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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 92 KB, 300x300, pip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6314277 No.6314277 [Reply] [Original]

Support the VN started on /jp/ !
Demo coming very soon.


>> No.6314317

Never heard of this.

>> No.6314333 [DELETED] 

Reported for advertising.

>> No.6314556 [DELETED] 
File: 970 KB, 804x623, Screen2732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do have some poor art there, friends... I don't want to act like one of those elitistic faggots, hell, I even enjoyed Mugen's Fucking Question, but you do have shitty art and game will fail mostly because of it.
Good luck, bros. I hope it won't stop you.
Btw, you can save the game if you do a parody like Kawaii Adobenshaas in Anime Rand.

>> No.6314607

Why tell us now and not when the demo is supposed to be out in some days? Good luck, at any rate.

>> No.6314624
File: 143 KB, 715x900, 1901070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somewhat un-enamoured with her current life, not so much as ‘loathing existence’, but simply un-interested in how mundane life can be, normally making every effort to try and distance herself from being recognisable as ‘just another person’ Yoruko often spends a large amount of her time reading up on or searching out anything she considers to be out of the ordinary; serial crimes, disappearances, unexplained phenomena and the like. Though interesting to her they can be a reminder that her own life is almost entirely uneventful, which can result in a total loss of interest and seemingly aimless wandering for a few days. She has a strong dislike for most other people, thinking they’re all boring or losers or stupid, against all odds, with one exception when she meets Satoru.

Eh...this is going to have some h-scenes at least...right?

>> No.6314631

This project is in dire need of an editor.

>> No.6314637

>>6314631 here
Er, I mean it seems to need one, because that passage has some awkward wording.

>> No.6314642 [DELETED] 
File: 2.33 MB, 2398x2728, yorukocolournormal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean drawfag.

>> No.6314643

not sure what an editor's job entails in a VN project. Could you describe what an editor is supposed to do?
Also, when did this project start? You mentioned that it started on /jp/, I know there has been many talks of creating a VN, but not many has actually reached full release.

>> No.6314648

oh nevermind, I thought OP posted that.
the art isn't half bad. If the writing's decent as well, I'd call it a success for a small /jp/ project standard.

>> No.6314693

so OP, you didn't leave an email for people to sign up for.

>> No.6314766

higurashi and umineko have shit art worse then this

and remain quite popular

>> No.6314782 [DELETED] 

Good luck... Uncle Mugen gives you 50 lucky points...

>> No.6314787 [DELETED] 

Well... the art despite being not so good is compensated by very rich and detailed storytelling...

>> No.6314789 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 800x600, bg 1 retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Mugen I just tried ripping off that effect you made on your blog and it turned out to be kind of pretty. Fuck year SketchUp.

>> No.6314792

Lens flare is cheap as fuck.

>> No.6314800 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I still can't get how that happend.

>> No.6314801
File: 362 KB, 800x600, bg 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I thought it looked pretty cool, but I'll done it down a tad.
First render related.

>> No.6314803 [DELETED] 

Well... the not so good art was compensated by rich and detailed storytelling

>> No.6314812 [DELETED] 

Why don't we you just consult MUGEN to help you make your VN he's made plenty good ones.

>> No.6314814 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6314823 [DELETED] 

Meido, stop bulling Mugen, please.

>> No.6314825 [DELETED] 

Reported for being Mugen.

>> No.6314837 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6314846 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6314901 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6314906 [DELETED] 

Stop it, for fucks sake. That's why things are happening and you know what I'm talking about.

>> No.6314929

>Mai Yoruko (迷 夜子)
>Soyokaze Aki (微風 秋)

Something is utterly horrible with the names. Let's say you've named them the Japanese equivalents of "Nite Lostchild" and "[insert month name] Breeze".

>> No.6314974 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6314974,1 [INTERNAL] 

I dunno... Lol!... Guess I'm just stubborn and will not "easily" give in to some power abusing meido... or till I get bored...

>> No.6315026

Is this a one-man project? I might be interested to help. Got an email address?

>> No.6315032 [DELETED] 

get out mugen. And stop posting that crap over and over.

>> No.6315032,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6315050 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315054

I'm bias against crazy crime chasing bitches(they exist in real life and make police work just that little bit harder when they turn up missing or get taken hostage), but if you need any information regarding law, and or procedure. I'd be happy to apply my degree.

>> No.6315085

Please tell me that they're not going to look that derpy in the game. Yoruko is alright but Aki is just like straight out HERPA DERPA.

>> No.6315089 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315089,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/'s still trying to make their own half-assed VN?

I still don't get why they won't just steal credit for KS and call it a quality effort?

>> No.6315107 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315110

> I don't want to act like one of those elitistic faggots,
You raaaang?

It makes sense that /jp/ would try its hand at this whole VN thing. Made in RenPy?

>Support the VN started on /jp/ !
How, exactly?

>> No.6315118 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315124

The guy made a thread looking for a writer on /jp/ back in September.

>> No.6315222

All I hope for is cool music.

It makes me really happy when I see original music and not open source stuff in an indie VN.

>> No.6315244

Come back in ten days when you have something to show us.
It's hard to support something insubstantial.

>> No.6315246

Good luck, guys!

Let me know when it's done. I'll give it a whack.

Also, Aki needs work. Mai's pretty hot, though, except for the dyke mullet.

>> No.6315259 [DELETED] 

The art doesn't look bad.

>> No.6315265 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315269

The art doesn't look bad. Don't get discouraged by haters not being able to draw or do anything themselves and good luck with your project.

>> No.6315274 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315275

>The art doesn't look bad

If you mean 'drawn by someone who has no solid grasp of contrast shading and fabric drape'.

>> No.6315281

Where are the little girls? It can't be from /jp/ if there are no little girls, right?

>> No.6315289 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 199x224, 1280407534932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(see email field)

>> No.6315294

I would like to see one of your drawings

>> No.6315297

I think the art and character design looks fine. I would fap to the OP girl.

>> No.6315301

You seem to like literally everything.

>> No.6315309 [DELETED] 

This is another one of those go-nowhere ideas that only exist to feed the ego of the board's users, isn't it?

What even worse is when one of the projects is completed and is garbage on-par to generic Western fanart and fanfiction.

>> No.6315323

I'm kind of depressed that nobody likes my idea of a /jp/ MUD. There is already a number of posters who like muliplayer games and it would be fine and easy to make and everyone could pretend to be a little girl or something, but it seems every /jp/ project is destined for failure (see Hastukoi translation) so I gave up hope.

>> No.6315334

I'm just a laid back kind of guy.

But I already said if this game uses generic open source music then I'll be disappointed though.

>> No.6315357 [DELETED] 

ZUN!bar I was worried about you!
Did everything go alright?

>> No.6315363

A MUD with only a dozen users would be really sad, though. It'd be all interacting with NPCs all day, which is only fun for so long.

>> No.6315374

Of what?

It doesn't take a master artist to see the art's mediocre at best, or 'pretty good' to someone with little to no art skills.

>> No.6315387

Yes I have no skills at all, but since you seem to be good I would like to see one of your drawings, anything is fine.

>> No.6315435
File: 397 KB, 600x1600, chisametransparant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to the warehouse vn?

>> No.6315439

It died a long time ago.

>> No.6315453
File: 577 KB, 1280x1280, 1273087192199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it you lazy fucks.

>> No.6315455

I didn't plan on making it exclusively /jp/, just tailored to suit /jp/'s interests.

>> No.6315463

I'm sorry! We had no writer!

>> No.6315470 [DELETED] 

I'll write if you guys let me sleep in the warehouse.

>> No.6315475

Thanks for your hardwork calling other people lazy.

I would write it but it's too silly. I rather spend my time working in my own VN and training my art.

>> No.6315484

There is no warehouse, and I don't know where everyone else went. The project died a long time ago. If anything it'd be better to start an entirely new project.

>> No.6315500

Wait what?!

Well yeah, but the character design itself is fine. That's the most important thing in the end; it's the main reason why in-game Touhou art and Umineko art works.

>> No.6315498 [DELETED] 

I'll do my best, assuming a warehouse is provided.

I'm going to be so homeless.
So cold.

>> No.6315514 [DELETED] 

It was said you were in an accident.
I was really worried.

>> No.6315529

Um, how about "no."

(Unless you're publishing the source, in which case you could probably guilt-trip me into helping host it. Or something.

But if it's "shareware," go market it elsewhere or I'll tear your "recette" off over the internet with my bare hands and standard tcp/ip. Thanks!)

>> No.6315536 [DELETED] 
File: 785 KB, 1044x895, Screen2735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I would fap to the OP girl.
> The art doesn't look bad.

>> No.6315560

Why does she look like she was made by KyoAni

>> No.6315578
File: 57 KB, 434x632, sora1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleh why not. Quick doodle. Sora's been on my mind all day.

>> No.6315586

Looks like a copy of KyoAni's 'K-on style'.

>> No.6315592

I think two skulls that look exactly the same doesn't work, though, and what's the deal that cape? Is she trying to be scary or just silly?

>> No.6315638 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on Sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315661 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315667 [DELETED] 

Faito! Faito!

>> No.6315669

not the one you're replying to, but nice.
I still think that the VN's art "isn't half bad", however. You are being too critical on a /jp/ project, something which the guys working on it are doing as a hobby and just to have fun. As long as the writing's okay as well, I think this project can be considered a "success".

>> No.6315670
File: 321 KB, 882x825, vn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you best of luck. If you want any of the old materials, I think you can find them at http://kureha.no-ip.org/k1/index.php?topic=321.0
And no, I won't be returning to this project.

>> No.6315673 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315683

Who are you quoting?!

I like you're art too.

>> No.6315683,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nah... you know KS devs have some of the biggest egos on this side of the universe... you don't want to clump them with /jp/ whose ego is comparable yet opposing polarity...

>> No.6315690 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315691 [DELETED] 

ZUN!bar would you hold it against me if I hired a private investigator to find stuff out about you? I've already been talking to a few, but if you're really against I'll hold off for awhile.

>> No.6315691,1 [INTERNAL] 

For any ego they have, they pretty much deserve.

Especially compared to the lackluster content that you and other member of /jp/ have (tried) to produce.

>> No.6315698 [DELETED] 


>> No.6315702 [DELETED] 

I'm going to read your VNs.

Are they all Eroge?

>> No.6315703 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315708

wow, this thread is surprisingly not full of hate.

I hate your project unconditionally because you're a bunch of westerners who have japanese dicks shoved so far inside them that you have to make your characters nips and put them in glorious nihon instead of a setting you might actually know something about.

oh wait, that explains why /jp/ likes it.

>> No.6315707 [DELETED] 

I mentioned the circumstances I was told only having so much to start with would make things really difficult.
Yet, when I mentioned if it was a matter of money, that wouldn't be an issue, as I should have more than enough of it, things changed considerably.

>> No.6315709 [DELETED] 

Most are parody, rest is collaboration work... google studio mugenjohncel and you'll see the projects in my blog...

>> No.6315715 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315724 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 321x835, Screen2736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you do that, bro?..

>> No.6315715,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6315729 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315733

>Full faggotry mode

>> No.6315742
File: 246 KB, 1125x1607, nina3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chisame is a trap, or are you questioning how badly drawn the chest are? Either way, I'm a 3rd rated artist that can't draw crap.

>> No.6315737 [DELETED] 

Will you finish Heavy Metal Girl Madonna?

>> No.6315745 [DELETED] 


>> No.6315750 [DELETED] 

Why is meido deleting mugen's posts

>> No.6315748 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315751 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Mugen. Stop deleting and reposting.

>> No.6315754 [DELETED] 

> or are you questioning how badly drawn the chest are?
Yeah, kind of. You needed to fix that square chest.

>> No.6315758 [DELETED] 

Good work lad!... Anyway, in case you needed help or advice on sketchup and rendering you could always drop me an email (see email field) and I'll try and help you as much as I can...

>> No.6315757 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure its meido deleting him out of /jp/

>> No.6315762 [DELETED] 

He's not spamming or making off topic posts. His posts have no reason to be deleted.

>> No.6315763
File: 69 KB, 370x370, 1285828222050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugen isn't breaking any rules, so why are you deleting his posts meido?

>> No.6315765

hi OP.

>> No.6315770

>>ZUN!bar would you hold it against me if I hired a private investigator to find stuff out about you? I've already been talking to a few, but if you're really against I'll hold off for awhile.

You gotta be kidding me Anon.

>> No.6315771

I'm not. Sorry to break it to you, but I'm afraid your retarded opinion isn't shared by many people. Go spout your hate on /v/ or something.

>> No.6315773

I did them like almost half a year ago, and it've been pointed out when it was made at the time. Heck, the project have been long abandoned, I'm not going to bother fixing it now. If you want to fix it, feel free to take it and do it.

>> No.6315775 [DELETED] 

I'm tired of the janitors shit. Let's send a couple of emails to the administration and ask for a replacement. Hopefully we'll get someone who doesn't follow 3rd party rules and or deletes what they want/ allow rule breaking content to stay on the board.

>> No.6315778

It's not like anyone can see his posts though.
4chan filter, you are the greatest thing in the world.

>> No.6315780

Jesus, is the artist 12yo or what?

>> No.6315781 [DELETED] 

I'm ready to go through any lengths to know more about you. I know you're a little shy so I thought this method would save you some embarrassment.

>> No.6315795

She is 13 and happy most of the time.

>> No.6315806

You got to be kidding me mate

>> No.6315807 [DELETED] 

Mods haven't been board specific for a really long time so I think there is no such a thing as replacement...
But ok, let's send some e-mails.

>> No.6315822



>> No.6315832
File: 28 KB, 580x445, battleship_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naval commander, mein fuhrer.

>> No.6315852 [SPOILER] 
File: 72 KB, 408x428, Hitlerspin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6315861

Actually, I think it's so ridiculously and unbelievably bad I just can't well...believe it. So I can't take this seriously enough to express my hate.

>> No.6316287

Back from sleep,
Thanks for some of the hate and some of the support guys, those who are hatin' the art, please do your own art that's better, and whoever criticized Aki's face back there is welcome to the PSD file to make it better (I haven't gone through rearranging the mouth and nose yet)

Itst not a one-man project, but it is a 4-man project:
Programming/scripting scenes - me
Plot writing
and BG photography (yes we don't have people with rendering skills)
ALL of us don't have full prior experience, but the art is drawn from scratch, the game is coded from scratch in C# (not some shitty VN engine) and we're putting a lot of effort into this.

No BGM yet, until we get someone onboard...
So, we'll have something to show in 9 days, stay tuned, stay hating.

As for how this is /jp/ related, as someone said, the thread back here in September was for a writer and we got one.
Also willing to take any non-hate suggestions, but I guess a demo is expected first.

>> No.6316298

nice tripcode there OP.

Can you send me an email? I may be able to help out with something.

>> No.6316306

Good luck to you guys. You'll need it.

>> No.6316316

Thanks, first time I tried and failed to use one, always lurking.

Just email guydesu@gmail.com for anything (anyone)

>> No.6316341

>those who are hatin' the art, please do your own art that's better

Herp derp and you can't comment on shitty tasting food unless your a chef

>> No.6316349

Isn't that pretty much exactly what I said?

>> No.6316353

Not unless you're asked. It was your choice to eat it, after all.

>> No.6316354

> those who are hatin' the art, please do your own art that's better
You'd better not critique it when you're served 10-day-old soggy stale cereal unless you can make your own cereal from scratch. With a bag of flour and 20 chemicals, bring your own oven.

>rearranging the mouth and nose

>> No.6316355

But to make cereal from scratch, I must first invent the universe.

>> No.6316361

How are you gonna get BGM in 9 days?!

>> No.6316363

Well, it is a demo after all, so I guess they'll only have a couple of bgm or none at all.

>> No.6316364

>coded from scratch in C# (not some shitty VN engine)
Why would you do that?

>> No.6316368

Exactly, no BGM for the demo, couldn't get hold of someone to do it in time and the 9 days deadline is important

>> No.6316366 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 643x562, twgok-60-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art isn't that bad. What matters is the story.

I'm rootin' for you OP.

>> No.6316369
File: 70 KB, 802x640, sussmanashi_no_naku_koro_ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd better have some SICP in it. I'm still waiting for this.

>> No.6316370

In before

>The protagonist suffered childhood trauma that left him without memories of the incident or sense of hearing. In his silent world, he trudges through daily life without hope, until he encountered them... Perhaps they would bring back the music and restore the beauty of life in him?

>> No.6316372

Why is the deadline so important? Is it just something you've set for yourselves, or is there some external factor?

>> No.6316374

i may be wrong, but isn't that the messy's style?

>> No.6316375

Personal interest? Practice? Less limitations? Full ownership?

>> No.6316379
File: 203 KB, 643x562, twgok-60-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art isn't that bad. What matters is the story.

I once participated in a printed international doujinshi anthology and made a 10-page story with little to no beforehand experience.

I'm rootin' for you OP.

>> No.6316380

Get out PE devs

>> No.6316381

To give out at London MCM Expo (29-31) to get interest, bi-annual opportunity

>> No.6316388


>> No.6316394

No, why C#? At least use something less proprietary like C.

>> No.6316396

Mah, I learnt C# for work, using whatever was comfortable for me.

>> No.6316397

Are you planning to sell this ?

>> No.6316399 [DELETED] 

How many BG-CG's are you talking about?...

>> No.6316401

>>no BGM for the demo

Is this demo long?

>> No.6316403

Pretty smooth, trying to imitate me.
I was asking because ONscripter and Renpy are open source.

>> No.6316411

Not planning, no.
Not really sure, I'd have to check
20 days in-game, not short
When the demo is finished, the demo content will still be reworked and BGM put in when available

>> No.6316437

if I wanted to make a VN what might be a good free VN engine to use

>> No.6316441


>> No.6316456
File: 160 KB, 622x800, 1237783893479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your own.

One word, THE FORCED INDENTATION OF CODE, thread over.

>> No.6316457

All others are shit.
Several reasons:
1. It's all written in Python and Python is easy to use. It doesn't get much easier without cutting down on features. Python is easy to use and powerful.
2. You don't even have to use Python. The scripts are written in a language so easy to understand, even without prior knowledge of programming, that a 6th-grader could probably write the code necessary for a regular VN without any fancy features.
3. Easy distribution. One click - everyone can play it not matter their OS or whatever.

>> No.6316461

>implying you're not indenting your code already

>> No.6316482

I love indenting code

>> No.6316497

I wanna do music for an indie game at the moment, but I gotta leave the internet at the end of December.

Looking foward to the demo though.

>> No.6316533

What if you wanted to do a game like Rance or Eien no Aselia with turn based combat. Being able program is a non issue, done my cs degree this semester.

Is there any free to use engine for this type of game?
Otherwise I would code my own, or using a full game engine i'm sure I can modify it to work like rance (but that might be only slightly less work then starting from scratch.

>> No.6316540

Renpy can do that.
It's expandable using custom frameworks and things like turn based combat or tile based overworld maps have been done before.
You will have to write those on your own, of course, but it might be much easier than starting from scratch, since you would probably need most of the functions that Renpy provides anyway.

>> No.6316548

>but I gotta leave the internet at the end of December.
What? Why?

>> No.6316585

Mohammed Jihad

>> No.6316633

What the fuck?

This thread is full of weirdos.

>> No.6316637


>> No.6316653

Old /jp/ would have got the joke.

>> No.6316661

Old /jp/ also used smileys.

>> No.6316665

It never was accepted. Japanese emoticons yes, smileys no.

>> No.6316671 [DELETED] 

Japanese emoticons are just as bad, weeaboo.

>> No.6316684

It must be a sad life trying to troll on /jp/. /b/ is more your cup of tea I think.

( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!

>> No.6316692

Awww, using nokosage so he doesn't look assmad!

>> No.6316776

I use nokosage all the time. It would be rare for me to post not using it.

Why are you so butthurt about being called out for what you are? Tired of /b/ so you came to troll /jp/? Are you sure you fit in here?

(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ

>> No.6319884

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6319891

it will die before that for sure.

>> No.6319941

( ^_^)/ やぁ!
Hi Jones

>> No.6319977

So, how does one go about making BG music?

>> No.6319987

We all know you can't keep a thread alive, Jones.

The Akiha threads you gave up on are proof enough of that.

>> No.6320327

Did I scare the jewboy away?

m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ

>> No.6320336

sure thing

>> No.6320477 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1043x1044, myface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when the main character is another haruhi ripoff

>> No.6320487

How can you not lave a face like that?


>> No.6320489

>haruhi ripoff

Wat ?

>> No.6320492

I thought it too, if you read her character bio.

>> No.6320508

>Somewhat un-enamoured with her current life, not so much as ‘loathing existence’, but simply un-interested in how mundane life can be, normally making every effort to try and distance herself from being recognisable as ‘just another person’ Yoruko often spends a large amount of her time reading up on or searching out anything she considers to be out of the ordinary; serial crimes, disappearances, unexplained phenomena and the like. Though interesting to her they can be a reminder that her own life is almost entirely uneventful, which can result in a total loss of interest and seemingly aimless wandering for a few days. She has a strong dislike for most other people, thinking they’re all boring or losers or stupid, against all odds, with one exception when she meets Satoru.

>> No.6320512 [DELETED] 

How many BG-CG's are you talking about?...

>> No.6320541

Are you interested in a BGM composer? I could make a couple originals by the end of the year, I don't know when you're planning to release this.

>> No.6320573

You know it might just be my 5th day of sleep deprivation causing my vision to blur horribly but that totally looks like you traced saya's head.

>> No.6320739

You are seeing visions of Jones' penis like jew nose everywhere.

>> No.6321021 [DELETED] 

How many BG-CG's are you talking about?...

>> No.6321039

Looks like the typical half-assed art you usually get.

Seriously; if you're going to make a VN... * at least* commission some decent artists.

>> No.6321117 [DELETED] 

You piece of shit why must you fuck up my filtering of your worthless ass? You are a fucking waste of skin. If you are going to use a name and trip keep the fucking one you have.

Reported for ban evasion which is more like what you are doing. Fucking Filipino scum.

>> No.6321837

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6321877

You want people making free products to pay to make them ? How ungrateful can you be ?

>> No.6321921
File: 36 KB, 198x228, 1277656904222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Divided we fall, together we rewrite existance.

I really hope you guys have an editor/proofreader on the project.

>> No.6322589

I guess that OP and his team have no budget for this at all.
Most projects like that obviously are below a certain standard in at least one department.
Usually people start these projects who are good at one thing (e.g. writing) but not good at everything else that is required for a VN, like art and music.
Finding people who are good at those for your project is hard, because they don't really share your ideas or visions and therefore most of them don't have the motivation that someone who started the project has. They might even quit halfway through and leave you sitting there with half the character art you need, which is now completely unusable because you have to find a new artist anyway and they are most likely not able to reproduce the previous artists style.
There are several ways around this, of course, and the key is always motivation.
You can motivate people easily by paying them, but that's not really an option for a no-budget-project. The people who are actually good at what they do and have confidence in their abilities, will usually request some sort of compensation or payment, so they are out of the question. Which leaves you with the not-that-good artists and "I can't really draw but I still want to do character art for you"-people.
And they will most likely be demotivated easily.
The cheapest and easiest way to motivate your team seems to be actually creating something good. You write a good story and people will be more likely to say "I want to add my art to this project."
When they're not even sure if it will ever be finished, they are less likely to put any effort into it. Therefore, determination is another key point.
In the end, it depends on the team of course. If everyone is all fired up about it and constantly going "Holy shit, this is gonna be so awesome!" then there are hardly any problems with that.

tl;dr: free VN translates almost directly to shitty art, writing or music and that's OK.

>> No.6322879

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

Also the guy who said commission almost made me laugh aloud.

>> No.6325076

Jones you are failing this was almost pushed off the board

>> No.6325087


>> No.6325202

Jones is a tremendous faggot, so what do you expect?

>> No.6326508

Japanese emoticons are only accepted ironically because they are so over the top. If you do not use them tongue-in-cheek, you are not using them correctly, at least not for what is considered acceptable on /jp/.

>> No.6326830

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6327531

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6327537


>> No.6328479

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6328685

Only 5 days until HONEY SWEET TEATIME

>> No.6331712

I'm going to keep this thread alive because it's (sadly) better than everything on the front page right now.

>> No.6331845

>放課後ティータイム - [放課後ティータイムII Disc02 - 『Cassette Mix』 #08] Honey sweet tea time

>> No.6332009

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6332416

Thanks for the heads up

>> No.6333909

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6334750

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6334755

I'm going to break my support disk.

>> No.6334941

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6334951

Did Jones become a bot?

>> No.6334957

What does this game have to do with K-ON?

>> No.6334965

The girl from OP looks like Sorami Kanata from Sora no Woto.

>> No.6334974

Crappy, stolen designs, I'd guess.

>> No.6336075


>> No.6336429

Go away, you are not Jones.

>> No.6337181

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

Look at the site, or even just look at this thread. It's pretty obvious.

>> No.6337187
File: 37 KB, 286x253, 1269566727132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she looks like Rio you dumbass.

>> No.6337196
File: 63 KB, 450x600, 25e3f424f7a077edf1f385d66cf69b2724a89333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck Is, this shit?

>> No.6337235
File: 144 KB, 1000x563, Bus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, am I the only one who are looking forward to russian eroge?

>> No.6338921

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6338954

more than you love akiha? Because your akiha threads died pathetically fast.
russian character art, not so good.

>> No.6339126
File: 1.54 MB, 1600x900, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously know some shit.

Basically guys, I've lost motivation and need help, as he said, I'm only good at logic/programming/ideas, nothing else.
Artist has ditched me pretty much exactly as stated, I don't really know, maybe the art was copied anyway, i really don't know.

And now that I've lost hope I don't know if the writer will continue

We have 15 days of -solid- plot, a good game engine and yeah, lots of plot and full character profiles are ready and at hand.

Anyone want to join? All help needed and appreciated.

Pic is proof that this isn't just BS

>> No.6339139

inb4 trolling, someone here must want to create something.
(yes I put my name in the wrong field)

>> No.6339157


I pretty much always need to force myself to write.
If you want a writer to help with a minor route or contribute ideas, then why not, It'll be good experience no matter where this project ends up.

>> No.6339181

Send me an email on guydesu@gmail.com and i'll keep a note of you when a route comes round.

>> No.6339201

Anyone else too, please email.

>> No.6339534

Just what is this game about?

A basic synopsis would be good for now, especially since you're ready to release a demo.

Drawfag here.

>> No.6339542

I still don't get it.

Then again I dropped K-on faster than /fit/ drops a regular exercise routine.

>> No.6339550
File: 17 KB, 280x320, 1287678966083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !bar

>> No.6339555

After reading...

The writing is terrible. It would need so much retooling, I don't even know.

>> No.6339556


Hi Anon. How are you today?

>> No.6339561
File: 159 KB, 440x435, Marseille.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely horny for you.

>> No.6339567
File: 88 KB, 695x682, 1287687876811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same as every day, I get up, browse /jp/ all day waiting for you to show up.

>> No.6339573
File: 538 KB, 634x715, 1287693773948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, back-off Pal, I saw him first.

>> No.6339578
File: 77 KB, 375x376, 1277958885029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we give him a harem route? I don't mind sharing

>> No.6339579

The stalker has a stalker?

>> No.6339581
File: 379 KB, 800x1025, hannaheadwings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You look fine. Didn't you get your skull cracked open or something?

>> No.6339591
File: 23 KB, 259x343, mio 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>my face when there are two of you

Also why e-stalk me? Why not Jonesy or Suigin or one of the other many trip users here.

>> No.6339595

They're not as good as you.

>> No.6339597

I want first dibs, I don't want no sloppy second.

>> No.6339602
File: 31 KB, 468x317, 1287693911405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suigin's just a fat nerd and fat nerds aren't really my thing.

>> No.6339605

Probably because you have the highest post count.

>> No.6339606

Make haste then, I'm about to explode here.

>> No.6339634

All right man, this won't take long, I can't hold my excitement around ZUN to long.

>> No.6339648

im the only one allowed to stalk jones dont go giving these guys ideas or ill beat your ass

>> No.6339653

I'll hold his head in my lap after you guys are done with him, then. Please don't be too rough.

>> No.6339697


Are you like the Anons from my form'spring or something.

>> No.6339726

Did you ever get to sniff Pygma-chan's hair? I know that's what I would do if I met her.

>> No.6339728

>zunbar remembers his forumspring exists

>> No.6339762

Last time I got super asspained when I answered like 20 questions and the answers weren't even saved. Seems to be working now though.

I never met Pygma.

>> No.6340617

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6340650

JOnes which keion are you being this halloween

>> No.6342595

So close to death

>> No.6342707


>> No.6342720

get out warehouse devs

>> No.6343198

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6343212

Stop viral marketing your terrible shit. We don't need another embarassment in the vein of KS or that Warehouse thing.

>> No.6343245

>another embarassment in the vein of KS

Come on stop being elistist. KS is by no means great, but has decent art, interesting story besides the genericness, good characters and subpar writing. If you think it is an "embarrassment" I would love to see golden game that you and your internet friends made.

>> No.6343252

Go home KS dev

>> No.6344641

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6344652

Reported. Unless you want to these threads to be deleted on sight, I'd suggest you stop your shameless advertising and self-bumps.

>> No.6344652,1 [INTERNAL] 

I believe in you Jones-dono!

>> No.6345308

I'm going to keep this thread alive for ten days because I fucking love keion.

>> No.6345308,1 [INTERNAL] 

Deleted by worthless kouhai maids.
And it was all the way to Monday!

>> No.6345308,2 [INTERNAL] 

Look likes you don't love keion enough, Jones.

>> No.6345308,3 [INTERNAL] 

It didn't fall off, it was deleted by a janitor.
And censoring love is pretty easy.
