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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6321016 No.6321016 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, what the fuck. Has /jp/ freezed? How many people are here browsing anyway? 3, 5?

>> No.6321019

Eh sorry I just came back from /vp/

>> No.6321022

Only me and two other Anons I think.

Boards are the best when slow IMO.

>> No.6321025

Meido deleting stuff.

>> No.6321024

Feels bad man. I am here F5ing /jp/. ;_;

>> No.6321026


We are all the same person.

>> No.6321028

I see what you did there.

>> No.6321029

I'm here, eating my oats, then I'm going to play on my DC.

>> No.6321030

Boards being slow are a good thing you secondary fuck.

>> No.6321031
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The mod has lost their mind and is deleting all the meta threads and vaguely related /jp/ topics. I think this guy forgot every board has metathreads and there isn't anything a butthurt mod can do about it. The metathreads existed before he showed up and will after he gets tired and goes back to thumbing his ass.

>> No.6321034

you shoulda said 4, 5? because htat would mean 9 xxx#DDD

>> No.6321036
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I'm here but I'm not posting.

>> No.6321038
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Night time is best time.

>> No.6321041

i'm here, posting from workplace

>> No.6321042

wtf are you talking about
it's noon here

>> No.6321043
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/jp/ is best enjoyed when it's nice and calm. Taking it easy.

>> No.6321045

I've just checked the archive and the only threads that were deleted had the Sion level of quality.

>> No.6321046

I'm busy playing Trickster and take a look at the front page every 30 minutes.
I think it's nice when the board is slow,it's almost like all the haters are sleeping right now

>> No.6321049

I prefer it at this time.

>> No.6321052


>> No.6321053

I am in a funk where I don't feel like watching any anime, playing any VN or vidya, and don't know wtf to do so here i am browsing /jp/ , /a/, /v/, /sp/ , and /new/. Fuck, what have I become...?

>> No.6321055

Same here, same here.

>> No.6321058

I'm so cool and such a /jp/sie I call everything sion! Anyone who keeps calling random anonymous posters sion is the problem. Saten and /a/ spam is a problem. Metathreads are very /jp/ related and "Otaku Culture" or Japan / General has wide variety topics which made this board not generic shitty visual novel topic #10000. All those "quality posts" are the same shit reposted 1,000 times. Touhou fighter thread, Touhou music thread, Rance thread, Visual novel, 10 type-moon topics, and now idol fags are making like 10 fucking topics and not keeping it all in the same thread.

You can't judge quality you're a aspie. Having a couple vaguely related /jp/ topics is called variety and doesn't harm anything, having this nigger mod deleting c78 link dump threads, alice dumps, music threads, korean mmo threads and whatever else does more harm and inspires more people to fill up the front page with "shit posts".

If you actually browsed /jp/ for a while you would be tired of shitty fucking generic visual novel/rance topic #100,000.

>> No.6321060

>what have I become?

>> No.6321063

Something like the rest of us. A depressed and apathetic loser. But don't spend too much time thinking about it, it'll only become worse if you do.

>> No.6321067

>c78 link dump threads,
That's because of pirating issues. If the mod/janitor's around, he can't exactly turn a blind eye on it. It has nothing to do with the quality of the threads.

>alice dumps,
Dumps are terrible and the fact you said Alice makes me think you're saying roleplaying should be accepted: FUCK YOU.

>music threads
Never deleted, unless by "music threads" you mean "threads to dump your download links" and that brings us to what I said about the C78 threads.

>korean mmo threads
Never deleted unless there's a pretty big shitstorm happening in it. /jp/ isn't playing a Korean MMO right now but Cosmic Break threads always stay up.

>> No.6321072

Mentioning "sion" is easier than saying "group of IRCfriends who hate this board and everything on it for whatever reason, as well as the person who once called himself Sion, and thus try to destroy both of those things at once". Guess who's behind all the spam related to topics from other boards?

And well, let's see.
>/jp/ meetup with an anime screencap
>daily pissing thread
>random imouto picture without text
>Uiharu + lyrics
>LoGH screencap
>"my face when" thread
>textless meido thread
>another "my face when" thread
All of those are surely varied vaguely related /jp/ topics, right?

I'm fully against deleting actual /jp/ content though, but according to this quick visit to the archive, the only /jp/-related thread was an Alice "dump".

>> No.6321074

Wrong on all counts. Pirating issues?! You can't be serious, oh wait you actually are. Wow seriously go back to fucking wherever you came from. Hey dip shit I'd like to point to towards these couple boards. There isn't a pirating issue on this site dumb fuck.

Yeah man 4chan has pirating issues, thanks you nigger mod for saving us xD. All kinds of /jp/ topics have been deleted and what you didn't mention was how he doesn't even delete all the completely off topic threads he fucking cherry picks whatever makes him butthurt gets deleted and whatever he thumbs his ass to stays. I've never roleplayed or used an avatar fuck you.

>> No.6321075


>> No.6321076

What the hell, since when was sharing music albums on 4chan a reportable offense? Especially JAPANESE DOUJIN music, which most of us won't ever have the chance to buy?
Things surely change with the times.

>> No.6321080

>/r/ - Request
>4. Do not request or discuss material protected by United States copyright law.

>/t/ - Torrent
>1. All material licensed in the United States is prohibited. This includes music, manga, hentai, artbooks, and anything else protected by United States copyright law. (Note: 99% of what you will find on the internet is probably unlicensed, however first check and make sure it is before posting!)
>2. There will be no "warez" allowed. Warez is classified as: retail software, games, movies, etc. See the above rule.

You're an idiot!

>> No.6321086 [DELETED] 

doujinshi music obviously falls under those rules.
>baww i was wrong so i'll point out something unrelated and hope people think i was right ;_;

>> No.6321083

What about /rs/?

>> No.6321085

>pirating issues

You are anti-freedom.

>> No.6321091

These same rules also imply that all boards that have a blue background are supposed to be safe for work, but take a look at /vp/ and try to find one page without a single porn picture.
People just don't give a fuck, and because, on 4chan, rules and content are dictated by the userbase, moderators don't give a fuck as well.

>> No.6321092

doujinshi and music obviously falls under those rules.
>baww i was wrong so i'll point out something unrelated and hope people think i was right ;_;

>> No.6321095

I want to see touhous in halloween costumes :(

>> No.6321102

Who gives a shit, retard? If you advocate anti-piracy, you are anti-freedom. You and every buttretarded prohibitionist should have their right to free speech revoked.

>> No.6321105
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>material licensed in the United States

I don't know what to say except... derp

>> No.6321116

Yeah who gives a shit? Reality does kiddo. Doujinshi and Doujin music isn't copy righted in Amerika, so obviously I don't need to respect their copy right. Until they setup shop here and start selling their product near me, shut your fucking mouth nigger.

Once again, those rules you pointed out don't apply, so you're such a stupid faggot throwing up blowing smoke.
>BAWWW i don't even know what i'm talking about, i hope no one notices. i'll point out some unrelated stuff and hope they don't figure me out ;_;

>> No.6321120

>Metathreads are very /jp/ related
Go jump in a hole.

>> No.6321125

After you swallow some razors. This is a meta thread about /jp/ and how isn't it related. Should people go make a fucking post on /b/ about an issue on /jp/? Yeah thought as much you stupid faggot.

>> No.6321128

No, metathreads shouldn't be made at all. Do you really think these help make the board a better place?

>> No.6321136

Newfriend. We've had more meta discussions than the seconds you have spent in this board. We have agreed on some basic guidelines. We can't do the same for every person coming here. Go search some metathreads on the archive if you like them so much and want to masturbate to them.

>> No.6321137

There there Anon don't cry, it's just the internet. As much as you want to believe it is NOT serious business.

>> No.6321141

Reported for not being serious.

>> No.6321148
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>> No.6321150
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>> No.6321151
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We're slow but it's not the good kind of slow. Nobody has anything interesting to talk about, and by the time one of us gets bored enough to actually post a thread on our own, the other two guys sage and report it, the thread dies, and it gets deleted.

/tg/ is having similar problems lately due to crazy mod faggotry. People are afraid/too lazy to post new shit because the odds are so high it will just be smacked down instantly. So content stagnates.

We're basically reaping what we have sown.

>> No.6321154

>post a thread on our own, the other two guys sage and report it, the thread dies
But that's the ideal state of /jp/.

>> No.6321163

No, no sorry actually "you" have not. You see faggot, I've been lurking around /jp/ since the split more than 2 years ago now I think it was? No one agreed to anything and the /jp/ meta threads came directly from the /a/ metathreads which existed before you even clicked on this site. You see my newfag friend, part of /a/ came to /jp/ because it didn't always existed and the activities which appear on /jp/ use to be on /a/ and even before that on Anime & Random.

>> No.6321165
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That only works with the "Page 0=Entire Board" mentality. It gets bumped off? Bump it back up. Besides I don't think there are many people anymore who don't browse Page 1, 2, etc., as well as the frontpage.
Right now, everyone is buttranged to the sky because mod fucked up and deleted some related content. People, this happens all the time. All the time, I tell you. By complaining and letting it snowball, you only make it worse. I remember another time when this happened and for the rest of the day, /jp/ was nothing but metathreads complaining about metathreads complaining about metathreads complaining about a couple of related threads getting deleted. Now, that's just silly behavior from our part. If related content is deleted, just post it again, usually that does the trick (you can ask Hong Meiling about that); however, angry meta is definitely not the solution to this.

>> No.6321167

shining in glory
for all men to see
through days dark and stormy

>> No.6321171
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Yeah, and I've been browsing /jp/ since 2002. I can't imagine a person who has been browsing this board for so long, yet still feels the need to discuss meta. If you are one, then I pity all the time you wasted learning nothing.

>> No.6321172

Metathreads are always shitty because they always end up in retards calling each other newfriends even though they have absolutely no way of proving it. No argument? Who gives a shit, just say you've been here since Oct 1st 2004 and that everyone who disagrees with you has been here for two months.

>> No.6321181

Yeah because if suddenly a mod starts doing crazy shit no one would want to start talk about the issue right? Wake up half of the board is deleted and a bunch of /jp/ topics are gone and it wasn't the usual kog or /b/ spam.

Yeah that isn't a reason to make a meta thread and talk about the board, yep. No wiggle room at all. This is now insert generic forum where you get banned for trolling too!

If you can't understand why one semi off topic/meta metathread on the front page doesn't do any harm you've got brain damage.

>> No.6321185

Daily kog meta?

>> No.6321187

Talking about the issue does nothing you autistic fuck. You're an user, you have absolutely NO say in what the janitor/mod thinks should be deleted. In fact,
>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment. The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail.

>> No.6321191
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I disagree. Meta threads are almost always born as a direct result of mod faggotry, making it the faggot mod's fault that the meta he hates so much exists.

This sort of thing has always happened, but in cycles. Boards are left alone for a while, they get more and more ridiculous as the same people keep coming back every day looking for new content that isn't there.

A mod comes along, decides it's time to "save the board," does some good shit, then goes overboard and fucks up by deleting good threads that everybody liked. Then the meta starts up, because nothing pisses in your cheerios quite as much as having something you were enjoying suddenly disappear without so much as a word.

And there are more users than mods and janitors, so if they delete something a lot of people liked, the meta threads start cropping up. Then the mods get all depressed and go away for a while. And the cycle starts all over again.

Every time, you can only hope that they didn't do something permanent, like add wordfilters or someshit, because that's the only stuff that will pretty much never go away.

>> No.6321201
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>Yeah that isn't a reason to make a meta thread and talk about the board, yep.
No, it isn't. Take it to the ghost-board, if you can't stand it. Like I said, (although I don't need to, if you've been here that long, you probably know it already) this happens ALL the time. So, no, it's not a big deal. Just create the threads again, like always. Being an e-vigilante is worse than being a faggot mod.

Plus, just what do you think you'll gain if you make a metathread? Will you persuade the mod not to delete stuff through it? Yeah, that sure has worked before. If you want to change the situation that much, email moot instead of sperging around, calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a faggot.

>> No.6321211

Actually yes, it shows this nigger mod how the board feels so he'll fuck off actually. You see this isn't magical fairy autistic land that you in-vision the world as. If all the users on this board keep making meta threads, keep up the daily dose and keep complaining this faggot will realize he's in the wrong and go thumb his ass instead of wasting time on this shit.

The same thing happened with /a/ about a year ago when probably a similar faggot went on a power trip and started deleting all waifu threads, but ignored the futa scat dump which was being continued for 2 hours on the front page. Well you nigger after people spammed waifu topics every couple seconds the dumb nigger decided to post and anons insulted him and called him out on his bullshit and he fucked off the board. Mods aren't anything special. Those cunts don't run the board, users decide the content. That is what made this piece of shit website you cunt. Not some faggot mod who decides what is quality material.

>> No.6321214

Yeah, well, with that attitude, it's like you're saying "We can't help being whiners, it's his fault he made us whine" And that's what I'm saying. I say, let's stop being whiners, if he's a faggot, let him be a faggot, we're not going to ruin our fapping session because of him. And if he continues being a faggot, we email moot/Anonymous-san and kick him out.

>> No.6321226
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Ok, I don't like using this "meme", but you're seriously mad and frustrated right now. Calm down, yes, your thread got deleted, tough shit. You seriously look like you haven't gone through this before.
And you said it yourself, back then they actually started making more waifu threads. Well then, go make more Alice threads instead of continuing the butthurt meta.

>> No.6321248

I was slightly frustrated until I read that and cheered up. I didn't make waifu threads and I haven't ever. My point was the users did and called the mod out on his bullshit and he fucked off. I enjoy lurking and all the usual topics have been deleted and the users probably banned or they're scared to make their topics. Like I said before /jp/ needs variety. All these visual novel threads are mostly reposts of reposts.

>> No.6321449

You guys noticed that every single day someone around this time complains about /jp/ being slow?

It's not a bad thing you stupid fuck, from your picture and post I can see you are our typical touhou shitposter.
