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636759 No.636759 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck yeah, my luck finally came through with something decent for the first time in weeks.

>> No.636770

I wish i knew how to play this game ;_;

>> No.636774

why don't you start learning how to play?

>> No.636775

I'll learn how to play Go before I can learn to play Mahjong...

>> No.636776


>> No.636784

a) to many rules @_@
b) i barely know how to play chess

>> No.636828

It seems really complicated at first but after a bit everything will just click. Or it did for me.

>> No.636841

I´m trying to remember how did i learned to play Chess, i´m reading the guide anon posted before but every page confuses the hell out of me.

Learning Chess wasn´t this hard @_@

>> No.636851

Too many rules? Here's the basic gist of the game:

Try to make a pair + four melds. One meld is a set of three tiles and consists of
a) three-of-a-kind
b) a straight (i.e. 4-5-6)

If someone discards a tile you need to complete a meld, you can steal it. Try to make your hand and win before anyone else does.

As long as you have this basic idea, you'll be able to play. Every other rule will set in with more playtime (or if you decide to read up for more detail.)

>> No.636874

I remember han values confusing the fuck outa me at first

>> No.636879

Same, but I worried about those after I got the basic idea of the game (I was playing it and was wondering why I didn't win at certain times and why I couldn't get high-scoring wins).

>> No.636881

Ok, i guess i´ll buy a Mahjong set and try practicing with someone.

I´m going to have a hell of a time trying to find someone who plays this in Acapulco (Mexican port town with 0 interest for this kind of stuff)

>> No.636890

I just downloaded a game to practice one

>> No.636892

A link or a source would be greatly apreciated.

>> No.636899


I like this one

>> No.636906

No need for playing with people in real life, anon. I've never played in real life before, just online.

Practice getting the hang of the game with this single-player program:

Then when you feel like you've got a good grasp of the game, go two one of these two online mahjong rooms:

tenhou.net/0/?L0000 (Japanese lobby)
tenhou.net/0/?L7447 (/jp/ lobby, usually empty except for when mahjong threads are made)

And last, but certainly not least, go watch the anime Akagi.
a) it's fucking awesome
b) it'll teach you a bit about mahjong
c) it'll give you inspiration to start playing

>> No.636911

Thank you very much, just a question, Moon or english?

>> No.636912

moon, but you can poke around and figure it out. ask again if you can't.

>> No.636913

Moon sadly but it's easy enough to learn what does what

>> No.636918

I want to watch Akagi, but i haven´t because i´m afraid i won´t be able to fully understand the show without knowing shit about Mahjong (that and i think most torrents are dead).

Thanks for the game!

>> No.636922

They explain every move he makes anyway so you always know whats happening. Thus it helps you to learn.

>> No.636929

>d) Akagi is amazing to watch even if you don't have the slightest clue about playing mahjong.

Akagi is brickshitting on its own not only because of mahjong, but because of its superb soundtrack and control of the atmosphere of the series, along with a good amount of badass thrown in. Watch it even if you don't plan on learning mahjong.

>> No.636947

Ok please don´t get mad for /r/ing too many things but, any Akagi live torrents?

>> No.636963

The triad batch on TT is still probably active

>> No.636961


>> No.636966

Thank you.

OMG, they have Shinigami no ballad

>> No.636971

Download Kaiji as well or you are a faget

>> No.636975

Fuck yes

>> No.636988

There goes my HD... oh well, i´m only watching Allison to Lillia and Vampire Knight this season...

>> No.636999

Kaiji is made of awesome and well worth it. Great gambling animu.

>> No.637017

Kaiji is made of BAAAWWW and barely worth it.

Everytime people suddenly screw him over by changing rules he just accepts it baawwing, where as Akagi is willing to die rather than lie about what the dice show.

>> No.637043

>>he just accepts it baawwing
>>rather than lie about what the dice show.


>> No.637073
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>> No.637075
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>> No.637076
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>> No.637080
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>> No.637083
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>> No.637086
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>> No.637089
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>> No.637093
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>> No.637095
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>> No.637098
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>> No.637569

Can you please explain?

Cause i know the basics of completing 4 melds (or whatever you call it, consisting three of a kind or a street) and having a pair to win,....well basically -__-
I could have won so many times, after those basic rules.

What are the further rules?

>> No.637649

There are 2 reasons that can explain why you didn't when you expected.

1.) Your hand must be worth at least 1 han, use http://guide.riichi.nl/ if you don't know what the hands are.

2.) You can't win with a tile you have discarded (or if there is another tile that you have discarded that could be used to win I think)

>> No.637795

Yeah thanks.

Me, the idiot, always went for steeling and thought it would be always good, but actually it reduced my han, so that i couldn't win although i completed the hand.

to Nr2. :
Are you sure?
Never have though of it.

Well basically an easy game.
But in the end really tricky with all the rules and possibilities.

>> No.637813

It's the rule of sacred discard, Furiten.

You can't call ron on a tile you discarded. You can't call ron if a tile you discarded is a winning tile. This is the case during a double run wait. If you have 3 and 4 man and are in tenpai, you cannot call ron if you have the 1 or 5 man in your discard pile. The only way to win during furiten is to either tear your hand apart to get out of it, or to win by tsumo.

>> No.637839

Is /a/ aware that Tenhou is back up? Or do they not bother with it anymore?

>> No.637842

Tenhou went down again? It went down for a few minutes one night, it has been a bit buggy ever since during wait-for-game periods, but I didn't know it went down again.

>> No.637843

Mahjong is not /a/-related.

>> No.637858

Obviously, since it moved over here, but prior to the creation of /jp/ that was /a/ territory.

>> No.637865

Well, yes. Everything was /a/-territory then.

>> No.637876

What the hell are you all waiting for? Come play!

>> No.638028

What the fuck, you can screw yourself over by waiting for a tile that you've disposed of (furiten) while in riichi? That's retarded, why is that even possible?

>> No.638052

I'm in. Two more players needed.

>> No.638067

there are always games open...i just click something on the main menu and i am normally directly in a game.
where do you go/play?

The han values are really difficult, atleast for me.
Most of the time i can't get over 1han or even don't know when and how i get atleast 1 han

>> No.638154
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I assume this has something to do with han values, but I'm not sure. Can someone tell me why I couldn't win here?

>> No.638158

Nothing worth of han in it.

>> No.638161

Okay, I've been in a similar situation a few times before.

>> No.638162

You would have won if you hadn't kan'd.

>> No.638197

but only by calling reach or (closed)tsumo or?

what confuses me is, he got all set or the white pair doesn't count since it is not really a set?

>> No.638221

Yes, with reach or closed tsumo. And you need a set, not pair ,for colors or winds to count.

>> No.638227

Mostly to make the game more tactical, I think. This way, the other players know what discards are 'safe' and 'unronnable'.

>> No.638230

If he had a set of 3 honors they would give him the necessary han to win by Tsumo. Having honors as your eye, unfortunately, does not.

>> No.638239

I know what you mean. That's happened to me a couple of times. While in Richi I skipped over one of my winning tiles in favor of one that would give me a better hand but it put me in furiten. Is this an official rule or is it only something that Tenhou enforces?

>> No.638244

Official Japanese Modern rules.

>> No.638250
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Why are you guys helping this faggot? He's obviously from Gaia or that of an equivalent to the massive faggotry that is after all those casually placed emoticons. What the fuck.

>> No.638251

because we need more players in 7447 lobby

>> No.638252

The sad, sad truth. Us Mahjong players are so ronery.

>> No.638266

If anyone has my tutorial parts 1 and 2 could they post it? I lost it after a format.

>> No.638279
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>> No.638282

Looking at what I can see of the OP's discards, he must have had one hell of an opening hand. Or he must be a horrifying player.

>> No.638284
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>> No.638304

Thanks, I wish I could follow my own advice (most of it is real simplified since it was written just when all of us discovered 7447 and everyone was chi'ing and ponning left and right) but I play like shit most of the time.

>> No.638462

need 1 more in 7447

>> No.638476
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total n00b here.
Would I only need a 9 (sou) here to win?

>> No.638479

come on people, get in the lobby

>> No.638503

That wouldn't be enough

>> No.638526

Damn hell!!!

I almost did have a limit hand! (All honors!!)

It makes me crazy, that in the end i was the one who even lost.

And also what the hell is this about the timer?
Almost everytime i only got 3/4 seconds to decide.

>> No.638538

Sorry, I played very badly in my opinion but the nice tiles kept coming so I couldn't help winning.

>> No.638542

So what happens when you've pon/chi'd the fuck out of everything and you have a hand like

7 8 East East

Is the only way to win by drawing a 6 or 9? Or can you even win at all?

>> No.638551

You can't win at all.

>> No.638573

If it's East Wind's round or if you're East, you can pon/draw another East Wind, and then go out on a pair.

>> No.638585

So you were the one?

I had 3 set of honors open and was waiting for about 4 rounds....

I still can get over it that i could hav had a hand which would be 13! han worth.
