside this folder.

>> No.6399614

The only quote that had really glue'd itself to me is "we're going to have a party" which is sang by a happily dancing slasher killer in the movie tourist trap.

One day I'll say it like the killer does and someone will get the reference ONE DAY ;_;

>> No.6399627

Tried that once without moving the nss.npa from the main directory and it was still in Japanese (no suprise really)

Then I tried moving the nss.npa, as instructed, out of the sumaga folder, however now when the game tries to display text it just crashes since it presumably has no idea where to get the text data from.

>> No.6399653

I hate you so much.

>> No.6399657

In case it matters, the directory its installed in is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitroplus\スマガ

I've tried moving nss.npa one folder up, moving it into the nss folder (which is in the same directory as the .npa files), as well as deleting it entirely to no avail.

>> No.6399665
File: 92 KB, 816x638, 1273208002606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not much this VN actually left me with, but this one actually kind of stuck.

>> No.6399681

"The thing is, Bell, I'm a vampire."

>> No.6399684

I'm gentle with women. I don't hurt women. I won't betray a woman's expectations.

- The guy who betrayed a woman's expectations so badly she killed his family

>> No.6400462


>> No.6400535

Got your back.

First of all, go to
>C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitroplus\
And create a folder called "sumaga". After that, take all the contents from "スマガ", and move them to "sumaga". Remember, you have to be running the whole system under a japanese locale.

Second, you don't have to move the "nss.npa" file. Download:

Get all these files and mix them in a single folder, called "nss". Put this folder inside "Nitroplus/sumaga". After that, take "nss.npa" from this folder, but I wouldn't recommend deleting this file, just move it one folder up. Hopefully it'll run after this.

>> No.6400716

Thanks for the help, I'll try that when I get home later

>> No.6400741

If you have win7/vista x64, it won't work.

>> No.6401038

I don't see why a manual patch, like this one, for the game wouldn't work when the game itself does.

>> No.6401054

Your parents still love you and want you to succeed in life.

>> No.6401091

I came. ;_;

>> No.6401137

I don't know either, but after 4 hours yesterday doesn't work.

>> No.6401144

Never heard that one before.

>> No.6401176

With all my love, to this fucking world.

This one had the most impact

>> No.6401429
File: 66 KB, 814x635, npafileshowdotheywork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I just got home a bit ago and tried what >>6400535 said it it didn't work.

Then >>6400741 says it doesn't work on 64-bit, which makes no sense considering the game itself works, so I did a little testing. Thanks to nagato being awesome and decrypting the npa files and making his npa extractor/creator I was able to take the default nss.npa, extract it, re-create a new nss.npa, and then replace the old original nss.npa with the new one. As expected, it works perfectly fine.

Then I tried creating a nss.npa file with from the MU links I got before (both with the .svn subfolder and without just for good measure) both of which do not work. I then compared the number of files in each, and noticed that there are two extra files for some unknown reason. I tried removing those, but that does not fix the problem either.

So then figure it might just not be possible like >>6400741 said and I tested this by trying to just do it on my own. I copy-pasted a few translated lines into the corresponding nss files I extracted myself and then made a new nss.npa with the translated lines and replaced the default nss.npa with my new partially translated one. Lo and behold, it works perfectly (pic). So basically, something is fucked with the files they made that causes them to not work. I'm gonna try and make a script that can do all the copy-pasting, if I can't get it work oh well guess I'm reading it all in Japanese. It won't be too much more of a pain I guess. No more than trying to get this shit to work anyway.

>> No.6401473

if you can, it'd be awesome

>> No.6401479

"I just had a dream... But I forgot what that dream was about."

>> No.6401518

I feel my translation in >>6401429 is more accurate, as we all know 夢 means npa file.

Regarding that, if someone else wants to take a crack and making a script for it let me know. I'll give them the original nss.npa file to work with. Also, not ALL the files are broken, I test the first few and they worked fine. Unfortunately there are 838 of them so if I try doing things this way it'll probably take forever.

Alternatively, if someone wants to do some grunt copy-paste work let me know. I know that's my favorite thing to do in my free time.

>> No.6401520


It's actually "Let love bleed, darker and deeper than the seas of Hell." It's always stuck with me too.

"Lay one finger on my daughter, and I'll show you just how lukewarm the hell you came from is."

>> No.6401593

Ok so yeah, I noticed that some dumbass changed one of the boot files to some stupid xml bullshit which was causing the game to boot the text incorrectly. I then noticed they dicked with the font settings too. So basically, the actual text files were fine and it was just the config/meta stuff that was broken. I fixed those up and made a new nss.npa with that as it works perfectly.

Anyone interested can get it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OXJCIDHO
or here: http://www.mediafire.com/?jfiik2ltjo38j2a

I'll check the thread every now and then if anyone needs help or something with this, but it's pretty straightforward.

>> No.6401713

Glad you solved the problem man, one hell of a job, congratulations. Do you mind if I update the pasta with your file?

>> No.6401777

Go nuts, it'd be a waste if I fixed it and nobody besides me ever got to use it.

>> No.6401812

Alright, let's see if this pasta is cooked enough:


Torrent: ●http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=98624&d=1222514614
nss folder
Some other shit you will need to run the game: ●http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0J8BEW4W

☆Install the fonts (Sazanami Mincho and Sazanami Gothic)
★Install the game at: (drive):/Program Files/Nitroplus/スマガ (aka ƒXƒ}ƒK]
☆Update the game to version 1.01a/b/c.
★Move the NoDVD patch to the スマガ (aka ƒXƒ}ƒK) folder and overwrite it. Making a backup of the original one always recommended.
☆Overwrite the nss.npa file inside the main folder with the one you downloaded.
★Create a folder named "sumaga" at your Nitroplus folder.
☆Select all files from your "スマガ" (aka ƒXƒ}ƒK) folder, and move them to "sumaga".
★Set your locale to Japanese, using AppLocale might not be enough.

This message is sponsored by Anonymous of /jp/.

>> No.6401922

>nss folder
>or ●http://www.mediafire.com/?jfiik2ltjo38j2a

It's a rar that has the nss.npa file, no nss folder is included (or needed for that matter).

>★Create a folder named "sumaga" at your Nitroplus folder.
>☆Select all files from your "スマガ" (aka ƒXƒ}ƒK) folder, and move them to "sumaga".
You don't need to do either of these, you can do everything wherever you install it.

>>★Install the game at: (drive):/Program Files/Nitroplus/スマガ (aka ƒXƒ}ƒK]
As for WHERE you install it, I recommend leaving it at whatever it defaults to as I read some people had trouble when trying to install to different locations.

So basically you need to:
1. Download the .iso from the torrent
2. Install game
3. Download the "extra stuff" (fonts, 1.01a patch, NoDVD Patch)
3. Install Fonts, Run the update patch
4. Copy-paste the NoDVD smg.exe to where the original smg.exe is and overwrite it (it = the original one)
5. Download the rar which has nss.npa file I made and a README for it
6. Copy-paste it to the same place as you did with the NoDVD smg.exe and overwrite the original nss.npa
7. Change to Japanese local if you haven't before/yet.

**Obviously the downloading can be done before everything else if you want.

>> No.6401946

In step 6, "it" refers to the nss.npa file inside the .rar archive. Copy-pasting the .rar won't do anything and you won't get the option to overwrite anything. I figure it's pretty clear, but the more idiot-proof the better.

>> No.6401987

Actually, I could only run the game after changing it to a path without foreign characters. True story.

Anyway, updated the pasta, thanks a bunch Anon.

>> No.6401996
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That is the end of this war. That is the responsibility I took when I swore to be a superhero. It is the first price I have to pay to become my ideal. There's no need to talk about the obvious outcome. Emiya Shirou will turn his mind to steel, and become a superhero.

>> No.6402046

I suppose that makes sense, I've had weird stuff like that happen to me before.

>> No.6402110

Dude, trust me, if you think you had it bad trying to run Sumaga, just let me tell you that it took me no less than 10 hours or so skimming through threads, Google search, easymodo lurking, everything I could do. I got so stressed and pissed and I somehow got a cold, but even that didn't stopped me. I even got to the points of having fucking nightmares with this game, literally goddamn nightmares. At least it was kind of worth it.

>> No.6402161

you are the fucking best
after have creating the new directory can i delete the old one?

>> No.6402174

I wouldn't recommend it. But as >>6401922 stated, that might not even be necessary. Also I just compiled the past, not the nss.npa.

>> No.6402187

then thanks to the kind anon who made the nss.file and to you as well

>> No.6402228
File: 113 KB, 310x233, 1267935790114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problems. By the way, did the game work?

>> No.6402244

Stand back, mortals. I am not here to fight you.

>> No.6402252

i'm not reading it since it's late but i ctrl for a while and it was all in english, no errors or other shits so far.
anyway if i find an error i will report it.
thank you very much.
btw which one is the best route in the game? spica's?

>> No.6402272

Then spica.

>> No.6402320

Oh man, that's great to know. I can't say since I only played up to where the game's which is roughly 10 hours of reading. But Spica's route was very sad and depressing, the moment Ai no Kotoba kicks in will definitely make your throat tight.

>> No.6402338

I never tried doing that when I was experimenting trying to figure out how to make it all work, but given the sheer amount of hoops people have had to jump through to get this game to work, I'd say just leave it.

Also just to be clear, you shouldn't need to duplicate the directory at all. At most you should only need to change it so that it contains only Enligsh characters (ie. rename スマガ to sumaga) if the game is refusing to run after installing the fonts, applying the update, and the NoDVD Patch.

You're welcome, though I was only able to do what I did thanks to nagato's (a hacker for amaterasu) npa decryption/encryption program so thank him too if you ever see him.

>> No.6402507
File: 280 KB, 800x600, Kou_Sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these kinda need context to be as effective they were, but these were memorable for me atleast, also forgive my bad TL quality:

"It doesn't matter even if you multiply zero thousand times. It will still remain zero"

"That word... Word that becomes the key... that is BALDR SKY "

"Let's have a dream. A long long dream, warm dear dream, a dream of love"

well this one is small exchange and quite spoilerish even without context, so spoiler tagging it. spoiler from end parts of baldr sky.
-"It's not that I hate you, I envy you. When I see you who are just like me of past which I have lost."
-"Then it's completely all right, as I have everything you lost in me, your heart, your feelings, your arms and legs, everything. So let's be one once more."
<few omitted lines>
-"ehehe.. Sora! I'm Home"
-"Welcome home, Kuu. The another me"
