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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6353030 No.6353030 [Reply] [Original]


Look this, miku on French Tv, it's just fucking lamentable.

>> No.6353045

god DAMN I'm so MAAAAAD I'm gonna carry a gun to protect myself from those NEUROTYPICALS they can't understand REAL JAPANESE MUSIC
*charges DBZ-style attack*

>> No.6353051

Who gives a shit, they're French
Bunch of cowards.

>> No.6353136

That's really sucks...

>> No.6353147

This thread is lamentable. It's like I'm really on /a/.

>> No.6353181


Ecuador doesn't have TV.

>> No.6353191 [DELETED] 

"This thread is lamentable. It's like I'm really on /a/."

Miku is not on a thing of the Otaku Culture ? D=

>> No.6353212
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>> No.6353215

Miku is too played out. Luka is where it's at, she did our theme.

>> No.6353220

Let's see. "Outside world doesn't get it" OP, followed by:



>That's really sucks...

Inability to use proper grammar.

>god DAMN I'm so MAAAAAD I'm gonna carry a gun to protect myself from those NEUROTYPICALS they can't understand REAL JAPANESE MUSIC
>*charges DBZ-style attack*

Retarded post trying to be funny.

>Who gives a shit, they're French
>Bunch of cowards.

Obligatory unrelated racist/nationalist comment.

Where could those people come from, I wonder?

>> No.6353225

you forgot
being unable to quote

>> No.6353226

Sounds like /jp/ to me.

>> No.6353227
File: 129 KB, 537x340, naze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retarded post trying to be funny

>> No.6353248

Of course if they only listen to THAT FUCKING SONG, they won't like it.

>> No.6353251

And now reaction images.

>> No.6353264

Well, the song itself is fine. They just made sure to cut it off at the intro.

I'm guessing they skimmed through the entire video material they had to find the absolute most ridiculous part they could get. Oh well.

>> No.6353267

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.6353271

In this topic: Trolls trolling each other.

>> No.6353273

What did you expect ? Stop your rage, nobody gives a shit about Miku.

>> No.6353280

Arretez de rager les otafions. Miku est ultra-pauvre musicalement. Popipo est sa pire chanson. Ca ne marche pas si vous avez un minimum de culture musicale. Son déchirement d'anus sur Canal, c'était normal.

>> No.6353305

Ca sert à rien de vouloir rager ici. Personne ne voudra vous aider ici si vous faites vos pleureuses. Au lieu, essayez de faire quelque chose de construit et intelligent, comme envoyer une lettre à Canal+ pour leur signaler leur erreur. Là, vous ne faites que ridiculiser la communauté Vocaloid.

>> No.6353313

Donne moi des coordonnées dans ce cas là. Mail, twitter, n'importe quoi.

>> No.6353315

>Supposedly about Hatsune Miiiiku
>They show Luka first while talking about her
Ouuuuch, poor Miku. I'll go re-read the British article.

>> No.6353319

>déchirement d'anus
I laughed.

>> No.6353322

Hahaha bande de crétins. Z'êtes trop mignons quand vous essayez de rallier 4chan à votre petite rage du moment.

Retournez vous pougnez sur votre Miku chérie, au moins en image on entend pas sa "voix" atroce.

Sorry /jp/, just french froggies being a bunch of morrons. Have a good day !

>> No.6353330

Et tu crois que il sert à quoi ce "Anonymous" au lieu de mon pseudo ? Je m'en carre de Vocaloid. Mais tu trouveras peut-être des potes sur miku.vocaloid.fr

>> No.6353334

Bande de nerds, vous vous êtes fait ranger vos faisses, faîtes- vous y. Je ris aux pets d'OP.

>> No.6353341


Han c'est tellement dur de bouger ses petits doigts boudinés jusqu'au site de Canal+ pour chopper leurs coordonnées.

>> No.6353345


>> No.6353355

Tu crois quoi, que j'ai que ça à faire aussi?

>> No.6353360

>Retarded post trying to be funny.
And here I thought he was just trying to be an asshole.

>> No.6353363


Ben alors arrête de te plaindre mon grand.

>> No.6353374

Je suis pas celui qui se plaint ici mon petit.

>> No.6353383


Euh attend, je crois qu'on a fait un mix entre deux personnes là !
Enfin bref.

>> No.6353389
File: 650 KB, 2660x3500, 14048994 resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats too bad, but I don't see how narrow mindedness has anything to do with it
more like normalfags sticking their noses in Miku's business.

>> No.6353393

Comme je l'ai déjà dit, je m'en fous de Vocaloid. Je suis en revanche déçu de l'attitude de ses "fans", qui ne savent que faire leurs grandes gueules, et ne font rien pour régler le problème.

>> No.6353405

I'd stick my nose in her business.

>> No.6353441

>>Le Grand Journal, Canalplus.
>>Et pas en bien! Si ça continu, VOCAloid arrivera jamais en Europe...
>>implying any of the weeaboos on that forum will ever buy a 300$ software

>> No.6353817


>> saying that someone is a nerd as an insult on /jp/

...could you please get the fuck out?

>> No.6353834 [DELETED] 

OP is "retarded". He didn't put a link which whow what Miku is compared to, si it just look like normalfags.
But in short they are comparing a complete vocal synthesizer to a random " in order to have this awesome ringtone, call the XXX-XXX-XXX".
And of course said ringtone is for 3 yo children.

>> No.6353862

OP is "retarded". He didn't put a link which whow what Miku is compared to, so it just look like normalfags.
But in short they are comparing a complete vocal synthesizer to a random " in order to have this awesome ringtone, call the XXX-XXX-XXX".
And of course said ringtone is for 3 yo children.

>> No.6353888

You're on 4chan, you know? If criticizing things is not good for you and you need MOAR ACTION GO KICK THEIR ASS, you should really think about what you are doing here.

>> No.6353901

Ta gueule, putain de hipster de merde. Tout ce qui t'interesse dans les manga/anime, c'est d'avoir l'impression de te prendre pour une élite.

Elite à deux balles. Un enfulte à la con qui se branle sur des conneries. Voila ce que tu es. Putain de weeaboo de merde.

>> No.6353904

>understanding French

>> No.6353905
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>> No.6353933

>But in short they are comparing a complete vocal synthesizer to a random " in order to have this awesome ringtone, call the XXX-XXX-XXX".
I did watch the mole thing, and honestly it didn't sound any worse than songs you find on nicovideo.
The Vocatards asspain is off the charts, just give up and admit your cute singer can and does sound like shit at times, forcing yourself to like her shittier works does you no good.

>> No.6353935
File: 21 KB, 386x359, 1278470962552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah more french trashtalk. moar

>> No.6353945

Vous herped jamais tellement vous derped?

>> No.6353962

Oh oui, du 4chantalk pour masquer le manque d'arguments, j'adore ça. La raison pour laquelle vous faites chier, c'est que votre putain d'idole trop cawaille dessous est comparée à un... vulgaire... objet de masses... Et connu par des ... français. Oh mon dieu, pourquoi ma nation est-elle si affreuse. J'aurais voulu naitre japonais tiens

>> No.6353973

Doesnt matter, the more Miku's name is spreak through out the world the closer we are to english voice banks.

BTW, Go Like this page with a facebook account, we need a total of 39k likes.


>> No.6353979

who was talking about loving her shittier works?
No, the problem here is about the fact that they took the WORST song in order to describe her. Nothing else.
And sorry, but about the mole, "not worse"... No. I guess it have to do with the lyrics and maybe the video.

But the worse thing is the fact that one is that one is a complete marketing stunt with a "real" voice, while the other one is not, and needs a lot of work.

>> No.6353986

>Je suis le mal de mon bout.

>> No.6353990

I'd do it, but I don't have and won't create a Fecesbook account.

>> No.6353993

For any 3d Musicians this rule applies as well, I will honestly say that Plastic Beach was not the best Gorillaz Album, but thats not going to make me dislike them, these french pansies are outright saying she's bad because of it, but really, if you showed my Cloud of Unknowing and asked my opinion with no prior knowledge on the band, I'd call it shit. These uncultured french haven't heard any of the better songs then.

>> No.6353997

>>@Nemotaku Le début est bien, le troll anti français est so old qu'on dirait du Tea Party
Pauvre weeaboo, c'est bien un français qui cause ici. Faut-il que je sorte le langage fleuri bien de chez nous?

>> No.6353998
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the vegetable juice song is her worst song.

>> No.6354002

Non? Toujours rien? Même pas sur le "hipster"?

>> No.6354005

Ca fait deux ans que je traîne sur 4chan, et je n'ai JAMAIS vu une discussion en français sans insultes ou respect entre les interlocuteurs. Ah si, une fois, mais c'était pour mieux cracher sur un autre sujet.
On se porterait tellement mieux sans ce besoin de faire son lourd à grands coups de vulgarité, vous ne trouvez pas ?

Pour revenir sur le sujet, la "journaliste" ne s'est juste pas renseigné sur le sujet, et l'a claqué vite fait mal fait pour avoir quelque chose à dire. C'est un cas comme un autre, tout comme Zemmour l'avait fait il y a quelques mois. Il y en a eu et il y en aura d'autres.

>> No.6354006

Just shut up. seriously. You're the one belittling everyone in the first place. If you don't like this thread, get the fuck out. Or shut up about the 4chantalk. Make your choice.
You are the one who don't have any argument in the first place, except " HURRR DURRR WHAT YOU LOVE IS RETARDED"

>> J'aurais voulu naitre japonais tiens

Typical weaboo here. Nothing to see, everyone. Let's go.

>> No.6354011

You can and will. If creation wont work for you, do what i do, beg, borrow and steal face book account.

>> No.6354015

>On se porterait tellement mieux sans ce besoin de faire son lourd à grands coups de vulgarité, vous ne trouvez pas ?

Toi, t'es une fille, ou une sacré pédale. Bordel de bite, les insultes, c'est ce qu'il y a de mieux en français.

>> No.6354016

>>>> J'aurais voulu naitre japonais tiens
>>Typical weaboo here. Nothing to see, everyone. Let's go.
Je vois, l'ironie était-elle trop subtile pour toi?

>> No.6354024
File: 47 KB, 367x420, shutup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tu sais ce que dit un pied de table en marbre qui rencontre un pied humain à vive allure ? "Bah alors quoi ? T'es tout rouge ! "

>> No.6354025

This video makes me wonder why we saved the French from extinction in WW2.

>> No.6354036

Tu vois monsieur, si >>6354025 pensait vraiment ce qu'il a dit, c'est un weeaboo en plus d'un double con.

>> No.6354052

Some frog is speaking to me. Reported for non-english.

>> No.6354054

Ça fait son chaud parce que ça parle anonymement, mais dans la réalité ou même sur un forum, oserais-tu parler de cette manière ?

Il serait peut être temps de grandir, ou trouver un moyen plus sain d'expulser ta trop grande fouge. Un peu de sport ?

>> No.6354058

And you're completely missing the point. I don't think the problem is about miku becoming well-know. It is about the fact that they took a song which look ABSOLUTELY retarded if you ONLY hear 10 seconds of it.

>> No.6354059

I love reading French people insulting each other. But I need to use a translator to understand most of it. My highschool French was too long ago.

>> No.6354063

>everyone likes Popipo
>it gets chosen by this broadcast

>> No.6354068

What about omelette ?

>> No.6354070

mes lol tu tes fais troler comme une bitte toi

>> No.6354073

>>impliquant que les occidentaux normaux qui écouteront VRAIMENT du vocaloid vont se dire autre chose que "Machin truc chintoque ching ching aigu"
Les articles ont probablement été écrits par des fanboys

>> No.6354088

Vocaloid ? C'est presque pire que du r'n'b, c'est dire.

>> No.6354089

Primo, certaines personnes dans ce thread devrait se calmer un peu.

Secondo, c'est une idée stupide de prendre vegetable juice pour représenter Miku, et la manière dont tout cela est présenté fait plus penser à TF1 qu'à Canal.

Also /jp/, don't mind that bitch, she's as hipster as parisians can get.

>> No.6354090

J'aurais jamais cru qu'on me sortirait ça un jour sur 4chan. Retourne sur ton forum avec tes amis branleurs.

>> No.6354104

I'd agree with you if the broadcast didn't choose the most repetitive part of the song. Doesn't make sense without the rest. It's like a song starting with a drums solo, you can't get a proper opinion on that song without hearing the rest.

>> No.6354106

Entièrement d'accord. Ca fait partie des choses qui me font détester la France en général.

>> No.6354107

Yeah, and now if you are french, love miku and say it, people will think that you are listening to some "Machin truc chintoque ching ching aigu", like you are saying. Awesome.
Well, think what you want, I don't care. If you can't understand that when you love something, you want it to be well depicted, it's not my problem.

>> No.6354117

> she's as hipster as parisians can get


Nigga say wat ?

>> No.6354130

Si tu l'aimes tant que ça, t'as pas besoin de le dire tout haut dans la rue. A priori, je pensais que les fanboys étaient dépourvus de honte. Heureux de constater le contraire.

>> No.6354131

>realizes his error

>> No.6354134

What's the matter, too many levels of irony for you?

>> No.6354139

> love miku and say it, people will think that you are listening to some "Machin truc chintoque ching ching aigu", like you are saying
as opposed to what? "I'm listening to this underground japanese singing synthesizer personification which you don't know and can't appreciate"?
You don't have to know the entire vocaloid song repertoire to judge vocaloids, if only a part of it is shit people can and will judge it as shit. Why does it bother you? Why would you even think about talking about this to people who didn't know Vocaloid before that broadcast?

>> No.6354140

Ca change quoi au fait? Le retard du moment quand on va te prendre pour un attardé parce que t'écoutes ça?

>> No.6354142

What are you even talking about?

>> No.6354146

>worst part of the song

You fail harder with each passing line.

>> No.6354147

Haha, nevermind.

>> No.6354149

... are you stupid, or are you trolling me?
It's not about being ashamed. It's about being a fan, that's all.
And why should fans hide themselves, Seriously? Here, go on /mu/ and say the same thing about any band. I think I already know the answers you'll get.

>> No.6354156

Notice I didn't write "worst" but "repetitive". Also, it was my first serious post in this thread.

>> No.6354161

On dirait que t'as honte qu'on pense que t'écoutes ching chong caway ougouu.

Alors le "Je m'en fous", à d'autres.

>> No.6354168

as opposed to something which REALLY show the kind of things you're listening to. That's all.
It' not the first time someting so retarded happens (bad apple), but it's still ridiculous.

Not this anon, but if you find worse, I'd love to see it

>> No.6354176

Ok fine, ill let it pass.

>> No.6354183

Actually I don't care. I'm not french, and I'm not into vocaloid, retard.
But I know that when I love something, I don't like when it is depicted as something for 4 yo kids. period. If it's too complicated for you, it's not my problem.

>> No.6354201

I lolled when popipopipo came up. Then I closed the tab. ;__;

>> No.6354241

You all are liars. You would have raged no matter what. For some reason kids always rage when they see anything Japanese related in the media. I dont get it but then im not a kid.

>> No.6354259

I didn't rage, but I thought it was funny how bad a job the reporters did. Sort of like that newslady who thought bad apple was "creepy".

>> No.6354278

The difference is, the Bad Apple disaster was pretty much a mistake. Lack of research, if you want.

This here is not. It's neigh impossible to select that part at random, it must have been specifically chosen for broadcast.

>> No.6354346

So what you are saying is its some sort of anti vocaloid french plot?

>> No.6354347

Wait wait. So in France this is their technical PEAK on synthesized singing?

Meanwhile in Japan.

France be jelly.

>> No.6354356

>Bad Apple disaster
I laughed out loud at the thought of people thinking a misinformed report on a japanese indie video music is a "disaster"

>> No.6354368 [DELETED] 

in france no less. no one has cared about the french since the 1800s.

>> No.6354380

You sure are one persistant buttfucker thinking you're awesome for putting the French down.

>> No.6354396

Not really, that would imply that I think it takes any trace of effort to put the french down.

>> No.6354403

I don't see how that is implied at all, but I can't argue against retard logic.

>> No.6354404

Let him alone. Stupid meme about the french military defeats are brainwashing him.

>> No.6354421

>implying the French dont surrender before the fighting even starts.

>> No.6354427

Personnellement, j'en ai encore vu il n'y a pas si longtemps sur /jp/ et /a/. Le dernier, ça parlait de Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu et du fait que les 25 premiers OVA sont a priori licenciés en France depuis très longtemps.

Enfin, ce que j'adore dans la rage autour de ce petit truc, c'est que l'émission est passée lundi soir, et il a fallu attendre aujourd'hui et un article de merde sur un blog pour voir des gens réagir... Ca se voit que ce rageux n'ont jamais connu Mireille Dumas.

>> No.6354436

Well... no?

>> No.6354439

French TV seems fun to watch.

>> No.6354450

Oh wow.

>> No.6354453
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>mfw this thread

>> No.6354455

Ohh lord. The french better keep to snails, technology is to much for them.

>> No.6354481

Le putain de bordel de merde, sa foutre présence dans ce thread plein de pisseux semble si approprié.

>> No.6354501

I know I am not one to talk but if you can't write French please avoid using it.

>> No.6354508

>>sous-entendant que je sais pas causer le françois.
Ta gueule, tête de zob.

>> No.6354559

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.6354651

It looks like they also have a weeaboo channel : http://www.nolife-tv.com/

For the frenchfags watching this channel : did they say something about OP's video?

>> No.6354757
File: 9 KB, 250x370, 1285296171674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ma tête quand mon pays est représenté par vous, les chômeurs aigris qui traînent sur /jp/, et croient faire partie de l'élite en jouant à Touhou, alors que même le Pôle Emploi n'a pas voulu d'eux, à cause de l'asperger qu'ils se sont inventé.
Crevez dans un feu.

>> No.6354881 [DELETED] 

On dit pas autisme en français?

>> No.6354907


>> No.6354917



>> No.6354935

last time I watched that they had a section dedicated to "mèmes" and were talking about rickrolling
They also mentioned 4chan
The guy was fucking pathetic

>> No.6355021

Histoire captivante, le frère de cul mal.
Détendez-vous. Personne ne pense effectivement que tous les Français sont comme ça.

[Spoiler] je fais. [/ Spoiler]

>> No.6355433

Captivating story, the brother of ass bad.
Take it easy. No one thinks effectively that all the French people are like that.

[Spoiler] i make. [/ Spoiler]

>> No.6355462

Hé les gars, vous venez d'où ?

>> No.6355528

Je viens de Winnipeg.

>> No.6355529

British person here. It's good to see hatred being stirred up against the French. Damn them all. The froggy, snail-eating, white flag waving surrender monkeys. Damn them, I say.

>> No.6355957

/jp/ - Racism and opinions

>> No.6355976


>> No.6356542

You forgot unwashed.

>> No.6356598

i cannot stand french accents.

also, can someone post that British news article about miku again? I saw it but was browsing on my phone and couldn't read it..

>> No.6356604
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>> No.6356615

why is there. so many. full stops?
It's fucking with my head.

>> No.6356652

oh france, where is your pension now?

>> No.6357399
File: 367 KB, 1056x1408, fattestmetalknowntoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Je suis presque prêt à parier que Axel Terizaki est quelque part dans ce thread.

Also, sage because I see no point in bumping this thread.

>> No.6359840

I got the actual newspaper with that in next to me right now.

What do I do with it?

>> No.6359900

fucking racoon

>> No.6359947
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1281569365581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le Grand Journal
Oh putain Miku sur Canal +, je me demande-
>René La Taupe
