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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6306491 No.6306491 [Reply] [Original]

Cirno is to newfag Touhou fans as
Touka is to newfag VN fans

>> No.6306495

Sharin no Kuni is not that entry level
try Saya or Rin

>> No.6306500

NEET Touka will always be best Touka.

>> No.6306509

>Sharin no Kuni is not that entry level
Yes.Yes it is.

>> No.6306587

It's not. Saya, YMK or F/SN are more of beginner VNs.

>> No.6306597
File: 87 KB, 848x480, [HorribleSubs] Sora No Otoshimono Forte - 03 [480p].mkv_snapshot_00.20_[2010.10.15_14.37.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying every newfag doesn't play Sharin and Cross Channel

>> No.6306602

Shit no Kuni

>> No.6306608

I haven't played Sharing no Kuni. Does that make me a veteran?

>> No.6306613

>saya no uta
>for noobs

lol no

and i dont even like it

>> No.6306616

YMK, FSN, Umineko

>> No.6306625

FSN is HUGE, I doubt many people start out with it. If they know the story, it`s most likely thanks to the anime.

>> No.6306630

Lots of people do start with it actually.
You have to realize that most people only play the VNs they are interested in and then call it quit, and FSN does have lots of hype everywhere.

>> No.6306635

Next, you are going to say that every translated VN is entry level aren't you?I can't wait for Saihate no Ima to be translated so people would classify it as entry level. But then again the chance of it being translated is 0

>> No.6306643

sharin no kuni actually is entry level though

cross channel a high low

>> No.6306649

You guys are exaggerating. Shit like Edelweiss is entry level.

>> No.6306676

FSN/Tsukihime are most definitely the beginner's vn. They were for years and they still have the hype to keep it going.

>> No.6306684

Otaku culture is entry level.
Advanced players such as myself have gone on to become salarymen in Japan.

>> No.6306698




>> No.6306702

I consider Edelweiss to have more worth than Sharin. It has bad writing, emo-teenager drama all over the place, pointless """plot""" twists in a desperate attempt to relieve the reader from boredom, and a Naruto-like main character. The only good in it was Wakamoto's voice. At least Edelweiss gave me a few laughs.

>> No.6306704
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Hell yes, motherfucker. You are so awesome and hardcore I'm jizzing my pants here. Please have my babies.

>> No.6306729

I agree with you about YMK and FSN but not Umineko. It's very popular and well known but because of the time commitment I doubt it would qualify as something for 'newfags'.

I think people in this thread are mixing entry level with something that appeals to people who are new to VNs and those who enjoy overhyped VNs that are truly quite dull.

I can see how Touka is to newfag VN fans because she's a classic stereotype but I don't think many people who aren't into VNs really know about Sharin. YMK is definitely "baby's first VN" and a lot of people I know who aren't into VNs but have played at least one have played YMK because it's the one that's always recommended to them for whatever reason.

'Entry level' VN would be more like Narcissu which is enjoyable, easy to read, but fairly short.

>> No.6306750

My first was Planetarian. I don`t know what led me to continue in this hobby though, because I hate Key.

>> No.6306754

The short VNs are actually pretty uncommon since nobody recommends them for some reason.

>> No.6306778

I used to see stuff like Red Shift recommended. I don't any more, for some reason.

>> No.6306795

>Red Shift
My first VN, and I found it through Google! Pretty disappointed at the end though, since I used to think all VNs have porn (that's also the reason why I started looking for VNs). But it was a good read nonetheless, and one of the track in it was so good that I used to listen to it every time before I went to bed.

>> No.6306906

>implying newfags don't love Umineko from the anime

>> No.6306921

They love it from the threads on /jp/.

>> No.6307458

Official babby's first VN & eroge list:

Sengoku Rance
Sharin no Kuni

>> No.6307462

Clannad is still safe then.

>> No.6307466



>> No.6307475

Why did I not do any of those first?

>> No.6307490

Because you're a special little snowflake and we're really proud of you.

>> No.6307518

>Sengoku Rance

>> No.6307522
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But some of us aren't inconsistent faggots who choose new waifus every 2 fucking months and because Cirno was who we chose to love years ago remains with us as our favorite touhou.

So fuck you.

>> No.6307533

It's more likely he just doesn't know what VN/eroge most people play first.

True Love for eroge.
Radical Dreamers for VN.

>> No.6307549

My first VNs were Red Shift, True Love, Planetarian.

>> No.6307559

My first 3:

Wind -a breath of heart-
Kana Imouto
