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6326766 No.6326766 [Reply] [Original]

First playthrough. Turn 14. 3 command fans. The only commander of note I have is Yamamoto. I want to have the strongest for the Demon Army later. Who do I conquer first?

>> No.6326775

I'd say head towards Mouri, you want their maids.

>> No.6326774

North Japan is Best Japan

>> No.6326779

Miko, Tokugawa, Imagawa, Houjou, Uesugi. You can ignore those ninja faggots. Waste of time.

>> No.6326777

Either Natori (Miko Institute) or Senhime (Tokugawa). They are very hard to fight this early, but better now than later. Tokugawa would only get harder if you don't conquer them quickly.

Also, don't conquer Tenshi, Takeda, and Iga before Honnouji if you want the strongest armed force before the DA arrives. Use reinforcements too.

>> No.6326781

3 green dots > mountain > dogs > wait for hanny's to reach capital > hanny > orange house > blue + green > monk > gun guy + akashi > mouri > dick girl > far east > far west

or something like that

>> No.6326783

Don't do it. Takes too much time + they have an urn. Gourd. Whatever.
And you'll gor attached to one of said maids when POP
I'd say roll your way through to Kenshin. Fuck all else, Uesugi is a priority.

>> No.6326786

This is a good post. After getting Senhime and Natori, ignore Texas too as they have no real good generals. Head south to Mori and capture the sisters. Getting them early makes it easier to fight Hojo and Uesugi at the same time.

>> No.6326790

Start off with the Miko Institute and Uesugi. Then Tokugawa, I guess.

>> No.6326791

Get Natori from the Miko Institute as soon as you can, followed by Kenshin from Uesugi. Once you have them both, you can pretty much roll everything else as you please. I recommend taking Tokugawa for Senhime afterwards.

>> No.6326797

Uesugi can wait later as the 5th gourd to break. She's already high level and her country is easy to finish off. Mori has a lot of events and it contains a powerful foot soldier unit in Teru and a good ninja in Kiku. Chinu is also useful in battles. Plus you can't go wrong with foursome.

>> No.6326800

This is the FIRST playthrough guys.

If he goes directly for Uesugi, Takeda will conquer Hojo and he'll lose the ability to get any bonuses from conquering that place.

>> No.6326810


>>6326783 here
Shit. I forgot. A viable solution is to fuck up Takeda first. But then again it's something I wouldn't reccomend ever. I always leave them to the demons because FUCK their blitzes, impossible to defend against all four to trigger the event (which doesn't exist in the first playthrough if I recall correctly).
Then again same goes for Akagi and musketeers. Fucking choices man. It's like I really am playing a Bioware game!

>> No.6326812

>If he goes directly for Uesugi, Takeda will conquer Hojo
Good riddance.

>> No.6326813

Fair enough.

In this case, conquer in this order: Miko Institute, Tokugawa, Imagawa, declare on both Uesugi and Hojo, whack Uesugi for one territory and while waiting for the event to clear wipe up a few of Hojo's, and then conquer them both before heading South.

>> No.6326814

Tokugawa -> Miko -> Imagawa -> Tanegashima -> Akashi -> Mori & Takuga (beat Takuga before Mori, actually, just capture all the Mori maids and leave one territory for Mori so you don't break their gourd) -> Hojo & Uesugi

Provided you break a gourd every 20 turns after turn 10, you have 90 turns to prep for Demon Army. After Honnouji, finish off Mori, then you can blitz Iga in one turn, and Takeda in three. Demon Army will never invade Dokuganryuu or Texas. Make peace with Tenshi.

Ignore Tenshi even if they attack you.

>> No.6326817
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> Akagi
Derp. Sure haven't played Rance for some time.

>> No.6326822

>Ignore Tenshi even if they attack you.

Dealing with rebellion is annoying though.

>> No.6326823
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The animation team for this OVA probably needed to get fired or something...

>> No.6326825
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It's old as fuck. That's how anime worked back then. Deal with it.

>> No.6326828

Yeah, but conquering Tenshi is a waste of turns and start of turn events.

Oh and you can clear Senhime's final character clear using Akashi's auto-lose battles, of which there are three. Also turn savers those fights.

I guess OP also doesn't know how to make a Super Rance in the first playthrough, right?

>> No.6326838

What are you on? I haven't watched it yet, but every single screen of it I've come across has been gold. Good, good oldschool stuff.

>> No.6326847
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>> No.6326851

>I haven't watched it yet
The seiyuu for Rance was disappointing. It's the reason why the Rance series has never been voiced. Because they might just ruin what people think of as Rance's voice.

>> No.6326852
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What the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.6326853
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>Super Rance
Do you mean 9/9/9, maxed level (99) or something else?

>> No.6326858

You don't...you don't vassal anyone in this game.
With the possible exception of the Tenshi sect but the scythe monk is mediocre at best except for his fuck-up-one-fourth-of-the-enemies attack.

>> No.6326862
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I am the strongest!

>> No.6326864

You can get Rance to 8/8/7/7 on the first playthrough rather quickly (under 25 turns if you manage well) with a very low national cost to you. On second playthroughs, it's more like 9/9/7/7 within 15 turns.

>> No.6326869

Look at that BAKA

>> No.6326872
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Why can't I hold all those nines.

>> No.6326877

...Norio Wakamoto?

>> No.6326899

His voice wouldn't fit the character.

>> No.6326944

Oooooh, Rance thread.
On my first playthrough I broke the 5th gourd on turn 40. Then, as the Honnouji incident was resolved, I imediately went to war with Takeda without operation permits.

>> No.6326956


You look kinda cool there, Rance

>> No.6327260
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>> No.6327275
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Now it's even cooler when Sill joined you

>> No.6327288

Not funny, bro.

>> No.6327301
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>> No.6327316
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>> No.6327334

Was it now? I thought it sounded both comic and arrogant, just like Rance is supposed to be.

>> No.6327339

Not everyone in Japan agreed. You might think that way, but a lot of other moonlanders thought he had a gruffier manly voice. And not as comedic as this one, hilarious though he may be.

>> No.6327341

People with different opinions? Surely you must be taking a shit right into my throat.

>> No.6327345


wtf, you need gain the territories, no make surrender country

>> No.6327349

Well, whatever. Still the reason why they never voiced the series. Because unlike the other games, this is a long running series and many things can happen in between games to the CV as well as many fans from the first games not taking kindly to a voice they don't see as matching with Rance according to their own opinions.

>> No.6327353

Only country worth making surrender is Tenshi.

>> No.6327354

Ain't that the reason most protagonists in VNs don't get voiced anyway?

>> No.6327356
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Rance 08 fucking when.
I WILL keep on asking until it comes out.

>> No.6327361

Probably Q3 or Q4 2011.

>> No.6327371

I really don't want anything bad to happen to Hornet. Hoping Rance saves her.

>> No.6327393


I see Kyo and Mikawa too, You lost Senhime (a good Footsoldier ) without win Mikawa

>> No.6327401

Start again > Hara > ashikaga (yamamoto) > Tokugawa (Senhime)> Miko (Natori) > Uesugi (Kenshin)

forget Asakura and kill fast amigawa when declare war, ignores tenshin unless you have much Root %

>> No.6327435

Anyone knows what happened with translation of Rance 02 that some anons here were talking about month ago? Is it still being worked on or they stopped after translating menu interface?

>> No.6327497

This is the first playthrough. There were better advice for the OP prior to your post.

Going straight for the already strong Kenshin isn't good if you're aiming for a powerful army to fight off the Demon Army when they arrive. It's much better to get other generals and strengthen them so everyone's basically at the same level when the blitz arrives.

>> No.6327634
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The original one that is.
I can't wait to wait 2 more years for a translation.
I'm calling the Leila 2.0 treatment on her.
Speaking of which, we know alot about canon shit in Sengoku but do we really finally know about Leila's canonity?

>> No.6327816

I'm still working on the script. I haven't heard from the others in a while, we got no one to proofread or edit the translation (apparently everyone's busy on some more important project right now) and I don't know if any image editing is being done either.

>> No.6327876

Not yet.

>> No.6328497

I hope Rance beats and screws Satella in the next game, Hornet is collateral damage.

>> No.6328958

It's about time Rance and Satella got together already.

>> No.6328987

Won't get released.
Alicesoft would be bankrupt by then.

>> No.6328996
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Cool story bro

>> No.6329456

It's been how long since they met? Three to four years? They really need to fuck.

>> No.6329459


Next game is Kalar and Reset, right? No demons in this game I presume? Well, it all depends if Rance still has Chaos by then. If he does I'll know.

>> No.6329467



Satella isn't ready yet, narrative wise.

>> No.6329473

What's Hornet's personality like? Given her relationship with Satera, I thought it would be similar to Kenshin and Ai.

But Kenshin's personalty sucks, I'm appalled by the thought of Hornet being a moeblob.

>> No.6329485

Rance will probably bring Chaos. And since TADA said that Rance VIII will be an all-star game, chances that we get the Demons involved in the story are pretty high, considering that Kalar territory is right smack dab next to Demon territory.

>> No.6329491

>Satella isn't ready yet
Like that ever mattered.

>> No.6329583


It has. Rance has had plenty opportunity to fuck Demons and Apostles in Rance III and VI, but didn't. You can look at it from Rance simply preferring different plays at the time, or from AliceSoft's perspective of wanting to go somewhere with them. Rance never fucked Kanami proper until Rance III, and didn't fuck Sel at all until Rance VI. There's going to be some significance when Rance finally fucks Satella and La Seizel.

>> No.6329667

Sel, Magic and Eropicha's magic juice. That was one heck of a threesome.

>> No.6329691

I can see what you mean. But that doesn't mean Rance can't fuck her in 8 and get more development after the fact.

>> No.6331287

>La Seizel
Don't you mean La Hauzel? Rance already got some lip service from Seizel.

>> No.6333779

Was Sel important to Rance? Can't believe he wouldn't have sex with her.

>> No.6334414


Rance has wanted to fuck Sel since Rance 3, but she wouldn't let him because she's a virginal nun. She obviously cares for him though and has acted like Maria and Magic in trying to make him a "better man".

Rance got lucky and she gave him her asshole virginity in Rance 6, but he's has yet to get to her pussy.

>> No.6334429

Maria wanted to make Rance a better man? I never got that impression.
