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File: 57 KB, 450x450, adviceaeka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6375061 No.6375061 [Reply] [Original]

There have been no new decent VN or eroge from Japan since YMK. Discuss.

>> No.6375067


>> No.6375071


>> No.6375073

lol'd at OP pic. Gonna save that for later use

>> No.6375074

Are you talking about officially translated VNs? If so, then, absolutely, they only are picking shit like "Suck My Dick or Die."

>> No.6375076



>> No.6375077
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>> No.6375080

I curse this shit for making me feel even more depressed than I already am.

Also,starting a YMK thread - guaranteed replies.

>> No.6375085

Compared to Violent Semen Inferno, it's a masterpiece.

>> No.6375087
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>> No.6375088

Yes, aeka was a whoreslut.

>> No.6375089
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>> No.6375096
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>> No.6375097

How about you don't only play shit translated by JAST? Oh wait you amuricunts can't learn foreing foreign languages. w w w w w w w

>> No.6375099

>Better than Violent Semen Inferno
Next, you are going to say that Reika Bitch Training is a piece of shit, aren't you?

>> No.6375104
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>> No.6375105

>wrote foreign twice

I just reported myself.

>> No.6375115
File: 151 KB, 500x2156, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean wwwwwwwwww

>> No.6375119
File: 207 KB, 500x2456, 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish dan kim had a better quality to quantity ratio

>> No.6375125
File: 41 KB, 360x480, YMK_Aeka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alas, poor Aeka, but your path was not the canon one...

>> No.6375148

I feel insulted by the OP if he's referring to untranslated VNs as well.

>> No.6375152

no love for chesty bigtits? :(

>> No.6375153

there is a canon one?

>> No.6375160

Nekoko's was the canon end.

>> No.6375181
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>> No.6375222

Makes sense,because the game is called A Drug That Makes You Dream.

But why do you encounter Aeka first? And who's that blond eyeless Women that wants to fight you?

>> No.6375230


>> No.6375236

>Title: "Drug that makes you Dream"
>Case 3: Drug
>Longest path: Nekoko's
>Nekoko's ending: A dreamscape drawn from experimentation with drugs becoming reality in the form of a theme park.

>> No.6375244


>Longest path: Nekoko's


>> No.6375246

The woman from the dream was a nod to a character from an anime called "Galaxy Express 999".

>> No.6375252

These trolls don't know Japanese, so they can't play untranslated masterpieces like Reika Bitch Training. Some might download a CG pack, but they will never know the beautiful plot behind it.

>> No.6375254


Uhhhh you might wanna go back into the game and check how many cutscenes she has, chief. Hers go to the bottom of the page.

>> No.6375261

>untranslated masterpieces like Reika Bitch Training
go back to amaterasu's forums, at least there are retards who think that shit is funny there

>> No.6375267

And don't forget that nekoko was the most similar to thing with the whole colorless theme.

>> No.6375270

Nekoko's ending was so shitty and unbelievable.
Who the fuck can become rich by selling an idea for a theme park? Especially with something as cliché as fairies.

>> No.6375273


I think you got Aeka and Nekoko mixed up.
In either case, her route took the shortest time to finish.

>> No.6375274

I thought sex addicted bigtits was the one with the longest path...but now that I remember Nekoko's scenes...there were sure alot...

>> No.6375286

>Who the fuck can become rich by selling computers with white covers? Especially when they're dumbed down versions of proper OS
I'm always surprised by what kind of shit people can gobble up, a theme park sounds tame in comparison

>> No.6375296

It's good cheap emotional porn, and straightforward porn as well, but I'll never understand why some people hail it like the best thing ever.
Or maybe they just can be hassled for trying the other VNs available, it's true that YMK is pretty short and straight to the point.

>> No.6375306

what do you mean "ratio", he has neither.

>> No.6375317

>I'll never understand why some people hail it like the best thing ever.

Because it's the only eroge they've played usually.

>> No.6375380


There's no canon end, just your own personal delusions.

>> No.6375397

Good != The best thing ever.

It's a nice mediocre VN and I think Nekoko's character design is lovely.

>> No.6375425

Recommend me the best thing ever/something better than YMK then.

>> No.6375431

It will be in Japanese, is that okay?

>> No.6375437

No. It has to be better than YMK and in English.

>> No.6375439

Go on,even though a translated one won't hurt.

>> No.6375441

Cross Channel

>> No.6375456


He said best, not worst. Cross channel is the absolute worst piece of shit I've ever laid eyes on.

>> No.6375458

Uncensored > Censored. Always. NO EXCEPTIONS.

>> No.6375460

>No. It has to be better than YMK and in English.
So you can only say YMK is mediocre if you only play english eroge? Ahahah oh wow.

>> No.6375462

I liked the character designs in YMK more. Cross Channel protag doesn't even like loli, I dropped it as soon as I found out the character I like doesn't have a route.

>> No.6375464

in all honestly i think YMK is one of the best VN that has english translation

dont ask me why cuz i cant remember since i played that shit years ago

>> No.6375465

I tried to download this one,but every torrent I downloaded wasn't complete or had broken files.

>> No.6375470

And it's censored. Double fail.


And it costs 100 bucks(?) before shipping to import. 3 strikes, you're out.

>> No.6375490

>Cross Channel protag doesn't even like loli
did you miss the part where he raped a child or what? What he says and what he's actually like are completely different

>> No.6375492

By the way,is there a VN exsist with some kind of internet drama or something? I was hoping someone could give me an answer.

>> No.6375501


>did you miss the part where he raped a child or what?

Not the guy you're replying to but I sure as hell don't remember that.

>> No.6375505


>paying for vns


>> No.6375507

How about Kira Kira? That one is uncensored.

>> No.6375523


>> No.6375524

>the part where he raped a child or what
You mean the part where he was raped as child? And the only underage girl that he fucked is Youko who had consensual sex with him in missionary position, for the purpose of, I dunno, murdering other people?

>> No.6375538


I think it's because YMK is down to earth compared to most VNs. Its scenarios are much less fantastic than most VNs' and the character stereotypes found in most anime and VNs, while still present in YMK, are much less invasive and nagging than with other VNs. There's stuff like Cross Channel where you have panty jokes every minute, then there's stuff like Clannad where some guy gets beat up half to death in one scene (and sometimes gets tossed across the room like a volleyball) then acts like it never happened in the next (this happens in nearly every day of the VN by the way), then there's stuff like Canvas2 where you have a character who is all ONII-CHAN UUUU~, then there's stuff like Sharin no Kuni where the protagonist was faking drug addiction all along so he can get the upper hand in a melee that was prophesied to him ages ago by god knows who. I enjoy the format of VNs and have read quite a number of them, but I can't appreciate all these japanese cliches and humor so for people such as myself, who are usually used to western literature and media, YMK, at least for a school romance VN, is pretty high up there.

>> No.6375609


He tried to rape that one girl who only appears in flashbacks, remember?

>> No.6375622

did he actually try to rape Doujima? I honestly can't remember

>> No.6375631

I thought he was trying to kill her since his psychotic blood kicked in or something. And she's not really a loli.

>> No.6375642

If you're kidding me,I'll know it as soon as I downloaded it...

>> No.6375653


Thanks again for using spoilers.

>> No.6375677

Learn to use AGTH instead of relying on translations.


Seriously, I don't know why this is, but only shit games get fan translated. There are even plenty of awesome ones that wouldn't even be that much work, but nobody ever gets together for it - you only see coordinated group efforts when it's some little linear read the text game with a few random pictures you've seen posted on /h/ before.

>> No.6375709
File: 9 KB, 262x191, 1254249958997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still hasn't played Cross Channel and complains about spoilers for a year-old translation

>> No.6375761

Quick question: is Kira-Kira and KK Curtain Call worth picking up for 70+ bucks? I like physical copies, mind you, but I guess I could burn my own.

>> No.6375786

I'd also recommend this firefox plugin
lets you monitor the clipboard and paste the contents an a page to use with rikaichan.

>> No.6375798
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x1024, the girl and the world and the sword of the sweets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played a lot of games better than YMK. For example, the best game I've played in the last few years.

>> No.6375823

If you'd provide a download link,I'd be very grateful - the ones I found were broken and stuff.

>> No.6375837

Sorry, I couldn't google that.

Can you give us a hint ?

>> No.6375854

I have that game downloaded but haven't gone through it yet. What's the ratio of porn:plot?

>> No.6375855
File: 551 KB, 600x800, pac02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should help to put it in to quotes.

There's two routes out right now, Route of Ayano and Route of Nana. Hopefully soon we'll get Route of Ichigo.


>> No.6375870

98% plot, 2% porn which is pretty unique for Sakuranbo Shougakkou.

I don't want to overvalue it ... well, maybe I do. But I'm the only person that ever really talks about it on /jp/. Pretty much each time it's mentioned it's by me. I was just that impressed by it that I can't leave it alone.

>> No.6375883


>> No.6375900

Holy shit,thank you so much!

I owe you one big smooch on your ass.

>> No.6375904

>ymk thread
>80 posts
>/jp/ ;_;

>> No.6375922

>Route of Nana
Have you managed to find a legit copy of this?

>> No.6375940

I don't get what you're trying to say

>> No.6375951

I can't even find an illegal copy of it. That sucker's nowhere.

>> No.6375955

Either he's disappointed that a YMK thread has so little posts or he thinks YMK belongs to another board....

>> No.6375974

Comiket, why do you betray me?

>> No.6375989

YMK had more emotional porn and unbelievable shits than most VNs you cited.
You are remembering things really wrongly.

YMK is popular in the west because it's fast and eady to read and easy to install, nothing more nothing else.

>> No.6376029

I just had a strange existential struggle, where I fought against my disbelief that such a title existed and that anon was trying to come up as goofy name as possible.

I won.

Did the protag and the heroine tag-team to strangle someone in the schoolyard in this game?

>> No.6376069


>YMK had more emotional porn and unbelievable shits than most VNs you cited.

Compared to Cross Channel and Sharin no Kuni, definitely not. There were surreal moments, but they could have easily been replaced by less extreme ones and the story would have still reached the same outcome. With stuff like Sharin no Kuni, people's lives were literally hanging in the balance and they depended on those asinine twists to be rescued.
As for Clannad and Canvas2, yes, those VNs have less fantastic scenarios, however, I cited those two VNs because of their overly invasive anime stereotypes and humor.

>> No.6376110

Freefall sex in Hong Kong, woo woo!

>> No.6376117

>my disbelief that such a title existed
New here?

You probably haven't heard about Violent Semen Inferno, either, right?

>> No.6376119

Best scene in the whole game, hands down.

>> No.6376122

>emotional porn


That's why you babbys are so pathetic. Getting so excited over your first VN.

>> No.6376147

Maybe if you're retarded. It was the most stupid scene in the shittiest route.

>> No.6376155
File: 97 KB, 600x375, comike3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never used share but I do have a download for it. You think it's worth a try? It'll take hours for me to learn what I'm doing. If it's available elsewhere I'd rather not waste my time.

>> No.6376172
File: 422 KB, 465x696, 14067205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I respect YMK and OP's opinion, I can't agree with it, sorry.

>> No.6376192

YMK has a loony genki girl, a twintailed tsundere imouto, typical petite and shy wallflower, a playful tittymonster senpai and an over-the-top, way too dramatic bully.

Smells like anime stereotypes to me.

>> No.6376206


No, you don't understand.

Freefall strangulation sex. While high on cocaine. In Hong Kong.

There is literally nothing more awesome than that.

>> No.6376220


They didn't shove it in your face as much as they did with other VNs. And most importantly, half of the traits you mentioned are integral to the plot of each of the heroines' routes.

Most VNs just have those stereotypes for the sake of having them and the qualities accompanied by those stereotypes have little implication in the plots of those VNs.

>> No.6376227

You know what all that means? That said VN is SHIT.

>> No.6376245


I'm not following what you're saying here.

>> No.6376258

But OP is trying to argue how realistic and beautiful his favorite nukige is.

You're not helping here.

>> No.6376272

>Quick question: is Kira-Kira and KK Curtain Call worth picking up for 70+ bucks? I like physical copies, mind you, but I guess I could burn my own.
Or if you like physical copies more than porn, you could buy the all-ages version of Kira Kira that Hendane is selling.

>> No.6376281

But it IS realistic.

I do it every weekend with my gf. It's nice to take my mind off my usual routines of getting tazed in class every day and having anal sex on top of trashcans with unknown fairy crackwhores.

>> No.6376294

Well these traits are mostly the only things these girls have.
I will say that girls that have more than one trait that characterize them are more interesting.
I know you love YMK and shits but you are trying hard to see things that aren't there.

>> No.6376300

>They didn't shove it in your face as much as they did with other VNs
Yes they did.
Actually even more since it was the only things these girls had.

>> No.6376320


But the girls in YMK do have more traits. That's the point, they start with the stereotypical traits then their character develops and grows out of them. Most VNs I've read just ends it with them having the same stereotypical characteristics from start to finish.

>> No.6376323

Holy shit, that's innovative.

A shy girl whose route is about her being shy, masterpiece!

>> No.6376338

Try Symphonic Rain.

It's even got a bullied white haired shy girl, if that's your thing.

>> No.6376340

You must have read only shitty nukige then, or you have no reading comprehension whatsoever.
The girls of YMK were really shallow compared to most serious VNs available in english.

>> No.6376356


What I meant by that is that they didn't force the stereotypical-ness of the characters just for the sake of it. Their stereotypical qualities actually played a role in the story.


You know, one of the things I hate the most about VNs and japanese media in general is that the premise of the story always has to be intricate and edgy. Timeloops seems to be one of everyone's most favorite. People can't seem to grasp the idea that a good experience can come out of a simple premise. I love VNs like Symphonic Rain because while its story was simple compared to a lot of other VNs, it delivered it really well through good atmosphere, believable and sympathetic characters and good writing and pacing.

>> No.6376371

But Symphonic Rain wasn't that simple. It was "edgy" enough compared to YMK.

>> No.6376382

Lise's hair is blond, anon.

And in contrary to YMK, SR is a god tier VN.

>> No.6376414

Are you serious? I could've sworn it was silvery.

Holy shit, I guess it's finally my turn to feel autism.

>> No.6376447


I already have, thanks. Funny you should mention it while I was in the middle of citing it in my previous post. Currently, I'd say it's my favorite of all time.


You know what, you're right about that. However, I would've liked it anyway even if it didn't have certain plot twists and critical events because of the same reasons. Anyway, I never was trying to compare it to YMK in the first place, what I'm trying to say is that even if a VN that has a simpler plot than stuff like Ever17 or F/SN, can still hold its own because there is a lot more to a story than the plot. Therefore, a story about, say, a girl having an existential dilemma shouldn't be judged just as that and you should also look at stuff like character interactions and development and pacing.

Sage so only people who wish to continue this argument (which I hope isn't considered by anyone to be one fueled by anger or spite) can see it, if there's anything left to discuss that is, because I know some people are tired of seeing this thread pop in and out of the first page for the past few hours.

>> No.6376485
File: 480 KB, 1024x768, Italian girl baking cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is silver, or gray, or something like that.

>> No.6376522

Thank god. I was really getting worried here.

>> No.6376576

That fits blond. Grey blond.

That's definitely not white.

>> No.6376622

No it's definitely white/grey.
