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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 127 KB, 500x416, maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6381837 No.6381837 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6381842

Thank you meido.

>> No.6381844

No, it's okay, I didn't mean to post the Kyon's sister thread outside of the /a/ thread.

>> No.6381845

I love you meido

>> No.6381848
File: 72 KB, 425x321, 1277533563798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido Appreciation thread!

>> No.6381852

All hail Meido!
Now send mails to admin@4chan.org and moot@4chan.org to get a Moderator for /jp/

>> No.6381875

Moderators are global. The only thing this would do is give more work to our Meido, so we'd get even less moderation.

The cons outweigh the pros by a lot, unless you can somehow get moot to make someone a board-only moderator, which has never happened.

>> No.6381887

Well we'd better 'spam' mails to him about that.

>> No.6381937
File: 125 KB, 568x524, 1265784089242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is being WAY overmoderated right now. I don't blame the meido, it's her job. I blame the shit posters and /a/ spammers.

Lets give out meido a break by posting only relevant threads to /jp/ please.

>> No.6381945


The problem isn't the /jp/ posts. It's the Ika Musume and Railgun OVA spam from /a/, the Mortal Kombat spam from /v/ or wherever the hell all these spammers are coming from.

We're like a little kid being bullied by a bunch of adults who don't give a shit. Or if /jp/ is just trolling itself, all I can say is that you people must really want for this board to self-destruct or something.

>> No.6381953


You know....I think they'd stop doing this if /jp/ would be less trollable

>> No.6381954
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, [Hiryuu] Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls 04 [1280x720 H264 AAC] [E4213239].mkv_snapshot_05.06_[2010.10.27_16.56.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for offtopic circlejerk.

>> No.6381965

Moderation is fine now. I blame people like you.

>> No.6381974

/jp/ is not trollable, no one gets MAAAADRAAAGE or anything.
It's just that it's a rather slow board and when they spam all we can see is spam.

>> No.6381993

Why do people keep replying to spamthreads then?
I can understand if someone replies to a saten thread once for the lulz,but posting the same bullshit over and over again in every single saten(or you might aswell insert any other kind of spam here) thread is just retarded

>> No.6381994

Better being overmoderated than not being moderated at all, given the current situation of this board. I was fine with having no janitors at all back when /jp/ was still fairly new, since most of the threads had some actual content (no matter how silly they were), but as things stand today with spammers shitting all over the board every single day...

I seriously wonder what the fuck happened to make these guys so "angry", or something like that. Or have they realized that such a thing is really annoying (and that there's nobody to clean it up most of the time), and because of that decided to abuse it?

>> No.6382003

>Why do people keep replying to spamthreads then?
Pretty sure it's just the spammer replying to himself in order to get other people to give him attention.

>> No.6382012

At least this board is moderated at all, even better that it's "over moderated". Just look at half of the more popular boards these days, they, like /a/ and /v/ before them, are turning into /b/ x.0. And /jp/ is still one of the only (if not the only) to more or less self moderate itself from turning into /b/. Personally I'm extremely amazed fucking /jp/ of all the boards even has a janitor, especially one that does his fucking job.

>> No.6382014
File: 251 KB, 605x893, 1279209778814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6382020

I refuse to even look at the boards the shitposters come from.

>> No.6382026

Probably because the faggot janitor deletes a bunch of /jp/ related topics randomly? Also I sent a email asking for this janitor to be removed deleting 12 pages? There isn't that much fucking spam on the board. Also it's against the rules for the janitor to reveal himself and this threads are meta threads, so why isn't that faggot doing his job and deleting them? See this guy is unfit to do the job.

>> No.6382028

>I seriously wonder what the fuck happened to make these guys so "angry"
They're jealous because their boards turned into x-flavored /b/ and are trying to make /jp/ meet the same fate.

>> No.6382029

> There isn't that much fucking spam on the board.
Are you joking? Maybe you should go have a look at the archive.

>> No.6382039

I see people like you all the time. If you think there's something wrong with /jp/, you can always leave. Nobody's stopping you. You obviously don't know what /jp/ is about if you think this moderation is bad for the board.

>> No.6382050
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatteiru_-_04_[5E34D898].mkv_snapshot_12.27_[2010.10.31_20.28.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when people don't realize there's no invasion and /jp/ is trolling itself over and over

>> No.6382058

Maybe people should stop announcing it when they report a thread(even if they do it only jokewise without actually reporting the thread)
Seriously I hate those people and that guy who keeps spamming "QUALITY THREAD"

>> No.6382060

My apologies, I wasn't trying to suggest that being 'overmoderated' was in any way a bad thing ... well, ok I AM suggesting that it's a bad thing but not because I want those shit threads back and the meido to simply give up but because I want people to STOP MAKING SHIT THREADS.

Getting rid of off topic shit threads isn't a bad thing, making them is.

That was the purpose of my post, sorry if that wasn't clear.

>> No.6382066

My face when you consider your shitposting self to be a part of /jp/ even though you are little more than a /a/b/v/ refugee.

>> No.6382067
File: 5 KB, 158x152, 1277014559209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are no /a/ or /v/ spammers in this board, all spammers are /jp/ oldfags who hate the janitor or some tripfag for some unknown reason and want to shit on the board all day.

>> No.6382070
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatteiru_-_03_[90E5C811].mkv_snapshot_10.08_[2010.10.23_21.07.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you a butthurt Hotglue fag or butthurt Ar Tonelico fag?

>> No.6382073

Glanced at it and noticed how a thread about Japanese bird cooking spaghetti wasn't deleted but everything else around it was. Yeah exactly as I thought this guy is a faggot. Daily dose of japanese bird cooking spaghetti is /jp/ related huh? Yeah faggot cherry picks which spam to delete and randomly deletes on topic threads. Some irc faggot power tripping deleting 12 pages and ignores his buddies spam as he does it. Spammers will win and the board will get worse because this guy is the one fucking it up.

>> No.6382080

Japanese bird has been around since the beginning. Of course it's /jp/ related. Same with Dawson.

>> No.6382084


Well, guess what. There's no way to tell who the hell is spamming because this is an anonymous image board.

Unless every user from every board put a tripcode with a name and where they're coming from, we can't just say that they're NOT coming from there.

>> No.6382094

>Daily dose of japanese bird cooking spaghetti is /jp/ related huh?

>> No.6382095

Even if they did state all that info there's no reason to believe it. This particular attitude that /jp/ has really irks me. As if all the bad guys come from other boards.

Are you kidding? /jp/ gets very very angry about certain content.

>> No.6382097


We all come from /a/, newfriend

>> No.6382101

>been around since the beginning.
Yeah so we now know who hasn't been around since the the split. No it's not /jp/ related and no it wasn't around the since the start and it's the reason why this board gets so much "spam" as you newfags call it. Maybe if for a year we didn't have daily dose spam every single day all day people wouldn't think it's okay to post various off topic threads like they do now. Anyone trying to defend bawson and the japanese birds worse quality posters than saten spammer.

>> No.6382108

Uhhhhh, what?

I'm unsure as to what that has to do with what I'm trying to say. I basically want this board to be discussions of VNs, discussions of Touhou, discussions of doujinshi games/comics/music, discussion of 'otaku' products like figs/dolls/games of an otaku nature.

I don't mind the idol threads and morning musume, I simply ignore them, I don't mind the Rika threads, I simply ignore them, I don't mind flavor of the month MMOs I simply ignore them.

I'm all in favor of ignoring what you don't like so long as it's generally accepted by board members and people keep it to 1 thread. Aika/Mabinogi/Vindictus/Pangya whatever doesn't bother me because those people have always kept it to one thread and otaku games seem to do well here.

What makes me piss mad is the Saten threads, the Ika Musume threads, the 'lets discuss my favorite anime of the week threads because I don't like /a/'.

That's what I want gone and which has no place here. /jp/ is a place for items of an otaku nature that have no other board or who's board has thrown them out. iDOLM@STER for instance technically belongs on /v/ but it's a moe moe galge so it's impossible to discuss there, Vocaloid technically belongs on /mu/ but it's a moe moe idol singing program so it's impossible to discuss there.

Ika Musume has a home, it should be posted on /a/, Saten has a home, it should be posted on /a/. If you seriously HATE /a/ go to /c/. They do not belong here.

>> No.6382113

First, calm down. Second, try to read what you typed. It doesn't make very much sense.

>> No.6382119

>see thread with 3 thanks janitor replies
>hide it because you can pratically see the shitstorm coming
>one of the hidden threads has 40+ replies
>open it
>people arguing over what is allowed on /jp/ and what's not
you fags are so predictable, enjoy reporting this post while I re-hide the thread and will never read any raging comment you fart

>> No.6382120


I'm not saying they all come from other boards, but it's unfair to say that ALL of them come from here. Like I said, they could be coming from anywhere for what we care, but it's more probable that they're coming from /a/, /v/ or /b/.

>> No.6382128
File: 9 KB, 344x341, 1277014487752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No just no.

There isn't any conspiracy in other boards to bully /jp/ 24/7 all shit posters and spammers are /jp/ers, stop being so delusional.

>> No.6382130

I agree. Actually, no, it's not so much that I hate /jp/ thinking that. It's that they keep on announcing it. Take any obvious spam or troll thread, and it's always the same throwaway replies. No purpose except to encourage more of the same.

>> No.6382132
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatteiru_-_03_[90E5C811].mkv_snapshot_12.29_[2010.10.23_21.10.58].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really say I HATE /A/ AND /V/ SPAM then jerk off to Japanese Bird you are literally retarded as hell. They are both spam except newfags/Touhoufags love Japanese Bird for some reason.

>> No.6382137

What about Flan fly? How do you feel about that?

>> No.6382138


I never said there was a conspiracy behind it. I'm just saying they could be coming from there.

And what do you mean, conspiracy? Think about it for a second. All it takes to make a spam thread is a single user. You don't need any group shit to troll /jp/. You just need to have an internet connection and willingness.

>> No.6382145
File: 307 KB, 1600x1200, 1288572665395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, Japanese is bird related. Gives us ideas for figure posing.

>> No.6382146

>all shit posters and spammers are /jp/ers

Hello, /a/b/v/-friend. Unfortunately, you've exposed yourself by posting a reaction image. Nice job disproving your own point.

>> No.6382155

When that /jp/ got reduced to nothing but two pages, then I can gaurantee that there was enough spam to cover at least 13 of out 16 pages. And so what if about half a page's content may have been unlucky and gotten deleted even so, the majority of the /jp/ threads had already died because of the spam.
And then the janitor continued to tidy up the board for some time after that, and that was nice I thought.
Then I looked into the archive however, and actually became a bit chocked at the extent of the spam, I don't know if the spammer got increadibly butthurt when all the pages disappeared, but there were tons of text-less threads all over the archive, all of them who had gotten deleted almost immeadiately after being posted. That made me respect the job being done some more, if those threads hadn't been deleted so fast, all the pages would have been full of spam after less than half an hour or so, now it at least took a bit more time.

Then it happened again thoug, because apparently the retards of the other boards found this spam/prank/raid hillareous, and made their own raid campaign targeted at /jp/.
I do wonder where the motivation/drive/and or fun is in pushing all threads with a topic off of a slow moving board like /jp/. Most of /jp/ are already bored, it is not really the kind of crowd you get strong reactions from when you show them something retarded, most of the time you get highly indifferent comments, not because this retardedness was anything special, but because we were bored. So then we make a comment and power up our doujin games, VNs and or Eroge, and continue with not caring.

>> No.6382162


Whatever you say you autistic faggot.

It's sad that in your little autistic world you believe that all spammers and shitposters come from evil boards and want to ruin the fun for everyone.

>> No.6382169


Oh, okay.

Now I really agree that you're from another board. Have fun raging and going ahegao all over the place.

>> No.6382171

The only part that "makes very little sense" is the last sentence because I forgot to type 'are'.
I assume you're the newfag who thought japanese bird was around since the split so you dodged it by commenting on a mistake at the very end of the comment?

Who is more asspained the spammers or the butthurt /jp/ and janitor? Well the janitor is a lazy faggot who didn't ever do his job before so now, and he has to actually work now. So I think actually he and the newfags on /jp/ are the most asspained.

>I'm such a /jp/sie I spam report and love japanese cooking bird are you frustrated xD bawson,jpg

>> No.6382175

>autistic faggot

Not from /jp/.

>> No.6382176

At least flanfly is kept to one thread a day, not three simultaneous threads all on the front page.

>> No.6382183

If that makes perfect sense to you, I doubt your logic entirely. For me it's very difficult to even read on account of the irregular flow of words, and even more difficult to understand.

I think you're either a bit young, or English is not your first language. Which is it?

>> No.6382185

At the time of the second shitstorm after the meido erased everything, there were "there is a party at /jp/, go say hi!" image macros at /tv/ and /g/ and most likely the other boards as well.

Not that it really matters, the real proof is something easymodo gave us.
/jp/ recieved a post rate spike not common for /jp/, this greatily implies that the posters posting the spam are not usually on /jp/.

>> No.6382186


Did you run out of arguments?

>> No.6382188
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>> No.6382190

>not three simultaneous threads all on the front page.
It has happened before. Blame your circlejerking tripfriends.

>> No.6382194

Typical "I win you lose" mindset found in other boards.

>> No.6382196


/jp/ers are the ones who start those threads in other boards.

/jp/ is a self-destructing community.

>> No.6382197
File: 277 KB, 1024x1472, 7c7293f8296cc8b3c6b4152a3d779946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>several Maid shitstorm threads
>Go to bed
>Wake up
>Another Maid Shitstorm Thread


>> No.6382200
File: 496 KB, 280x160, mon visage quand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6382201


The other side ran out of arguments, and is instead resorting to baseless insults. I have already presented my theory. There is nothing else left to discuss.

>> No.6382203
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 1286413042871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't understand someones broken english then the person with poor english skills is you. I always find it laughable when someone who thinks they've got good english skills comments they can't understand a post. Guess you must still be in school since you haven't had to deal with peoples hand writing. If you think some errors with grammar are bad, I got some bad news for you.

>> No.6382204

sup Arc

>> No.6382208


Nope, you just said "you come from /a/b/v/" what kind of argument is that?

>> No.6382214

Your post is actually quite hard to follow. Almost like you were typing too fast or something. That's why I asked you to calm down.

>> No.6382218

Speak of the devil

>> No.6382223

Was it an argument? Does everything with you outsiders have to be an argument? Such a typical dipshit attitude from you guys.

>> No.6382226
File: 26 KB, 169x146, Autism award.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A++ would read again.

>> No.6382234


You really have autism, don't you?

>> No.6382236

I do, yes. Most of /jp/ really does in one form or another. Why do you ask?

>> No.6382239


>You really have autism, don't you?

For the record, this is a dumb question to ask on Autism Culture.

I think YOU have Autism.

>> No.6382240
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 1288510307916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for teasing you meido, it's just that I think you're cute when you delete all my shitposting.

>> No.6382244

a : the act or process of arguing : argumentation
b : a coherent series of statements leading from a premise to a conclusion

What you think he thinks he is talking about is definition a. What he means is definition b.

>> No.6382252

He's thinking win or lose. There is no grey area for people like him. Only black and white, one and zero.

>> No.6382254



>> No.6382255
File: 26 KB, 378x512, trolledhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strangely, the figure of a bearded man wearing a beret and a check shirt appears on my mind when I read this thread.

>> No.6382264

Your post is reported for posting an image macro.

>> No.6382268


I was just saying that all retards (spammers) in this board are regular /jp/ users, they don't come from other boards, then you started saying "herp derp you used an image, you come from other boards" wich is wrong and irrelevant to our discussion.

Do you understand now? my little autistic friend?

>> No.6382279

>herp derp

Not from /jp/.

>> No.6382285

Thanks for sharing this precious piece of information with everyone. It's a bit sad that you wasted one of your precious reports on that post, though, because this is a meta-thraead, it is thus against the rules and will soon be deleted. You could learn to manage your report timer a bit better than that, son

>> No.6382294


>Doesn't have any argument.
>Repeats the same shit over and over again, like a typical /jp/ spammer.

Not from /jp/

>> No.6382301


Reported for abusing of the report button.

>> No.6382307

You can report up to about 25 posts in a certain time period. The way /jp/ is right now, the only way I'd ever use up the other 20 was if there were a raid.

>> No.6382311
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>> No.6382314
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>> No.6382317
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>> No.6382319
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>> No.6382320

The greentext shows you're clearly not from /jp/. Go ahead and try to make a post without image reactions, memes, trolling, or greentext. I bet you can't do it, because you're from /b/.

>> No.6382322
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>> No.6382325
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>> No.6382330


His post is clearly violating global rules.

>> No.6382331
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>> No.6382332


I was "quoting" your actions, you fucking retard.

>> No.6382334
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>> No.6382335
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>> No.6382337
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>> No.6382338
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>> No.6382340
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>> No.6382342

Wrong again. If you can't copy paste something from another post, you're doing it wrong.

Also, >you fucking retard
Reported for flaming.

>> No.6382345
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>> No.6382347
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>> No.6382348
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>> No.6382351
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>> No.6382354
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>> No.6382359
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>> No.6382363
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>> No.6382366
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>> No.6382370
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>> No.6382371
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>> No.6382373

>I'm a huge faggot please rape my face.

Quoting function working very well, thanks a lot, no viruses at all. (:

>> No.6382376
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>> No.6382377


Reported for being an angry autistic shitposter.

>> No.6382380
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>> No.6382384

Reported for trolling.
Reported for flaming.

>> No.6382385
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>> No.6382386
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>> No.6382390
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>> No.6382391
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>> No.6382393

Guys, I think it's time to stop posting.

>> No.6382394
File: 99 KB, 338x249, 1283267573210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6382395

Reported for reporting Derek, the only trustworthy source of information posting on /jp/.

>> No.6382399

Nah, Mio wouldn't have worked as well as Manuela Velasco

>> No.6382400
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>> No.6382403
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>> No.6382404


Reported for sumbitting false reports.

>> No.6382407
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