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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6370464 No.6370464 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6370483

>insinuating I wasn't the hardest moterfucker back in school

>> No.6370480

I don't think anyone here is young enough to still go to school/interact with peers

>> No.6370487
File: 333 KB, 515x515, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking your meta thread...
and turn it into MY meta thread.

>> No.6370494

>implying i didn't beat the crap out of you and stole your lunch money during breaks

>> No.6370499

>implying you are not still in high school

>> No.6370512

>breaks, lunch money
Wrong country, bro

>> No.6370513

I don't think you're right, but I wish you were.
Me texting the short haired purple girl telling her that if she doesn't get that tattoo I asked for I'm using the tweezers again.

>> No.6370528

Is that what your week was like?

>> No.6370531

Please don't bump this ^^

>> No.6370565

I'm not your bro, Mitchel. I think I made it clear when I broke your jaw back then.

>> No.6370573

Still wrong country

>> No.6370602

someone has bumped it, and it's not me, because i know about noko+sage

You are probably 8 years too young to have bullied him.

>> No.6370735

It's no use to backpedal now. I still know where you live and I am gonna pay you a visit, if you know what I mean. We'll see how tough you are.

>> No.6370742


Fuck off forever. Reported for meme and trolling.

>> No.6370748
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I tracked you down using your IP. expect 'presents'.

>> No.6370784

I wouldn't anger me further if I were you, Mitchel. It's not going to end well for you.

>> No.6370790

Mitchel is such a shitty name.

>> No.6370798
File: 263 KB, 788x675, loughing girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still better than yours, Noa.

>> No.6370950

His parents obviously don't like him so they gave him that name to provoke people like me.

>> No.6370950,1 [INTERNAL] 

Pellentesque in nisi orci. Nullam scelerisque, odio sed porta egestas, ante nisi ornare sem, vehicula imperdiet nunc velit non felis. Proin venenatis venenatis erat quis sollicitudin. Fusce molestie justo vitae nisl dignissim ultricies. Phasellus vitae erat orci. Pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus facilisis. Donec nec lectus sit amet mi vulputate ultrices eu in nisl. Suspendisse feugiat orci a sapien molestie a fringilla ipsum bibendum. In consequat augue vel diam feugiat consectetur. Nullam feugiat semper nisl id tempus. Donec laoreet elementum purus quis feugiat. Proin eu massa vitae sapien auctor dignissim sit amet a justo.

Cras gravida dapibus leo. Aenean at elit sapien. Cras feugiat justo tempor enim tristique nec adipiscing lectus vestibulum. Vestibulum metus leo, iaculis in fringilla viverra, vulputate et risus. Phasellus venenatis pretium ullamcorper. Donec accumsan rutrum aliquam. In vehicula urna quis sapien convallis eleifend ut sit amet lectus. Donec turpis turpis, laoreet vitae pellentesque et, egestas et purus.

Duis posuere quam at felis eleifend posuere congue velit accumsan. Duis quis molestie risus. Fusce convallis mi ut mauris consequat nec condimentum erat venenatis. Ut dui est, faucibus et iaculis id, fermentum et urna. Nulla facilisi. Nunc scelerisque commodo viverra. Aenean eu felis lectus, vel mollis quam. Nullam sed ante eget sapien facilisis pulvinar et sit amet elit.

Integer at pellentesque elit. Maecenas ut mauris condimentum lorem cursus auctor. Etiam convallis tincidunt risus vitae sollicitudin. Sed sed mi sapien, et accumsan arcu. Vestibulum id erat massa, at ornare ipsum. Vivamus et tellus risus. Phasellus eu elementum nisi. Suspendisse tempor vehicula augue, quis eleifend sem condimentum sit amet. Cras laoreet commodo libero, eu eleifend nulla bibendum et. Aliquam mollis diam vel odio pulvinar tempor. Donec at sem pretium eros tempus cursus. Nam erat ante, molestie ut dignissim eget, cursus sit amet eros. Proin vestibulum elit ut odio pretium sit amet dictum neque accumsan. Nunc gravida sagittis neque, eget mattis diam porta a. Suspendisse turpis nunc, tristique sed tempor ut, convallis nec eros.
