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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6375546 No.6375546 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Touhou for shinto and mythology references?

>> No.6375553

I enjoy it. I like the references and the background it has. Any other series with similar backgrounds?

>> No.6375555


>> No.6375562

Sengoku Rance

>> No.6375571

If it didn't have those things it wouldn't be Touhou.

I would also not be averse to a danmaku game based on Greek mythology.

>> No.6375578

I do not know if I like it specifically for that reason, but I do enjoy the references themselves.

>> No.6375581
File: 316 KB, 700x942, Bilibin._Baba_Yaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greek mythology is overrated. I would prefer danmaku with slavic youkai.

>> No.6375597


>> No.6375662

Reverse Baba Yaga would be awesome. Since Baba Yaga ages a year for every question asked to her, a reverse would get younger the more questions you ask, and you could quickly turn her from a fearsome witch to a little girl with oversized clothing.

In fact, a H-doujin like that would be great. Add her own chicken-legged house raping her in her younger form, and it's golden.

>> No.6375688
File: 25 KB, 153x208, 1259912408849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being raped by your own house

>> No.6375702

I wonder if anyone ever got raped by their own house.

>> No.6375727
File: 3 KB, 108x131, 1284584954042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats my new fetish.

>> No.6375787
File: 82 KB, 640x480, Rorschach in danmaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play Touhou for the gameplay.

Not even lying.

>> No.6375839

I play touhou for the plot

>> No.6375946

Well, tsukumogami myth includes at least one old building deciding it had enough of humans' shit and becoming a ghost. So you could wake up one day to find a cute girl riding your morning wood, making you come before you realize what's going on and introducing herself as the your house, wearing human form because you haven't been taking care of her lately (Pissing on the floor? Seriously? Fuck you. ) Of course, that'd just be her tsundere facade and the truth would be that she came to love you as she watched you day by day. She'd never admit this, though, so when you ask her why she looks like she came out of a magical girl show and why she just raped you, she'd blush and claim that you wouldn't agree to help her otherwise. She'd then demand that you fix her, but since the house is her real body, you'd quickly find that walking on certain parts of the house arouses her. And so you'd start to tease her by "fixing" those areas first, enjoying her suppressed moans and blushing face while you hammer new nails into her walls.

>> No.6375965
File: 43 KB, 178x178, 1265357925934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hot.

>> No.6375986
File: 505 KB, 896x1120, 8902616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about Touhou, I think I would like it either way.

But I think demons and mythology is a big reason why I like SMT games.

>> No.6376133

What's SMT?

>> No.6376158

Shin Megami Tensei

>> No.6376161
File: 75 KB, 359x700, mucha23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that traditional Slavic art? Looks awesome.
I can understand Mucha a little more now.

>> No.6376169

>But I think demons and mythology is a big reason why I like SMT games

If you play the western releases, they heavily alter the plot and imagrey in the localised versions to make it less offensive to christian fundamntalist amerikans. I assume it wouldn't be carried in your walmarts otherwise.

>> No.6376190

The games do have almost naked bondage-gear angels, other angels who generally act like giant dicks and in 3 Lucifer is basically the hero of the story. So I'm really not sure how much they could water it down.

Besides, SMT is a niche thing anyway, no way you'd find it in a Walmart or someplace

>> No.6376191

someone on /jp/ that likes Mucha?

my own fucking clone

>> No.6376195

>Moh shuvuu

She can eat my brain any day.

Acheri is the best, though. I imagine her somewhat like Kogasa. She'd drop down from her mountain home, expecting people to run away upon seeing her, only to see everyone with red ribbons (which nullify an acheri's ability to bring sickness). and start crying since she can't get anything right even after dying. I want to be a reliable elder sister figure to her, hugging her and patting her head while she cries. I'd then tie a ribbon around her neck to make her pass for a human and bring her to a playgrounds, where she can enjoy activities she never knew in her mortal life.

If only ;_;

Shin Megami Tensei, a series of games. More well-known is the spin-off of sorts, Persona. The plots vary, the only constants are the mythological beings used to fight and at least one apocalypse per game (I think there's like three in SMT1. )

Also famous for having great plots like "resurrected Hitler teams up with Nyarlathotep and obtains the Lance of Longinus" or "American army hires Thor, who promptly nukes Japan"

>> No.6376213
File: 40 KB, 495x539, Zbruch_Idol_LG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only traditional as in modern, but inspired by medieval legends. Not in any way ancient, as in pre-Christian slavic.

>> No.6376218

There are many of use here. Because Mucha is just that awesome.

>> No.6376230
File: 273 KB, 586x1734, medee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's reassuring to know

(picture somewhat jp related due to caster)

>> No.6376274

More like I like shinto and Japanese mythology because they're a foundation of Touhou. True story.

>> No.6380102

Spam-countering page 15 bump.

>> No.6381334
File: 46 KB, 719x697, 1288022361409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, but it is funny to see what wacky shit it gets turned into this time.

>> No.6381641

bump to counter spam

>> No.6381718 [DELETED] 

Bump against the spam.
