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6347188 No.6347188 [Reply] [Original]

Did I miss all Canvas 2 threads or were there none to begin with?

Tomoko's cuteness is the miracle of the universe.

>> No.6347190

Can you fuck her? I always wanted to fuck Tessa from FMP.

>> No.6347193

I better be able to, I'm not reading her route for two hours straight to get platonic love ending.

>> No.6347194

There have been a few, check easymodo.
Game is a pretty easy read, good girls with bads voice acting.
Also anyone else having trouble fullscreening this game?

>> No.6347195
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>> No.6347219

I love voices in Canvas 2. They sound kind of amateur-ish, very soft and kind of emotionless, but it has its charm.

>> No.6347229
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The only reason I will play Canvas 2, that route and no other.

>> No.6347232

I want to play the game for Kiri since she got robbed in the anime.
Is her route good?

>> No.6347240

Tomoko's voice is love.

Never had any problems with fullscreen.

>> No.6347242

Wait a second, was there an anime?

Oh, you're right; an old one, from 2005, too.

Is it any good?

>> No.6347271


Of course. It's better than the game. Because stuff moves.

>> No.6347275

>old one
Back in my day trolling meant something...
>Is it any good
Absolute twaddle that I dropped 2 episodes in, didn't have the attention span for it.

>> No.6347279

You say that, but probably haven't even played the game. They open their mouths when speaking. That's, like, 10 times better than any anime.

>> No.6347281

Oh fuck off.

>> No.6347287

sounds like a tsukihime anime would be awesome!

>> No.6348393

Bump to counter spam.

>> No.6348431
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Too bad there isn't one.

>> No.6348470

God tier:
Tomoko, Mami

High Tier:
Kiri, Elis

Mid tier:
Sumire, Saya

Low Tier:

>> No.6348477

But Kana is the girl with the flattest chest and tightest vaginia.

>> No.6348549

All the heroines in Canvas 2 are awesome other then the singer.

>> No.6348547

She's also the one who made my ears autistic.

>> No.6348569

But her ribbon is her facial expressions and nine inch nails on a chalkboard are her voice.

>> No.6348584

What does that even mean? And just disable the voices, they aren't that important. If you read at any decent speed, you only hear the half of each sentence, anyway, it's really stupid and annoying no matter what the voice is.

>> No.6348613

You could, you know, wait until they're done speaking.

>> No.6348620
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>disable the voices

>> No.6348671

Then the music starts to loop and get annoying, so, no, I'm not that patient. Do voices add anything to the experience? I usually just disable them immediately.

>> No.6348724
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>Do voices add anything to the experience?

>> No.6348787

I'll take that as a no. My first, like ten VNs had no voices at all anyway since they were old or doujin VNs, so I'm more used to it that way, anyway.

>> No.6348852

Do the cut voices really bother you that much? I usually read with the speed meter at 80-90% as opposed to the initial 50%, but I've never disabled the voices.

I usually only listen the line completely if it's someting realy dramatic, funny or cute. I've never been bothered about the lines being cut short.

>> No.6348876

>the figure whom is grinning
should be "who."

>> No.6348896

It bothers me enough that I disable them, yeah, but I'm wouldn't mind going through it if I had too.

>> No.6349116

Voices are one of the most important aspect in eroge in my opinion. I even play an eroge if it has more seiyuus I really like, even if I can guess that the game won't be great.

>> No.6349148


>> No.6349161

While I don't agree with the use of the term "cancer," aren't you basically like those Hollywood fans who follow their favorite celebrity around?

>> No.6349258

Not him, but isn't following works of your favorite writer the same?
It is just about love. That anon really loves the voiceplay. Others love a story with good pacing and remarkable characters. There are those who are into VNs because of the artwork or character/clothing/etc. designs.

Not sure where the "cancer" is here.

>> No.6349309

You don't see or hear the writer, it's different. Writers don't get famous from having good looks or a sexy voice. People who read books focus on the characters and not whoever is playing them or writing them. Read a book review and it will talk refer to the characters by their names. Read a movie review and it will refer to the characters by their actor's names.

>> No.6349440
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>> No.6349586

I don't see how it is different.
Writers get famous through the manifestation of their beautiful imagination, they write stories that other people enjoy.
I don't see a difference between love for a magnificent imagination and love for an alluring voice.

But, w/e. It seems we just have pretty different stand-points.

>> No.6349598

The point is that I don't want to have to deal with real people when I'm trying to get my fantasy fix. I don't some celebrity up in my face when I'm trying to enjoy a story.

>> No.6349648

Then associate the voice with the character instead of the person providing it.

>> No.6349668

Which takes us full circle to this guy:

He doesn't do that, he seeing the celebrity voice actress and not the character.

>> No.6349687

Who cares what he does? I was talking to you.

>> No.6349718

I can't if people like him keep bringing up the celebrities. You can't ignore something if somebody mentions it. That's the whole reason why I lost interest in live action to begin with. At least people like him are the minority when it comes to VNs.

>> No.6349926

Guys, I don't understand why you care what other people think. How is his opinion on liking a good voice cast going to effect you or the English VN and Eroge translation projects? Its not.

But if you guys like to argue for the sake of arguing, I'm down for that.

>> No.6349929

What is the internet without pointless arguing?

>> No.6349942


>> No.6349961

Let's translate this VN, it has Norio Wakamoto in it.

>> No.6349985

Norio Wakamoto is a God. Also, what VN are you talking about? The only one I have read that he is in is Family Project.

>> No.6349990

>Norio Wakamoto is a God
God damn it, this is what I'm talking about. Fuck the cult of celebrity.

>> No.6350002


It has nothing to do with celebrity. He is simply amazing at what he does.

We don't like something because "Norio Wakamoto is in it", but rather because Norio Wakamoto makes things he is in awesome. I don't like Yellow Zebra because it's Yellow Zebra, I like it because it's freaking awesome music.

>> No.6350003

That doesn't mean I'm going to watch and play everything he has been in, because I won't. I just think he has a super manly voice.

>> No.6350032

For a Japanese he does, anyway. I have a manlier voice than him, because I am Black. Black People have the manliest voices on earth.

>> No.6350083

>We don't like something because "Norio Wakamoto is in it", but rather because Norio Wakamoto makes things he is in awesome.
that's called liking something because Norio Wakamoto is in it. Denial, so good.

>> No.6350138

I enjoyed Tomoko's route the most. Kana's route was despicable, glasses chick looks too ugly, so no thanks

Singing chick has too soft voice, that was horrendous

Kiri and Imouto route were very nice. Imouto route got a bit repetitive...

>> No.6350168

Elis "Muu~" is love

>> No.6350263

Takeuchi was okay when she had her glasses off (e.g. when wearing the maid/waitress uniform).

>> No.6350855

>>glasses chick looks too ugly, so no thanks

For some reason I don't like glasses on 2D girls.

Works fine on 3D though.

>> No.6350864 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 1282586212450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !bar

>> No.6350874

source on this brown elf girl?

>> No.6350880 [DELETED] 
File: 494 KB, 312x173, 1288100964756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6350893

it's a tenchi muyo spinoff, isekai no seikishi monogatari
she's the princess of the dark elves


>> No.6350898

Thanks for the reply

>> No.6352645

Nah not really. But what I mean is that if I see a seemingly so-so game where I see many familiar seiyuus whose performance I liked in the past then this might lead me to check out the game even if I didn't have much of an interest before in it. I'm not going that far to religiously reading every work from my top 3 seiyuus, because that's pointless (and impossible anyway).
Yeah, pretty much. I also have to add that I value voices a lot more in nukiges than how I value scenario, writing, bgm. I mean one can still enjoy a good fapworthy nukige even if those are bad, but the voices and the art are hot.
Nah I wouldn't go that far to treat them like some celebs or something, as I said. I usually go like checking out the game, and then check its seiyuu list, then "Oh right, that heroine is voiced by the one who played character x in game y, that was a p. good performance".

>> No.6353457

Good enough.

>> No.6356138

It keeps irking me when the text says your name but the voice just says "sensei"... If you leave it at the default will they say his name? Well I left it at the default one the translated version uses. (I assume the same thing but transliterated into our alphabet) I know it's not THAT uncommon of a thing, but it seems like I've seen it handled better before.

>> No.6356143

Nope, it doesn't say his name solely because of the name entry feature.

>> No.6356151

name him sensei then

>> No.6356158

Damn, why didn't I think of that?

>> No.6358114

I have to say, I picked up the game to play Tomoko's route, but I ended up liking Mami the best.

I felt much more for Elis in Kiri's route though, for some reason her route just didn't seem as great as I was expecting.

While I liked almost all of the characters, the other routes didn't appeal much to me. Saya in particular ended pretty quickly.

>> No.6358152

Mami route is best route.
The development of her relationship with the MC was down-to-earth and was nicely paced.

>> No.6360814

