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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6307982 No.6307982 [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ feel about the science of eugenics?

Imagine a world where the autism genotype has been eliminated.

>> No.6307996
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if people actually practiced eugenics I wouldn't be alive

>> No.6307995
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>> No.6308008


>> No.6308009

Thats a big glass of water

>> No.6308015
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/jp/ would be a barren wasteland

>> No.6308017


It's both a genotype and an environmental factor. In order for society to progress to the point that it needs eugenical proceedings, it also needs a clean, sterile environment. The same environment that allows for Austistic traits to surface to a significant degree.

tl;dr: Get rid of the genes all you want, still autism.

>> No.6308018


Perhaps you would exist as a more ideal version of yourself? Abortion is hardly the only tool at the geneticist's disposal in this day and age.

>> No.6308019

The problem is who should have the authority to basically play god with the future of mankind? Should we just have a democratic vote on what are acceptable grounds for removing someone from the gene pool? If so, everyone on /jp/ would probably get sterilized for being pedophiles, since popular opinion dictates that people like us are better off not existing.

>> No.6308020

I think in theory it has a bit of potential, but in practice it's probably a bad idea. It's difficult to judge which traits will become useful far in the future, and the last thing we want is to intentionally reduce the diversity of our gene pool. That's just asking for catastrophe when something unexpected comes up.

>> No.6308021


this would be better then living the life i use. you could not even call this a life.

>> No.6308037

I am against any genocide...I mean 'cure' of autism, fucking neurotypicals.

>> No.6308040


Ah, but without an underlying genetic vulnerability to exploit, the effect of that sort of environmental stimuli would either be reduced or negated entirely. Stronger minds, stronger bodies.

>> No.6308053


It's one thing to make everyone blonde and blue-eyed, and another entirely to eliminate inherited disability and disease. And given how long change on such an enormous scale would take, such changes would be reversible for generations, we'd have ample time to change course if something unexpected were to arise

>> No.6308055


But then you have the fact that the genetic components of the autism gene may have integrated factors with other forms of development. It's like hacking off your arm because your finger got broken.

Case in point: the ability to focus may be a derived component that simply gets overplayed in the genetic factor. Remove it, and you don't have Autism, but you have a fuckload of ADD.

>> No.6308091


Hence why experimentation is required before we recommend a course of action that would affect humanity as a whole, my boy.

>> No.6308098

No, the problem is that you basically need a fascist or other "socialist" dictatorship to enforce your shit, and you'd need to segregate by gender anybody who you didn't want to breed. In practical terms, that means prison camps (a.k.a. death camps).

Any efficiencies gained by eliminating specific diseases, cancer genes, or other risk factors aren't worth the kind of wasteful police measures fascist governments demand.

Especially when people are able to screen fertilized eggs for diseases now, and will soon to be able to edit their offspring's genes outright.


oh wait, this is an "autism autism lololol" thread? Carry on, then.

>> No.6308112


It's one of those cases where you have to be double sure. We're nowhere near finding out which genes prompt which causes for damn well everything in our genome.

>> No.6308117
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>> No.6308357


Confirmed for autism spectrum disorder.

>> No.6308366

Back to /b/ with your shitty memes.
