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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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63124 No.63124 [Reply] [Original]

It's true, i'm half-japanese and I absolutely despise the way that Asian females look. If I had a choice between an asian girl who won Miss-Universe or an average white girl that we all know, I would pick the white girl.

I think it has to do with the environment that I grew up in (white community with no other asians). Either that, or I'm a failed human for not having any interest in a race that I am a part of.

Tell me /jp/, what makes you attracted to asian girls?

>> No.63279
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>> No.63282
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Delicious Asian fetish.

>> No.63286
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is this the thread where we post hot japanese women?

>> No.63343
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Im vietnamese and mexican. I can careless for black and latinas, unless the latina girls are mixed with something else.

Oh, and I like vietnamese girls the most.

Mixes are the best unless there's black in there.

>> No.63423
File: 248 KB, 1132x1600, 1203846109656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this an asian girls thread?

>> No.63450
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Japanese H-cup. Do the conversion as you will, noting that American bra makers do not actually abide by the Western standard in any sane way.

>> No.63461
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>> No.63493
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>> No.63542
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>> No.63578
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>> No.63590
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>> No.63628
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>> No.63643
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>> No.63646
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>> No.63650
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>> No.63695
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Is this fine too?

>> No.63129

is the other half of you asian?

>> No.63133

Actually, most of us don't even like 3D.

>> No.63138

Asian girls are pig disgusting

>> No.63139

Sage for another fucking thread about real wimmen.

>> No.63143

No, it's a mix of German, dutch, polish, and Italian.

>> No.63146

What makes me is that I'm a 100% pure blooded East Asian all the way back to the fucking stone age, you mix-breed mongrel

>> No.63147

I like dark hair and the ability to converse in my native language. That's pretty much it. I don't particularly care about similar backgrounds all that much so it could very well be some Goth as long as she shares my language.

>> No.63142

ITT homos

>> No.63157

i think we always dislike most of the look of our own race.

I'm hispanic and i hate latinas/hispanic women. I love asian women though. From japs to koreans.

The few white guys I know all want hot latinas

>> No.63159


>> No.63160


I like Asian women, then again I am Asian.

>> No.63166

To me the whole "asians all look the same" stereotype is true in the case of girls. I don't want to fuck a girl that looks like my fucking mom.

>> No.63171

The classic stereotype of the ultra submissive asian woman has some appeal.

But that's not enough to last.

As far as looks go, even japanese artists tend to depict caucasian characters. Unless there's whole towns of white skinned, wide eyed, blond and blue eyed japanese girls. (If there is, tell me alllll about it.)

If you live somewhere outside of asia, you probably prefer non-asians based on repeated exposure. Go live in an Asian country for a while, get immersed in the culture and advertising, and maybe you'll change your tune.

>> No.63174

seriously you're asian and they all look the same to you? well i don't see that as too far off, all latinas all look the same to me. I don't want to marry a chick that looks like mom either.

>> No.63178


Basically "I'm whitewash and don't like my kind anymore lulz"

>> No.63181

I understand j00... I am a spic and I despise hispanic women... they look all hot when they are single... put a ring or a promise of marriage on them and they balloon up and lose their figures and sense of humor.
So I believe you were born on the wrong side of the world as was I.... for me, I love the look of Asian women, hell even the regular looking ones... and I would never pick a white girl I'm afraid... except maybe for a one night stand. Ditto for all others I think... And b4 you scream "racist scum", I've dated just about every race except Indian ( from India).

>> No.63182

I would rather slit my throat with piano wire than get accustomed to the way asian girls look (this is the OP).

>> No.63190


Incorrect. The "opposites attract" adage has been proven false by psychologists, sociologists, and anyone else who has studied it.

Attractiveness matching, one of the strongest components to successful relationships, usually involves people looking similar.

>> No.63198

That's pretty much it. I couldn't be anymore "white" unless I had plastic surgery.

>> No.63203

>I'm whitewash

I believe the technical term for that is 'banana'

>> No.63205


No, they don't depict caucasian characters, they depict cartoon characters that can have whatever the fuck eye and hair colour they want, including purple or green and other wacky colours. Also, asians are frequently just as pale as white people.

>> No.63206

i hate black chicks, and i've yet to meet a hispanic woman my age who doesn't have like 3 kids already. I'm 25 for crying out loud, i don't want to date a chick who only wants more child support and welfare checks.

>> No.63218

Well, if you weren't a halfie I'd say you were a whitewashed faggot

But honestly, to us full Asians, half Asians are regarded like another non-Asian, maybe that's how you think too

>> No.63221

Too bad white people consider half-asians as full asians.

>> No.63223

Thank fucking god, someone here actually knows how it is other than me.

>> No.63224

what about full asians with mixed asian blood

>> No.63240

That's still completely Asian, we dont hate each other THAT much

>> No.63249

I'm part Chinese, Japanese, and Indonesian. My body is constantly trying to rip itself apart.

>> No.63254


>can have whatever

But don't. That's the point, they can have any skin tone, any hair color, any eye color or shape. Hell, the could have kinky curly black hair and large puffy lips.

And in theory, you would find skin tones from pitch black all the way to white, right?

Nope, not at all. Go to /a/ /h/ /e/. Those aren't little Japanese girls. They don't look asian at all.

But that's just 4chongs you say. Go anywhere, j-list even 2channel for christ sake, same story.

>> No.63255

It's the Indonesian in the mix. What were your parents thinking. Indonesian? Do not want.

>> No.63258

This is a lie and you know it.

>> No.63267

do the chinese know about this?

>> No.63283

I'm white and i hate white chicks, except for red heads... :D

i also like asians, latinas, and some middle eastern chicks. Of course there's always exceptions.

>> No.63284

Come on. Indonesians aren't that ugly...

>> No.63287

Exactly, when I was 21 I could not date a Hispanic chick because they were all too busy popping babies to get their welfare checks and spend it at the "disco". It's a freaking nightclub... not a "disco!" I swear so many of them are still in the 70's and they weren't even born then. And as for black chicks, they are like white chicks but with Man-Hate genes prominent. I dated one black chick and she was more like a buddy with tits I swear, if it wasn't for her great ass to remind me that she was a chick.

>> No.63290


Inter-asian mixed people suffer less political drama than the others, like takeshi kaneshiro or that baseball coach

>> No.63294


/cruise control

>> No.63298

I would do the girl in the OP if I stood no chance of getting caught

>> No.63295


I try to stay away from the Indonesians and the Filipinos.

>> No.63334

<---- Ethnic Japanese girl.

No wait! Its just a random hair color, random skin color, random eye color. That's all.

>> No.63345

u forgot the pic - hurry!

>> No.63356

they call it a disco because a nightclub in spanish is generally called a discothèque, but they call it night cloob more and more often now-a-days.

I mean I hate being a self hating hispanic, but for crying the fuck out loud, why is every single mexican girl my age on their 3rd or 4th kid.

but other hispanic guys here don't give a fuck, to them it's an easy score.

>> No.63358


>> No.63352

godamn i lol'd hard

>> No.63364


>> No.63379

speak for yourself, animefag

>> No.63381

what about the "antros"

>> No.63376

trap or no trap, i'd hit it.

>> No.63399

same shit different name.

>> No.63400


Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.


This is the character Satsuki from Miyazaki’s film My Neighbor Totoro. If you show this image to a native Japanese, they immediately assume she is asian. She looks just like all the cartoon characters they have grown up watching, so it’s obvious she must be asian. But if you show this picture to someone who grew up in the US, they’ll see that while the styling is slightly unusual, it’s not that far in styling from all the cartoons and comic characters they’ve grown up with, so obviously she must be anglo. To the US viewer, "she just doesn’t look Japanese".

One picture, two viewers, each one bringing with them to the image their own cultural backgrounds and baggage and each one coming away with two completely different conclusion.

Now you begin to see what I was talking about at the beginning of this lecture about how you have to be careful in reading graphical text? Contrary to popular belief, graphical images are not obvious to us. Not only can you misread graphical text just as you can misread written text, it’s easier to do that because people assume that the interpretation they are making is obvious, and therefore must be absolutely true.

So the answer to the question of "why don’t they look Japanese?" is another question: "Why should they?" They’re not supposed to look Japanese, they’re supposed to look like cartoon characters.

>> No.63414

Asians can't stand the look of you either.


>> No.63429


Word. Happas can very well be the weirdest looking people on earth.

>> No.63434

Is that a B-cup?

You're in the wrong thread. This is ASIAN WOMENZ thread.

>> No.63443

Asian women all look the same usually.
Asian MEN on the other hand...sometimes...

>> No.63460


>> No.63471

exactly, depictions of images vary from culture to culture.

There was another study done that a simple drawing of people living in a house meant something completely different between various nations and cultures.

>> No.63498


>> No.63487


Americans can't distinguish between fiction and nonfiction. Look at their video games.

>> No.63508


gb2/e/, permavirgin faggot

>> No.63516

>Americans can't distinguish between fiction and nonfiction. Look at their video games.

so much fail in one sentence. Is this why FFVII was banned from Germany, because Germans are also too stupid to tell reality from fiction, or is it because of overprotective, agenda whoring politicians who blame video games instead of their own ineptitudes in managing social matters like teenage violence.

>> No.63520

If you're browsing /jp/, you are probably going to be a permanent virgin too.

>> No.63537

Wow. The Hispanic men in this thread are pathetic. Enjoy being alone, maricas.

>> No.63545


Violent video games will only turn Germans back into Nazis.

>> No.63555

enjoy your child support and no vagoo after 3 months of having to put up with latina bullshit.

>> No.63558

enjoy your child support payments and no vagoo after 3 months of having to put up with latina bullshit.

>> No.63563

STOP! Please... stop... my dick can't take much more...

>> No.63601

Damn, those tears turn me on

>> No.63630

YOUR MOM turns on.

>> No.63663

>>a race that I am a part of
GTFO 18th century

>> No.63703

Shit she's fine by me. I don't give a shit if she's dumb as a brick.

>> No.63785


