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File: 170 KB, 800x599, hhhnnnnngggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6331872 No.6331872 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't they translate the characters epilogue?
Because it's just dumbshit and ero gallery?
But i play this series for it's story and delicious Touka HHHHNNNNNGGGG scene!

>> No.6331885

go ask them u faggot

>> No.6331902

> Touka: "Umm......"


>> No.6331904


>> No.6331939

That's not what she's saying at all.

>> No.6331941

that's what she said

>> No.6331972
File: 122 KB, 810x648, fuckyeseri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's kind unfair of the people who worked on the Houzuki scenario not to translate this one, but then again, it's their call. While the main routes aren't really useful for anything besides fanservice and h-scenes (which you can read in moon anyway), I really wanted to read the short scenario for Eri, where she apparently finds herself trying to get to the final exam;_;.

And by the way this scene was awesome.

>> No.6331981
File: 59 KB, 810x648, now we're talking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so was this one.

>> No.6331986
File: 69 KB, 810x648, GODDAMN BADGER CUNT DICKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But let's not forget this one either.

>> No.6331992
File: 64 KB, 640x480, bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>censored image

>> No.6331998

Wait, what? Is this sharin no kuni or what? I don't remember there being untranslated parts...

>> No.6331999
File: 9 KB, 163x157, Sachi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touka was a dumb bitch

>> No.6332007
File: 23 KB, 374x306, 1286103193225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was Sachi, fuck you.

>> No.6332010

sequel fandisk.

>> No.6332021
File: 29 KB, 559x367, 1284235833083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, it sucks.

>> No.6332028
File: 21 KB, 214x243, 2010-10-23_152030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So was Natsumi, faggot

>> No.6332040
File: 12 KB, 222x213, touka4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't call Ririko names, but come at me bro.

>> No.6332044

the best sister

>> No.6332047
File: 141 KB, 476x557, 1286849486307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6332066

oh god that face.

she can rape me any time.

>> No.6332070
File: 130 KB, 476x678, 1287624345820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really had the hots for Ririko too. Her voice melted my ears every time, I couldn't wait for her h-scene.

And then she became all submissive and ARUGH IT'S MY FIRST TIME ARUFS BLOOD and the dream was ruined.

>> No.6332077
File: 78 KB, 800x600, 2010-05-15_153612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did we watch the same scene?

>> No.6332086
File: 18 KB, 219x270, Sachi11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling the only classy girl a dumb bitch...Go back to your Kanon and Clannad shit faggot.

>> No.6332093

Depends on context, but she could be. She could also be saying 'no' but usually ~ isn't read as strongly as ううん.

>> No.6332108


>admitted she only let Kenichi stay over because she thought he was rich
>fucked him right after he helped her get the diamond
>tried to get pity money from him because she was a lazy bitch
>fucks him right after he gives her money (bad end)

Stay classy Sachi ...

>> No.6332112
File: 82 KB, 800x600, 1250236846301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I expected her to be way more S than that. Maybe it was my own fault.

Sachi was hot but rather retarded. And I definitely wouldn't call her "classy" either.

>> No.6332119

Wasn't sachi just a genderswapped anon?

>> No.6332125
File: 279 KB, 442x335, 1224187494112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sachi had some actual talent.

>> No.6332175

Because the translator hates translating boring shit. Play it with agth or something if you truly give a shit about those.

>> No.6332212

I was really disappointed in how her character was developed, too. I was so happy to see a dominant heroine like that in an eroge, and then she was revealed to be all weak and sick and helpless after all and didn't really do anything sadistic or dominating in the H-scenes. A strong heroine with a taste for BDSM who turned into your average oneechan, bleh.

I really really loved her initially, but in the end, she was the heroine I cared the least about. Fuck Looseboy for wasting all the awesome potential.

>> No.6332234

>go for 7 years without talking/contact to anyone
>stand up to an oppressive regime despite having been tortured through isolation
>fall in love with someone who risks his life and saves her despite knowing that it will all be for naught

>> No.6332262

>7 years without talking/contact to anyone
>tortured through isolation

it sounds like a typical hikki anonymous, minus the torture part.

>> No.6332322


Contact through the internet still counts as contact.

>> No.6332637

Well, sure she had many awesome points/scenes and was strong for most of the game, but as for the romance and sex between her and the protagonist... she was just so out of character in those scenes: weak and submissive. Falling in love doesn't mean abandoning your personality. On the contrary, you'd want the character's personal quirks to stand out even more when they are in love with someone. In Ririko's case, it's like Looseboy ignored her personality when writing the romance, that's why the overall impression ended up meh.

A part of me might just be me though, in that I'm bad at ignoring individual sucky scenes and so they easily affect my image of the character as a whole, I admit that. But still, those scenes for Ririko sucked.

>> No.6335863

