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6381923 No.6381923 [Reply] [Original]

Current Progress

When They Cry 3: Episodes 1-4


When They Cry 4: Episodes 5-6


Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch

Translation: 45.png Editing: 30%

>> No.6381930

>Translation: 45.png Editing: 30%
Oh, damn you...

>> No.6381936
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>Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
>Translation: 27% Editing: 20%

>> No.6381943
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>> No.6381951 [DELETED] 

every toll is troll

>> No.6381992

Seriously, I know /jp/ is full of autism but you have to be really retarded to make posts like that.

Anyway, the partial patch, I'm not sure if I should read it or not. It probably ends at a good part and will leave me in despair for more.

>> No.6382009

I read it yesterday. It made me feel like Episode 7 was shitty but then when it finished I realised I actually was enjoying it.

>> No.6382019 [SPOILER] 
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answers & answers
also, just wait for the most awesome tea party ever

>> No.6382027

All the shittiest theories getting confirmed one after the other.
What an awesome episode

>> No.6382040

Not red = not confirmed.

>> No.6382045


>Implying you can trust red.
>Implying red matters.
>Implying you have even read Umineko.

>> No.6382056

>Implying you can't trust red.
>Implying red doesn't matters.
>Implying YOU have even read Umineko.

>> No.6382062 [DELETED] 

>implying you shouldnt just STFU

>> No.6382072 [DELETED] 

>implying YOU shouldn't just STFU.

>> No.6382083

You kids are all banned from the Golden Land if you can't behave.

>> No.6382088 [DELETED] 

>implying i said anything in the first place, faggot

>> No.6382090


>> No.6382096

ironically i left it too.
so what are we doing here again?

>> No.6382105

Since you're shitposting here, you didn't leave. Take the opportunity now.

>> No.6382110 [DELETED] 

>implying you said nothing, what would be great.

>> No.6382112 [DELETED] 

I was browsing /b/ for the epic lulz
and then decided to pay /jp/ a visit

>> No.6382114

You all should go together.

>> No.6382123

Oh look, a cute Ange and Eva image, I love me some Ange and Eva being all nice together..

[Spoiler]Fuck you and your .gif[/spoiler]

>> No.6382133
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>mfw I've never played any of the Umineko VN

>> No.6382135

I hope episode 7 is good because, honestly, I'm kind of losing interest.

>> No.6382177

>implying telling you to STFU isnt great and proper

>> No.6382215

You haven't read it? Man.

Anyhow, Ep 8, choices.

Is anon going for a good end, bad end, or worst end?

>> No.6382220

Worst end, obviously.

I won't be satisfied otherwise.

I want complete and utter despair.

>> No.6382222

i only wonder have will they animate/adapt to manga it

>> No.6382224

I'll go for a good end first, just because I'm a sucker like that.

Then I'll go for a worst end. I want to see the two extremes.


Although, I'll probably stream it, so it'll be a majority vote.

>> No.6382230

Good end: Bitch Yasu gets what is coming to her, fuck you and your dream world Marche style.
Worst end: Delusional shit forever and let us pity Yasu the saint

>> No.6382235


Worst end for Bern and best end for Eva, don'tgive a shit about the rest.

>> No.6382243

Does everything have to be wonderful and happy in the good/best ends? I want at least one person dead, and person's life ruined forever. I want no power of friendship bullshit or OH MY GOD LET'S GET RID OF THE BADDIES WITH LOGS WHAT A RIOT OH EHM GEE XD either.

>> No.6382250

Well most people on the island are sure to be dead, that's something that can't be changed.
Battler is most likely alive, that's all

>> No.6382251

You know. I don't think there will be any choices regarding Bern

>> No.6382257

Not saying you can,

but was it confirmed that you would be able to play from someone's perspective? Or is that a rumor?

>> No.6382259

Good end or true end better use Door to the 6th.


>> No.6382260

One of the ends will be everyone happy in the Golden Land. I have no doubts.

>> No.6382282

More like an ending with Yasu's delusion that everyone is happy in the golden land.
Because the people who died horrible deaths sure aren't in some imaginary golden land Yasu made up when she was bored.

>> No.6382287
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>mfw you learn that is not the case

>> No.6382305

I just want an Erika end. Or at least I hope Erika gets some screentime ;_;

>> No.6382328

Yasu is content, frolicking with all of her/his family members, hand in hand with Battler at the Golden Land. We get a lengthy scene similar to what happened at the end of Banquet, with the family and servants putting all of their differences and troubles aside to be happy.

Meanwhile, we cut to reality for a short bit., surprising the reader A lot of people are after dying, there's blood everywhere, and Yasu is about to kill Battler or herself/himself. Then, the distant cry of seagulls can be heard.


>> No.6382355


Isn't that like exactly what happened at the end of Dawn, too?

>> No.6382358

>Yasu starts doing first twilight
>kills Joji
>accidentally slides from the stairs
>breaks her neck
>the end

>> No.6382438

That's fucking beautiful.

>> No.6382552


I would cry of happiness with such an end.


Door to the 6th better appears in EP8. It's too perfect.

>> No.6382577


You idiots who've been supporting Yasu have fell under the delusion of the witch.

Episode six's ending is the MOST HORRIFYING THING EVER, but you shipperfags just go with it because OTP.

>> No.6382584

Ending of Umineko that I want - Gohda, Jessica, and THE GODDAMN BOAT CAPTAIN come out of FUCKING nowhere and kill Juuza before he kills Ange.


>> No.6382600

Wait, chapter 8 is supposed to have multiple endings? Source on this?

>> No.6382603
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Oh wow, that's surprisingly plausible. If the scooby gang ain't gonna make it, at the very least I want Yasu to be shat on by her victims.

>> No.6382618

Anyone else starting to think this ENTIRE thing is in Yasu's head?

>> No.6382655

>kill Juuza

But he's Battler.

Also he probably didn't kill Ange.


But it is. We already know that.

>> No.6382752

Even the Ange parts?

I mean, it explains why everyone feels bad for Yasu instead of attempting to strangle her to death.

>> No.6382781

No. Battler being Juuza is a DICK MOVE.

Ange: Wait, you're my brother?
Battler: Yup!
Ange: You fucking asshole, why didn't you tell me all these years?

Battler: idklol

I'd rather have Juuza be Yasu(such superdickery would be in character for him) or Jessica after a plastic surgery gone horribly wrong.

>> No.6382790

Oh lord, Juuza being Yasu.

The sick fuck couldn't stop with just four of the cousins....

>> No.6382793


Yasu is probably a woman biologically.

If Juuza is anyone other than Battler, he's the Other Battler.

>> No.6382803

If the other Battler is alive, he's gotta be someone on the island. Meta-Beatrice wouldn't know about some awesome broski who doesn't give a shit about witches and whores.

I really want to think that Juuza is both a good person and also Juuza.

>> No.6382825

Well, Juuza does say in episode 4 that he did some PRETTY wacky things for attention back in the day.

Now, that sounds like our little murderer, don't it?

>> No.6382846


Juuza said a lot of things, people interpret those as they please in order to make it sound like it proves their theory.

As for me it doesn't imply anything, I like Juuza being Juuza. Enough cosplaying in this series, thanks.

>> No.6382877

Well, of course it's just a possibility.

I don't like the Yasu circle jerk anymore than you do. In fact, I think the Yasu thing ruined a good story.

But the chance is still there.

>> No.6382906
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I gave up on this series when Kyrie's ingenious plan was to shoot at Ushiromiya family until they died.

Now I'm just here to watch the rage and drink the tears.

>> No.6383020

could anyone give me a link where i can download this game pls?

>> No.6383049

I'm really looking forward to the translation pack, I was rooting for a Kyrie culprit, but for some strange reason I don't think ATLAS translated correctly.

>> No.6383106

Where can i get the partial patch?

>> No.6383130

Kyrie's the culprit, alright.

It's just that she's less JUST AS PLANNED-baddie and more WALKER TEXAS RANGER-baddie.

With Eva as Walker.

>> No.6383141

I think this is it, otherwise
(Core arcs 5-7)

>> No.6383147

Kyrie isn't the culprit.
Her and Rudolf are just oppurtunists who carried out the murders because of the situation they were put in.
The narration made it clear any other adult could have done the same, Kyrie and Rudolf just happened to be the ones to do it.

>> No.6383166

When I use culprit, I mean "person who makes other people die".

And the other adults, I don't think, would kill the kiddies.

The culprit is obviously Yasu, and perhaps George, but in reality most likely George's anti-NTR defenses.

>> No.6383178


It's a miracle Rosa didn't killed Maria yet. I wouldn't put it past her, like a twisted revenge on her siblings or whatever.

>> No.6383180
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Yasu - Threat or Menace?

>> No.6383219

Yeah, yeah, Rosa and her insanity. Kinda moe~, though.

Anyways, no one things Kyrie is the mastermind, cause she's not, but she is one hell of a bitch.
Menace. Yasu did it, case closed. Well, meh. Maybe Jessica convinced George to hide Battler's letter, but still, the one who planned to kill everyone was the maid.

>> No.6383253

I didn't see things that way. Ange not going to Rokkenjima (and Yasu knowing it, why would she rather proctect Ange than Maria?) and some details like that made me think theres some planning involved. Ryu just purposedly made it look like a thing of the moment.

>> No.6383276

We still don't know what was the deal with Rosa and her bag, do we?

>> No.6383287

Regardless, if Yasu and Kyrie are working together they're both evil bastards.

If Kyrie's daughter was held hostage, well, it'd be an asspull, but it'd make sense.

Actually, hm. Kyrie seems rather happy when Eva f-f-f-finishes her and tells her Ange will be alright, so maybe they have Ange.

Still doesn't justify the cold-blooded murder of fucking everyone, though.

>> No.6383306
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My guess is that every metaworld scene happens inside Yasu's head while s/he's uncouncious after being shot by Kyrie, pretty much like how it happened with Eva

>> No.6383304

Kyrie wasn't working with Yasu, it's fucking clear.
First Yasu whole deal was to leave everything to fate, she couldn't favor one parent in particular.
And why would Kyrie let the other siblings get working guns?
She only managed to get the upper land by chance, there was no planning involved.

>> No.6383302

I thought Sakutarou was in it?

>> No.6383315

>Ange not going to Rokkenjima
That's called a plot hole, don't look too deeply into it.

>> No.6383325

Okonogi: YO, Kyrie, kill everyone on the island, we have an italian plant who will handle demo work. Or, like, we'll eat your daughter.

Jessica: Sup Aunt Kyrie

Kyrie: Ever play wack a mole?




Kyrie: Well, I totally hate Ange. Really, I do. Fuck her.


Kyrie: Kay thanks bro -ded-

>> No.6383337

I'm pretty sure it's not a plothole. Especially when you consider that Ange is now on the spotlight.

>> No.6383343

I'll be upset if the Rokkenjima was one big corporate thing.

Well, maybe not.

If Rosa, Jessica, George, etc. is a plant that'll be splendid.

>> No.6383345

Then explains it in a way that make sense considering there is no fucking way Yasu was somehow working with Kyrie.
Everything about Yasu has been told anyways, she had no way to predict that Ange couldn't come.

>> No.6383354

Yasu is actually Kyrie and Ange.


>> No.6383360

Yasu is actually everyone in the island, and everything is a dream. (S)He never had any family except Kinzo

>> No.6383364


>> No.6383368

Naturally, Kinzo is actually Yasu too.

>> No.6383370

The envelope wasn't addressed to Ange, right? It was addressed to Rudolf. There's your answer.

>> No.6383392

Yasu is actually YHVH.

>> No.6383389

Well, Yasu couldn't be born herself/himself. Unless she/he is some kind of experiment of self-born human.

>> No.6383394

Jessica is on the whole thing, including Yasu's bottle message shenanigans and whatever is up with Ange not coming. She just happened to tell Yasu some lie like "Oh by the way Kirye said the atmosphere will be too tense for little Ange, with the family discussion about money and all, she will be staying home. Just writte her off as sick or something."

I can't think of anything too good but I'm sure there will be something. Ep8 needs some content anyway.

>> No.6383400

Yasu wrote episode 1 and 2.
How could she know that Ange wouldn't be here?

>> No.6383418

Well, Jessica would be the type to tell George that he is about to be NTR'd, but no way she could have predicted that Yasu learning that would make Yasu kill everyone.

Unless she like found Yasu's diary or some shit but they're aren't any clues towards that.

>> No.6383420

Pretty sure this is the case.

>> No.6383426

Or Jessica is just a normal girl, which is exactly what episode 7 shows.
Fucking get over it.

>> No.6383432
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>> No.6383452

Considering the record of the Ushiromiyas, I highly doubt she doesn't have some weird secret. Hell, I bet even Gohda has some dirt, just for being on the island.

>> No.6383462

She has no secrets.
The mystery of Rokkenjima has already been solved, she had pretty much nothing to do with it.

>> No.6383479

Meh, we'll see come episode 8.

If Kyrie and Rudolf are missing out on THE HEART, I don't see why Jessica can't be too.

>> No.6383632

Everyone's asking how Yasu knew Ange was not going to be there but what I'm confused over is how Yasu knew there would be a fucking storm during the conference.

>> No.6383713

Well, yea that too. If the storm didn't really happen you'd think that would be the first thing people would notice when reading the stories. Since it did happen how the fuck did she know.
