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6318056 No.6318056 [Reply] [Original]

How do you NEETs deal with crippling depression?

>> No.6318061

You cannot be a NEET if you have not already overcome your depression.

You need more training.

>> No.6318063

I want anime

>> No.6318064


>> No.6318066

Apathy. Pure, unbridled apathy.

>> No.6318068

Just think of all the difficult work you don't have to do and you'll be really happy all the time.

>> No.6318070

Going out in middle of night under influence of alcohol or drugs.

>> No.6318073
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>Going out

>> No.6318074

Depression is made up bullshit so doctors can sell you drugs.

>> No.6318076


Stop blushing you loli vampire.

>> No.6318084

I have a shameful addiction to 3D loli, so I must go outside occasionally and say hello to them.

>> No.6318085



>> No.6318091

By directing your rage outward instead of inward.

>> No.6318094

This chair is an eyesore.

>> No.6318097

the drugs are bullshit. depression as an illness isn't.

>> No.6318102

Hey look. Another faggot who doesn't know what NEET means.

>> No.6318106

By hoping technology will cure my laziness, shyness, and anti-social tendencies and make me the immortal little girl, and mechanization will eliminate the need for labor and thus I can spend the rest of eternity having tea parties in space with all the friends I'll make.

>> No.6318110
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Anyway I've never been depressed, so I don't even know what you mean.
pic related
>mfw i wake up

>> No.6318113

I lie down, wait for my logical mind to break down my depression in its futile form of basic instincts, then get back doing my shit.
You simply learn to treat it like going to the bathroom or blinking your eyes.

>> No.6318115

Why do so many people say the drugs work then?

>> No.6318116

It isn't an illness. It's a natural mental state.

>> No.6318117

The drugs change the chemicals in your brain to induce happiness. This would be caused regardless of any mental illness.

>> No.6318120

Drugs. Prescriptions or illegal, don't matter.

>> No.6318121

Depression = sanity
Happiness = mania = insanity

>> No.6318122

By sleeping on the floor while leaving an uneaten cake in front of my laptop.

>> No.6318125

By not having any.
While this way of life is not the greatest out there, I feel happy with it. For the moment, at least.

And what do you believe that NEET means? Don't tell me you're one of those misinformed people who think it's the same thing as hikikomori.

>> No.6318126


Pharmaceutical companies lobbying and the placebo effect. The treating of depression also entails things like counseling usually, and the personal undivided attention is often exactly what depressed people need to feel better.

>> No.6318129

By turning my mind into steel.

>> No.6318130


>> No.6318134
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Making peace with the fact that I will never hold mai waifu and accepting that she's more of an ideal was part of it. Deluding myself into believing there is an afterlife helps too.
That, and working out/not eating garbage. I've found archery to be incredibly cathartic.

Or you can just develop a chemical dependency or get a prescription for antidepressants.

>> No.6318135

Of course I do.
Not in Education Employment or Training.
It's not hard to understand yet a lot of people on /jp/ still manage to fuck it up. It's like they're just trying to fit in with the 'cool kids'.

>> No.6318145

Thanks guys. Feeling much better now.

>> No.6318149

I was a NEET until 2 days ago.
I just returned from my first class, I'm more depressed now than I ever was as a NEET.
I wish I could go back to my NEET ways.

>> No.6318163

I paint from time to time, expressing myself through mediums such as paint and charcoal has always helped me get over shit, you should try it.

>> No.6318187

Haha crippling depression what? The secret is to not give a shit and truly know that you are awesome in your own way. One you grasp those concepts you'll be able to do whatever you want.

People staring at you and whispering? Who cares you're awesome and they can fuck off.

If you can truly master the ability to not care about what others think then someday you will be able to do something with your life.

>> No.6318190

Why would you break NEETdom with Education? It's the most depressing one. If you can't get Employment, do Training, it's better and more relaxed.

>> No.6318199

I play the sims. My sim is a very successful inventor with a lovely wife and a daughter who loves him....

>> No.6318205

Whenever I play the Sims, my daughter grows up and I get too depressed and lose interest.

>> No.6318206

I find a video game and get really excited about it. Every day I get up, looking forward to seeing if there's any new info that's come out about it. After a few months it finally comes out, turns out to be awful, and I find a new game and restart the cycle. Thanks a lot, APB

>> No.6318210

I agree 100%. Who gives a shit about depression, do whatever the fuck you want and not be depressed. I always laugh at the people who are depressed for dumb reasons like being NEET.

>> No.6318211

I'm playing on the epic lifespan setting so it will be hundreds and hundreds of days before she's even a teenager

>> No.6318212

Bullshit or not, a month's worth of generic anti-depression medicine is $5 here in the US. I just started yesterday. They say it can take 4-6 weeks. Here's to trying something.

>> No.6318213

I have no problems with self-esteem like some insecure teenager. I just have no will to do anything.

>> No.6318228

I really want to see a psychiatrist, but my parents won't let me because they think I'm just faking depression. I've since stopped caring about my life at all and basically go to sleep at night hoping I die in my sleep

>> No.6318229

Is that actually depression? A lot of days I don't want to do anything so I stay in bed all day. I don't feel sad or depressed.

>> No.6318231

When you're depressed for long enough your brain eventually kills off your emotions to protect you.
It'll get better with time.

>> No.6318249

I use alcohol and caffeine on a regular basis. I have wild mood swings, between unreasonable optimism and depression. I'm not a NEET, but I don't really have any friends.

>> No.6318252

I just remember that I will die eventually

>> No.6318254

the only people that are depressed about being NEETs are those that are normalfags without jobs and know exactly what they are missing. Those of us that were never normal to begin with shouldn't give a shit either way imo.

>> No.6318257


A lot of people on /jp/ have self-esteem problems.

>> No.6318260

I just want money, being poor sucks, and I don't want to abuse my government too much. I already got a computer from them, I don't want to get tons of cash, too.

>> No.6318267

From symptoms of depression:
>Loss of interest in daily activities. No interest in former hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. You’ve lost your ability to feel joy and pleasure.

Not sure about you but this fits me pretty well. I don't know if that's enough to have depression, though.

>> No.6318268

Wait, hold on I only go the gym now some days and thats not NEET? I call bullshit.

>> No.6318273

This is also true. What's wrong with you other NEETs that is making you so depressed? What is it exactly? No money? You don't need money. You have your computer and an internet connection, don't you? I bet there's food in your house or your mother prepares atleast a few meals a week. Don't have a job and don't go to school, yet you feel the need to socialize and make friends? You people that think like that disgust me. There is nothing great about other people.

>> No.6318280

I want some real food, though, the stuff I'm getting from the government from disability is nasty and it makes me sick sometimes.

>> No.6318289

I don't really care about not having friends or going out of the house, but I do get depressed knowing my social anxiety will prevent me from getting any sort of good job so I will be fucked when my parents die

>> No.6318291

I stopped caring about life after getting dumped by a high school sweetheart.

In my slump, I missed all of my prime college years.

At this point, I'm just not motivated enough to kill myself.

"Dealing with it" consists mostly of distracting myself via all the things NEETs do. Wasting time on anime and videogames as much as possible so I something to think about besides my life's failures.

>> No.6318292

Your mothers won't be around forever, much less in a position to support you, and food doesn't magically appear in your fridge. What will you do when you're a 35 year old man with no work experience or education to speak of? Enjoy being a janitor and eating noodles alone at a broken card table for the rest of your life.

>> No.6318293

Are you able to appply for food stamps? If you know how to cook they are actually a great way to feed yourself.

>> No.6318295

Not if your computer and internet connetion is shit like mine.

captcha >argame important
With a nice computer yes.

>> No.6318297

The state is already supporting me at this point. The government will not die, unless some anarchist revolution occurs.

>> No.6318301

I'm almost glad I don't care about my life. I can't imagine how stressful it would be to worry about your inevitable death

>> No.6318307
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Investing. I pick up shitty jobs now and then, but since I don't have any rent or bills to pay, I don't lose much of my income. It goes into dividend-paying stocks.

The return is low, but it's not for capital gains style profits. It's for building a portfolio that generates regular income, good for creating a long-term baseline income for yourself.

I get to live rent-free at my parents' house under the condition that I invest in either something like this, or in my own education. I chose the money.

>> No.6318308

I'm 21 and I don't even have a driver's license, both because I can't handle the stress of both driving AND being judged, and because I only leave the house once every few months anyway. My father said he would take me to see the new Jackass movie but he still hasn't

>> No.6318310

"No money"/"Very little money" can make things pretty hard and depressing, especially if your parents dont do everything for you. It just isnt fun to have to count every penny to afford food and a few nice things every now and then.

>> No.6318317

But in theory, when she's no longer around, I inherit enough to support myself. Well, of course not everyone is in this kind of position.

>> No.6318318

when my parents die I'll probably finally kill myself. I can't imagine life without them

>> No.6318323

Yeah, it was really bothersome for me to get my license too, though I got mine when I was 18. I was about to do my short stint in college before I dropped out, and I thought it'd be nice to have a form of identification, so I got a license mostly for that reason. I'm 23 now, I still don't drive very much, because I just consider it to be kind of stressful to do so. More often I just walk pretty much everywhere I have to go.

>> No.6318324

I have "very little money" and I live just fine. Most of my money comes from Christmas or my birthday. What more do you need to make you think that you don't have enough money?

>> No.6318326

Don't get depressed. Just angry.

>> No.6318330

Well his post implies that he at least pays for his own food, so that would complicate things a bit.

>> No.6318331

To all the NEETs reading this enjoy what you have.

It's not that bad honestly, just enjoy taking it easy.

>> No.6318333

Yeah, amen to that, brother. I love my NEET life. The only thing that ever depresses me about it is the fact that it may have to end one day. But I'm trying to work it so that even if I do have to work at some point, I work very little, and can still take it easy most of the time.

>> No.6318335
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l i t t l e
m o n e y

>> No.6318337

I ruined it for myself and joined the military, I thought it would be a good thing for my life and now I kind of regret it.

I miss just being able to watch anime in my room all day and playing video games...

Learn from my mistake there is nothing wrong with what you guys are doing.

I have no time for my hobbies anymore...

>> No.6318338

I got a non-driving ID a few years ago when I wanted an ID, since my parents wanted me to. The only thing I've ever even used it for was to get access to adult areas of second life

>> No.6318339
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Do you at least come into contact with pretty middle eastern girls? I want to comfort this poor girl.

>> No.6318346

The only job I would like is a graveyard shift security guard at an office building or something. Nobody would be around, and I would just have to sit at a desk for a few hours (maybe with a laptop or something) and get paid. Of course, if anything happened I would be screwed because I can't even talk to people

>> No.6318352

More than likely I will once I finish training.

That sounds like a nice thing to do, but I really just want to stay in the house. I hate having to constantly be around people, and not being able to keep up with my anime...

Plus my experience so far has made me hate people more than usual.

>> No.6318366


I once thought like this. I used to think that all I wanted was an endless wilderness devoid of people, where I could wander forever.

Then I realized when I got that solitude (Or something close to it) that without 'characters' to interact with in the story of life, absolutely nothing I did would ever have any meaning. Without people there is nothing to do.

>> No.6318368

26... on the fringes of graduation or getting kicked out due to academic probation. Been laid off every job I've tried to keep. Tried staying home but I was kicked out by my parents last year. Surviving on money left over from my last job. Shit. I'm not NEET yet but... talk about hopeless. Enjoy yourselves guys.

>> No.6318373

That's what the internet is for

>> No.6318381

I don't think I have depression, I guess it's possible but I'm pretty happy with my simple and worthless life.

>> No.6318383

No, that's what your imagination is for.

>> No.6318387

My dream in life is to have an OK paying job that doesn't require a lot of social interaction, a nice apartment/house in a safe area, and a good internet connection. I can never have any of those things though because I am so unmotivated and afraid of people that I don't even want to go to the dentist when my teeth hurt

>> No.6318395

It's okay, I don't want to go to the dentist either. Those prices they charge hurt!

>> No.6318399

When I'm finally ready for a job my dad is going to try to get me a janitor job at a post office plant. 19 bucks an hour, the bathrooms are private so there won't be too many horrifying things, and there's so many janitors that I'll only have to do actual work for an hour

>> No.6318409

i cry every night and resolve to do something and take a few steps toward independence the next day but it never happens and I stay in my room again.

>> No.6318468

I took Zoloft when I was a kid for OCD, and it actually helped a lot. SSRIs never did much for depression, though. I had a stint in high school where I abused opiates for a few years, and they certainly helped, except when you ran out.

>> No.6318479

19 dollars an hours for janitor work? What the hell is that. You'll be the highest-paid janitor in the country.

>> No.6318488

Fucking nepotism.

>> No.6318489

You have to have autism. Autistics don't feel depression because they're inhuman.

Also, smoke weed errrrrrrrrryday.

>> No.6318509

I've seen autistics at least claim to feel depressed. Well, I think I'm at least some degree of schizoid myself, so I don't have much of a desire at all for social contact. So, this lifestyle suits me just fine.

>> No.6318520

People with mild-moderate autism feel emotion, they just have a lot of trouble expressing it, or are incapable of putting their feelings in words.

>> No.6318527

only normals get depress about social problems,
real neet are the ones who achieve happiness.
deal with it faggot, and get out cause youre a normal.

>> No.6318548
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Just so you know /jp/, I love you.

>> No.6318559

I just take it easy.

>> No.6318569
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Read the Tao
Fap to little girls
Draw little girls
Write a VN

>> No.6318581
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This is how I deal with depression.

>> No.6318585

Escapism, distractions, work, sometimes meditation. Anything.

>> No.6318601
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>How do you NEETs deal with crippling depression?
The same way I deal with every other emotion.
Suppress it until it goes away.

>> No.6318605
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I really wish to help you all. Even if I'm suffering from the same.

>> No.6318614

I started hanging out with friends, clubbing and taking empathogen drugs

>> No.6318616

wow, spiderman. you're grim.

>> No.6318643

Block it out with a shitload of sleep, and if I can't sleep then escape to a made up fantasy world in my mind

>> No.6318646

Chill with friends online.


>> No.6318649
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you too huh...

>> No.6318655

I sleep it off. Sleep always makes everything better.

>> No.6318672

I agree with these. The only time I get depressed is when I stay up for more that 20 hours. That and when I'm hungry.

>> No.6318675

Depression? More like boredom. I run out of things to do and have to do some inane tasks to keep myself entertained. I stopped feeling bad about being alone a long time ago.

>> No.6318687

Whenever a new game or something comes in, it's all I do for the following week, then I'm bored of it again and bum around looking for the next timesink.

>> No.6318696

My 5 year old niece might have cancer so that's what's bumming me out at the moment. Makes my "what the fuck am I going to do with my life" problem seem pretty small

>> No.6318697

i'm not depressed anymore since i started doing productive things
maybe you should try it too

all you need is a shitload of ritalin
it makes motivation irrelevant

>> No.6318704

>Makes my "what the fuck am I going to do with my life" problem seem pretty small

Of course, you life is now devoted to being there for your 5 year old niece. Make sure you visit her every day.

>> No.6318715

i also feel bad when i'm up for 24h> or when i wake up when its dark
nothing really helping with that
maybe robotic waifus that always wake you up in the future

>> No.6318716

Shit man, that's tough. Make sure to be there for her.

>> No.6318720

using medkits

>> No.6318721

We don't know anything yet. All we know is blood was coming up to her skin on her chest and legs and the doctors ran some cancer tests (which came back negative) and they're going to run them again next week.

>> No.6318727

I only feel bad when I'm bored, so I play video games. It also helps me ignore my sore shoulders.

>> No.6318734


This, and if you're ever trying to get a job and someone makes a comment about a "gap" in your resume- shut them down immediately and tell them what you were doing.

>> No.6319480

>implying /jp/ would have social skills

>> No.6319527

Well, i'm no NEET exactly, but even if life gets me down sometimes there's almost always something small to look forward to. Like a new game, or that frilly custom made dress you ordered, some new anime or even just a funny clip.
