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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6347059 No.6347059 [Reply] [Original]


Watch this documentary.

>> No.6347064

Sure is pre-split/a/ in here.

>> No.6347065

That guy, I wonder if its a sad life he lives.

>> No.6347138

if there was a forest as beautiful as that around here I'd probably want to die in it too

>> No.6347144

Do you even know why this people suicide?

>> No.6347145
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>> No.6347150


"Studying how people co-exist is part of environmental research. I was curious why people kill themselves in such a beautiful forest."

"I still haven't found the answer to that."

I don't think it is nice

>> No.6347153

>otaku culture
It's quite troubling trying to take it easy these days

>> No.6347156

Oh sorry, I meant aokigahara. But really do you even know why this people kill themselves in that forest?

>> No.6347158

>I don't think it is nice
well imagine you turn into a ghost doomed to walk earth and locked into the place that you died for the rest of your life

would you rather it be a room some apartment in the city or a beautiful forest where you can at least enjoy its scenery until the end of days

>> No.6347167

Thanks OP, it was really interesting.

>> No.6347169

>After the novel Kuroi Jukai was published, in which a young lover commits suicide in the forest, people started taking their own lives there
Because this this novel made it a place to kill yourself at first, but that later it became a the go to spot simply because it was posted about on the internet and talked about in news and such?

>> No.6347173

I meant the old Geologist doesn't live a happy life, the forest has inescapable aura of death and hopelessness even on a short visit.

>> No.6347176

Oh lawl I guess so. xD

>> No.6347179

The whole thing made me unhappy

>> No.6347184

This must be some kind of black magic.

>> No.6347263

maybe the background music had something to do with it... looks like my local forest

>> No.6347278

Now I know the way to Gensokyo

>> No.6347350

Holy shit, imagine finding some fresh body out in the woods! Surely there must be some high school girls that off themselves there?

>> No.6347379

/jp/ needs to organize an Aokigahara treasure hunting campaign already.

You have my sword.

>> No.6347395

And my penis

>> No.6347407

That's a REALLY bad idea. Take anything from that forest any you'll be haunted by the previous owner.

>> No.6347434

Autistic freakouts from the creepy quiet.
We could roam the woods pretending to be Ogres and Ghosts, scaring the will to live back into the suicidal.

>> No.6347469

Holy fuck that would be awesome. We should get a little girl to run around scaring the shit out of people... and also to take turns fucking.... what?

>> No.6347481

Just think, you could kill everyone in the group and people would only find them a year later and think they suicided.

>> No.6347484
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>take turns

>> No.6347488

Ghosts don't exist.

>> No.6347498

>he believes in ghosts
>laughing youkai.jpg

If they cared about their shit that much, they wouldn't have killed themselves.

>> No.6347529

All right, more for me. Enjoy your hand! Also, she has 3(or more, considering /jp/'s penis size) holes.

>> No.6347532

Stay Classy /jp/.

>> No.6347622

Wouldn't you want a cute, ghostly tsundere tagging after you and telling you how you're the worst for taking her belongings after her death? Her being a ghost, her dress would also be transparent, and you'd get to see her flat chest and her small nipples poking underneath. When she notices where you're looking, she'd be enraged and try to punch you with all her might, but since she's a ghost, her hands would go right through you.
