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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6369379 No.6369379 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6369388

I wish

>> No.6369386

/jp/ is a little girl?

>> No.6369392

>Stupid parents always playing videogames and watching animu, I'll just do both and play VNs

>> No.6369414

My mother is an MMO addict, actually. She plays LoTRO constantly.

>> No.6369419


And you're probably no more than 18... likely less.

>> No.6369420

Story of my life. My mother plays WoW all the time with breaks to make dinner and clean the house.

>> No.6369428

No, I'm 23. One of the reason she games so much is because of the empty nest syndrome. It's not like she has anything better to do.

>> No.6369436

>empty nest syndrome
They sure make up a lot of bullshit excuses for being lazy nowadays.

>> No.6369445

"/v/, it's your fault that our kid wants to be a girl!"
"I doubt it /a/, you're the one giving him the example dress like one."

>> No.6369452

If only wanting to be a girl would make someone become a little girl.

>> No.6369470

/a/ and /v/ interpretations and assumptions of /jp/ are not allowed in /jp/. Take your board-tans out of here.

>> No.6369485

Nothing is allowed in /jp/.

>> No.6369490
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>> No.6369501


Baaaaaaaw nobody understands our feelings.

>> No.6369504
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>> No.6369509

>Yaaaaaay nobody understands our feelings

>> No.6369513

No, that's not what I meant at all.

We don't need /a/ and /v/ near us, that's why. You are probably from there I presume?

>> No.6369516


/jp/ would be more fun if there wasn't so many people with autism in this board.

>> No.6369530

You're so edgy and angsty anon. Lot of /jp/sie browese different boards, websites.
I hope this "kewl NEET exksdee" bullshit will stop someday.

>> No.6369536
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>> No.6369547

Yeah, and you go with them.
I'm pretty aware of that, anon. Around 70% of our user base must browse other boards. I don't mind other people browsing other boards as long as they can draw a line between the boards. I also don't understand why people get defensive when a board they browse gets offended here.

>> No.6369554

Browsing other boards is fine, so is having a life, what's not fine is bringing shitty memes in here just because they're a popular way of being a retard in the other boards.

>> No.6369557

Obviously someone from /v/. Hidden sage.

>> No.6369564



>> No.6369576
File: 6 KB, 200x150, Typicaljp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are the one getting defensive, relax you autist faggot.

Oh look another person with autism, nobody mentioned any memes from other boards, relax son.

>> No.6369578

>autism hurr durr
Your trolling is weak.

>> No.6369583


Your retarded, /v/-esque style of typing won't make you popular around here, friend. Perhaps you'd be better off leaving.

>> No.6369592

>Your retarded
You're, dumbass.

>> No.6369603

epic win meme is epic win
somebody put this post in a rar because its full of win

>> No.6369608

Both are correct.

Your retarded, /v/-esque style of typing won't make you popular around here, friend.

You are retarded. /v/-esque style of typing won't make you popular around here, friend.

>> No.6369611 [DELETED] 

First one needs an extra comma to be correct.

>Your retarded, /v/-esque style of typing, won't make you popular around here, friend.

>> No.6369616

no it doesn't
you're stupid

>> No.6369617

Your forced autism meme isn't funny.

>> No.6369618
File: 64 KB, 589x1087, autism-ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your autism is showing guys.

>> No.6369623

No, that's a comma splice. I'll make it simpler for you.

Your style of typing, won't make you popular
Your style of typing won't make you popular

See, the first one is obviously wrong.

>> No.6369626

I noticed I was wrong after I posted.

>> No.6369629


This shit has to stop.

>> No.6369631
File: 78 KB, 289x326, 20061217_autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Almost everyone on /jp/ doens't have a job, didn't finish school and doesn't have any friends, looks like Autism to me.

>> No.6369637

I thought most of us were high school graduates. High school is easy and requires no socialization.

>> No.6369646

its yours that is filling the entire thread lmao

>> No.6369649

"I think /jp/ is like this just because"

You are also trying to hard with your "autism" trollage, anon.

>> No.6369651

I finished high school, but with difficulty because of my mental problems. Started on college but didn't finish for those same reasons. Now I'm on welfare, at least until I get better.

I don't have autism though, just a severe form of OCD. I'm like Uli-sama, more or less.

>> No.6369665
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You are a very pathetic human being.

>> No.6369679
File: 231 KB, 2138x2138, HURR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, my sensitive sensibilities have been offended!

>> No.6369677

Autism is a neurological disorder. You're about as funny as a twelve year old that calls everybody retard. you're not

>> No.6369701
File: 20 KB, 400x450, 1287795238507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ, am I back on /b/ again?

>> No.6369710

So you admit you come from there. Rude sage.

>> No.6369714
File: 9 KB, 344x341, 1277014487752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Autism is a neurological disorder.

I know and a lot of /jp/ users have all the symptoms of autism, these poor people need help.

>> No.6369741

How does one treat autism doctor?

>> No.6369742

>a lot of /jp/ users have all the symptoms of autism,
mainly the ones from /a/v/b/

>> No.6369745

Most of /jp/ plays MMO too, especially if they are Japanese related.

>> No.6369749

How did this whole autism thing start? It wasn't a problem two years ago.

>> No.6369759

deleted being himself and someone posting "AUTISM" on the walfas threads he made.

>> No.6369762

Autism involves absence of self awareness, doesn't sound like /jp/ to me.
Of course you wouldn't know since you're just mindlessly spouting your epic meme like the retard you are.

>> No.6369764


Was that before or after he had hot man on man cyber sex with someone else here?

>> No.6369771

I usually browse /a/ and /v/ once a week to see what memes are popular so I can spot the retards using them on /jp/ and report them.
"Autism" is pretty used nowadays interchangeably with "weeaboo", proof that a lot of shitposters using it here belong on other boards and should stay there.

>> No.6369773

It was during, I guess. That guy came up shitting the board on many different ways after all. I think everything gathered together and this "autism huehue" annoyance began.

>> No.6369776


Being as bad as a rock in social situation is a symptom of autism.


Most /jp/edos have all the symptoms, you guys need help.

>> No.6369789

