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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6392019 No.6392019 [Reply] [Original]

good afternoon, /jp/.

let me ask you a question.
how do you view what you enjoy?
morning musume, anime, touhou, eroge and all that.

do you see it from a more "meta" perspective or in some other form?

this is important.

>> No.6392028

on my computer

>> No.6392025

Who gives a shit.

>> No.6392029

what the fuck are you talking about
are you high

>> No.6392038
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I have no idea of what the fuck you just said.

>> No.6392043
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>> No.6392068

OP here
what i mean is
a lot of people see, say, anime, from the "meta" perspective, looking at it for the seiyuu, the direction, who animated it, who provided character designs and all that.

but other fans see it strictly from the show itself, looking at the characters, story and such.

so what i'm asking is
which perspective do you see your hobby/interest from?

>> No.6392077

>seiyuu, the direction, who animated it, who provided character designs and all that.


>> No.6392080
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I look only at the show and couldn't care less about who made it

>> No.6392086

oh ffs
using anime
as an example

>> No.6392088

Both. Anyone who just picks one side is retarded.

>> No.6392094

I mostly search for VNs depending on what sounds interesting plot wise. Though I'll admit if a VN has the soundtrack or soundtrack done by someone I recognize, it give me more reason to read it.
Just a few days ago I downloaded 羊の方舟 and 夏めろ because the art on those is from しろ (guy who did symphonic rain art) for example.

>> No.6392095

I hate celebrities and people who follow them, so I'm characters only.

>> No.6392096

Who gives a shit. You opened with some random anime screencap with a dumb name, type like an idiot, and can't even explain what you mean. Go back to /a/.

>> No.6392099

*soundtrack or art, derp

>> No.6392100


>> No.6392102

Fuck off.

>> No.6392104

VLC, fuck the haters

>> No.6392106


I'm sure that /a/ told him to come here, they are always sending people like OP here.

>> No.6392107

Inside the universe is the only acceptable view. People that care about canon are faggots.

Are you writing an essay for school?

>> No.6392117

don't give
no shits~*~*~*

>> No.6392115

More the first view. I'm not going to read a VN just because I know it was directed by X and has Y and Z providing voices, it has to be good on its own merits. But if I do like a work, knowing that stuff is a plus, and naturally there are writers/directors/whoever whose work I usually like and follow anyway.

I also get aroused by Miki Itou's voice acting, but that's neither here nor there

>> No.6392121


>> No.6392122



Yes, you have autism, i'm now sure that /a/ sent you here.

>> No.6392125

>Doens't like Hidamari Sketch
You're clearly not a /jp/sie. Why don't YOU go back to annimaysucky or whatever hellhole you came from.
Both is the only answer.

>> No.6392128


>> No.6392129

I do sometimes, like if an animation studio I like is making something I might check it out

>> No.6392138

>Doens't like Hidamari Sketch

Did I ever say that? Please show me where, in my post, you copied that from to quote me. Can't find it? That's right. I never said that. You're just some shitposter from /a/, using greentext improperly. Reported.

>> No.6392142

>i am butt angery etc

>> No.6392145

Both reported for shitposting and trolling.

>> No.6392149

Sometimes when I'm bored, I pick a random anime from a specific director/studio, but yeah, I second what you said, I usually consider everything when I'm picking up an anime.

>> No.6392155


Reported for abusing of the report button.

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.6392154

oh no!!!~*~*~*~*~*~ :,((((((((((

>> No.6392156


Read the rules.

>> No.6392163


Read /jp/'s rules, don't say "reported" nobody gives a SHIT about what you do, you fucking attention whore.

>> No.6392168

Where are/jp/'s rules on 4chan?

Read the official rules of the website you are using. You are breaking a lot of them. That's why you're reported.

>> No.6392170

:(((( plz stop reporting meee!!!!

>> No.6392180

Between all the neckbeards with apparent high blood pressure, I got some pretty good responses.
Thanks guys.

>> No.6392182

Fuck off already nobody gives a shit.

>> No.6392186


>> No.6392189

You should remake your thread. I like it and feel we could get some interesting discussion going with a coherent OP.

>> No.6392192

Remake it in /a/, where people are supposed to discuss this kind of stupid anime shit.

>> No.6392195


fucking samefag

>> No.6392194
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I enjoy some anime, most of what I have watched so far has not disappointed me, other than the abortion that is Maburaho. Touhou is always in my games playlist of the day, and a majority of library is Touhou based music. Vocaloid finishes off my music library.

I only care about ZUN in terms of the topic of this thread. Without him there would be nothing but fanon shit everywhere.

>> No.6392198

Who gives a shit reported.

>> No.6392206

If you had decent reading comprehension, you'd know that this thread is not about anime.

>> No.6392210

Oh my god, this thread....

>> No.6392214

Nah. It's capable of a good discussion, but I'm 95% certain /jp/ won't allow that.

>> No.6392217

Anime cap to start thread, check. The two other posts by the OP are talking about anime. Alright.

Talking about voice actors, studios, and directors.

There is no way this shit thread is not about anime.

>> No.6392224

He mentioned anime?! THAT FIEND.

>> No.6392226

Who gives a shit.

>> No.6392227

Jesus fucking Christ will you shut up.

>> No.6392230

I totally agree with you in this case, Mr. reporting anon, but usually you're a big faggot. Just thought you should know.

>> No.6392232

No, you shut up first.

>> No.6392237


Fuck off NEWFAG.

Stop being an angry attention whore faggot.


>> No.6392239

Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.6392246


Also, those rules aren't written by the admin of this website. They never were and never will be. I suggest you read the official rules on the front page before you start shitposting again.

>> No.6392242

You obviously do, though.

>> No.6392244

Implying only anime have directors, studios and seiyuu.

>> No.6392255
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Rule 10: Reports - Nobody cares if you reported a thread, it's not like the OP is going to delete the thread just because you reported it. Don't make single-word post saying "reported," it only leads to dumb meta-arguments about what "/jp/ really is about."

>> No.6392260

Tell me again and I might give a shit. Until then, I don't give a shit, and nobody else does.

Reported for implying, meme shit outside of /b/.

>> No.6392268

I read anything by circles I like, even if I dislike the characters *coughEienteicough*

>> No.6392272


>> No.6392286

So if a circle has merit, do you pay attention to detail, how it was written, and the like?

>> No.6392289

Do you pay attention to who gives a shit? No one.

>> No.6392293

Okay yeah, you're trying too hard now.

>> No.6392297

Who gives a shit.

>> No.6392301

Those are what made me like the circle in the first place. Once I like a circle, though, I'm probably going to read their stuff until they make something so bad that I realize what I liked about them has disappeared.

It's the same for everything, I suppose.

>> No.6392307
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No anon but you are the shitposter, how exactly is being an angry autistic frustrated and retarded faggot any good for this board?

>> No.6392314

Who gives a shit reported.

>> No.6392320

I suppose it isn't, perhaps you should leave.

>> No.6392334
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>> No.6392337
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>> No.6392341

Would you say it's possible to see jpop idols, seiyuu or gravure idols from a "meta" perspective as opposed to another view?

>> No.6392345
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>> No.6392349

It is, but most of their fans have no desire to. For example, the huge stink every time one of them mentions boyfriends, sex, anything like that.

>> No.6392356

So fans would prefer to see them in the fantasy "in-universe" (for lack of a better term) perspective instead? Where they're all pure and innocent?
