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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 60 KB, 500x300, flyabletrans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6334435 No.6334435 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Translation Collaboration!

How do I participate?
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be translating
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been translated yet
Write your translated lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics.

Progress: First 48864 lines done. More than 0.5k throughout the rest in discontinuous patches.

晶, Crystal
結衣, Constipated Clothes
あきら, Getting Tired
天音, Sky Noise
くるり, Turning Around
すずの, Of Bell
茉百合, Jasmine Lily
桜子, Cherry Master
奏龍, Report Dragon
繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6334450

>Do you know Japanese,
>have some free time,
>and want to do some [...] VN translation for /jp/?

>> No.6334447

Every time you post this, I insert the phrase loldongs somewhere in the translation.

>> No.6334462

Every time you do this, your change gets reverted and your subnet banned.

>> No.6334468


I've not been caught yet. It would seem you need to ramp up your quality control.

>> No.6334486

>implying you're not just a troll entirely unfamiliar with the workings of the project

>> No.6334510


Believe what you will. Unless you're truly dense, you catch them in the final proof. Do your best until then.

>> No.6334529

This is horrible. Quit this immediately.

>> No.6334541

>"No, that, that machine, although I forgot which it was, if a button was pressed, doesn't it explode?"
>"Because it's inevitable, I certainly tried to go to configure it directly secretly."
>"It isn't such. At that time I was chased by Amane and the chairman handed over something like a USB drive, and it was said to thrust it into the machine on the bridge..."
>The time when Suzuno disappeared sticks and doesn't separate, and goes around in circles in my head.
>When I tried to breathe in, the drops of water that wet the face seemed to enter the nose and the mouth.
>Because immediately next to Yui's face came her hair, it was a good fragrance.


>> No.6334543

>Do you know Japanese,

>have some free time,

>want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?
Depends, is this game actually interesting instead of yet another tl;dr shitfest?

1) Does it have an actual story? Random chittery dialogue is not a story.

2) How much non-text content does it have? Images, music, things resembling actual gameplay, etc.

3) Is the game in any way unique? Does it stand out from the other fifty thousand generic VNs that people translate while the rare gems out there go ignored?

>> No.6334550

>Do you know Japanese,

>have some free time

>and want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?
Not for this project, no.

>> No.6334559

You should add a requirement that you know English too, because randomly thumbing through this, it's clear that whoever has been 'translating' it doesn't.

>> No.6334563
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 1273538844440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6334580
File: 3 KB, 199x176, trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[reimu@hakurei:~/misc/tl/Flyable Heart/data]$ grep 'loldongs' TEXT.DAT
[reimu@hakurei:~/misc/tl/Flyable Heart/data]$

>> No.6334588


Come now, I wouldn't be quite that obvious.

>> No.6334590

Sup OP/OP's dog.

>> No.6334613

TLwiki shills out in full force today

>> No.6334616

>"No, that, that machine, although I forgot which it was, if a button was pressed, doesn't it explode?"
>"Because it's inevitable, I certainly tried to go to configure it directly secretly."
>"It isn't such. At that time I was chased by Amane and the chairman handed over something like a USB drive, and it was said to thrust it into the machine on the bridge..."
>The time when Suzuno disappeared sticks and doesn't separate, and goes around in circles in my head.
Obviously valid.
>When I tried to breathe in, the drops of water that wet the face seemed to enter the nose and the mouth.
Obviously valid.
>Because immediately next to Yui's face came her hair, it was a good fragrance.
Obviously valid.

Looks like we have 4th-graders here who don't understand more advanced grammatical constructs.

>> No.6334633


r u srs

>> No.6334634

Yes, it's about time you guys learn THE GRAMMAR OF THE FUTURE

>> No.6334643


That, that post, although I forgot which it was, if a button was pressed, doesn't it get reported?

Because it's inevitable, I certainly tried to go to report it directly secretly.

>> No.6334704

>"No, that, that machine, doesn't it explode if a button is pressed, though I forgot which one it was?"

>"Because it's inevitable, I certainly tried to go to configure it directly and secretly."


You can make them sound much nicer in English.

>> No.6334721


>> No.6334862
File: 27 KB, 340x314, 1274626829672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6334954

This guy is my favorite guy. I should keep finding these editing disasters just to see more of him. Luckily, all it takes is opening any file.

>> No.6335027

It's the weekend, what'd you expect?

>> No.6335841

Up you go.

>> No.6335925

Keeping this thread up whilst we're being raided.

>> No.6336175

No idea what this thread is, but up to the top.

>> No.6336456

This project is an embarrassment. The person translating this clearly doesn't know what he's doing.

>> No.6336515

Today's total: 288
Fourth file: 12288
Remaining Subtotal: 0
Subtarget: -8
Total: 49152
Remaining: 24576

And that brings us to 66.67% completion and a break for me for the rest of the month.

>> No.6336516

Back to TLwiki please.

>> No.6336520

Thanks for your work and enjoy your break.

>> No.6336529 [DELETED] 

whats with all the anti?
did they come from gemot or something

>> No.6336559
File: 27 KB, 358x450, Moogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6336966

wtf is gemot?

>> No.6336966,1 [INTERNAL] 

Awww... a break for the whole month... >_<

Oh well, you guys deserve a breather. good work :D

BTW, can I ask when this translation FIRST STARTED?

>> No.6336966,2 [INTERNAL] 

It started around June I guess. And would you please refrain from using smiley and such since it's not encouraged here. Ugh...and, where are you from?

>> No.6336966,3 [INTERNAL] 

Must be one of those types that stumbled upon the archive from google.

>> No.6336966,4 [INTERNAL] 

Oh dear, I just checked "Flyable Heart translation" on Google and the first result is the link on the easymodo.

>> No.6337886

Have a bump.

>> No.6337894

I literally bumped a thread while it was on the front page.

>> No.6340706

And... up!

>> No.6340891

Everyone who complains about the translation is a TLWiki shill! I seriously know what that word means, guys. Honestly. And I'm not a Retrans shill, by the way. You fucking TLWiki shills.

>> No.6341142


>> No.6341155

You are literally a TLwiki shill

>> No.6341199

Every time I see this thread on the front page, I'm going to remind you how shitty this project is.
>"Because it isn't for the sake of you!!"
>"......In the middle of such a test of a courage, there is not the fool who is going to approach the object which a ghost really hides behind in."
>Then, besides, maybe it becomes serious that someone cheats at the time when he was at the place.
>I'm astonished at the condition which seems to be flying to a chick on the head.
>What it is, the sense by which fatigue attacks and comes suddenly to the body.

Seriously. What is translating this? Deep Blue?

>> No.6341211

Cudder, or Cudder's lackey:
Please explain why you think anyone not sucking this project's dick is a "TLWiki shill."
And how one can be a "shill" without even mentioning the thing they're supposedly supporting.
By going anonymous and abusing the word "shill," YOU are the shill.

>> No.6341244

>taking random sentences out of context


>> No.6341249

And then Cudder was a TLWikier.

>> No.6341255

Out of context or not, those sentences don't make sense.

>> No.6341268

The only context that these would be appropriate sentences for the English language is if the speaker was supposed to be a mental invalid.
>"And the fourth. The decreasing menu. The menu of the dining room, in the daytime, decreases while not noticing......"
>Oh, well, I wonder if it's actually the ghost closing it to be so? I'll here the truth later.
>Amane, one person, seemed to be the feeling which was feared desperately.
>"Oh, it's regrettable but inevitable. Such a place, if someone calls, it isn't fscntng."
>That they existed in this world, but I was sincerely glad that such praise, I felt for the first time.

>> No.6341421


Bump, so more people can talk about how shit the translation is.

>> No.6341431

The translation is shit.

>> No.6341435

lol, that shit's fucking horrible. This has to be a troll, seriously. Either that, or the the "translator" is just wasting his and everyone elses time with this project

>> No.6341480

I feel like you're violating the spirit of the rule, but I am a man of my word.

>Probably now I'm a strange person who eats a hand if it's judged from the group, but such a thing is unrelated to the extent that it's delicious!
>When I kicked my mouth on the cheek of the other side, a small voice came out.
>I let Kururi in a tired state ferment on the bed.
>Confluenced with Akira said to be returning to the state of Max, I left Kujo in the classroom and decided to return to the dormitory earlier with Suzuno.
>Even if the construction of the body is different, the feeling is surely together.

Fuck, they can't even turn the simplest sentence into English.
>"Yes. I like Kururi too. Greatly love."

Also, not Atlasing this, eh?
>Slowly, I pull out the hambone from within Yui.
>Slowly, The hambone is pulled out from among 結衣

>> No.6341487

This shit sounds like it's put together out of the CAPTCHA.

>> No.6341610

You fuckers will play this anyway, so quit bitching.

The early parts are definitely rough. It gets better later though.

>> No.6341629

What? Is this some kind of heuphamism for cock?

>> No.6341641

I hate you, you bastard. Since I should be asleep, a special reward. All these are from the same recently 'translated' script.

>Suddenly, we raise a voice and laugh at each other, and I tightly grasp the hand of Yui who was near.
>With the same timing as grasping her hand, our fingertips entwine.
>I somewhat feel like seeming to be able to sleep immediately if I look at Yui......
>And, because only that was written.
>At the present moment, it's a holiday, and figures of students are entirely not seen in the school building.

And just think. This is only the worst of the worst. None of this reads like anything anybody would ever say. Even the few lines that are technically grammatically correct still lack such nuances as pronouns or understanding of the possessive. Stuff like "I reached toward Yuki and stroke the cheek" is endemic.

>> No.6341651

That's exactly what it is. Someone with a brain would translate 肉棒 as dick or cock or something similar.

>> No.6341672

>You fuckers will play this anyway, so quit bitching.
Most of those people who are bitching have either played or know enough Japanese to be able to play this.

>> No.6341723

>None of this reads like anything anybody would ever say. Even the few lines that are technically grammatically correct still lack such nuances as pronouns or understanding of the possessive.
Because it's a TRANSLATION, not a fucking rewrite. This is as close as you're going to get to the original text without knowing Japanese.

>formal equivalence attempts to render the text word-for-word (if necessary, at the expense of natural expression in the target language).

It's translated as "meat stick" most of the time.

In which case they need not care about this, because this isn't a translation for them to read.

>> No.6341730

I don't know why anyone is bumping this thread the main translator is done for the month. Nothing is going on except trollage,

>> No.6341766 [DELETED] 

Because it's a TRANSLATION, not a fucking rewrite. This is as close as you're going to get to the original text without knowing Japanese.

Is this what people actually believe or is this just more trolling.

>> No.6341770

>Because it's a TRANSLATION, not a fucking rewrite. This is as close as you're going to get to the original text without knowing Japanese.

Is this what people actually believe or is this just more trolling.

>> No.6341784
File: 3 KB, 194x159, 01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not localization?

>> No.6341907


This is build PA20101025062717.57 based on the state of the repository at approximately 2010-10-25 06:27:17 4ST. Contents:

5fca72763da74478a17f39bb7ff8d77e1efda4db 6543 FHTRANS_README.TXT
10ff2a36672c26fcec826c054222d6227cdc05e1 4642308 SCRIPT.SRC
1bad7de3f259a35a983e6ffe4071967cb71239bc 2917731 TEXT.DAT

>> No.6341924
File: 74 KB, 1158x1242, fhcontrib_20101025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone asked for a contribution report.

>> No.6341954

You are simply darling. Do you come in a toy breed too?

>> No.6341961

Remember kiddos, every time you see a translator translate daisuki as "I love you", that's a rewrite!

>> No.6342004

It should be "like greatly" or "love greatly".

>> No.6342025

Are you upset?

>> No.6342045

>Because it's a TRANSLATION, not a fucking rewrite.

Please, please tell me you're a troll.

>> No.6342055


Or, if you want to keep the nuance of something meaty, you can just translate that as "sausage", since that's commonly used to refer to the netherregions of a man.

>> No.6342064

>This is as close as you're going to get to the original text without knowing Japanese.


a) The translation is so poorly done at times that it's difficult to understand what is going on.
b) Certain lines are just plain incorrect.

Remember, this is a novel. Readability is key. It adds to the enjoyment of the work. So, you have to write good English that flows well from one line to the next.

>> No.6342091

Hi rewrite artist. Still pissed that your "translation" wasn't acceptable regardless of how highly you rate your own skills?

>> No.6342131

Hi troll artist. Still pissed that your "argument" wasn't acceptable regardless of how highly you rate your own skills?

>> No.6342164

What the fuck people?

If you want this to be translated by someone else, go and do it yourself. Even if it's full of QUALITY at least he's doing shit. Go and translate this yourself, and blow him out of the water instead of flooding these threads about how shitty this will be. At least for some of us this will be readable, instead of moon runes everywhere.

>> No.6342175
File: 235 KB, 790x494, top_hatubai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6342224

Indeed you speak with truth.

>> No.6342605

The thing is that we have.
He just redoes everything while still having the gall to call it a "collaboration" and ask for more translators.

>> No.6342653

There is much lulz here.

>> No.6342736

>It's okay to produce unreadable garbage! At least you're producing something!

This is not how the world works. If you're going to do something insultingly bad, prepare for the consequences. And stop fucking spamming it on /jp/.

>> No.6342755


This is pathetic.
