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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 194 KB, 1600x1000, WoWScrnShot_082210_210751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6316705 No.6316705 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/

We should meet up sometime in WoW

>> No.6316706

Holy crap.

>> No.6316709

sorry but /jp/ is too busy playing global aika and iris online at the moment.

>> No.6316714

I think /jp/ is more fun than WoW to be honest.

And you know how fun /jp/ is right.

>> No.6316717

I don't see how you guys stand those games. I couldn't play them if you paid me. I guess it's all about cutesy anime looking environments for you guys. I mean Aika uses fucking x-trap. You guys aren't gamers.. You just want to see your character do cute things. I'd like to recommend hello kitty online.

>> No.6316722

I think they're all pretty similar in quality to be honest. I tried a WoW expansion free trial lately; it wasn't good at all. Server was empty, same BGM as when I quit WoW 5 years ago, same boring Korean-quality leveling quests, etc.

And you gotta pay to play that game.

>> No.6316723

>You guys aren't gamers.. You just want to see your character do cute things.
Well, duh. You should go to /v/, you would probably fit in better there.

>> No.6316771



youve got to be shitting me. its real

>> No.6316786

I'd play wow with /jp/ but I don't got a beta key to play with you on the beta realm nigger. My ass is red because I've never gotten a beta key for wow for any expansion and I've been playing since vanilla wow off and on, but always during the time when expansions came out.

>> No.6316790

NO! My beautiful Dowser General... reduced to such a... brutish, barbaric, thick-headed creature. I swear, Activision/Blizzard, as retribution I'll pirate all of your games and not pay you a cent.

Oh wait, I already do that. Guess nothing's gonna change

>> No.6316793

This was only revealed to the world like, four months ago or something.

I was expecting it to be a higher level quest though...

>> No.6316797

It got boring after Burning Crusade.

>> No.6316825
File: 77 KB, 1674x903, 1282681048660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WoW? I will never be 15 years old again. Fuck WoW. Also...

>> No.6316847

I managed to get an older account working.

Byakuren on Trollbane US Horde side. Glorious orc masterrace.

>> No.6316859

Is there pvp in Hello Kitty Online?

>> No.6316865

It's over, Nazrin is ruined.

>> No.6316882

inb4 "Nazrim" fanart

>> No.6316888
File: 113 KB, 242x226, 1285192294596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed this post.
>you guys aren't gamers
What the fuck is a person called that enjoys playing video games then? I play tf2, dead rising 2, rise of nations, I have emulators of all the old consoles that are no longer working, and a rather large pc library.

I guess I will be a real gamer when I play the next rehashed shooter or broken to shit rpg?

>> No.6316900

>You guys aren't gamers

You either.

A gamer is a person who play videogames of all kind and enjoy with it. Not only the actual ones, but old ones, and all the genres.

>> No.6316902

You aren't a true gamer until you played modded Sega Saturn naked while eating Domino's and masturbating to futa Princess Crown doujinshi.

But seriously who knows; he's just /v/ style trolling. Probably asspained because he's spent $800 on WoW fees over the course of 4 years or something.

>> No.6316924

You realize dipshit if I was buying 250$ dollars per month on new games I could barely match the amount of time I'd spend in WoW? Spending 15 bucks per month isn't shit when the new games that come out aren't even worth wasting my time downloading&installing them to try them out, so buy a bunch of shitty games I'll finish in 25 hours per 50-60$ or spend 16 hours per day in wow for 15$ bucks per month?

If you think the cost of WoW is an issue you've got the intelligence of a butthurt child. I'm not the original poster, but he is right. WoW isn't amazing, but those free games are shit tier below shit tier.

>> No.6316961

WoW is also shit.

Play a shit game that's fairly cheap forever, or play new games that are fairly entertaining while being very expensive from a time:money ratio standpoint, your choice.

Or you could find one of those rare games that are worth playing for 200 hours or so that aren't shit normalfag fests like WoW.

>> No.6316972

>You aren't a true gamer until you played modded Sega Saturn naked while eating Domino's and masturbating to futa Princess Crown doujinshi.

Two out of three isn't bad, is it?

>> No.6316990

>>asspained /v/ nerd

WoW has the same type of Korean-quality leveling quests and rep grinding as Iris Online or something similar in the end.

You just think WoW is better because you've invested so much time and money into it.

>> No.6316994
File: 294 KB, 1277x1219, 1281689134882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !bar

>> No.6317004


85.76% sure this is a bot that quotes me whenever I post now.

>> No.6317005

No, you're wrong. I mentioned in that exact post the quality of the new games is so shitty I don't even waste my time pirating them because they're so bad. Rare game worth 200 hours? Those don't exist. It doesn't even take 200 hours to hit level cap in most MMOS and do most of their non existent content. Unless you count replying some RPG again and again for every single item "rare" even Ar Tonelico was only like 35 hours when I went autism and killed every mob I came across and explored every inch of the place.

WoW is a different games compared to vanilla the mechanics and play game is so different. I've played most of the big name games ignoring shitty FPS games which I won't even waste my time on any further. My point is there isn't a better mmo to spend time on right now.

>> No.6317012

>Rare game worth 200 hours? Those don't exist
Mount and blade, oblivion.
If you disagree you're a wowfag.

>> No.6317015

That was a pretty good joke.

>> No.6317018

Doubtful, it hasn't responded to you responding to its posts so unless the bot is programmed to recognise your posts that refers to ITS posts or something it's not.

Or it might just post only once per thread? I don't know.

>> No.6317019
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, 1282822621443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it isn't, I do this manually.
>ZUN !bar

>> No.6317024


Why you do this

>> No.6317034
File: 132 KB, 640x480, 5641841778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !bar

>> No.6317035

Well, to be fair the focus isn't really the questing. In the end it's just a means to an end. And rep grinds have not been an issue since TBC. They're absurdly easy these days.

Now, the real argument is whether you feel you're grinding for gear or not. If you play to beat the bosses, you're doing it right, but if you are playing to get better gear, you are probably doing it wrong.

But that's beside the point. MMOs honestly aren't all that great, but Blizzard is usually pretty quick about their fixes whereas ported over Korean games have massive exploits going on for weeks oftentimes.

But you're mostly right - the only thing it really has over other games is numbers.

>> No.6317039

No it doesn't. 1-58 old world is kinda meh because you know it's 6 year old content now? It is still a level above any shitty korean grindfest though. 58-68 the burning crusade content is impressive the first time you go through it though and wrath content is actually isn't grinding barely at all lots of unique stuff going on.

Your point is horrid. With this new expansion cataclysm they're redoing all the old world content again updated so it's even better for new players and old players have something new to revisit. If you had played since vanilla and said that I would semi agree, but you fucking haven't even gotten a level cap character dude. You don't know shit about the game you're blowing smoke. They retuned the old world content so you level faster and remodeled a couple zones so questing so easy now you *can not* run out of quests leveling and you can so all of those instances as you level too. Tell me what shitty fuck korean mmo even has instances to do as you level? Didn't think so cause they don't exist. Tell me about the battlegrounds you can join too? Yep it doesn't exist.

I play those shitty free mmos with hotglue when I feel like it because wow feels repetitive, but seriously if you haven't played it for a couple years or tired the new wrath at level cap you don't know shit about it being repetitive or can relate at all.

>> No.6317045

I did enjoy playing wow, but that goddamn gearscore is rubbish.

>> No.6317054

Luckily, that's what a guild is for. I know it's kind of at odds with a lot of personalities here on /jp/, but being a little social and finding a guild to work with pays off in WoW. Especially with Cataclysm's emphasis on guilds with all the added benefits they provide...

You're right though. Pubbies and their gearscore nonsense are ridiculous.

>> No.6317061

The appeal of MMOs is assured progression and achievable short-term goals. You know exactly what to do to progress and be better than other people: kill shit over and over. Every time you kill shit your exp bar moves. This makes you feel good.

There's always something around the corner. 1 more hour and you'll ding, 1 more hour and you'll get your higher tier gear, 1 more hour and you'll get a new skill. Compared to real life where achieving most goals takes from weeks to years, and sometimes you're even doubting if you'll achieve them at all, in MMOs you are always visibly getting better, faster, stronger.

MMOs are for pathetic people (like me) who enjoy living vicariously through a character sprite. They're absolutely horrible, and unless you've hit life's rock bottom, just find something else to do. Preferably something fun, which MMOs are not.

>> No.6317068

>Mount and blade, oblivion.
Played oblivion years ago and 200 hours? No, no thank you. Beat it twice in less time and that was enough. I don't have autism, so I'm not going to do the exact same thing slightly different 50 times unless it's has some kinda of progression.towards something else. Making dumbass models and using mods to give me "new quests" is boring as hell after like 50-60 hours.

Like that other poster said I think your post was a joke.

>> No.6317074

Had a druid yesterday saying you need 5.2k gs to do a fucking heroic. He is known to be balls off the wall terrible.

>> No.6317079

As interesting as that pseudo intellectual bullshit is, many people don't live their characters at all and just enjoy trying different things and like the experience of playing it.

I've never thought of any character as myself, nor do I think I've gained anything from doing something in a game besides the actual experience from the time I spent doing it. If I had goals and shit I'd go do stuff like normalfags do. I'm not a wannabe normalfag who tries to live out their life in a video game.

I know some people do, but you're grossly overstating it. I toss stuff aside like garbage even when I spend a lot of time on it, so don't assume everyone is the same.

>> No.6317081

I agree that the carrot and stick approach accounts for a lot of the numbers and success overall of MMOs, but it's not the case for everyone.

For some, exploring the world is the appeal. I'm usually the explorer type, which is why I try new MMOs often. I like digging in and getting into the lore behind worlds. WoW is okay about this and quests help to expand it, but a lot of the exploration appeal is lost when you're the only person in the low level zones.

The best part about early WoW for me was to be out and doing quests and running into people. Say what you will, the community back then was a far cry from the average /b/ and /v/ shit you see in trade across all factions and servers these days.

Hell, all of the 60 warlocks on my server were in a custom /warlock channel because there were so few of us. Like less than 20 active for months.

I got sidetracked there but basically the games do have some merit on their own, it's just that the community is all about blitzing through the world at a retarded pace (hello recruit a friend triple experience) to ... start grinding heroics to start jumping into PUG raids. Hopefully Cataclysm changes this, but it's doubtful. The damage has been done. I'll be able to enjoy the game at my own pace for a while though.

>> No.6317083

>new games

Here is your problem. Why are you playing new games? Play something from the 90's or a doujin game that was designed after the ones in the 90's.

>> No.6317088

I can log onto some other free game and it has instances, mounts, skill trees, battlegrounds, socketed gear, and basically everything else WoW offers. Sure I get sick of it quick because it's the same game all over again, but at least I don't have to pay for it or invest a lot of time in it.

And I've played characters in WoW to cap in vanilla, but I don't see how that matters. Recently I've used a free trial with my old account and made a death knight >>6316722 but it wasn't much better than Iris Online. Both games had me doing the same thing. I don't know; I just feel this genre has been stagnating for a long time.

And the Old World update looks kind of Disney to be honest. You're still killing the same boars in the exact same area in the end.

>> No.6317093


Oblivion is bad but

>Mount and Blade
Freaking awesome, especially Warband with cRPG mod.

>> No.6317098
File: 176 KB, 1000x719, 36727f90b4b65ae4397693607a10fa79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it has instances, mounts, skill trees, battlegrounds, socketed gear, and basically everything else WoW offers

But does it have an equally good /d/ race that's not furry?

>> No.6317106

But how can you tell the girls have penises or not?

>> No.6317113
File: 328 KB, 600x936, 69242fffde555ca52c451821c2ece5db113dc215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant /d/ as in "alternative" in general. And horns, hooves, tails and tentacles look pretty /d/ to me.

And I'm fairly sure they do have penises too.

>> No.6317118 [SPOILER] 
File: 756 KB, 800x1569, sa21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Eredar/Draenei so hot?

>> No.6317126

I fapped to this once.
I'm so ashamed.

>> No.6317130
File: 125 KB, 600x704, f3cae6ccbf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, but I like Dreanei because they remind me of Astaroth.

>> No.6317149

I actually just went back to WoW two days ago. Feeling kinda dull, since I have experienced just about everything I've ever cared to in the game. I'd definitely agree with some people that instead of playing an MMO you should take up a hobby that will teach you a real skill. The time invested into WoW will get you nothing but entertainment and shiny things in game, but investing that same time in learning a language or something could gain you the same amount of entertainment and a valuable skill. Just something to think about.

>> No.6317151

You can't stop lying can you? Like I said I've played most of those shitty free mmos with hotglue which get dropped after 3 days on average. I downloaded iris but haven't installed it cause I decided to renew my WoW accounts, so I can't honestly bash it but none of those shitty free mmos have anything compared to the amount of content in wow. Well it's less impressive now that I've seen it many times if it's someone first time going through all of it. All of it is levels above any shit fuck korean grindan game that is currently released. sega something, king of heroes, vindictus and so many other shitty mmos I can't even bother trying recall them.

It's so pathetic your average wowhater always mention the cost like it's a bad thing, but they always waste their money on some stupid ass shit. I spend more money on a fucking pizza delivery so the cost isn't any issue, yeah I'm sure you buy whatever shitty flavor of the month game is out and 30 bucks on fastfood all the time but BAWWW 15$ bucks for WoW is to much so I'll be delusional and make all kinds of poor excuses to justify not playing it ;_;

Like I said earlier the game is so different between vanilla and wrath & cataclysm your better off not even mentioning how you played vanilla like it is even matters and you've got any experience in what the game is like. Just like vanilla WoW and Aika aren't the same vanilla WoW and Cataclysm & Wrath aren't the same. Oh boy you got a death knight so much experience! Those starts quests in the death knight zone aren't like anything in any free MMO I've ever played so once again your full of shit.

>> No.6317164 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 600x800, 1271951444737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I'm not the guy you were talking to, I just wanted to shift the topic to female Draenei.
Also tl;dr, stop repeating yourself, we know WoW isn't any better than average Korean MMO #865976 or vice-versa. It all boils down to my opinion>your opinion.

>> No.6317176

"investing in your time in insert" why even bother talking about that shit dude? Yeah like playing a visual novel, touhou or jacking off to some doujinshi is a good investment in time. If you want to improve your life you should stop posting on /jp/ as the first step honestly. I renewed my account to try out this new patch and well it is fun and I like a lot of the changes, blizzard still has a lot more to do and they need to hotfix more bugs. I canceled my subscriptions because I want to sleep all day and watch anime instead. I'll probably renew that shit and buy cataclysm though to try it out.

Don't play WoW if you don't want, but your delusional if you think those shitty free mmo games are on the same level as WoW.

>> No.6317178

Destromath, horde name Craggle. Friend me ;_;

>> No.6317186

>playing a visual novel
30-40 hours
>jacking off to some doujinshi
5-10 minutes

>playing WoW
500+ hours of the same shit.

>> No.6317195
File: 9 KB, 234x216, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female Draenei Priest?

>> No.6317199

>arguing on /jp/
Same shit for the rest of your life.

>> No.6317202

You could just play WoW for 30 hours and then stop. That's what trial memberships are for.

>> No.6317203

Red herring. You don't play a single visual novel for 25-40 hours you play multiple ones, you don't jack off once in your life. You do it probably 1--5 times per day if you're a typical /jp/sie.

>refresh /jp/ for 8 hours per day
Yeah great time investment buddy.
>play visual novels, watch anime, play insert free mmo, play sc,tf2 and whatever else.

I just tossed out a couple brief examples of your "time investment" what idiots like you don't understand is any thing fun you do period is a poor investment of time and if you're trying to invest yourself and get the most of life you shouldn't bother posting on /jp/ otherwise you're a joke honestly.

>> No.6317205
File: 40 KB, 301x480, hanyuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap, I can't unsee it.
And now you can't either.

>> No.6317207

I'm talking about inserting time into things because I feel guilty about renewing when I could be using that time to get better at the piano or Japanese. Entertainment is entertainment, so it doesn't really matter how I use my time as long as I enjoy it, but I can't help but feel bad for putting my time into something that won't actually give me any reward (yet I am still doing it).

>> No.6317210
File: 31 KB, 439x376, kazuyakuroda_horo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More peopl would roll Worgen if they looked like this.

>> No.6317212


The reward is happiness, you fuckwad.

>> No.6317213

Calm down nerd. I'm not saying you suck; I'm saying your game sucks.

My main point was that WoW dropped the ball long ago and has now blended in with all the other Korean grindfests out there. They are all indistinguishable now. I would never give serious amounts of money/time to Korean grindfest number #40 (Allods Online) so why would I give it to Korean grindfest number #60 (WoW Cataclysm).

But whatever floats your boat. And I don't buy flavors of the month or eat fast food.

>> No.6317216


ALL MMO's are a grindfest, didn't you get the news?

>> No.6317221

Hm, you're right. What the fuck have I become that I need some sort of improvement or reward to engage in an activity.

>> No.6317226
File: 461 KB, 600x855, azziy and noth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yogg-tan is adorable.

I like Azziy and Noth too.

>> No.6317231
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>ZUN !bar

>> No.6317239

I'd duel wield them if you know what I mean.

>> No.6317240
File: 533 KB, 1300x1096, 1282459285784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about WoW characters/items as lolis.

>> No.6317250
File: 54 KB, 418x665, frostmourne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd join the Scourge if I got my own runeblade loli.

You lost me.

>> No.6317258


Is the loli tsundere or yandere? I would think that the rune weapons would get pretty attached to their masters.

>> No.6317259

You need to pay real jew gold for WoW.
You dont need to do it for the rest.
Also you are on /jp/ where enjoying doujins and Vns are normal and playing WoW will be scrutinized.

>> No.6317260
File: 161 KB, 850x600, sample-b5fb0d95bcde0d155344fea0de195edd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey, Anonymous, wanna raid with me tonight? I can bring one of my three characters"

>> No.6317265

Like I said in that post. You said you made a death knight, but the starting quests in the death knight zone are actually very unique and fun. They're completely unlike anything in any other MMO. You keep mentioning how they're the same, but no other game at all has similar quests, so how exactly is it korean grindfest #60?

I think I'm getting trolled cause what your saying doesn't even fucking make sense. Tip grindfest means you get a quest to kill fucking snakes 10 times in the same zone and you kill like 300 snakes per quest(hello aika desert zone). When you get a quest to do some crazy shit like flying around, gathering quests, getting costumes, getting in canons blowing up shit and lighting stuff on fire that isn't a grind. fuck dude, are you using your brain or just spamming a meme? Tell me about the korean grindfest which you grind battlegrounds&arena or raid zones at level cap because those are the only grinds in WoW.

>> No.6317281
File: 237 KB, 1113x856, drayguns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High chance of either, but I'd lean more towards yan. Delicious yandere soul draining loli sword. For the record I think Azziy and Noth were supposed to be tsun and yan respectively, but I may be mistaken.

Ignore the titty monsters. I don't have many loli WoW images.

>> No.6317289

WoW isn't grind. It isn't Korean, and its not an MMO.

It was great, yes. Yet, not it is outdated as any free MMO rivals it (see Allods Online - unique quests, PVP, raids, and I;m sure it's not the only one). 4 Years ago your argument would make sense, but revamping content over instead of bring in new one? Sometimes I think WoWfags became so absorbed in the game they lose their sense of reality and their brains along with them.

You guys are so happy that the new expansion is just something pulled out of the ass and marketed as epic just to extend (or renew) your subscription for as long as possible.

>> No.6317298
File: 167 KB, 424x600, cirno thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WoW isn't an MMO
>WoW isn't grind

>> No.6317304

WoW only isn't grind if you log out for long periods of time without playing it. Then you get a huge XP bonus.

>> No.6317306
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>> No.6317321
File: 353 KB, 712x712, Kel'thuzad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when WoW was full of genuine NEET losers like us and only the most elite, triple-chinned neckbeards had epic mounts, teir and a legendary weapon?

>> No.6317324


>> No.6317326


"You're thinking of getting another weapon, master? But...that's impossible, your soul's already in me. If you get another one, I'll destroy it <3"

>> No.6317330

She also is a dominatrix.
"Come to me at once! Obey!"

>> No.6317333

>>You said you made a death knight, but the starting quests in the death knight zone are actually very unique and fun.

I don't agree with this at all. I remember doing some ship target practice thing and it was exactly the same as an early quest in Burning Crusade. That 10 day free trial didn't leave me aching for more WoW.

But like I said whatever floats your boat. I'll just agree with what Anon said here >>6317164 and his choice of topic change.

>> No.6317344
File: 460 KB, 850x672, momiji menethil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sign me up.

>> No.6317349

Back in the day...raiding meant something...

>> No.6317366
File: 95 KB, 500x281, 1284981892438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !bar

>> No.6317400


We are now talking about yandere loli rune weapons.

>> No.6317402

>Touhou reference in WoW
Fucking secondaries

>> No.6317404

Yeah, it meant grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind,

>> No.6317405


Yeah. It meant you had way too much time on your hands to get the gear necessary to kill a very easy boss.

Raiding in Vanilla required next to no skill, just stacking a certain type of resistance.

>> No.6317412


What about the summoned Dancing Rune Weapon or the Ghoul?

>> No.6317413


Frostmourne-tan is apparently a little abrasive.

>> No.6317420


Too bad there's no Ashbringer-tan.

She'd just be a clingy imouto with no psychotic tendencies.

>> No.6317422
File: 392 KB, 800x960, 7b022de97ae5d8705dab9df5b8cee1a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with this.

>> No.6317423

I also spy a busty Ashbringer-tan (figures the two hander would have breasts) and a Naaru/Alexstrasza... both with delicious DFC.

>> No.6317425

I might start playing again. Where do you guys play? I don't have any friends online anymore so lets make a guild or I can join yours.

>> No.6317427
File: 14 KB, 240x320, rena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashbringer-tan would have a personality disorder that would manifest when evil things happen near her.

>> No.6317430

Ashbringer-tan is in the comic. She has the large boobs.

>> No.6317431
File: 114 KB, 452x341, ashbringer-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this is Ashbringer-tan.

>> No.6317433


If you're EU, I could welcome you to Outland. Got a small guild there on the alliance side.

>> No.6317434

WoW was meant for overweight, autistic manchildren and just plain ol' escapism. Don't try to bring your normalfag logic into this.

>> No.6317436

I like LOTRO more now though. I can get Legendary weapons and name them myself.

I should now get a Frostmourne, Ashbringer, AND Excalibur.

>> No.6317443

So can you make a Saber in it? All I want to know

>> No.6317447

Can they be lolis though?

Oh, hey, in Mabi I could get an Ego sword and portrait swap it to Frostmourne-tan. I wonder if any Chinese/Koreans have made a Frostmourne model yet for Mabi. I know they did Excalibur/Darkcalibur...

>> No.6317448

Sort of in that you could get a Legendary two-handed sword and name it Excalibur once you can reforge it when it hits level 10 I think.

I play on uh. Imladris. I need to get going to work though.

>> No.6317451

Unfortunantly, you can't -tan them. In your imagination you could!

And damn, ego weapons. How could I have forgotten those. You probably could somehow...

>> No.6317511

So far the only MMO ive seen with interesting combat that isnt :

-1 2 3 on the keyboard

Is vindictus.

>> No.6317525

WoW is not free to play. Otherwise, I'd probably be playing it right now. Though if I had money to spend on monthly subscriptions, I'd definitely be playing EVE Online instead.

>> No.6317526

Yeah, Vindictus has amazing combat.

Left click left click left click right click.

Sometimes you only left click once or twice and then run away. Fucking masterpiece.

>> No.6317537


Yeah, giving up ordering a pizza once a month is SO expensive.

>> No.6317555
File: 33 KB, 604x340, 1216671423584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes millions a day and has an army of devs and testers.
>Patch 4.0.1
Not even corean MMO's fuck up this badly. I give it about a year after cata launches before it just fades into obscurity due to shitty costumer service and retarded business decisions.

>> No.6317557

Do you know where you are?

>> No.6317559

Despite the bugs and such the game is quite more enjoyable for me now as a healer.

>> No.6317562

Disc priest is pretty awesome.
Nothing like doing damage to heal.

>> No.6317632

The only thing that bugs me with this patch is the retarded as fuck mouseover bug that locks up your client.

Hotfix that shit Blizz.

>> No.6317684


My priest is Byakuren on Dragonblight

>> No.6317697

I'd like a Quel'delar-tan along with a Quel'serrar-tan. Hm.

>> No.6317802

Its more action based certaintly, plus the animations like kicking enemies off the bridge are certaintly better than WOW.

Also each boss has different patterns and rely more on reaction speed and recognition rather than "Dont stand in the AOE guys!!!" and generic spamming of heals.

Healing is so damn easy in those free WOW clones. Just target tank and spam group heals occasionally. No brain required.
