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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6332631 No.6332631 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the deal breaker. I am pretty new to Touhou Hisoutensoku, but I really love playing Alice Margatroid. I think her playstyle is way more enjoyable than any other character, with more ''swift'' and ''creative'' moves. One problem I can't fucking figure out is how to counter really close melee assault. Her normal smash on the side is attack WAY too far, and often you can't land a punch neither. Is there any good close counter attack? Or is there ''Guide to newfags'' for Alice?

>> No.6332641


>> No.6332667

Do you watch replays?

>> No.6332673

you want to play a game right now?

>> No.6332695

Last update ruined Alice. We need a new flowchart for her.

>> No.6332697

I'm not a good player, but I use her alternate 412 that uses the hourai dolls that have spears in melee range.

>> No.6332722

at work.
I never watched a replay, however I watch people from /jp/ often. After the chart I saw that Alice was dead last from the wiki, I understand why I can't catch much of a glimpse of a good player.

>> No.6332811

I keep seeing terribad video on jewtube, is there any actual good Alice players I can look into?

>> No.6332878



We don't do racism and antisemitism here, sport. Slow down. Otherwise you seem like a nice newfriend. Delete that post and carry on.

>> No.6332945


>> No.6332958

Jewtube actually exists, just so you know.

Or not. It seems to be dead now, what a shame I enjoyed looking at things I can't understand.

On a side note, the fact that you state that racism is not tolerated here seems like a good lie, considering the amount of thread bashing Japanese folks.

>> No.6332985

I will not delete my post tho, but will watch out for comments that could lean toward racism, which was not the point of this.
I can't understand how hes killing remilia so easily the first time. I really must sucks haha.

>> No.6333008

It's not that difficult. Alice's melee sucks, but you can compensate in other ways. For example, try using 2B to launch a doll right above you. They'll try to graze it, then kick them in a face with a 22A. The trick is not letting them get near you. Doll Arrangement is also useful.

>> No.6333018

I meant 2C.

>> No.6333034

Is there any way to remember all theses ''aXX'' ''bXX'' moves, or they're all random numbers? They follow a pattern?

>> No.6333045

For the numbers, just look at your keypad/numpad for a reference. A is Z, B is X, and C is C.

>> No.6333093

AH! Now it'll make a lot more sense. Also, who is the most popular/the most populars Hisoutensoku characters? I don't know, but I played 3-4 players from /jp/, they all picked Suika. Hate when she goes huge.

>> No.6333124

Probably Suika, Iku, Youmu, and Utsuho. It's really a shame I don't see more people maining Alice.

>> No.6333189

As much as I fucking love Youmu as a character, I can't seem to land any fucking hit with her. Her moves all look way too obvious which leads to them being blocked. All the god damn time.

>> No.6333193

She's hard to use and does terrible damage. It's not surprising at all.

>> No.6333203
File: 62 KB, 900x720, 1275865095419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6333213

Okay, you are guessing the people that visit this board are japanese living in America or at least know a lot about japanese culture and whatnot. There are only two good characters in this thread.

>> No.6333231

lol sugoii motivator, /b/-chan!

>> No.6333235

Hey derp, do you have time for a match or two? Come drop by the SWR thread.

>> No.6333260

I'm actually at my job, I would need to stop every 1 minute or so. It will be impossible, but I can play in 5 hours. Will you still be there? I'll drop by to play games by that time.
Did you post here by mistake or... what the fuck that has to do with anything in this thread?

>> No.6333273

Well damn. I just wanted to play some Youmu. See you in 5 hours I guess

>> No.6333354

Sure, I want to play more Alice. I hate how when I play Patchouli, all I find myself to do is spam fireballs. It works most of the time, but it's not really dynamic and fun. I fucking love when you do the... I don't know the name but the tornado push back thingy, it's really fucking good but there's one problem, it's fucking impossible to do the button combination right, I always end up doing a fucking fireball.
