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File: 39 KB, 647x489, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6374981 No.6374981 [Reply] [Original]

I fapped 3 times already today. Somehow i am more horny than usual.

>> No.6374986

Thanks for making this thread. Sexy Beach Zero fans need to be reminded what a good eroge looks like.

>> No.6374989

So where is it I just see some shitty game here

>> No.6374992

I don't even know if you're trolling.

>> No.6374998

I have been fapping for 30 minuters and still didn't cum.


>> No.6374999

nigga you trollan

>> No.6375009

install hizashi
start playing
ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump
is that me or is that the game?
my mouth goes totally dry, it's hard to swallow
I'm actually shaking a little bit
critical mass, I've got to fap
cum buckets

feel guilty, uninstall & wipe hizashi from my drive ;_;

fuck, that was stupid.

>> No.6375016

Take your greentext bullshit back to /v/, please.

>> No.6375021
File: 218 KB, 1200x821, tsutsumi kinuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just can't appreciate delicious 2D.

>> No.6375026

Crime or mental sickness?

>> No.6375027

Not this again. Every fuckign time someone post a picture of this game I have to fap to it again.

>> No.6375035

I was like that years ago. Now I have a hard drive dedicated to porn.

>> No.6375036
File: 169 KB, 512x629, no don't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say crime, since you would have to be crazy not to want to have sex with her.

>> No.6375044

She wants it, regret nothing.

>> No.6375046

>feel guilty

What? how come? Are you guys retarded or something or I'm missing the PLOT? (yeah, you don't have to give the obvious answer)

>> No.6375057

What was the name of this game again?

>> No.6375058

New initiates of /jp/.
Takes awhile to corrupt them.

>> No.6375062
File: 54 KB, 640x355, hizashi no naka no real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6375066

Always bet on Bossu.

>> No.6375075

Damn it, don't remind me. You'll make me cry.

>> No.6375082


I just went over to /rs/ to re-download it.

Here's hoping I can actually manage to get past the first sex day.

>> No.6375090

If they're like me, they're feeling guilty because the game made them realize that they are, in fact, pedophiles - and given a chance they might act on it in real life.

>> No.6375093

Yeah, it was that long ass name. Thanks.

>> No.6375106

>Masturbating to a fictional character that looks underage will turn you into a pedophile and make you go out and molest real children.

This is what normalfags believe.

>> No.6375111

Don't worry, I'm a pedophile and every time I met a precocious little girl who was interested in sex, I never raped her. Just tell yourself she'll be ugly in a few years and go back to your superior immortal 2D girls.

>> No.6375120

Why settle for ugyl when she could be ugly and pregnant?

>> No.6375124

I used to fap regularly 4 times a day. Now I can do it max 1 time a day.

What happened?

>> No.6375131

>every time I met a precocious little girl who was interested in sex
Cool story bro.

>> No.6375132


>> No.6375143

She will be ugly and pregnant, I just won't be the father.

>> No.6375149

Let me tell a secret guys: 2D is not the same as 3D.

You faggots thinking you are "pedophiles" for liking this probably never saw real CP, because if you did, you would know that a child is not attractive at all, not to mention the fear of being caught by the police. You will never act like a pedophile on real life no matter how much loli you fap to, so stop acting like a retard saying "durr I played this game I'm a pedo".

Some might be a real pedophile but that's like a fucking 10% at best.

And she enjoys and wants to fuck in the game, what's wrong with that? Are you against the power of LOVE?

>> No.6375154

But I'm a 19 years old guy.

>> No.6375158

Normal stuff just does not cut it anymore. You need to build up and find your fetishes. For me it is hard rape, beastiality and guro.

>> No.6375169

Well, I never said she was interested in sex with me, just sex in general. The fact is that I never even tried to woo her, so I'm awesome.

>> No.6375175

>probably never saw real CP
About that...

>> No.6375177


>> No.6375193

>And she enjoys and wants to fuck in the game, what's wrong with that? Are you against the power of LOVE?

Yeah, I'm sure she wanted you to jerk over her while she was taking a nap in the afternoon sunshine. I'm also sure that she wanted to be thrown violently to the ground. Those must have been tears of joy when you drove your penis into her.

>> No.6375196


Listen to this man.

>> No.6375202

I am sure most of us here saw CP and figured out it just wasn't the same as seeing 2D lolis getting loved.
For me at least i can't fap to that.

>> No.6375197

That's impossible, I saw pretty much everything and I never got a fetish.

>> No.6375207

>This is what normalfags believe.

It's actually true, if you're suggestible and have low self-control. It's just like how playing violent games every day can turn people violent.

>> No.6375209

You are fucking retarded.

She might be scared at first but then she enjoys it.

Being throw on the ground doesn't mean it hurts.

I don't know if you are aware about hymens, but the girl usually feel some pain when you penetrate her for the first time. And you can even be fucking gentle to her on that.

>> No.6375212

Oh, I thought I had the same problem. The trick is to first fap at least 3 times. Then it's hard to cum, you see? Then start browsing stuff, what gets you off is generally your fetish.

For me, It's braids/hairpins.

>> No.6375214


Children are pig disgusting. I don't see how anyone can be a attracted to them.

I'll just stick with loli.

>> No.6375220

>It's just like how playing violent games every day can turn people violent.
Here we go!

>> No.6375223

I like CP. It's still illegal, though, so I stick to pure 2D since I don't want prison romance.

>> No.6375237

For me, it's little girl backs. But that isn't the same as extreme fetishes like guro, I thought that's what he meant.

>> No.6375245

Don't be retarded.
I fapped to loli for years 3D too, but I was telling myself that I wouldn't do it in real life myself.
But Hizashi made me realize that it's simply not true - since just fucking a little girl wasn't the only arousing part of the game. The risk in the beginning and getting her to like it turned me on just as much.
I simply avoid situations when I'd have any opportunity to act on my impulses now, in fear that I couldn't control them.

>> No.6375253


99.9% of people are not that fucking retarded, though. A lot of this belief has to do with media hysteria.

I mean, even these kids from my high school who are about as intelligent as a mossy rock and are very suggestible are non-violent and scared of guns, despite playing Modern Warfare and Gears of War and shit like that.

Of course, it never makes the news when someone plays GTA and decides not to kill anyone, or when someone faps to Hizashi and decides to keep it to a 2D fetish.

>> No.6375250

I am not sure but i never deleted my collection. I put it on 500 gb external and hid it in the wall behind a cabinet

>> No.6375262

Downloading Hizashi right now, what should I expect?

>> No.6375276


Like I said >10%

And you will be able to control yourself, don't worry. You wouldn't be posting here about it if you couldn't control yourself, you would be simply doing it already or searching for CP all day.

I have no problems with the sex, but I know she will not enjoy it and will be forced to it, and that's what's turn me off.

>> No.6375277


a throbbing erection

and depending on your current morals,

either an overwhelming sense of guilt or a jolly good time

>> No.6375272

cumming buckets

>> No.6375280
File: 70 KB, 450x339, dshizashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, when I was playing this game I felt like some sort of enchanted hunter or something. OK, that was bad.

>> No.6375288

Is that a Lolita reference? You are one classy anon.

>> No.6375293

>You wouldn't be posting here about it if you couldn't control yourself, you would be simply doing it already or searching for CP all day.

But I'm not in a position of power over a child I find attractive, am I? It's like how mods go crazy when they get promoted to their position. Once, years ago, I was made a mod, and I started abusing my power like crazy. I'm never going to try to be a mod again.

>> No.6375301

It's likely you will be a good mod this time since you're aware of your weakness.

>> No.6375298

wait, I'm confuse. Is the DS version better or the PC version?

>> No.6375310

>I was a mod

Yeah. Also, it's not the same thing.

>> No.6375315

Oh, just to be clear, I don't think it can TURN someone into a pedophile, that's just retarded - I just think it can make some people realize they've been lying to themselves about certain things, as it did with me.
And losing control over your reason given an opportunity and seeking out opportunities are two entirely different things.
Not to mention I don't really have to search for CP all day to get all I'd ever want. Thanks, Frost and Freenet!

>> No.6375323

>Oh, just to be clear, I don't think it can TURN someone into a pedophile, that's just retarded

If you examine the way fetishes are developed, then yes, yes you can turn someone into a pedophile, or at least get them to sexualize little kids.

>> No.6375353

Do they actually know how people develop a fetish? I thought it was a mystery even to head shrinkers.

>> No.6375376


Make an effort next time.

If you were serious, you're retarded.

>> No.6375403

>either an overwhelming sense of guilt or a jolly good time
Man I still can't get how you guys can feel guilty. For one thing she isn't real, and second thing is you can get rid of any guilt you have by giving her orgasms and even letting her do the fucking in the last scene.

Would I ever consider doing this to a real girl? No. Will I enjoy the idea in a fantasy world where no one is hurt, guilt free? Hell yeah.

>> No.6375435

I've found I develop attractions to things by experiencing them in a... pleasurable sexual context. Whether it's by porn, pictures or a story I read that gets me off and has me venture beyond my previous limits. Though I suppose you could say I was into those things in the first place and merely didn't know it yet. But I can remember a time when bestiality, guro, watersports and even anal disgusted me.

One could argue I'm not really a paedophile because I can get off to things that don't involve little children. In fact, the only thing I still don't like is scat.

>> No.6375442


>> No.6375452


>> No.6375450


Most psychologists believe it's a repeated pairing of a sexual situation or imagery with something generally considered nonsexual.

Foot fetishes are common because most people take their shoes off during sex, for example.


Not my fault you don't want to face the reality of the situation, bro.

>> No.6375468


See, this guy knows what I'm talking about.

Why do you think we consider naked women to be sexual? African tribes who are naked all the time certainly don't.

>> No.6375483

That's pseudo-intellectual shit. Games serve as an outlet to our violence and many other things.

The only people to become more violent are already fucked up.

>> No.6375495

Go to a nude beach and you'll no longer consider them to be sexual or attractive.

>> No.6375504

Or maybe, just maybe violent people like violent video games?

I enjoy violent video games but not nearly on the level of a violent friend I had as a kid. He was basically masturbating to every blood spatter.

>> No.6375510

Wrong on both accounts. There's no single agreed upon way that researchers believe fetishes form, and there's no evidence linking violent video games with noticeable increases in aggression.

>> No.6375516


Personally, I think it has more to do with empty balls syndrome than some strong sense of moral outrage...

Lots of people get that "why did I fap to this?" sort of feeling post-orgasm- it's a natural animal instinct to be thoroughly disinterested after blowing your load. Even with shit like ero-fiction that depicts consensual sex with an adult character, people will be way more disinterested afterward.

So I guess you could say it is less "guilt" in the sense that "I did socially unacceptable things to an imaginary child" and more in the sense of "upon post-cumming examination, this doesn't seem as wildly attractive as I initially thought."

/I'm not a psychiatrist, though, so take my theory with a grain of salt

>> No.6375522

Psychologist aren't scientists, they can make up whatever crap they want, it doesn't make it true.

>> No.6375531


You keep on believing that and jacking it to little girls.

I'll be laughing when one day pictures can't do it for you anymore.


There've been tests. Men, at least, become more aggressive after viewing violent imagery or playing violent games.

>> No.6375541

Source please.

>> No.6375544

>Psychologist aren't scientists


Try telling that to a psychologist. They'd beat your face in.

You'd have a case if you said that "psychiatrists aren't scientists" or "sociologists aren't scientists", but as it stands you're just a retard.

>> No.6375552


I don't have an exact source, but any university-level psych textbook will probably have a segment on violence, and will cite sources there.

>> No.6375558

It's a soft science.

>> No.6375561

REAL psychologists are scientists.

They use scientific methods and evidence.

HOWEVER, there is A LOT of imbeciles that claim to be a psychologist and all they do is applying theories and methods that are not scientific (i.e Freud)

>> No.6375569

No. They aren't scientists. They are never taught basic scientific principles. A psychologist will look for proof that their opinion is true, not aim to find the truth regardless of their own bias. Furthermore their "evidence" for behaviours is incredibly tenuous: seperating people into two groups and seeing competition between the two is evidence that people are naturally racist, as an example.

>> No.6375575

Does the aggression last longer than a few hours? Do other things (i.e. sports) cause comparable reactions? How is this aggression manifested?

>> No.6375576

I mean more what this guy says. The majority of people calling themselves "psychologists" don't follow scientific theory and make conclusions wildly removed from what evidence actually shows.

>> No.6375586

Take a modern psychology course. The subject is very different from what it was 50 years ago.

>> No.6375587

I'm majoring in psychology and that's not true. You are clearly someone that don't even understand the topic.

This is something that is discussed a lot and the real truth is something around the lines of >>6375561

And no, I'm not just saying this because I'm offended. I'm pretty aware that many psychologists are bullshit

>> No.6375588


You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Does it make you uncomfortable that people are now able to scientifically explain human behaviour? Does it bother you that you're just a bunch of interactions between various chemicals?

Enjoy sticking your head in the sand.

>> No.6375589

The guy is either a troll or some liberal normalfag psych major, just ignore him.

Next thing he will be doing is supporting Equality Now in their pursue for the loli ban.

>> No.6375599


The increased levels of aggression only last a few hours, yeah, but I don't think there've been studies done to determine the long-term effects of daily exposure to extreme violence.

>> No.6375606


Actually, I think Equality Now is full of shit and that 2D loli shouldn't be made illegal.

However, I do think it's rather disgusting, much in the same way I find guro distasteful.

>> No.6375610

So self-righteous. So majoring in a course makes all your statements completely true? They don't. Specially when psychology is generally in conflict with evolutionary scientists and neurologists.

>> No.6375616

I'm a biochemist. I just get angry at poor science. I'm sorry, I've just had a lot of (primarily female) psychologists say a lot of unsupported bullshit over the years and I've developed an intolerance to ignorance.

>> No.6375624


That's because women like to use the guise of science to justify why they should have more rights than men.
